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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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On September 22, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and other pro-government factions, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, are developing momentum against ISIS terrorists in the two main areas:

  • on the western bank of the Euphrates, northwest of Deir Ezzor city;
  • on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, northeast of Deir Ezzor city.

On the western bank, government forces conducted a surprise attack against ISIS unts deplyoed southeast of the ISIS strong point of Maadan and liberated a number of villages, including Halbiy, Zalbiya, Qasabi and Maadan Atiq.

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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With this advance, the SAA and its allies de-facto created a Maadan pocket and encircled remaining ISIS members inside it. If this pocket falls into hands of the SAA in the near future, the Syrian military will be able to free a notable force for future operations in eastern Syria.

On the eastern bank, the SAA and its allies repelled a sereis of ISIS attacks on the villages of of Marat and Mazlum and captured Khusham village, located on the road between the area controlled by US-backed forces and a road towards the border with Iraq.

Clashes also continued in Saqer Iland in northern Deir Ezzor. ISIS fiercely defends it because the island could become an important foothold for government forces advancing inside Deir Ezzor and its northeastern countryside.

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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At the same time, the situation remained unclear with Al-Isba and Tabiye oil/gas fields. On September 21, pro-Kurdish sources claimed that the SDF has seized them. However, no photos or videos from the area have appeared so far. Local sources report that a figihting is ongoing in the oil fields area. Thus, it’s possible that the SDF has not been able to secure the fields yet.

Photos from Saqer Iland:

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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Photos from the ISIS side in the  same area:

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 22, 2017 (Evening)

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SF …. We need you to zoom in on the area East of Deir Ez Zor so we see something. We realize that area is very fast moving.


This SF map from earlier today is better. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3517ec8b0b55af273ca472c0adcff293f493542a8a3b679b559247fd385c2055.jpg.


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are definitely running a Potemkin strategy since they are pulling troops from Raqqa that is about 75% captured and the civilians will suffer longer, think the US will carpet bomb it with those bombers after they declare no ISIS is there.

You can call me Al

Thank you; I am glad you requested that change as I wanted to as well.

Valery Grigoryev

Interesting: on the second photo from the ISIS side there is an inscription on the wall …in Russian:)))


It says “Toilet” I think.

Valery Grigoryev



The Russian word for ISIS also?

Valery Grigoryev

No. For ISIS the relevant word is говно :)


Govno. In CZ, this is hovno, this is what is in the toilet?

Valery Grigoryev

Exactly:) Our languages have the same roots.


Might as well say that “Chechens were here!” :)

Valery Grigoryev

Don’t think so: Chechen supporters of ISIS would never use Russian words, as they hate Russia.


They do hate Russia, sure, but I have seen many videos where the Daesh Chechens speak in Russian with each other.


Dont worry lavrow just told today at the UN Syria wont be divided, that means after isis they push the kurds back were they came from!


And this map gives you a good idea where they came from. Notice … no Kurds are located in Deir Ez Zor province around the Euphrates. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/daf0d4bbc4765ec7967105d1abc2198f0e78c177d16d895d440ff6f964a351f0.jpg


that map is outdated pal


Tt’s the map of the future, pal.


Mayebe, it would be more then great for them if they could govern all of that by themselves.


Maybe, without US and Israeli interference.


That will not happen, both are players on the M.E. chess board


That’s exactly why kurdistan is not wanted there, it’s just a tool to put pressure on other countries, it’s not like they care about kurds.

Valery Grigoryev

Agree with you comprehensively.


that is why they want kurdistan, it weakens the others……


How about this map? Is this outdated 2014 ??? Notice it is the same …. no Kurds are in Deir Ez Zor province. NONE !!!




They are now, together with their arab allies and the BIG help of the US. Lets see what happens…. I think they will pull back eventually, they are working together with the SAA for years now. Look at Alleppo for example


A lot of progress since then! Interesting, thanks.

Valery Grigoryev

Interesting. I had never known that Deyr-Ezzor was populated with Armenians mostly. And yes – that area never was Kurdish.

Tommy Jensen

These Kurdish areas in Iraq and Turkey have to be defended with Israel nuclear missiles and plenty of USA military bases close to Iran´s borders to defend Kurdistan against aggression from Iran and Turkey………for freedom.

Arseniy 'Motorola' Pavlov

Time to airlift some Chechens to the oilfields.

DJ Double D

Reports Coming in that the Kurds have shelled and fired upon SAA troops crossing the Euphrates. Big escalation!.

The Farney Fontenoy

If the SDF have occupied the oil fields, then there is no way around it; it’s full scale war with the Kurds, the Russians will have to make a choice, stand by their allies and fight the US, or back down & look like complete fools… hard to know how this one will play out, maybe we’ll have a nice false flag at the UN??

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are posting a lot false flags advances and have only just got the equipment and still short on manpower to make the advances they have claimed. The two FSA units in South eastern Syria won’t fight for them since they won’t take part in crimes against Syrian civilians, which some of these terrorists seem fine with going along with the Kurds on.


Plausible, but how are you able to assess that?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There are just too many of them and SAA advances into regions where SDF claimed to have captured they did this around Tabqa all the time nothing new as this old strategies using disinformation. Noticed many of the pro SDF/ISIS sites started putting out this information. The FSA groups Sharqiyat and Abdo both want nothing to do with the SDF others just barely who left there.


I see, holographic warfare.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA will cut across the river and capture road and villages to stop SDF progress along the road hopefully they have those new T-62 amphib tanks and the BMR-1k to cross the Euphrates making this approach fast , since they arrived in August.


Nice to see the old tanks useful, these are ultimately from the Kharkov plant? Modified later?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These are the new water ones they have modified later as they are meant for crossing rivers and lakes.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

All those MRAPs they are supplying the Kurds is an example of US stupidity, they turned down the RG-31 Charger project with GDLS and BAES and they are now replacing them with it. US buy America policy gone wrong always a waste of taxpayers money for expensive garbage.

DJ Double D

Reports coming in that the SAF and the Ru Air force have launched attack on the Kurds in Deir Ezzor after the Kurds shelled at SAA trying to cross the Euphrates. If confirmed, this will indicate only one thing: ‘No More Game As Usual’.


link ?

DJ Double D

Just wait for open confirmation. My sources are either on the grounds or associates of those in the area.

Solomon Krupacek

maybe fake



Great news if true!


Let’s hope they finish off these PKK terrorists and thieves!


SDF move towards Suhwar not on this map.

Suhwar is central city in the Khabur valley. Once the city is taken, everything north of the city will fall, in time, to the SDF.

Assadophyles are overobsessed by oilfields.

While SDF no doubt is interested in having some extra oilfields, they think liberating the people, the countryside, is more important.

In some weeks, it will be clear who gained what and imo most commenters here will not be happy, or lets us say they wll be happy to rant their racist and sectarian bs some more.

Tudor Miron

SDF think liberating the people? Give us a brake :) I suggest you post such BS alswhere.


Obviously your think that you are posting on JP or cnn or bbc or fox ..aren’t you?

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