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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On Septemer 26, 2017 (Map, Videos)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On Septemer 26, 2017 (Map, Videos)

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On September 26, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) consolidated their control over Nashad and Mazlum villages on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and continued clashing with ISIS terrorists in the area.

Separately, reports appeared, that government forces captured Hatlah Tahtani village northwest of Nashad. If reports are confirmed, ISIS units in the northern part of Deir Ezzor ciry will be fully besieged by the SAA and the NDF.

Saqr Island east of Deir Ezzor had been one of the key ISIS logistic hubs before the liberation of Hatlah Tahtani. Now, the importance of Saqr Island is much lower.

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On Septemer 26, 2017 (Map, Videos)

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Earlier on September 26, the Russian media officially confirmed that Russian troops had established a bridge linking the eastern and western banks of the Euphrates. The 200m-long bridge allows to transport armoured vehicles and battle tanks.

Meanwhile, Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers struck terrorist targets in the provinces of Deir Ezzor and Idlib. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the missile strikes destroyed “command posts, troop concentrations, and military equipment, as well as ammunition depots.”

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On Septemer 26, 2017 (Map, Videos)

Click to see the full-size map

Meanwhile, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) liberated Al-Suwar town from ISIS in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to pro-SDF sources, the SDF even crossed the Khabur River near Al-Suwar.

The Russian military has established a temprary bridge through the Euphrates River:

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High time SAA and SDF reach an agreement on autonomy.

Syria has to take care not offering too little too late.

Their choice of course. The consequences of their (non) actions too.

Trustin Judeau

Even if the goverment agrees literally with all of their demands “SDF” will not sign the agreement . The leader of “SDF” Brett McGurk wont allow this .

Solomon Krupacek

who cares? kurds let saa in their territory, and your yank friends must go.


Or wait it out till the situation in kirkluk explodes and elsewhere too, why give the land and resources to thieves, they have got no right to own it.

Jc Plancarte

Kurds are already telling the arabs to get the hell out of their stolen lands right after their sham election!!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=905544059609820&set=pcb.905544072943152&type=3


and fully racist election as only ethnic Kurds were allowed to vote and not the majority of the inhabitants of the Arab areas they invaded, a real apartheid…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Feyli Kurds they are Shia and other religions and oppose and have fought them the last time in 96′ the referendum and 2 parties of the coalition opposed the election.


An armistice , is a good plan , but the SDF is controlled by the US . Syria can not , and will not agree to any Kurdish autonomy that includes an American presence on Syrian soil . Autonomy within Syria has been granted three or four years ago . But it did not grant the power to make international agreements , that is strictly the power of the federal government . The Kurds have been deluded , by siding with the nation that has used ISIS and Al Qaeda against their sovereign nation , Syria .


SAA is blocked. They’ll be happy to catch few hundred meters on the east bank of Euph opposite to DeZ city…


Still bad news for SAA, it will be totally blocked for going to northeast or even east on the other side of the river. Let us see what is the plan to do something in that area. Oil fields in Omar probably are already lost, but I hope to be wrong.

Trustin Judeau

SAA has still way – capture the villages south of DZ to this http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=35.164266&lon=40.377502&z=11&m=b&show=/37239471/Aş-Şa‘lū ,cross to Busayrah and from there Omar

Solomon Krupacek

also you dont believem that this will happen

Jens Holm

You realy dont get it. SAA havnt troops available for such movements at all. They might have within 6 months or a year, if they can reduce more green one and release troops from there.

But SAA should take the parts they can. Its “their side” of Eufrat still having 100 km ISIS. And above that after Khabur there might be more.

Stupid to take DEZ like that and its not taken yet. When SDF tryed to the northern part to help – so to speak – they were striked and stopped. Now russia and friend has to take that part too. As expected it seemes being fortified some.

And the kurds dont die, because they only take deserts and hamlets.

Well, SAA win very slowly because they are so stupid in so many matters. Dont blame SDF`s for that. They havnt blocked anything. ISIS has.

Jens Holm

Those are not lost at all. Im sure those will be shared if some kind of Counsil is made there. Before the uprise all oil and gas were given to friends in damaskus. So the grabbers might be the ones, which actually lives there.

Share – ever heard about it. Probatly not. More like 51% can do anything to the 51 and all in Syria are happy sheep, because all the unhappy ones systematicly has beeen killed.

