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Over 80 Militants Killed, 100 Injured In Clashes For Armoured Vehicles Base Over Past Few Days (Photos, Videos)

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Over 80 Militants Killed, 100 Injured In Clashes For Armoured Vehicles Base Over Past Few Days (Photos, Videos)

Syrian Army tanks near Harasta district, by Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

On January 10, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) captured several buildings in al-Ajami neighborhood of Harasta district east of the Syrian capital, Damascus, according to pro-government sources. The SAA also repelled an attack of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement and its allies around the Armored Vehicle Base.

An officer of the SAA’s 4th Division told SouthFront that the SAA has killed over 80 fighters of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement, Faylaq al-Rahman and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and has injured over 100 others around the Armored Vehicles Base over the last few days. However, according to the source, the base is not secured yet.

From its side, opposition sources said that the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) conducted over 353 airstrikes against Ahrar al-Sham Movements and its allies in the last 11 days. The source added that the SAA fired over 440 Syrian-made heavy rockets against the radical groups in Harasta district during the same period.

Jaysh al-Islam announced that in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta its fighters attacked and captured a position of the SAA around the village of Ayn Zuriqa. The group claimed that its fighters killed nine soldiers of the SAA and captured three others during the attack.

Over 80 Militants Killed, 100 Injured In Clashes For Armoured Vehicles Base Over Past Few Days (Photos, Videos)

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Over 80 Militants Killed, 100 Injured In Clashes For Armoured Vehicles Base Over Past Few Days (Photos, Videos)

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Over 80 Militants Killed, 100 Injured In Clashes For Armoured Vehicles Base Over Past Few Days (Photos, Videos)

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Over 80 Militants Killed, 100 Injured In Clashes For Armoured Vehicles Base Over Past Few Days (Photos, Videos)

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Jaysh al-Islam had conducted several hit and run attacks against the SAA in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta in the last few days. These attacks are an obvious attempt to assist the Ahrar al-Sham Movement’s attack on the Armored Vehicles Base.

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My tactics may be a bit old school , but I do not comprehend why the SAA is only attacking around the Armored Vehicle Base , the whole pocket should be under attack .


Think that also just launch a bunch of small scale attacks but not enough to cause a huge counter attack and chip away little by little then strike but from other areas with a big push, but IDK how the SAA numbers are there.


There is only so much the SAA can do. Its not as if they have well trained 500,000 or more men in their army and Syria is a large place to defend from well organised ( by the US Coalition) terrorism that as we have have seen , can erupt anywhere. Its not like a conventional war where there is a reasonably well defined Front Line.

Every new conflict is often very different from that of the past and the conflict in Syria is no exception.


SAA lost way more than 9 killed. They lost 6 generals, many young officers and enlisted ones.

They lost tanks and many more in the base undergoing repairs.

In addition, SAA and RuAF killed way over hundred women and children.

Yeah, a great accomplishment.


Shut up kike

Mattias Dahlström

The jihadists are either killed in Syria or one day they will kill you in Amsterdam.


Lets hope they get flights to Amsterdam then and give the Syrian civilians a rest Perhaps the White Helmets that the Dutch have helped to finance can also be of use there :)


Terrorists need attention, so they will go to france or the UK, more media cover


It will be Karma when they arrive in force. Especially with their skills in drone warfare :)




Zionist ones. :)


Fine with me, but there are other fuckers as well. Some oil towelheads for instance. Its not so difficult. Just take a small speedboat loaded with explosives and ram one of those private luxury yachts in the mediteranian… Hey any terrorist reading this? Go for it!


I would enjoy that as well Matt. There would likely be issues though if any child sex slaves and indeed adult sex slaves were on board some of these vessels.


Or give people like DN tickets to Syria so that they can tell them to their faces what he tells us here every day and see how he does.


Closing your eyes to reality is beyond stupid. Dumb commenters only reading in their tight sectarian little circle where they are sheltered from reality are pityful, but hey, be my guest as long as you are able to act and react normal.

I have reflected on this during the holidays and come to the realisation that I despise hate spewing warmongering commenters to the bottom of my heart. See, I can even say it without namecalling and vicious ranting and hatemongering.


Reality? The government is killing more terrorists than they’re losing of their own people, and the number of civilian deaths is dropping as your Jew proxy terrorists are driven out of Syria and the amount of land that they control decreases:

– Casualties of the Syrian Civil War –



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wait so you hate yourself, I didn’t realize you hit rockbottom in being a shill Hermann you need to talk to someone and deal with this as it will only harm you in the future.

Larissa Vanderbilt

“tight sectarian circle . . ” wtf has this idiot been smoking?



Tudor Miron

Dutch at his best again :) Spreading BS all over SF comments. “They lost 6 generals, many young officers” (c) More than that – they lost 1 generalissimus or two and KurdoAmerican flag is waving over Damascus. (sarcasm)


both the article and the dutch comment could be BS, how knows? well, we do not, that is for sure!!!


One can look it up in wikipedia. All the generals are listed by name.

