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Overview Of Battle For Afrin On March 9, 2018 (Maps, Videos)

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Overview Of Battle For Afrin On March 9, 2018 (Maps, Videos)

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On March 9, the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) advanced on positions of the Kudish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in the village of Kafr Safra north of the town of Jindires and the village of Maryamayn east of the YPG-held city of Afrin.

According to pro-Turkish sources, the YPG had already withdrawn from Kafr Safra. However, this still has to be confirmed. If Turkish forces establish control over Maryamayn, they will be able to use this settlement as a foothold for an attack on the Afrin city itself.

Separately, the FSA and the TAF entered the area of the Maydanki dam and reportedly established control over it. The Maydanki dam is one of the main sources of water to the city of Afrin. Controlling the Maydanki dam, Ankara and its proxies will be able to impact water supplies to the YPG-held area.

On March 9, the TAF’s general staff released a new statement claiming that 3,149 “terrorists” had been “neutralized” since the start of Operation Olive Branch in Afrin on January 20.

Meanwhile, reports once again started circulating that the YPG is once again negotiating a wide-scale deal with the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance. Under the alleged deal, the alliance will allegedly use its influence to halt the Turksih advance on Afrin. However, it is not clear with what terms the YPG is ready to agree for this goal.

Videos of the TAF and the FSA advances:

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Kurdish animals, you should build golden statues for Assad and pray to him (and unite with government part!) for his willingness to allow this:



They brought in a convoy of civilians, mostly old women and some younger women, and old men. What are they going to do? Act as willing human shields? wtf


really? i have no idea

Joe Dokes

The Russians are charging $1100 a head to get over the checkpoint crossing, the only ones paying to get into Afrin are the YPG while thousands are stuck trying to get out.

George King

This is not credible, do you have a link and report, from who, when, where? “Russians are charging $1100 a head to get over the checkpoint crossing”


This smacks of fake news – there never were any Kurds in Deir ez-Zour. The major city of Jandeeris has fallen to Turkish FSA proxies, mainly Faylaq ash-Sham after it was abandoned without a fight and the entire civilian population bussed out to Afrin city 24 hours ago. I suspect this video shows these evacuees happy to be safe (they imagine). Turkey has cut the main road link back to Aleppo so no transport can come from that direction. What insanity would make people travel from Qamishli/Hasakah to the Afrin war zone ???? Afrin city itself will be isolated once Turkish forces seize the imperative heights just 3 000 meters NE. Fake news ?


Fake news ?

I do not know. Maybe, it is.


It’s either be under Turkish rule or ASSAD’s…no on between.

Kurd’s choice…. Somehow still stubborn Afrin is more important than eastern Syria as it’s their homes and families. Leave Eastern Syria to Americans to fight there and see how long they would blast against Assad.

Joe Dokes

The only thing the NDF managed to do was damage a TA129 helicopter that was shooting at them, then F-16s dropped several bombs on their position. With 1,700 YPG reinforcements the Kurds are still the only credible resistance to Turkish aggression. If Assad is going to get serious he needs to deploy the full weight of his Russian backed military against Turkey. It doesn’t look like he is willing to do that.


I could not imagine a single rationale reason how someone, or president Assad would even think for a second getting benefits from such an campaign, inspite of never getting any permission from the russian to do so and expecting support.

Joe Dokes

Turkey has the stated aim of overthrowing Assad, the taking of Afrin will link up its financially backed terrorists in Idlib. If Russia doesn’t want to lose Assad it is in their direct interest to stop Turkey.


Too late – Turkey intends to permanently occupy all northern Aleppo and no country, not Syria, Russia, Iraq, Iran is going to engage in a shooting war to stop them. This is the brutal reality.

Joe Dokes

Looks that way. The only resistance will be a US protected YPG and Peshmerga force that will wage a Vietnam style war for Turkey that will lasts for years.


Lol we saw that “vietnam” in afrin with 12k fighters still losing. 1700 reinforcements wont change a tbing. And peshmerga hates the PKK

Joe Dokes

The Orbat at the beginning was 2300 YPG, adding 700 from Aleppo, 800 NDF and now 1700 YPG from the East. Total force over the entire campaign is 4700 YPG and 800 NDF.


