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Ossetian Unit Successfully Repelled Tank Attack Of AFU (Video, English Subtitles)

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An Ossetian unit of the Russian Armed Forces has successfully repelled a tank attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbas. Two tanks and several armoured vehicles were destroyed. The Ukrainian unit lost more than 10 servicemen in casualties.

There is no information about casualties among the Ossetian unit. The video was allegedly shot near Rubizhne on 25-26 April.


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a whole lot of killings going on. uki nazis keep sending grandfathers and kids to get slaughtered.

jens holm

I have the information too. The undertakers reverse funerals too and recycle the flowers.

The children are in the small arms fire section. Russians has big problems. Thye are to small to hit.

The old ones are well coordinated. They feel well integrated using old RPGs.


If the Brits win for Ukraine, maybe they’ll finally teach you how to write in English, durak. Unfortunately, though…….

The maharaja

no shit ! for months post after post and not one ounce of improvement. you would think it might improve some? its actually gotten worse.

Turkish Taffy

You’d think he’d write in whatever is his close to extinction language, then paste it into a translator. Maybe that’s too complicated for him.

Peppe il Sicario

With all the loads he’s swallowed in his useless life, his brain is saturated with jizz juice. That’s all that’s left in there.


I am very impressed to see that even the Ossetians are doing what they can to save their Russians brothers and sisters in Donbass. Brave fighters. Well done!


Western folks often underestimate Russia’s abilities to defeat the evil that once again tries to grab them by force. That always was and still is a big mistake. Many countries know that Ukraine is just a proxy used by US and NATO for their own agenda. Many countries join Russia in their fate to defend peace and freedom of the world. West has finally started the war that will destroy them in the end. What we see in Ukraine is just the beginning.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

You won’t hear it in the controlled media, but many in the West are supporting the Russians and want this to end. Stay strong Russia, we are with you!


LOL. Only fashist and some left usueful idiots in the west supporting Putin Russia

The maharaja

sorry fucktard but you would be wrong! many westerners support Russia. No not leftist, Russia is a conservative christian nation it has a lot of support in the west. Just because the woke transgender crowd and the fucking moron rhinos who think Russia is still the soviet union found something to agree on does no equal full support.

No idea what a fashist is? Is that some kind of transgender fashion expert? Probably . Go waive your rainbow flag elsewhere this place is full or retards we need no more.

Peter Parkinson's

I’ve heard Putin has become a beacon for white nationalist and skin heads in the west. Not certain why? but judging from the anger, racist and sexist language on this site they are here.


I’d say you heard wrong. More and more people in the states know when they hear ‘Putin did it’, that it’s BS. Just because the presstitues here say it’s that way, doesn’t mean it is. They all lie. We know that too. The only fervent ones that like what is happening are end timers and fools. About what is here, it is what it is.


So why are they all high tailing it to fight for Ukraine then? You make no sense, as usual.


You sort of got it right. The fascists support today’s Ukraine and the lefty useful idiots support some fairy tale land they call Ukraine that lives in their heads.


In whole Germany there where pro Russia gatherings last weeekend; uout of 80.000.000 there where 2000 idiots protesting that makes 1/each 40.000 people . One each 40.000 people. So e call it “many “ some call them retardet.

Omas Bioladen

True. Germans are mostly braindead US bitches ready to suck black american cock.

Peppe il Sicario

From personal experience, German women are some of the biggest whores on the planet after the English.


No, here in Germany most people speak about their true thinking only in inner circles. They do not protest in public. The “normal” german konws that USA and west are deep into this conflict but they are at the point: “We can nothing do about it, so we take care of our privat life and hope it will get better some day.” There are also a growing (but slowly growing) part of the people that are thinking smart and know that russia is true. But there are also a lot of people that really think the mass media try to give them information (old people and naive young women for example). But in the end it does not matter because german people will never stand up against their regime (watch how it was in WW2).


I am truly sad at what has happened to Germany. Hopefully the Germans can take back control over their homeland again soon and become the nation it always was meant to be.

Dummy Perez

Yep I’m one, this American is rooting hard for Russia



Pamfil Military Academy

Agree. For example I had a personal poll asking relatives, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc and most of them, aprox.85% are not supporting any war against Russia. But the entire government, intelligence, political parties, and media (mostly) are captured by US embassy. There is a huge fault line between top of the pyramid and the large masses bottom.


Yes, I believe that you are correct, this could very well be the war that destroys that evil demonic beast of Nato once and for all, for they have never ever ever faced a foe of this caliber and strength before. Usually they are the bully, not true this time. And it doesn’t matter who’s in charge of Russia, the outcome will be the same. This is not Yugoslavia, Irak, Afghanistan, Libya or Syria but a country 100 times stronger than all those countries put together, probably even stronger still actually? They don’t understand what they are dealing with and probably don’t even care, which of course, is hubris, a deadly sin, and this will be a major factor in their downfall. Can’t wait.


