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Over 200 Militants Eliminated During Failed Turkish-led Attack On Al-Nayrab: Syrian TV

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Over 200 Militants Eliminated During Failed Turkish-led Attack On Al-Nayrab: Syrian TV

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) eliminated more than 250 militants while repelling the Turkish-led attack on the town of al-Nayrab in Greater Idlib, the Syrian TV revealed.

According to the state-run channel, the army also destroyed many battle tanks, armored vehicles, howitzers and rocket launchers which were supplied by Turkey.

Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL) carried out the attack in the morning of February 20. The Turkish military provided the militants with direct fire support.

The Turkish military had acknowledged that two of its service members were killed in a town near al-Nayrab during the attack.

The support of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) allowed the SAA to repel the large-scale attack within a few hours. Su-24 warplanes destroyed twelve vehicles of the attackers, despite being targeted from the ground.

The failure of the attack was for sure a major blow to the militants and Turkey. Ankara, however, may soon launch yet another attack in order to improve its position in any future negotiations with Moscow.

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It was 25 000 casulties…7000 mbts

Ricky Miller

Who cares what you think. Syria, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are winning this war. Hence, your trolling.


Depends on what you want to be or read…a news site or a boogie propaganda outlet.


Facts on the ground are best propaganda.


Well…it wasnt a battle for Stalingrad…

Concrete Mike

Not but the 2013 battle for al qusayr is a.somewhat pivotal.moment in the war.



Hanny Benny

dose pono !!!

Ashok Varma

Turkeys are terrorists.


Worst kind

Furkan Sahin

Erdogan is officially dictator he has killed turkey economy and destroying country he does not want to make Turkey better he is stuck he thinks only about money and power because he wants attention and he thinks he can rule the world and try to get Islam on all muslim countries


You mean Turkey is USNatoist….

Liberal guy

It’s a meat grinder for the scums die u bastards

John Wallace

There is no wonder why the majority are naive when this is all they get to formulate opinions that because they are the majority swamp those that know.

Liberal guy


John Wallace

Not sure how this comment ended up here . It was in response to someones news report. It doesn’t make sense , Yes found it . It was in response to Florian so sorry not sure how it ended up here as well ???

Liberal guy

K it’s oka Y as long as wahhabis are dying

Joe Doe

Looks like Erdogan insult Putin again. Looks like for Erdogan Russia , Iran are not good partners anymore. Therefore, Asking Germany and France and USA for help. This is poor insult to Putin


This is a poor antiPutin propaganda :) Very poor..

Wayne Nicholson

So Turkey’s war winning strategy is to insult Putin? How does Erdogan escalate if Putin doesn’t respond? A fart in their general direction?

Tim Williams



Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

soon rossiya drunkar base be hammered by all NATO Israel US airfroce bombined operation to help allies and save idlib civilian freedom fighters

Carlo s

eat shit jacob, hope you die in prison soon while being raped by 10 gangstas https://spectator.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/wohl.jpg

John Wallace

Being fisted looking for any drugs he may have hidden.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

i am no yajob u peice of SHET

John Wallace

Oh dear , it looks like you hit a nerve. Good one.

Tim Williams

TURKS firing manpads … and they cry their soldiers were killed


Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

2 bad manpad fail. but soon america ally deploy Patriot pac-3 missile to turkish NATO ally, all rossiya drunkard jet shot down and soon idlib sky protect. cry about it antisemit piece of sHEETet

Carlo s

avraham shitman= jacob wohl = fail. pathetic loser degenerate with 1000 moronic accounts

“Jacob Wohl is an American far-right conspiracy theorist, fraudster, and internet troll.” https://spectator.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/wohl.jpg

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

fake newz i am not yakob ya piece oif SHETET

Concrete Mike

Some what your saying is , semites support jabhat al nusrah?

How cute the 4th reich fascists are coming out of their holes.

John Wallace

Is that you Azriel. You both look so much alike it is hard to tell who is the ugliest. Anyway feed your crabs and crawl back under your rock..


