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Over 100 Syrian Soldiers, ISIS Terrorists Killed In Clashes This Month: Report

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Over 100 Syrian Soldiers, ISIS Terrorists Killed In Clashes This Month: Report

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Fierce clashes between Syrian government forces and ISIS cells are still taking place in the country’s central region. 

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) revealed in a new report that these clashes claimed the lives of more than 100 Syrian soldiers and ISIS terrorists in the period from December 1 to December 19.

“64 regime soldiers and loyalists were killed in ambushes, explosions and clashes with ISIS in the Syrian desert. Also, ISIS lost 39 members in aerial and ground bombardment and clashes in the same period,” the monitoring group said. “The death toll is expected to rise further as there are several combatants injured, some seriously.”

The SOHR has documented the death of 1,084 pro-government fighters, including non Syrians [Lebanese, Iranian, Iraqis and Russians], and 601 ISIS terrorists in the central region since March 24, 2019.

In the last few weeks, ISIS terrorists launched a number of attacks from the Homs desert against government forces in eastern Homs, eastern Hama, southern Aleppo, southern Raqqa and western Deir Ezzor.

The Syrian Arab Army and its allies conduct limited operations against ISIS cells in the central region on a regular basis. The Russian Aerospace Forces are supporting these operations.

Despite these efforts, the situation in the central region is not improving. The ISIS presence in the region grew significantly this year. More serious measures should be taken to address this threat before it is too late.


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Sad state of affairs in SAA. Those soldiers are not well trained if it is always more SAA killed than ISIS.

viktor ziv

It’s “reliable” SOHR, the very same that accused Syria of using chem in several occasions in past 7 years. Lately SF is using it very often as source of info. Sad….

The Objective

Because a news is bad for you doesn’t make it a lie.


Since 90s til today, almost 200 journalists were assasinated in Russia. They are living the ages when the messengers were killed. Anyway the smash the keyboards for Snowden and Assange.

Arthur Deodat Jr.

For me it is OK to cite data provided by SOHR. But before citing it should be explained that SOHR is one man band (if we dont’t count sponsors from UK intel).


Not quite a one man band,you can bet MI6 are in the room with him.


Good news than! Glad I was wrong to trust SF on this one, it will not happen again!


That rat in Coventry has not been to Syria in more than twenty years,he gets his info from the terrorists.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If the Syrian Government supplied the info they wouldn’t have to, so they have to get intel from somewhere, It’s a pity though, it means we can never really trust what they say when quoting his numbers, but sadly I also have to say I think they’re just about right this time.


Why would the Syrian Government report fake Jihadi news? behave yourself.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Syrian Government didn’t report fake news, SF did, and I don’t think the numbers are off by much, in fact if anything I think the numbers may be too low for both sides.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Guerilla warfare always has an advantage over static defenses and logistical routes, history has shown that to be the case EVERY SINGLE TIME, so why the hell would you assume it’s got anything to do with training, equipment, or even morale ect, they aren’t fighting a war against the SAA, this is in military terms just classical harassing tactics to wear down the enemy and deplete morale and assets. Not well trained you say, the 25th division are among the best trained soldiers in the SAA, and with the new Russian equipment they’re by far the best armed and supplied army in the SAA, so if they aren’t good enough then no one else will be. You do know the Russians sent a fair chunk of the 25th division to Deir ez Zor don’t you, and you have heard of the Russian tiger forces reputation too I’m assuming, so you’re actually calling them badly trained you know, or did you mean it intentionally.

Damien C

Jesus how many times have you guys to be told … he is not London based he works from his living room in Coventry on a laptop and mobile phonewhich is 160 Kilometres away from London.

The only time he was in London was when he went to 10 Downing street as a wannabe representative of the Free Syrian Army and the head-chopper rebellion organised by Israel/Saudi/Qatar/Turkey/USA/UK/France and UAE

This man is not an honest broker he always … ALWAYS over states SAA deaths and under plays head-chopper losses …. Why do SF quote him so much


Wretched slimy worm SOHR representative. May we hear his screams on LIVE TV, while he gets skin flayed: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/559b39c697608b9b0dbfb3451a71902b2120978cb1a3d497e25ef2b85e8edc1a.jpg

Liberal guy

That’s what am thinking

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sadly independent news sources don’t get information from the Syrian Government or the SAA, so they have to rely on outside sources for info, and as much as you’re right about him being a liar and pro opposition activist, he also has over 2,000 intel sources [spies] on the ground in Syria so he is privy to a lot of information. But you right to question his numbers on most occasions as he does regularly lie, but sadly in respect of what he’s saying now, he’s most likely correct or very close to the real numbers.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Guerilla warfare always has the advantage, you can use a small numbers of fighters to hit and run causing heaps of mayhem for little risk to your own forces, that’s why the fatalities/injuries numbers are always skewed in Isis’s favor, it’s not because they’re better fighters or any other reason, they just have the strategic advantage in what they’re doing, which is harassing the enemy.

Iraq has been complaining about the difficulties in securing the highway crossing at Abu Kamal, and also blamed the problems on the fact they have to deal with so many different factions to do the job, Iranians, Hezbollah, NDF, and SAA. So could that be the reason for the Russians arrival at Abu Kamal a few days ago, will they directly coordinate with the Iraqis to secure the border. New heat sensors have been set up to help secure the border and I don’t think the Iraqis use them anywhere else, so I wonder if the Russians provided the new equipment.

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