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OSCE’s Existence In Danger – Europe Might Need A New Security Architecture

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OSCE's Existence In Danger - Europe Might Need A New Security Architecture

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Written by Patrick Poppel, expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies (Belgrade)

In the current crisis surrounding the filling of board positions in the OSCE, we recognize that many of this organization’s work processes are not functioning well. All senior positions in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) are currently vacant. The OSCE currently has no successor to the outgoing Secretary General Helga Schmid, no High Commissioner for National Minorities, no head of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights and no representative for media freedom.

And it doesn’t look like there will be a solution any time soon. The four top jobs are currently the respective deputies and where there is no representative, the office managers have to do the work. However, the OSCE has political leadership through the annual rotating chairmanship, which is currently occupied by Malta. But Malta was only a hastily reached emergency solution after Russia and Belarus blocked Estonia’s presidency.

The OSCE’s existence is in danger if it fails to solve the leadership problems, said the former Secretary General, the Swiss Thomas Greminger, recently. In his analysis, Greminger also addressed the budget problem. Since 2021, only the old budget has been extended, which amounts to a de facto reduction in the budget due to inflation.

Despite the major problems, Greminger sees the largest regional security organization in the world as an organization for the future. “The OSCE is a dead horse when it comes to dialogue between Russia and the West and conflict resolution in Ukraine. There is currently nothing to be gained from that,” admitted the Swiss diplomat. However, the organization does important work in many areas and regions, which is highly valued by the affected states.

The OSCE and its institutions should also be “kept alive because they could be useful tomorrow or the day after.” For example, the OSCE could also play a role in monitoring a possible ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. A new edition of the mission will need a “UN umbrella” for various reasons, said Greminger. The OSCE currently does not have a good reputation among Ukrainians and Russians.

In addition, only the United Nations has the necessary experience in the military sector. With a blue helmet force there would be a broader pool of possible troop contributors, for example from regions of the world that were not so exposed in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. There will “certainly be no movement” on the ceasefire before the US presidential elections because both Kiev and Moscow want to wait for the election results.

When asked about the future of the OSCE, which will commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding act (Final Act of Helsinki) next year, Greminger said that a return of the “Spirit of Helsinki” is currently not foreseeable. Greminger still sees a place for neutral states in the European security order.

Although there are fewer neutral states than a few years ago, they are not just Switzerland, Austria or Malta. Other states in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus are non-aligned. These are the current problems of the organization.

But what about future prospects? The OSCE consists of 57 participating states, all of which want to have their own interests represented and through the so-called “partner states” a possible area of influence extends to Australia and South Korea. Even Japan is considered a “partner state” of this organization, which should actually take care of security policy issues in Europe.

But how did this organization take care of security in Europe? In Ukraine, the OSCE has failed again and again since 2014 and has thus lost its reputation among the parties to the conflict. If you attend the events of this organization, you will often notice the line that is being taken against Russia. This is not the best path for future cooperation. This mood and atmosphere that is created there even affects conferences and forums that do not directly deal with the Ukraine conflict.

The OSCE urgently needs reforms, and this reality has become clear to many participants, particularly as a result of the current internal crisis. But another important question will be the future organization of the OSCE in the international context. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and also the possible future projects of the BRICS alliance could soon become competition for the OSCE.

Europe’s current decline in many areas will also affect the OSCE and have an impact on the work of this organization. At the same time, there are ongoing discussions within the EU about organizing new security policy projects. All of these developments could reduce the future strength of the OSCE.

Despite all internal and external criticism, it is clear to everyone that the OSCE has been an important instrument for promoting security in Europe for decades. But now those responsible in Europe should consider whether this organization is still adequately able to fulfill the tasks for which it was founded due to global developments.


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osce is a ziomafia organization used as in the case of serbia to foment hatred and promote wars of aggression. no one should take this warmongering tool of the jewish supremacists seriously. everyone in europe would be better off without it.


crap pal. without the jews having rejected pharoah and then later the rule of kings europe would have self destructed into despotic dictatorship centuries ago.


what europe, for god sake! it’s euroasia!


yes and it’s time the white supremacists in the vatican realised it. they aren’t the majority at all. we eurasian are including hindu indians sri lankans indonesians malayans, aussies maoris etc. romans are over.


switzerland and austria are not neutral they have forfeited their neutral status and can no longer play any part in mediation. ditto finland and sweden. they will soon regret this.


they hate the truth here and they do not stand for free speech at all. “the one thing god hates above all sins and abominations is the hypocrite”


i think they should be on the phone with russia every single week, given what is at stake.


i do t think so you have to look innocent you can’t be seen to be involved centrally when you are

Peter Jennings

this organisation is going the same way as the opcw, the ipcc, and other alphabet soups who’s only talent is lying to other people. they have become a poison chalice for those serious about their careers.


all think tanks are useless. at the end of the day, the intelligence services representing the biggest private investors and investment banks are the ones that drive policy. these think tanks and the endless conferences that they do are a place for academia minded idiots to pretend like they have some semblance of control, and understanding, and hope for the world …


war including biowarfare was always the predetermined outcome — the malthusian war profiteers chose the outcome many years ago.

Professore Saviano

you’re not wrong. think-tanks and academia tapped into a virtually unlimited sludge fund for “green” environmental and “geostrategic” studies post 9/11. many of the people in these organizations are life-long academics looking to get careers as speakers and as pseudo-intellectuals. the only people that are respectable are the innovative environmental scientists …

Professore Saviano

in the end, osce is just a conglomeration of judeo-masonic funded think-tanks. the same judeo masonic crime syndicate that controls all of western intelligentsia including mossad. you can reverse engineer the agenda by looking at what the think-tanks are saying and what the connected ngo’s are doing.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

mainstream media is also an extension of western intelligence and the think tanks. conversely, you can also reverse engineer a lot by watching mainstream media — especially since they overuse goebbels doublespeak / doublethink. one example is when they accuse somebody of something, you can be certain it is because they are already doing it, for far longer and by much greater measure. such as election interference or meddling

Professore Saviano

i agree but it’s notjust mainstream media. most of “alternative” media is also ran by people connected to the security services. in fact, alternative media is instrumental in keeping populations divided (& controlled.)


stop plagarizing you tool. you’re so obvious .


go outside and get some oxygen, retard. your little brain can’t handle the internet. it’s too much for you.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

soon the russians will liberate all of ukraine, and normal people can return to live a peacfull life there!



surprise a new world order one rule of centralised law outsourced for discretion to the un as the fall guys


remember osce spying in donbass in favour of the nazi régime. let it stay in coma.

AM Hants

do you remember the osce hostages, when donbass first kicked off. one of them was a swedish mercenary. so much for neutrality and independence.

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