Keep Bullsh.tting retard is that what YPG told you to comfort your a.s ? Turkey alone killed 3k of them all reports YPG had 8-10k ad the beginning with THEIR OWN CLAIMS in feb they brought 5k reinforcements with the convoy acording to there own propaganda! That means 12-15k by now. And still thinking about additional 2k reinforcements.

Joe Dokes

The human rights watch says only 334 YPG have been killed and is what international organizations report on. The Orbat at the start of the campaign was 7 regiments of 350 strong YPG units, 700 came from Aleppo later, 800 NDF and now 1700 YPG have left the campaign against Daesh. YPG never claimed 8-10k much less 5k reinforcements. That is only the propaganda being circulated in Turkey tells you. Most of YPG forces were in the middle of attacking Daesh when the incursion began.


Lol sure loser even YPG said so but you are in denial because they are losing btw keeps you BS thr only side that says so is SOHR terrorist london based fggt. We have a 800 picture album of your dead ratz some of them have 3-4 displaced on them hahaha keep believing your BS if it comfort your a.s you loser ?

Joe Dokes

I have seen your 400 picture album and they were all alive in the photos. Just capturing a laptop with YPG documents on it doesn’t make them dead. You can keep thumping your chest all you want, I am American so you have nothing on me.


Cry more terrorist. WE have a whole album of dead ratz I said

Joe Dokes

50 days and the might of the TAF still hasn’t taken Afrin when France liberated the whole of Mali in 10 days… honestly it is embarrassing.


Mali was taken by their soldiers retard. And turkey only has 5k troops there and still kicking your terrorist ratz despite their 6 Ears of preparations. So far your terrorists failed to conquer anything back or even kill more than 40 turkish soldiers. YPG ratz are pathetic losers. Turkey conquerd ES and afrin territory wirh a total of 100 dead. No other force is that effective. Russia lost 300 and they dont even figjt on the ground lol.

Joe Dokes

France only had 4k troops and they still kicked Al Qaeda ratz all over the Sahel. Now you employ 25k Al Qaeda ratz getting killed by pathetic farmers and little girls, not to mention your own forces numbering 15k. You outnumber them 10:1 and still can’t beat a little ragtag bunch of peasants with AKs. You haven’t taken Afrin and still suffered 400 dead, 600 wounded.


I can already tell I trigerred you little rat hard. You just went on full retard mode. I get it when your brain fails on logic you just switch to ignorance its typical for you loser terrorists. France did jack sh.t. the local forces fought. France obly send some military advisers and some special forces to advise local forces. Dozens of these weak baguettes died and never even fought. France is in no condition to conduct any military operation, its miliray is weak. Their moral is internationally known to be the lowest. Thats why they have a foreign brigade made up of non french p.ssies. our forces in afrin barely reach the 5k mark + 6k FSA vs. 15 k of these loser ratz of yours. We slaughtered them like pigs thats why they are crying non stop for help. The US even said they send so many forces to afrin, that there arent enough to fight elsewhere. Your ratz are going to die. All of them. The turkish might came. 40 soldiers dead what an achievement we slaughtered 3200 of them. FSA lost 150. and YPG dōnkeys running like some b.tches crying and begging for everyonea help even SAA now (at the begining they refused to hand it over to ashhead now they are begging for it.) the whole world saw what pathetic losers your dōnkeyfriends are. No one is crying lauder than them , but no one is going to save their weak asses from us ;)

Joe Dokes

France did a blitzkrieg across the Sahel in record time and is now known as the guide as to how to conduct a foreign military intervention. They suffered single digit casualties in both the liberation and occupation of the region. You suffered more in the first 24hrs crossing the border. Even General Odierno used it as a roadmap for future US actions in Africa. As for you having the largest Army in Europe and 2nd largest in NATO, your Ops in a Canton smaller than the size of most counties leaves much to be desired. Your forces march 100yards a day which is like clearing a field, then go to sleep, then wake up and clear the next field. All the while inflicting heavy civilian casualties because your enemy on donkeys doesn’t stay in one place. 50 days and only 5 miles, outnumbering your opponent 10:1, outgunning him, or should I say her, 1000:1. You know you are fighting a bunch of girls and old ladies right?


