AFP 2017/
On September 14, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Syrian Republican Guard (SRG), supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces,liberated the Jazeera University from ISIS and entered the village of Baghiliyah located on the northwestern flank of Deir Ezzor city.
On September 13, the SAA and the SRG seized the key Rawad mountain that overlooks the vicinity of Baghiliyah. This set a foothold for the further operations in the area.
Government forces also continued operations against ISIS near Deir Ezzor Airport. By September 14, the SAA and the SRG had liberated the 1082th air defense battalion, the Kroum hill and entered the key town of al-Muri’iyah located on the southeastern flank of Deir Ezzor city. On Septemer 14, clashes continued in al-Muri’iyah with government troops were seeking to secure this area.
These operations of the SAA and the SRG are aimed at securing the western bank of the Euphrates River. This is needed in order to set a foothold for liberation of the ISIS-held northern part of Deir Ezzor city. The control over the bank is also needed if the SAA and the SRG are going to cross the Euphrates River.
On September 13, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) entered the ISIS-held village of al-Husayniyah north of Deir Ezzor city. On September 14, clashes continued in the same area. If the SDF secures al-Husayniyah, the US-backed force will be able to use it as a launch pad for further operations on the eastern bank of Euphrates.
SDF convoy of military vehicles, footage also shows YPJ participation of Deir-Ez-Zor Operation. pic.twitter.com/m0FmwY7qjr
— Afarin Mamosta (@AfarinMamosta) 14 September 2017
Good to see the boys have finally got a bit of time to cam that T-62 up with a bit of mud and hessian, central european olive drab must stick out like dogs balls around deir ezzor.
SAA defeating IS. Ok, well done.
The drive towards the west can be understood in terms of defeating IS, but in terms of claiming to want to cross the Euphrates, then the point escapes me.
As the SDF has already reached the riverbank more towards the east, there is no strategic point in crossing the river there, assuming the goal is to reach the Omar oilfields as they are boxed in by the SDF, even if they do cross there.
If they just want to cross and have a nice little bridgehead in almost empty desert and completely cut of from everything, they likely can do so, but the strategic value escapes me, unless they just want a symbolic victory : “SAA crossed the Euphrates”.
They are waiting for something – perhaps for IS to notice all those 17 year old sex slaves driving Hilux’s around like they own the joint lol
Agreed, the only virgins still around.
The daily Dutch Bullshit !
Look around on twitter, look up wikimapia.
You will see I am correct in these facts. Somehow SF is mostly very quick to report on SAA advances and slow(er) on SDF advances.
However. look at the last 5 days. Several reports here on SAA already crossing, about to cross etc. Now a drive in the wrong direction to be able to cross direction Omar oilfields.
Omar fields are towards Mayadin and beyond, on the other side. Exactly on this crucial point Assad dropped (allowed to be dropped) hundreds of seasoned IS fighters.
The tactics of SAA do either show an abscence of a real desire to cross – in line with rumors about a deal between US and Russia, or show suboptimal tactics.
More dutch shit !
unfortunately, he can be right
Solomon, you are jew zio and Dutch is nazi, what are you doing in this blog? Go and watch CNN.
fuck your mother, hater!
This is like they did to Al Tanf they cut it off and isolated it , the SAA is much larger than you think in 2016 they had 300,000+ Just think where they are now as they seem to be getting more military equipment.
You always bring up an alleged deal about the Russians and the US since they don’t see eye to on things like this , why do you even bring it up are you some shill and troll for them.
If you’re so concerned about human and civil rights, as you claim to be. What do you think about the tactics of the Jews who’re responsible for this war in the first place? Do you think that their evil pedophile rape cult should be outlawed and the 100+ UN and other international law resolutions that Israel is in flagrant and chronic violation of should be implemented and enforced? How about ICC and UNHRC investigations of the 65,000 mass statutory rapes in Israel every year, would you support that?
