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MARCH 2025

Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets ‘From Ukraine To Middle East To China’

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Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

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Originally published by ZeroHedge

A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked “Top Secret”. 

This time the leak appears more expansive: “A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, alarming the Pentagon and adding turmoil to a situation that seemed to have caught the Biden administration off guard,” The New York Times reported Friday evening.

“The scale of the leak — analysts say more than 100 documents may have been obtained — along with the sensitivity of the documents themselves, could be hugely damaging, U.S. officials said,” the report continues.

One senior intelligence official was quoted in the report as saying the leak is “a nightmare for the Five Eyes” – in reference to the intelligence-sharing nations of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Like the Ukraine war plans earlier reported on by the Times, some of these latest documents appeared on Twitter and other social media platforms, and they include reports labeled with one of the highest classification ratings of “Secret/NoForn” – which means they are sensitive enough to not be shared with even foreign allies.

Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

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Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

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Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

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Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

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Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

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Interestingly, the NY Times notes that one intelligence slide which is circulating features “an alarming assessment of Ukraine’s faltering air defense capabilities.” But these leaks, some of which actually appeared on a Discord server devoted to discussing Minecraft and other unusual places, include more than the initial content on Ukraine war planning:

But the leaked documents appear to go well beyond highly classified material on Ukraine war plans. Security analysts who have reviewed the documents tumbling onto social media sites say the increasing trove also includes sensitive briefing slides on China, the Indo-Pacific military theater, the Middle East and terrorism.

The report quotes one analyst who warns this is likely “the tip of the iceberg” and that more major leaks are coming, or possibly have already happened, in something which could begin to rival the ‘Pentagon Papers’ of the Vietnam war era.

A former senior Pentagon official, Mick Mulroy, was also quoted as saying this could possibly hinder Ukrainian military planning given that “many of these were pictures of documents” and thus “it appears that it was a deliberate leak done by someone that wished to damage the Ukraine, U.S., and NATO efforts.”

This assessment suggests a leak from inside allied forces, and not from a foreign adversary, even though US officials are accusing Russian-linked entities online of being the chief spreaders of the leaked documents.

US officials are also warning that some of the documents may have been digitally altered to fit a more pro-Kremlin narrative, as we detailed earlier. Twitter has acknowledged that US officials are requesting that it act to scrub classified materials from the platform.

There’s growing concern that the leaks could be coming from within the Ukrainian military

Pentagon and US intelligence officials are also scrambling to discover the source of the leak in an ongoing investigation. Likely this is to result in greater scrutiny on Kiev and how its chain-of-command handles sensitive data shared from the Pentagon.


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The inbreds of London will be unhappy if their raping of America falls apart..

The Objective

Hi everyone. “The Objective” now has an islamic blog (islam4life.info). I’m writing articles that cover the Muslim world, especially the Middle East. Those who used to read my comments on SouthFront can visit to read long insightful and factual analysis of events in Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, and other hotspots. It’s pro-Turkey, pro-Qatar, and pro-Pakistan. It’s anti-American and anti-NATO. I’ve written three articles now and plan to post the fourth in a day. Anyone can comment provided they do not insult people or make comments that don’t add to the conversation.

Chris Gr

I am pro-Serbia, pro-India, pro-Armenia, pro-Israel, pro-Egypt, pro-Ethiopia and I support Russia against Chechens and China against Uyghurs.

The Objective

You are welcome to the blog provided you don’t insult people. You are free to criticize Turkey, but fair criticism. I’m pro-Islam and the blog is pro-Islam.


You insult yourself by saying that you are a Muslim. Evidence of poor judgment.



Last edited 1 year ago by Lucifer

With your posts on islam4life.info, many orthodox Islamists will kill you when they meet you.


Someone posting a download link would be appreciated


Keep Hunter away from laptops, suitcases and other stufff he will certainly loose.

Wayne Gabler

Really? All this does is show the ‘whistleblowers’ from the past are just part of a script meant to be published.

Harry Taylor

Nord Stream 2, a joint German/Russian Project construction began in 2018 and was completed in 2021 at a cost of 11 Billion (USD). Germany withheld permission to begin operation because Russia declared it supported the Breakaway Republics in Eastern Ukraine. Biden declared on camera that he would stop the use of Nord Stream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. Spending 11 Billion and 3 years to construct 1,224 kilometers (760 miles) of pipeline, about 100 miles per month.

