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Over 40 Terrorists Killed By New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes On Central Syria: Monitoring Group

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Over 40 Terrorists Killed By New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes On Central Syria: Monitoring Group

A Russian Su-24 takes off on a combat mission at Hemeimeem airbase, Syria, on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015. IMAGE: AP PHOTO/VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV

The Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) have intensified their combat operations against ISIS cells in central Syrian, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on March 10.

According to the London-based monitoring group, Russian warplanes carried out 280 airstrikes on the group’s hideouts in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa in the last four days. At least 55 airstrikes were conducted in the last 24 hours only.

The Russian airstrikes were focused on:

  • The vicinity of the towns of Ithriyah and Rahjan in eastern Hama;
  • The Raqqa desert;
  • The administrative border between Raqqa and Deir Ezzor provinces.

The SOHR claimed in its report that the last wave of Russian airstrikes on central Syria had claimed the lives of at least 43 terrorists of ISIS.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and other pro-government factions continue to operate against ISIS cells in the central region on the ground.

In the last two days, army units eliminated an ISIS cell and destroyed a vehicle in western Deir Ezzor. Other equipment of ISIS, including a motorcycle, were seized.

The recent operations by the SAA and the VKS limited the ISIS freedom of movement in the central region and forced the group to step down its attacks. Heavy human and material losses were also inflicted on the terrorist group’s cells.


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johnny rotten

Warning: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) Is Funded by the British Government.


Those who don’t know that by now ….can hardly understand what the hell ‘r you talking about


deep state.aka blair,may,cameron,raab tryhards

Ivan Freely

SouthFront needs to add a disclaimer in their article whenever citing anything from the SOHR.

Just Me

Yep, the two MI6 lonely p o-ofters in a London flat, just like the Mossad Debka disinformation site that no one reads now as it collects data and plants viruses.

cechas vodobenikov

and probably by CIA a better source is Syrian girl partisan often censored by utube/f-book


The Ziocorporate terrorist globalists still have many more Saudi petrodollar-funded Salafi terrorist madrasas to hire new ISIS tools.


who did the bombing of the rats?! Putin did it B I T C H !

Lone Ranger

Oy vey…

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


Too gory and the bits.

Just Me

Personally from a tactical point, the Idlib headchopper terrorist pocket is shrinking and it is time o carpet bomb and artillery strikes 24/7 after giving the civilian and 48 hour window to evacuate and then unleash hell. Russia is expanding its presence in the eastern Euphrates and expanding the Palmyra airfield and deploying BVR radars and SAMS. Perhaps, it is time to bring in the Iranian airforce as their Phantoms with experienced pilots can deliver a very heavy payload as they did in Mosul in 2015 against the headchoppers scum. It is time to finish off the terrorists once and for all.

Lone Ranger

Hear hear.

Just Me

These dumbass terrorists are plain stupid and even a complete fuckwit should realize that Russia and Iran are expanding their presence in Syria and are not about to let the headchoppers even hang on to an inch. The US is cynically preying on these illiterate Wahhabis by getting them killed for a lost cause. The Americans are not going to die for them in Syria, so if the terrorists are wiped out and no cannon fodder recruiting left, then Syria can concentrate on getting the Turks and their US masters out. Getting control of eastern Euphrates as Russia has realized is now crucial. The extension of Palmyra base is a good move. Iran had been focused on that for long time as it controls the highway to Beirut. Concentrated resistance attacks on US forces in both Syria and Iraq with daily IEDS will seal the deal for the demoralized terrorists.

cechas vodobenikov

the presence of so many civilians complicates the removal of the amerikan/turk proxies in Idlib


Oh well.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan nazi regime makes terrorists; Russia sends them to heaven America bombs wedding parties—amerikan decayed empire already living in pre-electric LGBT/BLM hell


Whether wedding parties by American bombs or Russian bombs … I’m ok with it

Russian bombs kill indiscriminately … who do YOU think you’re kidding?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?

Eliminate the Jihadis / Islamists plaguing the Middle East …



I agree tzatz, in the end The U.S, Israel and Russia all share a common goal – to kill the Jihadists. I hope soon after Bibi’s gone a new Israeli PM orders us to enter Gaza and restore back order. 30K Islamic madafakas will surrender, die or swim to the sea.



ALL Muslims aren’t Jihadis/Islamists

The Abraham Accords have made that plain!

Common interests bring states together …

The vile Ruskies that populate this site are extremely bigoted … I HATE them back exponentially … lol

The Jewish State can handle what the vile Islamists can throw at them …

Stay Safe bro


Thanks man, I hope in Canada you’re also doing fine.

Most of the clowns here didn’t even spend one day i nthe army, but they think they know everything. The day we decide to unleash our true firepower at Hamas or Hezbollah, the world will see what happens to anyone who fucks with us.

That day is not far.

Hasbara Hunter

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…BoOOMM!!! https://youtu.be/4RBMu4zcqvQ


IDF pork chops, (by Hezbollah) Fried Jew Chicken…screaming like p i g s…. disgrace!

Blas de Lezo

It’s fun to watch sisies bent over.


Canada is infested with Bandera scum,many of the Ukrainian SS Galician div were sent there by the British after the War,so you are probably talking to the grandson of one of those bandera bastards that butchered Jews in Ukraine.


Cromwell, he is Jewish so he is for sure not on of them. Regarding the SS scums, the Mossad took good care of them with the “Nazi Hunters” unit.