Deo Cass

The Syrian government forces need to make a lightning advance on the Eastern banks of the Euphrates river all along the Iraqi border and seal it off to prevent the US/SDF/ISIS coalition from linking up to Iraqi Kurdistan and the projected US pipeline from illegally passing through Syrian sovereign land and linking to the stolen Deir Ezzur gas and oil fields to supply Western Europe from the mputh of the Syrian people. From there they could advance towards Syria’s oil and gas fields in Deir Ezzur before the US/Zionist/SDF/ISIS terror coalition steals them from them. If need be the Iraqi soldiers or PMU could also help greatly by advancing from their own postions towards the Syrian border to seal off the border to prevent the Iraqi Kurds from transiting goods, oil and gas illegally through the US/Zionist invaded and occupied Syrian lands.

Floyd Hazzard

The Russian bridge leads to nowhere. America has done what they refused to do, which is suppress the advance of the opposing army.

Jens Holm

Yes, and now SAA has to take that probatly hard side of DEZ all by themselves blaming SDF for non-fighting and grabbing oilfields.


no worries Turkey Iran Syria and Iraq have one common enemy! Big gang bang on the horizion!


“America has done what they refused to do, which is suppress the advance of the opposing army.” Right. I’ve noticed how the Americans have bombed the bridge. Oh…wait…

Jens Holm

Not even close to the real world. More like some lightning hit Yourself.

John Brown

Who cares who has the oil fields today when they are barely working? Who will have them in the future is what matters. More SAA tanks and heavy armor and many soldiers across the river. Racist supremacist Jews are doing everything they can to provoke the SAA, so Israel can order more of its slave American Goyims to die for a greater racist supremacist Israel. Simply put, Putin did not show up for the war into which racist supremacist Israel is trying to lure him because the racist supremacist Jewish slave empire is losing the peace everywhere and quickly. This is a part of his judo tactics..None of this matters for the kurds As I predicted when Turkey invades very soon the Kurds will be running to the SAA for protection begging for their lives but with their recent behavior in Deir Azur they have most likely already destroyed themselves. The SAA may protect some of the Kurdish civilians but probably want the SDF to be wiped out by Turkey for their treachery. So while the idiot greedy Kurdish leadership races to occupy oil fields far from their supply lines the SAA and the Turkish army will be making a pincer attack to occupy all the major Kurdish cities in Syria such as Al-Hasakah, Qamishli, Tell Tamer, Kobanî, etc. What will it matter what oil field they claim to have then when their government is dissolved. Turkey will attack the Kurds first and invoke the NATO charter for support. So either racist supremacist Israel and the global Jewish slave empire will order its (as the racist supremacist Jew Henry Kissinger said American soldiers are stupid animal beasts to die in Israel’s’ wars) slaves to surrender back down like NATO did with the Greek Cypriot Turkish war or the Kurds and any American slave forces will be quickly defeated by Turkey, Iraq Syria, Iran Russia and China in a very short conventional war which will also most likely be the end of NATO or racist supremacist Israel will escalate and cease to exist.

John Brown

Part (2) It is 100% certain racist supremacist Israel will back down because they only like to fight to the last stupid animal beast American Goyim soldiers. then initiate some kind of propaganda offensive as it is better to have all of the3 stupid animal beast American Goyims die then one racially superior Jewish fingernail of the master race is to be broken etc. As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. … If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. — Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.


That oil is going nowhere. Erdogan is very close to sealing off its transport through Turkey. Although that would hurt his son and business cronies economically, it will destroy both Iraqi and Syrian Kurdistan and reduce Israeli interest, as Israel has been doing well brokering stolen oil via Kurdistan. This is why the Syrians and Russians are not alarmed like the armchair warriors are at the sight of the Kurds and US special forces pushing south. That oil is useless if it can’t be exported. Erdogan hates the Kurds much more than Assad does.

Dod Grile

This seems to be a case of what is Syria’s land doing under our CIA cannibal terror gangs? Murder Inc looks to be cruising for a bruising… well deserved.


Time to level Langley.


@deocass:disqus A little ambitious are we , must say those “embedded” with ISIS would be a good beginning . Plauseable denyabilety , well deserved indeed .

Solomon Krupacek

the russians should be finally show some testotserone and muscle:


G Jetson

Just watched the video; personally I don’t think that bridge can hold a tank – it does not look and sound secured.

Solomon Krupacek

should be able up to 60 ton


This rules out Ambassador Tefft.