Erdogan is not getting any Patriot, rather he would receive real coup attempt or he would be suicided ;) Might get heart attack, believe that his Washington “friends” are not too happy with him as of late. I’ll be surprised if he live to see 2021 in power. He was checked and out of options.

Mighty Mongrel

hahahahaha, keep dreaming cunt

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

you say bad word not to face life in real! all talk you have mouth, sonz of bEETH

Mighty Mongrel

hahahaha oh would would have no issue saying it to your face and kicking the your teeth out of your face … Allah loving little bitch

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡


Mighty Mongrel

hehehe, nawwww, you can’t spell “shit” … nawwwww, how cute, the filthy little arabs a dumb fucking cunt … hehe, no surprises here, must be that middle eastern education system … hahahahahahahahaha …

Tim Williams

rat reporter in the trench yesterday … the UK AMBASSADOR is absolutely hideous looking



What a load of crap Sky News is, and frankly always has been.

John Wallace

There is no wonder why the majority are naive when this is all they get to formulate opinions that because they are the majority swamp those that know.


The majority are ardent followers of the deceiver high priests who offer them the comfort of ideology stability.

There is always a time when the deceivers are defrocked, but this can take generations. It is my opinion that current events suggest a generational change is imminent and overdue.

Karen Bartlett

You’re right, hideous! (You Brits sure have a way with English. Heh, heh.) Maybe the US soldiers getting rocks thrown at them and running Russian vehicles off roads can get a job with Erdogan and his HTS henchmen. Oh, wait…

Carlo s

uk ambassador https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/53/Jabba_the_Hutt_in_Return_of_the_Jedi_%281983%29.png

Alejandro Bonifacio

poor jaba!!!!!

John Wallace

So how do people that watch this unless they know it is slanted b/s realise they are being led by the nose . I have seen that blob at UN Security Council meetings and she IS vile. !!

Simplekindof Man

In stark contrast the MSM in Greece Is outright saying Turkeys are supporting terrorists in idlib. At least some TV channels are.

Tim Williams

hopefully it bleeds across the border


Pathetic,what world must these ignorant western MSM reporters live in to think HTS/NFL etc are mere ‘rebels’. They’re genocidal terrorists of the worst kind.


UK ambassador “Russia has seen the same footage we’ve seen…” Yes Karen Pierce, but you obviously haven’t seen the Russian drone footage where RuAF is splashing terrorist day after day. Much better footage, so stop moaning.


The free world in a couple of years has to clean Bosforo and Dardanelli otherwise nato ships will be able to reach Bkack Sea .

Tim Williams

rebuilding of RAQQA



The courage and ability of the Syrian people of all faiths is accomplishing the Herculean task of repairing the massive destruction caused by the wretched US military thugs is an example to us all.

History will record this time as the Syrian Victory that hastened the downfall if the US Coalition of Terror.

Alejandro Bonifacio

please, follow @SyriaRebuilt in twitter, he has interesting posts!

Tim Williams

I do he is excellent …


Next time they get naughty kill even more turks, wipe out their artillery, when their helicopters come in to try to evacuate the wounded shoot 2 of them down at least too.

Friend of Russia

Erdogan started the invasion with belligerent rhetorics. Now he is crying for uncle Sam’s help

Tim Williams

UNCLE SAM is not coming

Xoli Xoli

Erdogan has very long missiles called reach the target before launching.He has also useless 2 km long convoy.

Karen Bartlett

Which would make an excellent target!

Xoli Xoli

Best opportunity for Syrian individuals to destroy it with manpads.

Xoli Xoli

Putin should ignore Erdogan phone calls.No more meetings. Let Erdogan withdraw back to his sultan state of oppress and rule.Syrian liberation should continue.Not Erdogan terrorists breeding.Kill Erdogan problem solved.