Hjalmar; you are part of death squad in your country? I mean, you are supporter of Putin


Yes. I support Putin and Russia. Not because I belong to some death squad, which I don’t, but rather because I hate EVIL, and Nato is as evil as it gets, so the sooner that damned beast from hell is destroyed the better for us all.


why do you feel NATO is evil? are you a gadaffi loyalist? or a Serb?


Because it is evil. The only reason it exists is to destroy and kill. It then feeds on the destruction and misery it has caused. If it cannot grow, it will shrink in size and die, for that reason this demonic entity has to continue to feed. And now it wishes to destroy Russia so it can feed even more. And then China is next in line. Why do think this scenario is just and good for the world?


Hell, that would be an honor…and yes, NATO is evil.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Nom de Plume

Because they are what they are and they do what they do, just like Azov.

Frankly, I’m not sure which is more tolerant of dissent. Probably Azov.

If you really want to know......

Speaking of Serbs, how come NATO tolerated ethnic cleansing and genocide by the Croats during Operation Storm, while under its direct command? Hmmm?

NATO is a thinly disguised empirical guard and a bullshit debating club. It fools no one of any intellectual depth.


Dobromir is either a dope or a paid shill. Pay him no mind. They think they’re trying to influence five year olds, or the average American.


Russia is struggling taking on the Ukraine! The only thing Nato is worried about is needles loss of life, and Putin going even more necrotic and launching Nuclear weapons. Nato has 9x the population of Russia to draw on, Nato spends 14x the Dollars on defense Nato has less corruption then Russia Natos GDP is 16x that of Russia. Russia’s economy is only the size of Spains! Russia has effectively no allies to support her in a fight.

The math doesn’t add up to a Russian victory in a Nato Russia conflict.


I depends on what facts you think are relevant. If you, for example, look at the facts from history that then tells us that Russia can’t be defeated in its own back yard. Putin himself states that Russia can’t be defeated from an outside enemy, only from within — as from a fifth column.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar
Omas Bioladen

Putin himself defeated Russian jew CIA oligarchs in the 90ies.


He did and he sent the Rothschild shill, Khordokovski, to jail which almost destroyed the guy, well deserved by the way.


Tell that to the NATO war-gamers that said otherwise.

Omas Bioladen

Fake. Population math is not your strength. Its only 4 times not 9 times. Russia has China as ally and down the drain goes your equation. Russia is being supported by 86% of world popuation, whereas only 14% support US sanctions and will even reduce in case of war.


Russia on the other hand have only gas and oil European NATO members desperately need to stay afloat, intercontinental hypersonic missiles and regular biannually conscription that might not be capable of supporting the front lines but can definitely help in logistics behind the lines. On the other hand NATO members rely on US troops and weapons stationed at their soil to do the “dirty work” as recent history has proven of how the armies trained by NATO trainers and armed by NATO weapons actually perform in a real battle. Some have surrendered without a bullet spared while others are are wasting bullets as if they were coming from a magic treasure chest. No strategy, no planning, just pure rage. Ukraine have 8 years to prepare for this and yet we’ve seen their fortification made out of the dirt and tree trunks being obliterated by the real high calibre guns not flash grenades used in training. First lesson in army strategy is to efficiently protect your stand in order to be able to return the fire relatively protected from incoming one. Regardless of the size of a gun or a technological advance built in it, it will be no use if you can’t fire from it.


Nato is more corrupt than all the countries it occupies put together: and THAT is what it does too by the way, it works for global FMs and they are the worst satanists on Earth.


I agree brother


Mention them to us the “Many countries that join Russia in their fate to defend peace and freedom of the world. ” . i know 144 voted against Russia but you are gone mention the other ones.

Omas Bioladen

144 US bullied island sates make 14% of world population. 86% withheld or opposed US sanctions and that will be even higher in case of war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Omas Bioladen
Peter Parkinson's

“Russia in their fate to defend peace and freedom of the world.” when has Russia ever promoted peace? When has Russia ever promoted Freedom? Russians them selves have never in their entire history not been slaves. Right now they are slaves to Putin and his henchmen. Don’t believe me? go to Moscow and try and start a newspaper that says something not along the part line? or easier yes hold a post card in a pubic space that says нет войны and see how free you are


Hey shitforbrains, Mr Putin enjoys an 80% approval rating from his countrymen, and has done so for many years now. Meanwhile the senile evil fucktard Joe Biden, who shits himself on a daily basis, hovers somewhere around 40%. And that’s being generous.