The time and cost of reconstructing 50 feet (or less) was foreshadowed by the need to destroy Ukraine.WHY??

Why did Russia allow the Zelenskyy Nazi Regime to Shell Donbass for 8 years, killing thousands of Ukrainians?

The shelling of Donbass, the Minsk Macguffin (threats of NATO expansion) was all to give Russia reason to invade Ukraine.

Harry Taylor

Remember, Biden and Zelenskyy were both installed Illegally, similar to the election theft that installed George Bush in 2000, which precluded the invasion of Afghanistan. Afghanistan was simply the rekindling of Poppy Farming/Heroin Production which made Billions of dollars for WHO?? This also precluded the theft of Syrian and Iraqi Oil and Gas for WHO??

Back to Ukraine. Western NATO Nations are supplying Ukraine with outdated and sometimes dysfunctional weaponry that Russia is destroying easily. A few modern weapons have been supplied that Ukrainian soldiers are not trained to use effectively. Zelenskyy is ordering troops into a meat grinder by the thousands. WHY??

Harry Taylor

There is a common thread to all this in modern history.

WWI was mainly for the purpose of destroying the Ottoman Empire so European Jews could begin immigrating to Palestine. They did not desire to move to a barren desert, so this plan failed.

WWII was more successful, as they were each offered over $50k, and the unholy Balfour Declaration was created out of nothing but a piece of paper with silly words on it. European Jews got on the boat en masse.

All for the creation of ISRAEL and establishment of the control of Jerusalem, by European Jews who are mostly of Khazarian Ancestry. They are not real Jews. They are Talmudic Satan worshipers.

Harry Taylor

Khazarian Empire was located where? Ukraine.

NOW they have decided to RETURN to Khazaria and create The NEW JERUSALEM

World leaders including Putin are all in on this plan.

The Modern Godfathers of the Khazarian Empire are the ROTHSCHILDS. The ones who control this World with their Fractional Reserve Central Banks and who install all Presidents and Prime Minsters to Power to do their bidding.



In 1909 David Lloyd Georges explained to the publics its doubts about UK democracy. He asked why Lors Rothschild can decide about litterally everything and especially how many dreadnoughts (war boats) thé UK should have. He finished by ” Is lors Rothschild the dictator of this country ?”.


It was in july 1909 during a banquet in London given by the Land and Housing Reform committee. One source: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/233916222?searchTerm=“lord%20Rothschild%20the%20dictator”#

Chris Gr

Rothschild is Amalekite

Chris Gr

Khazars were in southern Russia and their descendants are the Nogais.

Edgar Zetar

Desilutional Freak. You are insulting our intelligence. Ukraine was created by the URSS and expanded and populated by people from all URSS in the 60’s and 70’s. USA wanted to expand their Empire, they need to destroy Russia and conquer the Slavic Breed in order to make the RESET 2030, and control all the planet earth. The Masters of the Universe.

Chris Gr

WWI was done to destroy the Cental monarchies. WWII was done to destroy Nazism. Cold War was done to destroy communism.


I think it’s planted misinformation. What idiot can’t put these pages on a scanner and PDF them ? why so crinkled up ? amateur hour here. The Russians probably already know if this is real or crap anyway.

Joris III

Its from the boxes in that damp garage in Delaware


The documents are not scanned, but photographed.


A scenario that the person who obtained them just had the opportunity to photograph them is plausible. Maybe it was too much of a risk to keep carrying these sensitive documents.

Harry Taylor

This is meaningless info. If you want to understand what is going on watch “THE RAPE OF UKRAINE AND RISE OF HEAVENLY JERUSALEM” by Christopher Jon Bjerknes


I’m guessing this is intentional disinformation, with some real info added to make it more plausible. The way that Western media is covering the leak suggests that it is not real, the pentagon is barely even trying to deny it’s authenticity. I don’t think Russia is buying it though.


I hear many commentators say that they were unable to obtain the second set of documents. Does anybody heard of anyone obtaining these documents? Are they available somewhere?

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