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Original 100-mm Self-Propelled Artillery Platforms Eliminate Terrorists in Syria (Photos)

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Hezbollah’s soldiers use 100-mm self-propelled wheel artillery platforms of the original design against terrorists in Syria.

Original 100-mm Self-Propelled Artillery Platforms Eliminate Terrorists in Syria (Photos)

Photo: vestnik-rm.ru

Hezbollah’s soldiers, fighting against international terrorists in Syria, continue to use 100-mm self-propelled wheel artillery platforms of the original design.

The Soviet KS-19 antiaircraft cannon is mounted on chassis of commercial truck of Western manufacturers. Despite its venerable age, the KS-19 still has a sufficiently high performance. For example, its firing range is 21,000 m, rapidity of fire – up to 15 rounds per minute, shot weight – 15.6 kg.

These self-propelled artillery platforms have a reasonably well thought-out design. The platforms are equipped with local armor, special boxes for shells, and hydraulic mounting. According to the Vestnik Mordovii news agency, the self-propelled platforms are used only near Kalamoon and do not occur at other sectors of the front.

In addition, platforms of more simple design, produced in the field, are used in Kalamoon – a canon is mounted to elements of a gun-carriage, the platform does not have boxes for shells and a folding floor, and have only two hydraulic mountings.

Original 100-mm Self-Propelled Artillery Platforms Eliminate Terrorists in Syria (Photos)

Photo: vestnik-rm.ru

The first photos of such self-propelled wheel artillery platforms appeared online at the beginning of 2014.

Original 100-mm Self-Propelled Artillery Platforms Eliminate Terrorists in Syria (Photos)

Photo: vestnik-rm.ru

Original 100-mm Self-Propelled Artillery Platforms Eliminate Terrorists in Syria (Photos)

Photo: vestnik-rm.ru

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Dod Grile

So when is buy one get one free day?

The only thing missing is the order form at the end of the advertisement.

Jens Holm

Vey unwise to show if the israelians not know already.

In a way its wrong to announce it as an air defender. Here it will be used againt tuff targets as cliffs, concrite and steel – or against groups of men because the grenades are very fast incommers.

Hesbollahs rob all over, so why not find some 88 mm famous german ones from ww2. They must be cheeper but 14 km must be fine most ot he time.

And when the victory comes, You can make a museum too. Dont underestimate old weapons.

Well unfortumatly Im more like I hope it will be killed by a drone soon, but I respct well done weapons like this russian one. Nice pictures too.

Arthur de Stone

100mm is a very common ammunition type, and has been since WW2. T-55 tanks among many other weapons use them, and Syria has quite the stockpile.

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