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MARCH 2025

Over 40 People Killed By US-led Coalition Airstrikes In Deir Ezzor Province – Media

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Over 40 People Killed By US-led Coalition Airstrikes In Deir Ezzor Province - Media

© USAF / Tech. Sgt. Taylor Worley / Reuters

Over 40 civilians were killed by US-led coalition airstrikes on the ISIS-held town of Bukamal in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor on Monday, Sham FM radio reported.

The US-led coalitionintensified airstrikes in the province of Deir Ezzor and in southern Syria as US-backed militant roups launched an advance along the Syrian-Iraqi border.

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Remember the USA philosophy…if civilians die,… this happen because they deserve it (God will).

Jens Holm

It was already invented in the stone age or before …

martin aguilar


Jens Holm

More like Syrians do it with themselves just being assisted here and there a little too much.


Still wondering what the real intent here is. The one thing I am sure of is that the US main objective is not to fight ISIS.



Trump’s new slogan is “Let’s make ISIS and Al Qaeda Great Again !”

Jens Holm

Who drives Your parambulator.


Jens Holm “…Who drives Your parambulator….”

Your question, feel free to answer it yourself.

Jens Holm

If You start with something total false, anything after is true. Poor You.


Jens Holm “…If You start with something total false, anything after is true. Poor You….”

Face reality instead of the stupidity you see when looking in the mirror.

Facts: ISIS is still in place after 6 years in both Syria and Iraq because they are financed, armed and supplied by the US led “Terror Axis”

Trump will visit their USA ally next week, Saudi Arabia which is the biggest financier of Islamic Terror in the world.

Saudi itself has spent over US$80+++ Billion around the world for Mosques, Schools, etc., where Jihadists, Wahhabi and Salafis are groomed to become part of the “Terror Axis”.

Saudi and Qatar have spent over US$20+++ on Terror Groups in Syria.

After 70,000++ sorties by the US, UK, France, NATO, Turks, Arabs, etc., with precision guided missiles, ISIS are still in place, trained, armed and logistics supplied by the “Terror Axis”

The “Terror Axis” is led by the USA, UK, France, NATO, Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, etc, who are unlawful facilitators of Terrorism in Syria and other countries by unlawfully financing, arming and training terrorists as well as unlawful oil and weapons trafficking and unlawful trading with terrorists.

martin aguilar


Jacek Wolski

Mob mentality, you’ve been watching too many ISIS propaganda videos. Tone down your ANTIFA rhetoric please.


martin aguilar Jens is so stupid, he does not realize he is stupid, LoL:)))

Concrete Mike

Good job explaining that. Did you maybe for to include Israël in There?


Concrete Mike “…include Israël in There?…”

Israel is at the hidden top in the scheme of things.

The use of the I, J, Z H, etc., word is sparingly done because it enrages the Hasbara and the Sayanims “Slaves” like a red rag to a bull.

Depending on the news article, Israel does get included as follows:

Israel is the Hydra, a multi headed serpent which controls the “Terror Axis” the state sponsors of terrorists and terrorism.

The “Terror Axis” is controlled by Israel and led by the USA, UK, France, NATO, Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, etc, who are the unlawful facilitators of Terrorism in Syria and other countries by unlawfully financing, arming and training terrorists as well as unlawful oil and weapons trafficking and unlawful trading with terrorists.

martin aguilar


Jens Holm

Its an honor to be called bastard by You, when I compare with, what You write here. Tour family might be the reason why we came in zero as a number.


Obama has happily admitted to funding and supporting his CIA liver eating, head chopping tribe.


So the US has displayed its hand , the USAF crossing at Burkamal . Next would be Mayadin . A column of tanks ( unknown number ) crossing at Al Tanf and heading north east to Hamamah . If the Tiger Forces have not gone beyond Hamamah , they could get cut off from Deir Azzor . If the Russian and Syrian Air Forces fail to take out the column of tanks , and the Tiger Forces fail to reach Deir Ezzor , the new nation of “Sunnistan” will be born . The war will be won or lost in the next few weeks .

Bill Wilson

You must not have been paying very close attention to the war against ISIS for quite some time. The coalition air forces have been bombing ISIS along that stretch of the river for several years and will be concentrating on it now that ISIS has moved their “capital” to Mayadin. The US/new FSA have taken positions along the T2 highway and airbase which prevents ISIS from using all the decent roads heading west from the river. Now their only fast routes out go around Deir Azzor or down along the river to Iraq. They still can access some rough unimproved roads that are agonizingly slow to take since they snake around some very rugged terrain but I imagine that the US and UK Special Ops have mined those in the damnest places that will render those unusable when detonated.


