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MARCH 2025

Over 650 Idlib Militants Surrendered To Government Forces: Homs Governor

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Over 650 Idlib Militants Surrendered To Government Forces: Homs Governor

AP Photo/Thanasis Stavrakis

Over 650 Idlib militants have surrendered their weapons and returned to the government-held part of Homs province, provincial governor Tal al-Barazi told media on August 15.

Al-Barazi added that these persons had previously left the Homs province to Idlib refusing to reconcile with the government. However, then, they changed their decision.

“As of now, about 650 people, who left the city with arms for Idlib, have returned. They have got back and live in their homes,” the governor noted. “There have been no clashes since the agreement on national reconciliation was signed. Law enforcement agencies monitor law and order.”

The provincial government also revealed that during the reconciliation process backed up by the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties, about 80% of the armed groups in al-Rastan, Al-Dar al-Kabirah, Taldau, al-Ghantu, Tell-Bisa and Houla stayed, while 20% refused to surrender arms and were taken to Idlib.

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Hopefully no sleeper cells, but how do you tell?

Richard Hipkin

You can’t, that is why it is always very tense in these liberated areas and so much mistrust. One wrong word or action could see violence rise up again. Russia are doing a sterling job though at these reconciliation attempts…


I would be interested to see the source of your statement Richard. It is logical but an actual ‘on the ground insight’ would be interesting to read.

Have you visited these areas since the reconciliations ?


The guy is saying what Mad Dog Mattis has said about one year ago


I live in hope Jorge :)


They would love to go on war, but they can’t. Their mercenary armies are being defeated, and tey aren’t eve punics because they haven’t any Barcas, Amilcar or Hannibal, they are just a tiger paper, as said Mao Ze Dong ( it’s the only thing I agrre with Mao).


The terrorists biggest weakness is their gang culture and the internecine rivalry over the ‘spoils of war’ that results from that. They fight for the area they control or seek to control only.

The SAA and her allies fight for the preservation of Syria and the nation states of their various allies.

Rafik Chauhan

SAA take their indentity and where they stay and their family details where they going to stay. Any mischief from them will be hell on them.


Don’t sleep.

Michał Hunicz

Wise choice people, now show yourself as good guys and join the SAA!

Val Shadowhawk

Good move Syria!! You have exercised some serious restraint, given the sheer level of barbarity and ruthless cutthroat (pun intended) behavior these traitors exhibited while under the influence of zionist proxy takfiri trash.


You are giving too much importance to the zionist nazis.


Yeah…. Black Nobility… Them Royal Inbreds of Europe… Multinationals…. and sum other fuckheads too

Richard Hipkin

To avoid bloodshed at all costs is most welcomed. Reconciliation is one thing though, maintaining that will be a challenge. There is always the threat of sleeper cells, smugglers and criminals who will jump at the opportunity to attack from within.

Promitheas Apollonious

the risk always exist but Syria needs to normalize and function as a whole country again with law and order base on their constitution is established then they separate the black sheep from the white. Until then they must do the best based on the cards they holding in their hands.


No, there isn’t. But good luck to conserve the Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Utah and the rest from the sleeping cells within.


These are the smart ones. Hopefully more will follow suit.


Really the only issues left to resolve in the war are getting the US out of Syria, which I’m I’m sure that there are a range of plans to effect, and resolving humanity’s Jew problem, which is the cause of this and many other wars. I’m the only one that I’m aware of with a comprehensive plan to do this, which I’ve outlined in detail on these threads over the past couple of years. Which is fair, legal, non genocidal, planetary dejudification as part of a new age transformation of our planet into becoming an ET race and civilization ourselves with extended lifespans on a Jew, war, poverty and pollution free planet.


This is one way to deal with the evil Jew AshkeNAZI villains like Benny and the leg breakers who are currently carrying out one of the greatest in your face blood baths against unarmed civilian protesters in human history:



Jew death cult fratricide is examined in depth in this article:

“In 1934, Stephen Wise, head of the American Jewish Congress said:

… I cannot be indifferent to the Galuth [the Jewish diaspora living outside of Palestine] … if I had to choose between Eretz Israel and its upbuilding and the defense of the Galuth, I would say that then the Galuth must perish.”

– The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration –


Val Shadowhawk



These are just the war crimes that aren’t easily covered up. I don’t think that 911 type lies are anything new. They’ve been standard operating procedure for a long time.

Val Shadowhawk

Indeed. Now is the time for us ‘commoners’ as it were to sound off in every way. That is the way to let ‘them’ know we are on to their tricks. Any further actions in the future will not work to stir up confusion and divisions in our ranks. It’s over.


The internet is the new msm, and the monopolies on disseminating information are indeed over. Jews own and operate the largest internet sources of information like Google, YouTube and Facebook. But unlike the old msm, they don’t have a monopoly on what goes on these platforms and are constantly engaged in damage control.


“Casualties and damage

As of 13 August, 168 Palestinians had been killed.[5] For the end of July 2018, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, the casualty breakdown was as follows:

155 killed, of whom 23 were under 18 17,259 injured”

– 2018 Gaza border protests –


leon mc pilibin

That should be Nutandyahoo


Should have Chopped them all up….throw them in the Meat-Grinder…. and produce some good Dog-Chow


Clever people.

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