Richard M

Pontoon bridges are designed to be flexible.


It’s pretty obvious that this is not a pontoon bridge (a.k.a. floating bridge).

Richard M

How so? The poles are to fix the bridge in place horizontally, not to support the weight of vehicles.


You must be joking, right? You can not see that the brige is more than a meter above the water (i.e. not floating), and made out of prefabricated steel elements (i.e. not capable of floating). Also, you don’t need to be civil engineer to see that vertical poles support weight and diagonal cables stop it from swinging. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6a876fc55a475de4a3b6eb2168f1d1ddd25f9de15167b815df826675ebc7705f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cc0266a36efd8df15acbd6d4b2125dabe2990917d9cd52f7dfb25871892f0889.jpg

Richard M

You can see the pontoon boats at the far right. Some pontoon bridges have widely spaced boats.


I can see everything except the pontoon bridge. Maybe because there isn’t one there.

Richard M

In any case, the bridge is functioning, not failing. Which is what was originally alleged. :D


No, he was wondering whether it can withstand a tank or they would have to ferry them. I consider that to be a legitemate concern. https://twitter.com/MathieuMorant/status/913749848511348736

Richard M

With the bridgehead established, more substantial bridges can be built. Like the 1950 Inchon Landings. The danger was in the first day.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Those are designed to hold 60 tons in a fast river this type of bridge construction is common , in World War 2 the allies would have Canadian bridge engineering units build bridges in a matter of a couple of days.


For those so worried about SAA being blocked and expecting them to move fast and capture their territory back I would say, war is not easy. if it was easy they would have finished ISIS by now… The fact that they have gained a large portion of thier territory back, while fighting not only against ISIS, but also interference for most Western countries is a testament to thier resolve. SDF can grab all they want, that does not make it Legal. Bottom line is can the SDF hold territory without aid of the U.S and the answer is NO the long game is key to this war. Russia has been of a great help, However, How far they are willing to go remains to seen. Will the raise the specter of full blown war to the point that the U.S backs off ?I don’t think Russia wants to get in a shooting war with the U.S. same cannot be said for the latter. However if it comes to that, the Russians have proven time and time again that they are capable of finishing wars that others started.


Our biggest problem are our elites, they have hidden and invested lots of money in the west, that’s the main reason for Russia being so slow, but at least they are doing something, sometimes i wish that Putin would be a terrible dictator like Stalin than we wouldn’t have had this problem.


I believe the Russians are deliberate in thier actions in Syria for reasons that might not be clear to those of us speculating on outcomes without insider knowledge or experience in war matters. IMHO I think Russia Russia is capable of excelerating events, but has chosen not to, perhaps because it does not want to give a reason for further U.S intervention… Perfect example, when the Russians deployed to Syria in 2015 it was so quick, the U.S was not expecting it.. In the same manner Russia has the capability to close off Syria’s Airspace in a matter of a short time, given now that a large portion of Syria is under government control, but it has chosen not to yet. Why that is? Well that remains to be seen.


That’s actually what i said in my post above, lol, whenever Russia is startrs performing well, there is always some kind of pressure from the western politicians, most of the times it’s the pressure on business, like for example Noord stream 2, behind the scenes the euro firms have been working with Russia, investments, opening new factories in Rus etc etc, this is also why they are keeping it down, trying not to push US coalition into a corner, leave them some options.

Jens Holm

Its named as world economy. We in it are depended in it and make production and money by it.

Thats why people with money in the middle east invest in our economic climate and not into all the jewish references 1400 yers ago.

Of course economics are important and available as weapon. You have had that since ancient times. Some might have forgotten USSR actually collapsed, but the bad habits of the communism isnt gone. They are just like You and dont understand, whats needed for an effective raising and securing even its own economy.

So they are not onlý more dependent to the rest of the world. They seemes not to learn how to make their many good ressourser into really expensive products, but export raw materials. Well, weapons has raised especially rockets.

Russians has no reserves and seemes with Putin only to go back to some bad communist habits in economics as well.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just not the western world as much and make more with the rest than they do with the west. The US does forget it farmed out most of it’s manufacturing and they are more subject to a global economy than anyone else. US has no reserves they are broke and bankrupt their actual GDP is closer to 12 trillion and they rely heavily on imports and selling expensive and crappy military equipment to keep their economy stable.

Richard M

Like WW1?