France never fought you loser, your BS doesnt get true when you write it a second time. France has a loser army always was always will be. Besides they outnumbered these poor guys 50:1. it wasnt even a fight more like a small skirmish. Only the local forces fought. French looked at them fighting like some donkeys overwhelmed by the situation unable to comprehend what is going on . couple of dozens of insurgents against a whole army and it still took them a year LMAO. Btw you realise the turkish arrm went 300km around the while afrin border first and is now at the gates of afrin 5km away ;) we captured 200 villages and cities while french bauguette faggots who send their foreign legions camped weeks at the jungle border afraid of going in XDD only after the french airforce burned the jungle these scared losers decided to move on XDDD and you are talking about some greaaaaat frenchily tactics XD like dude wtf come to the ground you loser these are just child soldiers they fought against hiding in the jungles XD it seems this achievement against some sandn.gger childs is the first for france since 150 years ??? maybe thats why you are so proud ???

Joe Dokes

You must have a few screws loose. France conducted power projection a full continent away on a country bigger than Afghanistan fighting from dense urban environs, to dense jungle to mountain tunnels. You only need to go 10 miles from your border to the objective and 50 days later you are still only half way there. Foreign Legions are professional trained soldiers, you flash a wad of cash in a refugee camp and can’t even bother to train FSA clowns in basic infantry tactics. The videos all over the internet of FSA are embarrassing to say they were trained by a NATO military. It is like you just handed them an AK for each man and a Toyota for each squad and said have fun.


And they are still recking these YPG clowns XD so jokes on you. YPG terrorists got armed and trained by US terr nior supporters for 4 years and they still fight and run like bitches says a lot about US standards LMAO and keep pushing that fake narrative you have been told by your fake ass media. France never foughg never won they only advised only the local forces fought. And it took them a full year XD afrin is mountainous and forested and YPG ratz digged 10s of km of tunnels and build fortifications and still got rekt hard by some ak guys with toyotas as you say XD while the guys the french pussy army tained fought months against some child soldiers LMAO when our army gets into war it ends up like cyprus and north korea bitch. We slaughter them all. It took us only half week of fighting ;)

Joe Dokes

You keep saying a year but they took it in 10 days. The stabilization force has been there the entire time which is the same thing you will have to do if you take Afrin. There are going to be tens of thousands of Kurds that will come in and make it Turkey’s Vietnam. You couldn’t even defeat 7k PKK in your own country. Now you will get that times three. Your sovereign debt rating just got listed as junk today. 12,000 millionaires have fled Turkey in the last two years along with 50k PhD holders. Your country is going into the toilet and you are worried about a few goat herders in a different country. Your priorities are really screwed up.


Keeps Bullshitting yourself you pathetic rat. It took them even 1,5 and it was a small skrimishat bestanf not a war with only 500 killed enemies in 1,5 years. The whole wotld saw what pathetic army they are. Despite their numbers they still fought so long and only killed that few. And you lost that many despite your role as passive adviser. Pathetic???Turkey killed that many in the first week ??? and btw you loser rat we saw that “vietnam” you and your PKK fkers were talking about LMAO in the end it became a slaughterhouse for them ;) now they are crying and running like pussies despite having in the first stage of war 5 times more trroops. And that PKK you uneducated reatard are talking about is suplorter by terrorism supporting countires like yours. Despite that we killed 50000 of them eliminated them couple of times and killed their leaders. But you know it better little rat. Rats are muliplying fast ;) also you loser france stil couldnt win against them even in that small skirmish and had to withdraw, what laughable clowns??? and the US still fights The taliban and al quaida since 20 years and they still didnt win. They are even stromger than before PATHETIC. LMAO look at your own economy you fking loser. Your kerdish ratfriends dont even have one. France is in a crises since 2 decades. Its economic model is a total failure, they have a 20-25% unemploment rate, no growth even downfall and their debt rate is the highest in europe ??? not even speaking of your american friends which are already dead but only alive because of the petrodallar ? while tutkey has 2 digit growth rates hahahha. Your american fggts are just jelous, because 40% of their country lives in poverty. The americans used their raring agencies allways as weapons and political tool. But their butthurz continues. They predict a economic crisis for turkey every year and every year the investors and turkey loves at these desperate fkers ??? we will pass declining francefaggots in just a decade ??? even the IWF says turkey will have a solid growth of 5-7 % for the next 20 years, no one cares what these bias american losers have to say. No one listens to their propaganda. Even europeans said america uses its rating agencies as political tool and that why they wanted to create a own EU agency. Everybody knows they are just deperate fkers. Investments into turkey are breaking all records btw and our debt rate is with just 27% of the GDP the lowest in whole europe ;) and I can alread see your poor education system having a bad impact on you, since you seem to live in your own delusional ratbubbel and comming up with fake facts, you uneducated retarded shit LMFAO 7000 people left turkey most of them gülenist terrorists poor desperate fker. You are crying I know, but I have to break your state media propaganda there were no 50Phds and 12000 millionaires who left ???. Since 2015 just 10k migrated to other countries (most of them 8k uneducated secterian gülenists , who fled to europe, have fun lol) while 180k academic turks from europe have left for tukey since 2013. europe has a brain drain to turkey right now. Of academic turks, comming to their booming homeland, because europeans have no econmic opportunities and Eu countries are in permanent economic crisis like france ? btw 30k french rats came to turkey for a job so far???