Btw, Harasta is still besieged in the sense the corridor is not fully open. See :

Secular Syria ?? ‏

@syria_true 3 u3 uur geleden Meer The base in #Harasta is still technically besieged. Soldiers at the base said that the road they opened to the base is still not secured – situation is still very tense, as #sharia folowers?#salafi Ahrar Sham,?western moderats?Faylaq Rahman and AQ #HTS continue to attack


Yes DN, these people have Twitter accounts: http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/BsicWGgIMAAAmDG.jpg-large-e1438964920816.jpg

Larissa Vanderbilt


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Great sources all pro jihadi terrorists all these groups are so credible they were in their own positions trying to pass them off as SAA positions,lol.

You do know that the jihadist terrorist have lost over 400 dead and more commanders and leaders than the SAA and that is a huge loss as you see how inexperienced these new commanders of theirs are. They have several Al Qaeda linked groups here as many are not FSA troops as claimed by the west.


The issue that he’ll never talk about is that they wouldn’t have lost anyone if his filthy Jew buddies weren’t waging their terrorist proxy war against Syria. Or what they’ve been doing to the Palestinians for over 100 years now.

Larissa Vanderbilt

He is a low I.Q. moron, probably living in Kiev and on limited welfare, while he continually pokes at the SAA and Russia. perhaps he was jilted by a young lady in Eastern Ukraine and now carries a vendetta against all things Russian..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nah, dutchnational lives in Amsterdam and when he leaves the area his blood pressure rises to his head giving him a blood contusion causing him to act this way.


You do realize it was Ahrar al Sham, Faylaq al Rahman and HTS who started the offensive?


He did not see as Dutch covered his eyes :)


To report honestly, as SF is doing less and less, you do not have to be partial, just honest.

I do not like the attackers here, but I must be honest, neither do I like SAA and RUAF, bombing civillians mostly.

I can find that rebels here have been fighting bravely against overwhelming odds without supporting them politically. I can hope SAA will defeat IS, while hoping that SAA gets smashed if they attack SDF. I support SAA defending civillians and hope their pilots burn in hell for their barrelbombs.

Reality is sometimes complicated, but hey, hatespewing commenters here do not have to worry about reality and they don’t.


I’ve posted more links and evidence here than anyone else. That you won’t go near with a 10 foot pole. Because it shows your filthy Jew buddies for the criminals that they are. You’re idea of being impartial is ignoring the guilty. And the evidence proving it.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is less honesty in what you say as we see how everything is misrepresented as collusion in the media with intelligence agencies is the norm. Well lets look at these alleged secularists and revolutionaries a video from February 2013 showing a little boy singing a song while holding a knife about attacking Kefraya and Fu’a and killing all the Shi’a there. Assad child killers playing a game of football with children you can find links to these on twitter Ali@Ali_Kourani. This is why you are so conflicted with yourself and nothing else you can’t handle the truth it’s eating you up and will continue to do so.

Igor Dano

go to the hell, jooo and killer.


DN’s sources:



According to DN’s bizaro world view, if you criticize the people in the picture above, you’re antisemetic, and that the people in this picture are also antisemetic: http://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/imagecache/mbdxxlarge/mritems/Images/2017/2/14/19190ea4d7884ca49afe6cbe1584af6c_18.jpg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Here we are talking about the 4th division and the Ghaith brigade and the units that came here recently, the losses by the Al Qaeda terrorists have been huge We know they have all sworn loyalty to Al Nusra or HTS as they are called years ago. The terrorist attacks on civilians are just that done by Al Qaeda Terrorists as none within this region seem to be really innocent of Terrorism.


Syria war is unlike the kind of war US /Israel wage where the generals are safe in operations room out of reach of their enemies.

Here the generals move about in ftont lines all over Syria. One general killed another takes over.

What is more sickening is you guys support Terrorists and dream of setting up another ‘Israel’ in northern Syria which even a brain dead child will know it is impossible looking at the forces against that.

In short you guys really lack brains and as usual will fail .


This pocket will vanish once Idlib is under control.


It has been evident in recent days that an order has gone out to the UK MSM for ‘reports’ of civilian casualties in Ghouta . Yesterday there was a typically amateur video of the White Helmets ‘rescuing a child :) It showed the rather rough handling of a baby as it was roughly dragged out of a collapsed building. Frankly it looked to me as if the baby had been stuffed into the debris in order to get a suitable rescue shot.

In my opinion all this caring crap by the US MSM indicates that there are some serious assets in Ghouta that the US Coalition of Terror is desperate to conceal via a ceasefire.


you might be right, these videos and pics however don’t show shit!


All they show is the typical rushing around in circles of White Helmets and ‘beautiful babies’ that have been personally bombed by President Assad before he had breakfast.


i was talking about the footage on SF in this article



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just all fake propaganda from the white helmets they snatched the baby from one of the locals and as usual used their typical bogus Al Qaeda ways.


They even caught the babies head on some reinforcement bar as they dragged the child out of a small space that was quite safe and time was not important. No fire, smoke etc.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They don’t care if it’s not their child being used in the video, just like that one who at Khan Sheikhoun who had 25 relatives die there. He was affected by the “gas” and yet his clothes were totally dry no water on him or anything ,too much theatrics and they are getting caught due to bad direction and recycled victims.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Guardian and all the other rags are just that used for wiping ones ass and the catalogues are for looking at they need digital outhouses for digital asswipe ,something like a recycle bin icon.


Agree that there are some important assets in East Ghouta.


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