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Over 1,000 Saudi Troops Killed As Result Of Conflict In Yemen: State Media

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Over 1,000 Saudi Troops Killed As Result Of Conflict In Yemen: State Media


Over 1,000 Saudi soldiers have been killed in Yemen since early 2015, Saudi state media says.

The Saudi-led coalition intervened Yemen in March 2015 in order to establish own puppet government in the country. However, Saudi and Saudi-backed forces faced a fierce resistance from the Houthis and their allies. Since then, the conflict has been flaring in Yemen.

The Yemeni capital of Sanaa and a large part central and northern Yemen are still in the hands of the Houthis.

The recent report about over 1,000 Saudi troops killed in the conflict is a rare admission of the military casualties by the kingdom. Saudi Arabia has a policy of withholding information on the casualties it has suffered during the conflict.

Saudi-led forces are currently advancing along the western coast of the country with an aim to ccapture the key port city of Hudaydah. MORE HERE

If the Saudi military and its proxies are able to reach and besiege Hudaydah, they will cut off one of the key logistical lines in the Houthis-controlled part of Yemen.

Saudi Arabia’s Armed Forces – Military Analysis

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Michał Hunicz

Most of these soldiers didn’t deserve a death, especially in the war they couldn’t stopped, sadly. Their Wahhabi Regime is a fault.


“most of these soldiers did´nt deserve death” ? are u high? well then tell me what they deserve for invading, raping,torturing and killing ??? a barbecue??? no they got exactly what they deserve.Death.Death to the soldiers and death to the most barbaric regime on our planet today. If you wanna stand up for saudi pricks, than choose those saudis that attacked the palace and injured or killed that mother fucker bin salman…..but take a wild guess how these truly brave souls are doing right now…..they are getting their nails torn out, electro shocks all over,,burnt, …tortured in the most medieval methods. Whats next bro….you are sorry for weinstein too, and for the poor israeli bastards that have such a hard life killing kids in gaza? sick donk


All of that torturing and misery sounds like music to my ears…. :)

I am sick and need help lol….


the hapless hamster attacks again. spinning on his little wheel in his little cage. you’re not sick you are just an adolescent. no brains, no balls.


Hehehe… I Blocked the Fucker…I thought he was pretty sick though…


doing the same. ??


You’re just passing through while your mom gets passed around.


mentally handicapped child parents? none (that would admit to it)


You referring to yourself? Thanks for letting everyone know. Feel free to jack off in a corner and cry yourself to sleep over it.


Yeah they Did…shouldn’t have gone to Yemen…


The Wahhabi regime is the hitman. Britain orders the hit.

Russie Unie

Only 1000 ??? Not enough ! After all the massacres in Yemen …


They would mostly be mercs, the US has been recruiting Columbians for the Saudis. No self respecting Arab would fight for the Saudi scumbags.


Saudi must negotiate with houthis for power sharing. And stop brotherly brutal war killing children and innocent peoples meaning less only west in courage sell their weapons.


The Saudis bend over and do what their British masters tell them to. The minute they even think of “negotiation”, a coup will follow. Yemen is for Britain …

Strange as it may seem, the answer is that Britain is scared of Yemen. For Yemen is the sole country on the Arab peninsula with the potential power to challenge the colonial stitch-up reached between Britain and the Gulf monarchies it placed in power in the nineteenth century, and who continue to rule to this day.

Britain and the Yemeni threat https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/02/01/britain-and-the-yemeni-threat/


Yemen is one the poorest nations in the world, they never weighted anything even in the Arab World. Their oil reserves are running out, Britain being afraid of them makes no sense.


Yemen’s oil reserves are irrelevant. It’s a potential massive insurgence in Yemen that is the pivot in toppling the (British) Gulf monarchies. Three wars in a century were not fought for any reason.


It’s about money, the Saudis want the untouched Yemen oil fields, because the Saudi fields are running dry. It’s an armed holdup not political.

All wars are about money.


Kill Some More….


1000 heros always remembered #NoTalksWithHouthis we won’t accept any talks with these rats only their death is acceptable


Yours too


lol you believe those actors these subhuman rats only hide in caves


I know I will not believe You…You are a Subhuman Rat hiding behind just another Alias…


Oh honey don’t be sad we’re already winning the war hudayda is done and after that the fun will began just wait The sad thing is that houthi leader rats already escaped to tehran only stupid houthi rat herd will suffer it’s ok though a good houthi is a dead one anyway


another cheap troll you’d wet your pants.


A saudi life is worth more than those of houthi rats so 1000 is a lot to us these heroes are always remembered #NoTalksWithHouthis


One israeli life is worth all of Egypt.

Jamil Abdin

Sau means female pig in German.So 1 kg of Saudi is worth 2 $.


i’m sure you’re familiar with pig prices in germany you migrant leach lol.

Jeth Roderet

Note that this is according to Saudi regime media. Undoubtedly the real Saudi death toll is far higher.


If understanding French or German.

On ARTE TV at the moment, it has to be absolutely watched !

Propaganda – La fabrique du consentement

Comment influencer les foules ? À travers la figure d’Edward Bernays (1891-1995), l’un des inventeurs du marketing et l’auteur de “Propaganda”, un passionnant décryptage des méthodes de la “fabrique du consentement”.

Si les techniques de persuasion des masses apparaissent en Europe à la fin du XIXe siècle pour lutter contre les révoltes ouvrières, elles sont développées aux États-Unis pour convaincre les Américains de s’engager dans la Première Guerre mondiale. Peu connu du grand public, neveu de Sigmund Freud, l’auteur du livre de référence Propaganda et l’un des inventeurs du marketing, Edward Bernays (1891-1995) en fut l’un des principaux théoriciens. Inspirées des codes de la publicité et du divertissement, ces méthodes de “fabrique du consentement” des foules s’adressent aux désirs inconscients de celles-ci. Les industriels s’en emparent pour lutter contre les grèves avec l’objectif de faire adhérer la classe ouvrière au capitalisme et transformer ainsi le citoyen en consommateur. En 2001, le magazine Life classait Edward Bernays parmi les cent personnalités américaines les plus influentes du XXe siècle. Ce documentaire riche en archives retrace, à la lumière d’une analyse critique – dont celle du célèbre linguiste Noam Chomsky –, le parcours de celui qui, entre autres, fit fumer les femmes, inspira le régime nazi, accompagna le New Deal et fut l’artisan du renversement du gouvernement du Guatemala en 1954.


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