Joe Dokes

The facts are: your sovereign debt rating is junk which means the cost of borrowing will double. This comes at a bad time as your government is racking up debt at record levels, 58% increase in one year. Your trade deficit is now double your exports at $77 billion, your account deficit is $47 billion with the millionaires taking all of their money out. You are suffering a brain drain as your most educated head for greener pastures. Your growth is artificially created by stimulus spending and now you have a junk debt rating which will rapidly increase debt levels. The future is not looking so great for you and your junk debt.


There rating means nithing turkeys rates didnt change since 5 years. And turkeys debt is the 5th lowest in the world and fell another year from 30% to 27% 10 years in a row, suck you liar. While your debt increased by 200% just in 2 years. Inflation is at 9% now, unemployment rate at 9,5% while your country has 20% unemploment. And a household deficit of 114 billion$ a year ??? btw loser turkeys export broke all records again and is at 200billion$ the and imports of 220 still lower deficit of your sh.tty country with a ratio of 5:3 and a total deficit of 200billion$ ????? in 5-10 years your country will look like greece ???


And btw. Moody rated turkey lower because the economy of our country is growimg to fast ??? they are fearing overheating. They basicly saying slow it down turkey ??? butthurt loser hahaha

Joe Dokes

Moodys downgraded the debt because the growth was fueled by $78 billion in tax rebates and deferred insurance payments, inadequate FX reserves and capital outflows.


BS read the statement idiot! educate yourself you uneducated son of a bitch. you are as deserate as these donkeys here pathetic XD our reserves are currently at 170 billion$. copy that you pathetic 20% unemployment rate losers XD your debt is risen by 200% in just 2 years. Btw we dont even take credits thats why we have that fund unlike you brooke debt overloaded bitches. so we havent even anything to fear, our economy is based on our own fund you loser ratXD now go ask the US banks for some more money so your country survives another 2-3 month XD

Joe Dokes

Turkey FX reserves stand at $88 billion and suffered their largest drop in December from $96 billion due to a lowering of bank reserve ratios. The loose monetary policy has put the solvency of the banking system into question.


your government has btw a unofficial debt rate of 400& by credit institutions which it doesnt recogniz as such. so in there official household debt announcements these numbers arent even listed XDDD


you are such a loser its pathetic just as your laughable donkeys which get slaughtered by us.


I heard french soldiers screamed fotr their mothers, when they got slaughtered by child soldiers, typical french moralless scared bitches ;)


Lol and france lost dozens of baugeuttes btw. Turkeys fist died 4 days after the operation started XD


Wake up boy wake up shall I provide you with more evidence ? youtube.com/watch?v=WechP5Fd9gU m.youtube.com/watch?v=l47-olfzvuQ https://youtube.com/watch?v=2HzeAWw5leM youtube.com/watch?v=UIkDZNVm__E youtube.com/watch?v=AmldwxXVxeg https://youtube.com/watch?v=iH5Du4UkZ8o https://youtube.com/watch?v=7du7LuVTLQw youtube.com/watch?v=dg4teGQQplQ youtube.com/watch?v=ODYW9AMJfFY

Joe Dokes

I don’t drink Turkey Kool Aid. I just go by the facts.


