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MARCH 2025

Orbán On Trump: “…Hope For Peace Goes By The Name Of Donald Trump”

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Orbán On Trump: “…Hope For Peace Goes By The Name Of Donald Trump”

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Democrats fear a Trump presidency will find peace with Russia.

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said during a conference in Berlin on October 11 that the war in Ukraine is only occurring “because the Americans wanted it”, before naming former US President Donald Trump as the solution to ending the conflict. It is by design, and not chance, that conflict in Donbass occurred during the Democratic presidencies of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, with the lull occurring during the Trump administration.

Speaking at a panel discussion in Berlin, Orbán stated that Biden had gone “too far” by labelling his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin as a war criminal and saying that he “cannot remain in power”.

“That would make it very hard for [Biden] to make peace,” the Hungarian leader said. “This is going to sound brutal, but hope for peace goes by the name of Donald Trump.”

Orbán also said at a separate but recent occasion, and once again in Berlin, that “with Angela Merkel, we would not have war in Ukraine today.” For her part, the former German chancellor, speaking recently from the shelter of political retirement, confirmed some of Orbán’s assessments.

“We must work on a pan-European security architecture together with Russia that is within the framework of international law,” she said. “Until we do, the Cold War will not stop.”

As Merkel is retired and will not return to politics, the main hope for peace with Russia is Trump, who not only persistently refuses to retire, but, as noted by The Daily Mail, has “An army of more than 200 MAGA candidates ready to fight for Donald Trump’s agenda [which] is marching into November’s midterm races, after a heated primary season that proved the ex-president remains, for the most part, the de facto leader of the Republican Party.”

Trump’s agenda, among other things, has establishment media in the USA rallying against him. One example is Newsweek magazine, which described the former US president as “favourable” to Putin because he publicly remarked: “They actually taunted him, if you really look at it, our country and our so-called leadership taunted Putin.”

From a rally in Nevada, Trump warned his supporters: “Now we have a war between Russia and Ukraine, in which potentially hundreds of thousands of people could die. We must urgently start negotiations to end the war peacefully. Otherwise, we will get to World War III.”

But it is not negotiations and a peaceful end to the armed conflict in Ukraine that is considered a desirable outcome for the West. British General Sir Richard Shirreff, former Deputy Supreme Allied (NATO) European Commander and author of the 2017 book “War on Russia”, wrote in the Daily Mail on October 11: “Now more than ever, the West has to ensure Ukraine has all the support it needs to fight. We must double down […] Although Ukraine is fighting back, a war between NATO countries and Russia remains a very real possibility.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also objects peace: “It is important for all of us, that Ukraine wins the battle. Because if Putin wins, that is not only a big defeat for Ukrainians, but it will be a defeat and dangerous for all of us.”

With the current state of Western politics, it effectively means that Trump is the only remaining hope in establishing peace between Russia and Ukraine, and therefore also relieve Russian-Western relations.

Trump portrays himself as an American patriot who tried to return to national values ​​and interests during his mandate, which in his view is also the main reason he went into conflict with China. This breakdown of relations was mostly battled in economic competition and did not empower NATO or major militarization against the Asian Giant. Western elites are afraid of the ongoing process of multipolarity and it is for this reason that they are making irrational decisions, such as escalations, with Russia and China.

Trump understood that America will remain at the top only if it improved cooperation with Russia to the detriment of China. It is for this reason that there is a heightened level of concern about the outcome of the November midterm elections for the Senate and the House of Representatives. Opinion polls predict that Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives.

Some Republican members of Congress and candidates have expressed dissatisfaction with the large amount of aid provided to Ukraine. Almost all Republican members of the House of Representatives voted against the bill that included $12 billion for Ukraine. Only days ago, an anonymous Ukrainian official told the Washington Post that the midterm election is a factor that worries Kiev ahead of winter as Russia could gain an advantage with the new Congress.

