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MARCH 2025

Over 250 Fighters Finish Training To Join SDF’s Security Forces (Photos)

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258 fighters have finished training to joint so-called security forces of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the SDF’s media wing reported on January 23.

The fighters likely finished the program developed by the US under its initiative to establish a 30,000-strong “border force” in northeastern Syria. The idea faced a strong resistance from Turkey and became one of the reasons behind the Ankara’s Operation Olive Branch in the SDF-held area of Afrin.

On January 18, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that Washington’s intentions had been “misportrayed” and it had no plans to establsih “a border security force”. This statement clearly contradicted to the Pentagon’s official announcements. and does not mean that the program was really halted. Most likely, the “bordr security force” just changed its name as Kurdish YPG/YPJ militias were rebranded into the SDF.

Over 250 Fighters Finish Training To Join SDF's Security Forces (Photos)

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Over 250 Fighters Finish Training To Join SDF's Security Forces (Photos)

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Over 250 Fighters Finish Training To Join SDF's Security Forces (Photos)

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This is the border security forces. They graduated as that designation.


“Border” of what ? When is the US going to announce the creation of their new state of “Kurdistan” or ” Sunnistan” , as the Rand Corporation named it ten years ago . Afraid Iraq and Iran will become as upset as Syria and Turkey .


Those SDF security forces are a front. They were graduated with designation of Border Security Forces exactly like the US say. They reported it as if it still doesn’t close to it’s formation yet. Some of them were fresh conscripted by the way.


US will create the force for sure Turkey or no Turkey . Stakes too high as establishing a US base is far more important to US /Israel to counter Russia and Iran.

But my take is it will never happen nor allowed to

See what happens after Sochi


It is well they finished their training. Their first job in defending Northern Syria is already there.

It is very likely they will be deployed either to Afrin or to Manbij (most likely imo). If there are more and the fight for Afrin takes longer, expect to see more of the in Manbij.

You can call me Al

Allegedly the Iraqi kurds are going to help in Afrin.

s Slippy

Don’t you ever get tired of spreading filth? We all know you are lying.

Barzani: “We are worried about latest civilian casualties in Afrin, we urge all sides to sit and solve the issues peacefully.”

Operation olive branch has demoralised the entire SDF camp, 4 days into the invasion and major key positions have already been lost to the FSA


As you could have known, Barzani has firstly no official position anymore, but secondly, is KDP, hostile towards SDF. Offer of help came from PUK, always more of an ally of the PYD.

Shows a large measure of being uninformed imo.

You can call me Al


You can call me Al

You are such an inane, sanctimonious, antagonistic POS; after this I shall block you, so I don’t need to read your vile, pathetic responses to many of us.

Here is he link – https://www.rt.com/news/416704-iraqi-peshmerga-syrian-kurds-turkey/

s Slippy

I thought you got your propaganda from elsewhere: http://www.rudaw.net/english/kurdistan/210120181

either way, you are right I went too far. Im sorry.

You can call me Al

No worries – truce ?

As I mentioned to “Syrian Insider”, or whatever his name is – It takes a big man to admit he was wrong; so cheers, no more mention of it. Cheers


PUK offered in case of need. Cannot say if correct or not and it would (or might) be a problem getting those forces through KDP lines.

As PUK forces have betrayed their own in Kirkuk, it might be they want to restore some credibility in the eyes of kurdish population. SDF would be wise not to count on them.

You can call me Al

As stated a couple of times, literally below – https://www.rt.com/news/416704-iraqi-peshmerga-syrian-kurds-turkey/

Tomorrow it could be all different.


“great” minds think alike, it seems. Thanks for the info.


Funny the photo shows some troops have cartdriges in their Ak47 but some don’t. Maybe some can be trusted or is it a totally misused photo?

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As an aside: Ever wonder why US supplies their Mercs with AK and old Soviet bloc weaponry, instead of US built weapons? Because if the foreign troop turns the US troop AK and old style rounds will not penetrate US troop body armor. US and NATO 16 rounds have metal penetrate rods encased in bullets, that will penetrate all except traima steel or ceramic plates.


Great point, well said, and I note the point of NATO rounds. Thank you.

Bill Wilson

Cheaper in cost if not free as captured weapons from ISIS.


Very interesting fotos, as noted by B-10 most do not have magazines in their AK’s. Then we have the largest assembly with 90% togged out in jungle fatigues and desert boots, note many are seriously overweight others do not have their trousers tucked into their boots. There is also a person who might be a medic checking these dumbsters. To be honest they look more like rag-a-muffins dressed-up for a foto shoot. Unfortunately, if they are genuine they will be the turkeys in the Turkey shoot….lol

Bill Wilson

They’re for internal security forces, like city and rural law enforcement agencies around the world. The main problem Assad had long ago and today is not having a sufficient number of internal security forces to retain control of the areas that was recaptured. Took Syria some time to work-up enough units for that purpose. The Kurds are doing the same thing to free-up their experienced fighting forces to eliminate the rest of ISIS and now fight off the TA & TFSA.


Cannonfodder for the war with the Turks?

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Sorry you do not make an effecient force out of raw recruits. You need experienced cadre to lead and form unit cohesiveness. Just about lay odds these cruises were tired o not having any paying job, seen opportunity to get fed and clothed and all with a steady paycheck. Can’t blame em, same in all poor nations, and so called wealthy ones such as US and Euros. These were no more than basic trainees, to be used as garrison troops and what the he’ll they will sit on butts for 8, get fed, relax for a few hours out in places with nothing to spend paychecks on. Drive around in brand new trucks and military toys to impress local boys and girls, and to break the monotony shoot a couple goat or sheep and herders who never gave a fig about imaginary borders.

Hide Behind

Any real student of military knows it is far easier to start a war than finish one, and in US empire building it is exceptionally easy to find dupes to bear the cost of injuries and inflict misery upon others, than using and possibly losing own troops. Very strong comparisons between New World Orders tactics with how Greeks and Romans pacified then policed their conquered lands, hire locals to kill locals who then blame each other not the Empire for their misery. And besides, it is less costly, in U S case, where the dead leave widows or whomever they named on gov issued insurance $250, 000 policies. Or have to pay own wounded medical care and pensions for life, plus spouse and kids payments. A wrongly murdered Afghan, Syrian, Iraq or African cost at most a mere $1500 as blood debt. And no payments need be worried about from millions of deformed births due to use of depleted uranium and phosphates waters. Life is cheap, if you are not of Euro Centric nations

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