Tim Williams

I have advocated the elimination of ERDOGAN for 5 + years … one simple act would solve so many issues

Tim Williams

Video of rat mobilization yesterday …. pity they have not shown any of the retreat and after carnage …


Xoli Xoli

USA,France,Germany and Britain bomb Raqqa to ashes no complain from USA control UN.ISIS were created by NATO to kill civilians no complain from USA control UN.Erdogan prolongs the liberation of Idlib by arming his ISIS head choppers no complain from USA control UN.Erdogan started yesterday attack UN only sees Syrian and Russian fault Out of self defence Syria killed Turkish terrorists civilian soldiers.Syria reserve the right for self defence.

Tim Williams



Romeo Pesiao

Is Turkey’s Airforce terrified by Russians fighter jets???

Tim Williams

They are afraid of the operating S 300 SAMS … they know they will most certainly die

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Not having too much sympathy for a country that allows Israel to carry out airstrikes against it, (without response) and the U.S. to occupy it without any resistance.

Damascus has set a precedent where it allows one aggressor, but not another.


Nice try, dick.

Wolfgang Wolf

more russian cluster bombs and aerosol-bombs please… grill those camelfuckers!

Tim Williams

TURKS bringing up serious long range firepower … if this fires … it must be snuffed out



Step right right and enter the lawnmower.

Tim Williams

funny video below


Tim Williams

SAA discover rat HQ



Just another hospital, or maybe a pre-school or women’s center, targeted by the Russians! LOL.


It was the head bakery of Syrian bakery association

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

meanwhile 400 rossiya drunkard annihilate by usa merica airforce in only 3 hours Conoco operation 2018. cant bring them back antisemit sons of beetch

good american

Are you supposed to be a Mexican Israeli?

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

anythin rong with being latino u antisemt razist piece of SHETHET

Carlo s

shithead you are not latino, you are not jewish, you are nothing, not even a decent troll – just a pile of diarrhea from donkey’s anus. go back there and die.

The Man

He’s that filthy Yid, Jacab Wohl, the jew shit with the big nose!

Carlo s

Wohl, 21, and his former business partner Matthew Johnson were charged in California for the illicit sale of securities in a Riverside Superior Court, according to a criminal complaint filed last month. In 2016, Wohl and Johnson allegedly “represented themselves as members of a company called Montgomery Assets,” according to the complaint. Between July 27 and August 27, 2016, the two accused “offered for sale unqualified securities in violation of California Corporations Code 25110.”

The warrants for Wohl and Johnson were issued on August 19, however Wohl has yet to be arrested, the Riverside County District Attorney’s office said.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

antisemt piece of SHET sooniran be destroy by usa nato turkey

Karen Bartlett

Heh, heh. The usual Hasbara trolls are keeping their heads down, so this guy shows up. A new part time troll, probably getting half the pay.

good american

The dummy doesn’t realize that Spanish speakers don’t write English like they pronounce it.

Karen Bartlett

:) I’m sure they know how to spell “bitch”. Hahahahahaha!

Black Waters

He’s a fake account, probably Jacob.

Alejandro Bonifacio

hey don’t insult the mexicans please!

good american


Carlo s

go to hell and be a virgin for your dead jihadist boyfriends you ugly cocksucker

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

u full of hatred mr carlos, no get lose antisemt

The Man

OMG, you again! – Fuck off jew boy AKA Jacob (and his big nose) and STFU Yid!

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

i ammNOT YAJOB W u piece of sHET antiSEMT Sonz of BEETH

The Man

ha ha ha – great writing Jacob Wohl, you hooknosed Yid… strange that you have different styles of writing suggesting that you’re not who you say you are, stinky Jew! Who cares anyway!

The Man

What a pathetic attempt at trying to draw attention away from yourself, Jacob you Jew, by pretending your an even dumber Yid schmuck than you are already! What a stupid pig’s foreskin you are, hooknosed-Jacob the Yid!

Kay Os

Isn’t there an astray somewhere that you and your friends should be sitting in?


Spank that butt!

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