The truth is that most Western citizens are now mostly disinterested in the war in Ukraine and are instead angry with their leaders for allowing the economic situation, with high inflation, cost-of-living and unemployment, to spiral out of control. Orbán has not suffered like most other western leaders as his policy has been consistent since the beginning of the war. He also constantly warned about the repercussions of anti-Moscow sanctions.

It appears now though that Orbán’s belief in Trump as someone who can end the war in Ukraine is being shared across the US as well.


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Trump will bring peace to Europe. The USA owes NOTHING to the Ukronazis. The Bidens yes, they owe Zelensky a lot.


Total rubbish. Drumpf is a walking, talking psy-op to allow the US National Security State to get a handle on populism as they detonate the standards of living for a vast section of the US population. He’s basically owned outright by Jewish supremcists. He hews to the mainstream establishment dogma, that China must be destroyed, which means he wants the US hegemony in Europe to continue. The idea that a shitty real estate trust fund kid, who rolled with Epstein and degenerates like Roy Cohn, represents some hope for average people is infantile and ludicrous. The US has a single party with two right wings. I have no idea if the Dems stole the election, but it wouldn’t be out of place given the known election thefts of both Bush II terms, as well as the October Surprise for Reagan, Nixon’s bribery of the North Vietnamese, and Kennedy’s mafia-run vote-getting.


Trump is the same man who scrapped the intermediate ballistic missile treaty with Russia and helped steal Syrian oil. He’s a bombastic buffoon who doesn’t even acknowledge the existance of political prisoners who have been rotting in jail because they misguidedly believed in his lying ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by InnerCynic
AM Hants

Then you have Burisma Holdings, not forgetting the Vice President, now the President of the US, together with the Secretary of State, still working with Biden, both have interests in Burisma, along with their children/step-children. Who else is involved in Burisma and does Burisma still sponsor the Atlantic Council?

Burisma, part of the Privatt Group, which was controlled by Kolomoisky. The mentor of Zelinsky, and the same person that funded the Azov Battalion, despite being the Head of the European Jewish Community in Ukraine at the time.

Zelinsky’s other mentor, was the Hungarian, born of a certain faith, who found the best days of his life was when he was a collaborator, back in 1944. Now a renowned atheist, who does not believe in God, owing to the fact he believes himself to be God.

How important is Burisma to the 3 Seas Initiative? Why is Poland so heavily invested in Ukraine, as well as the UK and US? How many active military personnel has NATO lost fighting in Ukraine, unofficially? Do they have enough military, to man their own bases, back home? Why does NATO, which is not a nation, believe they have borders that actually surround Russia, besides NATO military bases encircling Russia? Check out their language, whenever they spot a Russian submarine, docked at a home port or sea Russian military planes, flying in international or their own airspace? The first thing a NATO spokesperson states, is Russia is flying and placing her submarines too close to NATO borders. The irony.

AM Hants

3 Seas Initiative Investment Fund – founded in 2019. Gerald Koch, Shareholders Spokesperson – is he related to the Koch Brothers? Joe Philipsz, Head of The Three Seas Investment Fund at Amber Infrastructure Group. Who are the Amber Infrastructure Group, which has the primary role in the 3 Seas Initiative Investment Fund? Don’t they also run the London Energy Efficiency Fund?

Burisma Holdings:

Alan Apter Chairman of the Board of Directors Has 27 year experience in investment banking, including Merrill Lynch, Renaissance Capital, Troika Dialog and Morgan Stanley

kvasnevskij Aleksander Kwaśniewski Director The President of the Republic of Poland in 1995-2005, Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group

baiden Hunter Biden Director Counsel to Boies, Schilller, Flexner, LLP, Chairman of the United Nations, World Food Program (WFP)

archer Devon Archer Director Co-Founder of Rosemont Capital, LLC

Appointed: May 2013 Appointed: January 2014 Appointed: April 2014 Appointed: April 2014