Bill Wilson ; you are a smooth talking , Yanky apologist . You are are good at sales , as in , tell them what they want to hear , but America’s intention is not the liberation of Syria from ISIS , or Al Qaeda , despite years of bombing . America’s intention is to oust the current Syrian government of Dr. Assad , with one that will obey orders . Turkey used its invasion of northern Syria under the pretext of “fighting ISIS’ , to acquire territory . The US/UK ” coalition” under the flag of the FSA , is now invading southern Syria , with the objective of acquiring territory under the pretext of “fighting ISIS”. This territory (desert with oil infrastructure) will not be given to the people of Syria , but rather taken from them . That is the 80+ % who live under the Assad government , but rather to some unknown mercenary or jihadist who will follow American orders . The objective is to fracture Syria by using this territory to create what Ms. C. Rice called “Sunnistan” , or what the Rand Corp. , called , an “International Administrated Area ” (Coalition) . So for quite some time you have bought into the “we are the good guys” story . Reality is “we are Corporate interests” .

Jens Holm

Which planet are You on a which year.

But funny You name SAA as any factor in that. They have the whole mainroad from Palmyra to Deir El Zor having those mixted US/Britt/FSA likes 60 km away. How long wawing arms do You have.



Reality: Over 40 Civilians Killed by US led “Terror Axis” airstrikes in Deir Ez Zor Province.

Jens Holm

Assad say.


Jens Holm “…Assad say….”

Sham FM radio say:

Over 40 civilians were killed by US-led coalition airstrikes on the ISIS-held town of Bukamal in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor on Monday, Sham FM radio reported.

The US-led coalition intensified airstrikes in the province of Deir Ezzor and in southern Syria as US-backed militant roups launched an advance along the Syrian-Iraqi border.

martin aguilar

JENS yank brit- shit or nazi-israeli , you are being fucked by sirians-russians and iranians, so now go and find another country to destroy….maybe North Korea ? yemen ?…. you still have many places….

Jens Holm

Not Russia. We soon will need sibiria for parking space.

I have always been against were are in the Middle East and the things there confirm, we should just out a fence around it starting west of Istanbul.

But our parlament is for, we should be there.

Im very much for vindmills and solar energy so we can avoid any contact. Figgs for Christmas can be grown here in green houses if they has to.

Oil out. Food in. Fair prices – and thats it. Happy ?

Fucking is also a kind of relations. Fine if politics has more like 50/50 in gender. Hard to be Markel or the new brittish one.

Jacek Wolski

Using profanitys doesn’t make you any tougher. Typical school yard bully tactics. Try structuring your sentences in a meaningful way.


Didn’t they take out over 60 Syrian Forces, claiming it was friendly fire, whilst providing air cover for ISIS in the area?

They are so desperate for that area.


AMHants “…Didn’t they take out over 60 Syrian Forces…”

The failed B movie actress, Samantha Powers insincerely apologized (the recording was analyzed for tonal expression and body language) and admitted this act at the UN.

Russia said at the time that 62 Syrian Military troops were killed, while the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, a monitoring group (run by one man in a mini supermarket) put the casualties at 83.

Detailed Reporting in the Telegraph: US blames ‘human factors’ for coalition airstrike that killed dozens of Syrian soldiers http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/29/us-blames-human-factors-coalition-airstrike-killed-dozens-syrian/

Bill Wilson

Is Sham FM operated by the ISIS Broadcasting Network?


Bill Wilson This came up on google:

Sham FM is a popular radio in Syria. This radio station is broadcasting from Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. It is playing various genres of music like Top 40/Pop, Arabic Music etc. Sham FM is operating in Arabic language. This radio station official website is http://www.shamfm.fm


Fritz Otto

This nonsens has been discarded by RT-Deutsch in his format 451° some weeks ago. Its pure and full crasy nonsense – but it seems that Trump as again some problems with the industrial-military complex… Best would be to remember the Guantanamo Peoples who are sitting there since 2001 now 16 years! How many deaths may they have had to die!?? – And there are supposed some more ships in international waters where “no right seems to rule” but just good enough to keep anybody with any message far from home…


I bet they didnt even get any terrorists, or maybe like 1 or 2


The US-led coalitionintensified airstrikes in the province of Deir Ezzor and in southern Syria as US-backed militant roups launched an advance along the Syrian-Iraqi border.

How come the US are back to airstrikes in a nation they have not been invited to invade? I thought Russia withdrawing the Flight Safety Agreement was a good move. Now, the US are back to their old tricks and so desperate to take control of that area. How many died the last time the US led allies provided air over for ISIS in that area?

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