Do everyone a favor and STFU.

It’s gonna be a real hoot when all the silly Western turds crawling around in the bowels of the Azovstal plant, with their women and children human shields, finally float to the surface. Hope there’s some dumbfuck NATO officers in there…lol

Last edited 2 years ago by WillieBrennan
Turkish Taffy

Many countries know that (insert your country du jour here) is just a proxy used by US and NATO for their own agenda

Jeez, if folks haven’t figured it out by now, they must have been marooned on an island this last 30 years.

Last edited 2 years ago by Turkish Taffy
Turkish Taffy

Very barbaric, gloating over their kills. Maybe we’ll get to enjoy more of their escapades.

mike l hutchings

the only good NAZI is a dead NAZI

Florian Geyer

I would say that the only good AshcanNazi is a dead AshcanNazi :)

Omas Bioladen

The only good dead Zi is Zilensky.


Erdughan sends these baytractor to envade Russia.

Wishful thought

Shut his f…g gas off!


More dead NATO-nazi terrorists is always nice to see. :)

dj dd

Only an idiot doesn’t know that it is the US and NATO attacking Russian territories and ships. Ukraine on it’s own cannot do this. There capability to do such attacks have seriously been degraded by weeks of systematic destruction of their land, air and see assets.

Since during the Cold war and up to the present times, US either directly or through weapon supply to Soviets or Russian adversaries have killed over 100,000 Russians. And this is not a secret. US even brags about it and don’t hide ill feelings and vile words towards Russia.

So, what will Russia do about all these. What Russia does best is what they are known to do – pretend that they don’t know who is attacking her. This weakness is very well known by US and that’s why the attacks will continue and be intensified deeper and deeper into Russian territory.

Russia, unfortunately disappoints and disappoints heavily. To the very least, Russia must let the gloves off and start attacking all vital infrastructures of Ukraine including government buildings, military schools, academies railway depots, vital roads etc. etc.

Over 300 billion dollars of their money has been frozen, part of which will now be used for Ukraine purposes. So the gloves should be off and make sure she achieved all her aims in Ukraine.

If they want to demilitarize and denazify, they better start being serious.


Great comment. And once again it has been pointed out here at SF that Russia needs to become an active part of this war. They need to hit the enemy as hard as they can and then continue to do so until the fighting stops because the enemy can’t take it anymore. They aren’t going agree to any deals anytime soon, therefore we need to attack them with everything until they only have rocks and stones left to fight with. War is brutal and that’s the brutal truth.

Pamfil Military Academy

That’s my opinion, too. VOLUME FIRE and the banderiputastan nazi’s will be KAPUT. Only VOLUME FIRE will put them on the run everywhere.


Ukraine is behaving like a humanoid robot. Programmed and ordered to get itself destroyed. The western colonizers, aka global resource thieves are programming Ukraine.


London betrayed Kyiv: During the operation in Ukraine, Britain imported Russian oil for 220 million pounds – about 1.9 million barrels:

“The British government is no stranger to hypocrisy, but to promise ‘unwavering support’ to Ukraine while simultaneously shipping almost 2 million barrels of Russian oil is utter hypocrisy even by Boris Johnson’s standards,” Independent, citing a new Greenpeace study.

The maharaja

You think? Everyone gets their oil. Russia even continues to pay transit fees to Ukraine. Millions every week. Russians sale oil to the UK and Germany who in turn use it to ship weapons to kill Russian soldiers. Ukraine says Europe should stop buying Russian oil and yet they control the pipe line and have not stopped the flow one bit. Even make repairs on it! You thought this was a war? didnt you?


Sometimes I feel like this is all a big joke, and that the joke is on us? Your comment was sobering, something the truth often is.


Russia should suspend the payments for now. If Ukraine blocks the pipeline thats OK.

Florian Geyer

Russia is quite rightly avoiding mass civilian casualties in Ukraine for several reasons. The main reason being that Russia wants to preserve the lives of Russian speaking and Ukie civilians who are all living the ‘ US Democratic values nightmare.

The current Ukie junta is a brutal tyranny that Europe has not seen for circa 150 years.


Not to mention that a grateful population makes insurgency difficult and otherwise an enemy. That was the result in Iraq.


WE had the NAVYS supply of diesel stolen. To go to Ukraine?

Peppe il Sicario

Ossetians, Chechens, Dagestans, Circassians….these are all bad ass Caucasians. You definitely don’t want to f*ck around with these Caucus Mountain dudes. Beware NATO pussified fags, beware!!!


This is something the West don’t understand, that Russia isn’t as divided as they like to think it is. It actually is the homeland of hundreds of different peoples. And naturally they want to protect their homeland


Dirty evil jeZZibel


Спасибо So. Ossetia. !

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