Floyd Hazzard

We are talking about the biggest oil fields in Syria. They should have been protected at all cost. BTW, The Turds in Iraq also sized the oil fields of Kirkuk with American help, so that should have been foreseen. Russia has done a lot, no doubt. They have even sacrificed lives. Still, I for one has not really been impressed by how they pussyfooting around certain issues when they should have been drawing lines in the sand….literally.


Agreed. I do think though that the situation is rather far complex than just plain Black and white, good or bad. given what happened in Iraq beginning in early 2003 and the destruction of Libya by NATO. One would think that measures would have been taken to avoid such destruction from occurring again. large portion of what happened in Libya can be blamed on the Russia,China,failing to veto the U.N resolution 1973. Some of the Russia’s actions in Syria seem to contradict their resolve regarding Syria’s territorial integrity. my speculation is that Russia made a deal with turkey, to support Russia’s position when it comes to resolving the Syrian crisis in exchange for the S-400, lifting of sanction,Turkey becoming a Hub for the future Gas pipeline (if that can still happen) and supplying Europe etc.. sometimes you have to work with people you don’t necessarily like to achieve a desired outcome. I still do think that there will come a time when the Russians and Chinese realize that the West, in Particular the U.S does not deal in Diplomacy, but rather coercion,war, and destruction and will have to make a choice. Fight fire with fire or watch the world burn under U.S hegemony.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Neither Russia or China were capable like they are today their economies weren’t as they are today and confrontation back then would have been economic suicide.The US is falling apart at the seams they have many people in their sphere crying out for equality or independence. The double edged sword of imperial aspirations is he natives do become restless.


It is true that Russia and China back then were not economically strong, but the least they could have done is not abstain from the Vetoing resolution 1973. Even if they vetoed it it was not going to stop NATO’S actions in Libya, but at least symbolically they would have been on the right side. An argument can even be made that both countries are still at a disadvantage in the event of a conventional conflict. Only thing that has stopped that so far is their nuclear deterrence. I believe both countries are playing the long game and waiting for the implosion of the U.S economic system. Besides economic collapse is a better way than fighting a bloody war.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Thought about this a while ago and conveyed it on YouTube with all that has passed and will come to pass. Had 100+ likes before it was deleted by YouTube it lasted only a few hours, analysis and strategy to defeat it.

Jens Holm

You might understand Russian does, whats best for them – Thats what they promised.

They kept the regime alive and not to knock down. By that they have expanded in the region with upgraded bases and it seemes like they are making 2 or 3 smaller ones as extra. Thats a great succes.

And they kind of help kurds in Syria and see them as some spendable buffer even protecting Assads treating. At least Afrins like that. They care less for the rest. Fine contrast to Turks being Nato.

So in facts Russians dont care much about the rest of Syria unless fx US and Turks do. It seemes like USA give a last try to expand the Ýellow zone becauase so many arabs in SDF and some associated want that.

Thats why I see russians(+iran+hisbollah) being so entusiastic at D.E.Z.

I dont see Syria as any succes at all made by dividing and clllecting so many provinces. Thats what it was in Ottomans at 1856 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8188c793cb3e85f5e73cb8ad5e0c9c483c05c0f0050fa2dd3c7cf2f6dfc7e878.jpg

Well, compare with the warmaps. Its very semilar in many matters.

haha -You even have a kurdistan region equal to syria. And by that You see that the questin of manykurds in north also is about moving the borders of Aleppo, Raqqa a.s.o. hard south making Turkey.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

All countries who sell military equipment do the same thing , but the S-300 is old equipment and the same as the one they used domestically, you mean the S-400.


This is a good point…Unfortunately, it seems to me that Israel is a secret ally of Russia

Jens Holm

Very smart to take out important parts of, whats going on. Like a car salesman selling them with no wheels and its dark too.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US is a bully and given a solid bloody nose it will get the point and Europe is not only talking about building an EU Army but abandoning NATO that changes US prospects.


this is good news

https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2017/9/26/assad-regime-says-syrian-kurdish-autonomy-negotiable https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-foreign-minister-us-supports-isis-kurdish-autonomy-negotiable/



So you’re promoting Kurdish independence again Matt? Quelle surprise.


Parle vouz francais? C’est gentil! Les articles sont ‘a propos de gouvernement syrien qui est prêt à négocier avec les Kurdes sur l’autonomie. Sa bonne nouvelle!!


He’s a filthy Jew

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He is Jihadi Julian what do you expect.