Devon Archer, was John Kerry’s financial mentor, for his 2008 Presidential Campaign. Hunter Biden, is the son of Joe Biden, President of the USA, Vice President of the USA back in 2013. Christopher Heinz, Devon Archer and Hunter Biden were Directors of Rosemont Capital, LLC. Christopher Heinz, step-son of John Kerry, who used to be the US Secretary of State, back in 2013-2106, was also a Director in Burisma Holdings.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

what do the dirty Banderites do when they are using Musk’s internet? Yep, exactly. 😄 Spoiler: “Ebony” made it to the top 3. https://twitter.com/Sprinter99880/status/1581689201208152064

Tuck Carlson Fan

we have to support president Trump my fellows, let’s save America


Yep, the degenerate trust-fund kid real estate hustler wants to help Americans as we move into the post-industrial data economy. Get a grip, dude. America is, without question not worth saving. Pick up a book once in awhile.

Karl Hemoroy

You mean mental mastrubation economy? So far only total disasters of trying to make a qualia from a quant. Oh those troubles when conjuring up reality stops working…. Keep trying. Keep trying. More keep trying. More keep trying. What else can zombies do with their only skill of repeating.

It is like a scam that love is greed. While reality is that love is truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Karl Hemoroy
Porc halal and kosher at the same time



Democrats-Republicans = two heads of the same snake and the snake takes its orders from the unseen, unnamed entities that really run the world. Trump, like all the rest, are merely puppets in the play. Geeeez…you’d think folks would’ve figured it out by now…

AM Hants

With NATO unofficially fighting in Ukraine, I wonder how many of their Forces they have lost and how they will explain it? Not forgetting the amount of weapons and systems, NATO members have sent Ukraine and how much has been destroyed. Allegedly Germany only has 2 days worth of weapons, should they need them, to defend themselves. She cannot be the only one? How much has the UK and Poland got left or the US come to that? How long before they can replenish their stocks?

Why is Orban the only leader in the EU who actually thinks of his nation as well as sounding sane? It is true what he says about Trump, who was the only US President not to start a war. Whether you like him or not. Obama was President in 2014, with Biden Vice President, when they sent the Cookie Monsters to Kiev, resulting in The Maidan. Eastern Ukraine voting to be an Autonomous Independent Federation. Obama was President and Biden Vice President of the USA when the Minsk II Peace Agreement, backed by the UNSC was signed, and then ignored. Trump was President between 2016 and 2020, when NATO were training the Ukie Forces and the Dems were freaking out about the Clinton financed ‘Steele Dossier’, using information from an American, to diss Trump and his Russian connections. It was not Trump who sold 20% of Uranium One to Russia, in order for Bill to give a $500,000 ‘After Dinner’ Speach. John Durham, his first trial is happening at the moment, with Steele’s Russian informant Danchenko, who was an American paid by the FBI to provide information on Russia, according to the evidence presented in the Danchenko Trial (running at the moment, but, ignored by the media).

Biden, who allegedly 81 million citizens of the US voted for, despite the fact he never got out of the basement to deliver his campaign, well the first thing he did once in power, to look after his Burisma interests, was return to igniting things in Ukraine. How much has the West spent and lost, on looking after the personal business interests of Biden?


Wasn’t aware that Hungary was in the market for a new president, good luck with that.


Orban is delusional, thinking Donald Trump is a man of peace. He’s a rapacious western oligarch. What in that sentence suggests peace? Then again, Orban is I’m quite sure a monster too, and their definition of peace is far different than what most think of when you say the word peace, or as Southfront writes “piece”.


I never was a fan of Merkel, but in hindsight she was not like one of the toothless tigers that are in charge in Germany now. They sacrificed and wrecked the German economy and prosperity for interests of the US foreign policy cabal. Merkel would have never went along with that.

WT Baker

i don’t think this to be the case as Trump has too many flaws, one being he still has hardcore neo con handlers like Mike Pompeo, a staunch geopolitician whose agenda is régime change in Iran and China.


Trump stated the he was NOT the President of the World.

THAT scared the heck out of the Deep State and the Globalists and Bankers that run the UK and the US…

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