You go by propaganda pathetic loser


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iZzCOedsYoI https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-8wF4QjC63M https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i0YmGMYRNgo


On feb 6. YPG terrorists send according to them 5k fighters. https://youtube.com/watch?t=72s&v=SfqtzjTz42g The total number is 12-15k you lying retard. Even US said a large number of YPG terrorists went to afrin and the operation halted because of that!

George King

As Turkey is a member of NATO currently, the US can not interfere with Turkey without jeopardizing the entire NATO organization bonds. Why would the Syrian alliance (includes Turkey) support the capture of Syrian Commons by internal separatist against the nation state, simply idiotic suggestion.

Joe Dokes

The US isn’t going to attack Turkey unless they attack first. What the US does or doesn’t do with the Kurds of Syria and Iraq is none of Turkey’s business. If they want to make land grabs to rebuild the Ottoman Empire then they have to deal with the consequences.

George King

You are a little behind the times on this. Turkey and Iraq just announced coalition against the Kurds in Iraq and the Syrian coalition has been doing the same, just unannounced publicly for obvious reasons. All is moving along as planned.

Joe Dokes

That is what Turkey reported, the Iraqi parliament said the Turks had lost their mind if they thought they were letting that happen.

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Kurds are very stupid. Let them withdraw from east Syria to die in Afrin. XD.


Kurds are fighting to take arab cities (Mandjib, Raqqah, DZ) and let the kurdish one defendless (Afrin). XD

Owned by US of A.


They got the oilfields – Turkey gets Afrin. Tit for tat


They steal the oilfields and USA and UK will take the money. kurds are stupid people.

Hulusi Akar

All yellow areas must be libareted from syria

You can call me Al

“reports once again started circulating that the YPG is once again negotiating a wide-scale deal with the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance.”

Remember the old saying “Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance” – “Once bitten, twice shy” ………I am in two minds over any deal unless they get out of the oilfields in the East.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

batle is over bye bye pyd pkk and all Usa dogs


Notice the headlines on Southfront:

“Battle for East Ghouta” “Battle for Afrin”

See how the propagandists here seek to conflate the RIGHTEOUS taking of East Ghouta from the wahhabi extremists with the depraved Turkish invasion of Syria (which Assad deplored in the strongest language, before zionist Putin slapped him down”.

So in the comments here most rave in support of the turkish butchers and laugh at their slaughter of kurdish alphas. Even though Turkey is working in support of the self-same ‘turkmen’ that slaughtered the russian pilot and provided the major pipeline for ISIS forces and equipment to flood into Syria (and ISIS stolen oil to enter back into Turkey).

The demons of the Deep State are laughing so hard, you can hear them on the other side of our universe. Zionist Putin has once again sold out Greater Humanity to meet the needs of his true masters. All the Deep State had to do was arrange a blindly transparent false-flag, the laughable ‘coup’ attempt in Turkey, and Putin had his excuse to agree to a very public military alliance with Erdogan.

Throughout history, the turks have been the most depraved evil butchers in the name of turkish supremacy, culminating in the Armenian GENOCIDE of the early 20th century, when crypto-jews known as The Young Turks took over the remnants of the turkish empire and repurposed it as a ‘secular’ state (the very model Israel used decades later). The Young Turks and the people who created the modern state of Israel are really one and the same, which is why Turkey and Israel have always been the closest of allies (tho for political reasons this is sometimes ‘denied’ in public).


PS once the dust settles in Syria, Turkey will return to funneling wahhabi extremists into Syria via the regions of Syria its ethnic people seek to have supremacy over, and the entire cycle or terror and war will repeat. Yet Southfront, a Kremlin propaganda front, has succeeded in converting the comment section here into a neo-nazi outlet cheerleading the turkish slaughter of kurds.

And you think our side stands a chance agaisnt the Deep State?

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