Ladies and gentlemen.

We all need to take a moment to breathe. The situation is not as dire as you all may think. This is the government we’re talking about. This is the legitemate army of a sovereign state. They will not succumb to the pressures of a non legitemate movement nor the international community who only has their own interests at heart.

The SAA is smart and if they wanted to, they would’ve taken al suwar and the surrounding oil and gas fields.

Clearly they’ve analysed the situation and deemed it not to be a rat race. The government knows they will liberate those occupied territories but they won’t do it at a cost where many men will be lost.

Patience is what will win the battle.

John Brown


Jens Holm

Im so tired reading again and again some nasty dictatorship has need to be legitimized by so many lines each time the babling starts.

If SAA was smart, thay has taken DEZ long time ago from the Palmyra front. Instead we again saw it spread out as some íneffective slow octopussy, which finally reached DEZ.

1) You shouldnt have advanced along Eufrat after passing Tabqa, not involve You in Al Tanf as well as T2 ísnt taken yet.

Even telling being slow and ineffective is the same as You a´have patience make my laugh and cry even its new in the 1000001 arabic nights excuses.


Is NATO still involved in Afghanistan ? How many decades will that take! Bork :DDDD TIGER SPAM : https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg

Jens Holm

Yes we are. We have and might send some troops to Helmand again, if we are asked. We have the right kind in small amounts.

Its in a big system where we send what we are asked for at several places. We send military training for officers, we have a complete advanced radarsystem in Iraq, we send Hercules as only transporters to Niger & Tchad and cover an US aircraft carrier by a corvette against pirate at Somalia.

Sometimes we send money. Last year it was close to 60 mio. dollar, because we had few military units out in Helmand and the other places.

Im against were are there at all. I dont know how many decades it would take. Some once asked a scientist if it was true, the sun would burn up the earth after 5 million Years. The scientist told it was 5 billion years and all calmed down:)


Speaking about Afghanistan….

The U.S. replaced their hummvees with new ied resistant vehicles. Instead of scrapping their existing fleet, they gave it back to the manufacturer, general AM. General AM resold the fleet of hummvees to the government of Afghanistan.

6,500 vehicles, priced at $7,000 each. It costs more than this to ship them to Afghanistan. This is Dirt cheap.

For comparison, If you wanted to buy a street legal, unarmored hummvee made in 2002 , prices range from $40,000 to $70,000.

Here’s the question that separates the newbie from the cynic:

Do you really believe the U.S. gave thousands of combat vehicles to the Afghan army? Or is this fleet going to the Taliban, or Isis, who will “miraculously” capture this fleet from the formidable Afghan army?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US chose those OshKosh at 500,000+ a pop and it was the second most expensive of the bids. Well now since their allies bought the cheaper, better and more reliable RG-31, they too now buy that one to replace OSHKOSH.

DJ Double D

Oh my God! Can you read and understand your own writings?


Jens is off his meds.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is rich from an armchair troll about what they should have done, and shouldn’t have done. This is a game for keeps and the US is losing with their fake war in the region and documented video making and then leaving ISIS hold the positions. They will soon have to leave the region and CIA won’t let it’s PMC mercs die in vain either then they would have no US troops. They are bleeding ISIS at T2 and when they secure the third flank the battle will be over pretty much over.

The Barzani/Kurds in Iraq will be defeated and cornered since they have very little combat experience and a division among themselves. The US and SDF will see their agents among ISIS killed and new orders for ISIS coming soon.

Just keep dreaming about how the SDF and CIA are going to pull this off.

Manuel Flores Escobar

USA change his puppet…SDF instead of ISIS!…the purpose is the same!..it is to steal oil fields and create Israeli Kurdistan!..ISIS only was a just a tool for that purpose!

Jc Plancarte

ISIS was the excuse to enter Syria after Obama backed-off from his “red line” threat and Russia prevented the imposition of a “no-fly zone”..

Floyd Hazzard

Obviously America has done what Russia didn’t, ie, suppress/the advance of the opposing army. Right now the bridge leads to nowhere and the Turds are advancing rapidly. They will occupy the whole eastern bank at that rate.

Jens Holm

I dont think so. They will get too long unpractical supply lines. The max making sense to me could be the whole Khabur river leaving the rest of Eufrat to Russians and Assads.

If I remember right and things havnt changed, there will be many ISIS families, so they might have to manege many of those too. SDF has no lack of refugees as well as ISIS soldier prisoners. But they do have lack of facilities to them even UN drive 24 hours.