Hasbara Hunter

Spare me your B*llshit….You Parasites are the REAL NAZIS…the AshkeNAZIS…you folks invented the word after WWII as a Reference & sick Joke to what you Khazarians had accomplished in WWII & the Creation of Balfour-Declaration ISraHell….Vatican Rat-Lines…Operation Paperclip…read your own history boy

Chief ZioNazi Rothschild won WWII

Clarence Spangle




Clarence Spangle


Clarence Spangle


Just Me

LOL. What a load of Hollywood crock.


They butchered Christian Poles as well, in the most horrific ways possible.


I’ve been in a tutorial room at the Munk Center sitting alongside the sons / daughters and grandchildren of the ‘bandera bastards’ you speak about … lots of Ukrainians in Toronto

cechas vodobenikov

only 3 nazi nations voted in UN to oppose condemnation of nazi expressions/symbolisms—USA, Canada, Ukraine….no surprise the German Jew, Adorno conducted anti-semitism studies in USA during WWII–he found amerikans far more anti-semitic than ordinary Germans of that era


Adorno was a Protestant his father converted and his mother was a Catholic … but his DNA had Jewish ‘brains’ in them no doubt …

Americans were / are racist … no doubt … the KKK were active as well as ‘Jim Crow’ … Canada had a ‘Nazi’ rally in the mid-60’s where my father brought a ‘tire iron’ to use against them

BUT … there was NO nazi government in the US or Canada … killing Jews

That was a white European issue … ALL Europeans took part … not just the Nazis … it’s a stain on ALL white Europeans … full stop


Snap out of your dream brah…..lol…..wake up….I poured you a fresh pint here…..lol

Just Me

LOL, says the brat living in the basement.


Frankly, you need a diaper change.

Kill the turks

Muslims are all terrorists


Not all Muslims …

all those doing Jihad for the sake of Allah must be eliminated

Kill the turks

All of them

Just Me

Only Jihad allowed for Zionism LOL


Zionism isn’t on jihad … that’s a Muslim concept

Zionism is nationalism for the Jewish People

Israel defends itself FROM the Jihad for the sake of Allah … eh?

I’m keeping score …

Whose winning so far?

It’s a rhetorical question … eh?



Come on doc, here you play Israeli shyster, but over at Press TV you’re a hardcore punjabi jihadi from pindostan?……lol……Come on doc……make up your mind no?



tzatz … is me

Someone in Iran must know ‘my’ POV and is using ‘Tzatz’ to say whatever … it’s NOT ME … I’m Canadian


Just Me

Really over 2.2 BILLION of them LOL

cechas vodobenikov

racist tritzy projecting her xenophobic racism onto civilized peoples


you worry about you half caste parsi now facing extinction, what to worry about Iran throwing jihadi in death pits brah…..lol……Stop joking with me man….lol


YOU’RE clueless …

Iran’s Mullahs / IRGC will be remembered as the ones who brought Iran down in flames … the vile Mullah Police State is going down


No way doc……Remember how Artaxerxes brought down the Egyptian empire. He then enslaved them all. Cambyses later repeated this feat on Athens.


Athens was NOT defeated … and hundreds of years late Alexander conquered the World …

The Persians have been in decline for centuries … millennia


Hasbara Hunter

Ephraim Benjamin…He is a Mossad Agent….He was a top #ISIS leader in Libya https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba614364eeb356c0bf6a0cbc4cfade623cc35ce5c5ec09211eb9981557ba10be.jpg

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b6438c207592b5c858c7ceeb5d420975aca9cf93d5d5ba6ed749246ff674c21.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dcb15970b96b891eb78b6c7597d801cd3dca2a5d3a1381d9875cd49a96afa2df.jpg


LOL!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/eb884df060fe915ad2dad2a6cc3211bff1663ce1067250089ec01636946efd28.gif


yes brah…..Iran kills all your wahabbi jihadi ‘mudafakas’…..lol……yo can’t fool us now can ya?

Ashok Varma

Silly chit of a attention seeking boy. Post some Vietnam era lunda bazaar uniforms :) Now run along little chapati warrior.

cechas vodobenikov

tritely needs rehab—too much meth in village,,,you are a backward racist barbarian liar Russia takes great care to avoid civilian casualties


Russia doesn’t give a sh Xt about who or how many Muslims they kill … they Bomb hospitals / women / children too

You’re a fool if you believe ANYONE believes they don’t …


cechas vodobenikov

tritz upset–boyfriend can’t afford lube….u r so stupid u believe your fake news—Daniel Boorstin described all north amerikan media as “a collection of pseudo events”…He wrote, (north) amerikans live in a thicket of illusions: they demand illusions about themselves”…your LSD hallucinations consistently farcical


Russia and Russians are racist as well …

The Russian military has targeted Syrians … they call ‘terrorists’ in hospitals and in cities … INDISCRIMINATELY … no smart bombs … just bombing whole neighborhoods … WAKE UP – WE SEE YOU

Hasbara Hunter

ALL Moderate Headchopping AngloZioNazi-Mercenaries will Fertilize Syrian Soil…send them to their 72 Year Old Virgins….

Kill the turks

You want to kill terrorists drop your bombs on Baku and Istanbul and Ankara and kill everything that moves.


I think we are all slowly acknowledging this reality…….unfortunately it is slow bro……because mass killing is looked down upon in most civilized societies including Iran. However……don’t worry…..If it is anyone who can do this job, it will be Iran. Iran and Armenia are locked in civilizational battles against enemies of humanity. We know what to do. Turkey needs to be dismantled no matter what. They don’t understand!


And just for entertainment Frankly, who is going to do this carve up of Turkey?


The Troika……if need be. It’s not hard.

cechas vodobenikov

if SOHR claims 43 actual number probably 433

Just Me

Let’s hope so, the Russians really need to unleash hell.

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