Winter is comming. Too many already are in only in tents.


It will take a few more days, but there will soon be about 3000 SAA across the river. Then the SAA will begin to drive around in the oil and gas fields. Keep in mind that these fields are a very large area, about 12miles long and 10 miles wide. There is no fence and the Kurds cannot keep the SAA out.

At the slightest provocation from the Kurds, (and the SAA is looking for one) there will be a massive SAA artillery response from across the river. The Kurds will have no alternative but to quickly withdraw. The SAA will quickly, in about 2 hours, occupy the entire area before a cease fire can be arranged on the hot line. …


I think the SAA bridgehead has all ready gained in strength. Hope to see them take Al Tabiyah to the SE ASAP. :)

Jens Holm

Thats next downstairs.

Jens Holm

Far out.

Tom Tom

I hope you’re right. Sounds right.

DJ Double D

A Russian Helicopter was probably shot down in North Hama country side.

Tom Tom

Its possible the Russians already made a deal with the Americans to let them have their partition of Syria, or what’s behind door #2, actually agree to that, and wait to pounce in all out war in one hour to destroy America, which would have to involve first strike nuke subs of west and east (and gulf coast) coasts of U.S.

The Russians know if they were to bomb SDF the Americans would attack them and do the same so its likely they’re already set in place for actual world war.


No need to become hysterical ! Perhaps you do do not see the line in the sand just north of the river rail line. Do you not see it on the map, it’s a very fine line indeed ! Time to expand the SAA bridgehead to the south east. :) GO TIGERS GO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg

Rodney Loder

US is making more than a habbit of backing down they have to fess up I think that means festoon up, Merkel’s pin has been pulled, Germans will distance themselves so as not to be close when she goes up, the new regime will be further away from US. FP. Trump is in the hot seat he can choose one of three theatres to make a stand, it has to be one or the US is on suicide watch, it very well could be Syria because the Kurds are still little darlings almost as spunky as jews to debilitating bombastic senses, also there is a Theological reason for saying it will be Syria, fundamentally overreach is ending at the beginning, destiny is a reversal of creation as creation was a reversal from residues or initially rudiments. The West used my intellectual property to create israel, Trump will try to permanently side line me by attacking in Syria, that would be an act of reinventing the wheel if it goes ahead, all I have to do is complain, I may or I may not depends on what I get offered.


Look at the map …. Eastern Syria is lost


Are you going to cry like a baby? SAA taking Deir Ezzor is a great victory!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ff94513c388dc784fe118c42fe70228887b0f02852eb9494599395ede541697.jpg


And just the beginning of reclaiming the east bank .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No chance US/CIA/ISIS-SDF lost fields are still in control of ISIS , they now lost face as being a fake movement and they will need real damage control. Don’t be surprised if they start attacking SDF/CIA troops soon, they won’t expect it and will be pushed back Shahadaddi in short time.


I hope this will happen, and that you are right… :-))


The creation of the bridge implies that the Russians/Syrians already have turned both sides of the Euphrates at Dier Ezzor into a no-fly zone. The question is, at what point will S-300’s and S-400’s be stationed there and the entire eastern portion of Syria declared a no-fly zone?


Hallo Russia, SAA, Iran …stop them please !!!!!!!


The map around Deir Ezzor looks a bit like the one to the south-west of Raqqah, when the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers were flown over the Euphrates to obstruct the Syrian advance from Palmyra. The US head-choppers etc didn’t stop the Syrians that time so perhaps they’ll fail again.

Solomon Krupacek

were flown over the Euphrates to obstruct the Syrian advance from Palmyra.

when did this kurds or fsa?


Syria is no more and never will be Kurds and Sunni dont wanna live under Dictator and Massmurderer Assad.

Biji Kurdistan

Jordan Katz

“Syria is no more and never will be Kurds and Sunni dont wanna live under Dictator and Massmurderer Assad. – Biji Kurdistan” Says the Kurdish dude as they flatten the city of Raqqah…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sounds like the real mass murderers are the Kurds and they are under the control of the US and that would make them complicit in war crimes.

Bryan Johnson

How are Isis able to coordinate attacks . Do they have satellite information . A command centre?? Someone feeding them information .

Bryan Johnson

How is Isis able to get so much military equipment to defend them self ?? . It’s like a never ending supply.

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