Dutchnational is a racist supremacist Mossad disinfo agent
What exactly are the SDF forces capable of against SAA and allies? They do not have many heavy weapons, and in a pitched battle with SAA and allies they would loose badly. US is providing lip service about giving them air protection, Russia is going to test their resolve, and US has to decide if they want to take casualties by supporting a proxy that is much weaker than ISIS and easily defeated. It is not much different than the drama that took place in southern Syria at Al Banf, US was totally handcuffed and their position was rendered useless.
not the little cat is important, but the lion. and the lion in an tanf stopped saa. the same will happen here :(
and the little, lean, hairless bear turns better back.
The lion was outmaneuvered and caged around Al Tanf.
but blocks the border. the goal is fullfilled. :(
US position in Al Tanf is meaningless, Syrians already build another road circumventing Al Tanf reaching into Iraq. Their proxies are gone as well, I do not see what empty meaningless goal was fulfilled. Every moronic move US makes is some brilliant idea in the mind of those that live in another reality of self absorption.
and iraq knows this? lest not happen, that only syrians build new road ;)
You’re a semi illiterate head case who spews nonsense and is a Jew pedophile rape cult supporter.
ypu made my day! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
That’s because you’re an idiot.
i am laughing on your stupidity :DDDDD
You never replied to the fact that the Russian weapons and efforts that you’ve been criticizing non stop, are clearing Syria of Jew world order terrorists and their sponsors, and are keeping NATO and the Jews off of the Syrian government coalition 99% of the time. Because you’re a liar, a fool and a Jew pedophile rape cult supporter who has no reply. https://weseeasthroughaglassdarkly.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/stop_israel_us_saudi_arabia_turkey_qatar_supporting_isis_terrorists.jpg
Russian news Tass has just reported massive bombing of al-Maydeen, which is 20 miles Southeast of Deir Ez-Zor. These were large Tu-M33 long range bombers flying all the way from Russia. These bombers are capable of carpet bombing.
D-Day has begun ! President Assad didn’t meet two days ago with the Russian Defense Minister for nothing !
I think they are going to cross the river to the Southeast. The SDF-Kurds will be stuck where they are and bleed from dozens of ISIS mortar positions right next to them.
I understand that SAA wants secure West side of the Euphrates river, but they should have enough resource to cross over to secure the East side of the Euphrates river and SAA have to do very soon if the want secure DZ Airport from East. If SDF tae the East Part of the Euphrates river paralo to the Air Port, then the Air port will not be secure for Transport Aircraft from East. Therefore, SAA has to cross over ASAP, plus the Oil fields
victory is in the hands of the blessed syrian army and her true allies for doing most of the job exterminating the terrorists …
during battle for aleppo there were nice, detailed maps. are there similar about DEZ city?
Russian news Tass has just reported massive bombing of al-Maydeen, which is 20 miles South East of Deir Ez-Zor. These were large Tu-M33 long range bombers flying all the way from Russia.
D-Day has begun ! Assad didn’t meet two days ago with the Russian Defense Minister for nothing !
More: http://tass.com/defense/928975 al-Mayadeen
More: http://tass.com/defense/928975 http://tass.com/defense/928975
Lots of unverified news about SAA crossing the Euphrates… Wondering if that is by design or just propaganda and boasting. Anyways, in the last couple of weeks, announcement of large gains by SAA have been coming over the weekends.. wondering what that’s all about. Looking at the Map, a potential crossing point would be directly North of Marba iyah. At the narrowest point. Perhaps thier move east along Euphrates is to secure the town of Marbaiyah then launch the crossing operation.
As usual SAA is lagging behind in the most strategic battle. The Kurds now have the advantage to drive past and dance their way to these strategic oilfields. Well, what can I say, – shit happens. I have already said before that my source ruled out at this point any talk of ‘air landing’ as it is too risky. Soldiers will be massacred at will. We don’t want that now. Good news though is that SAA is progressing well down and up the Euphrates. My prediction: Expect sudden force-over of the Euphrates sooner than later. This though will entail many deaths.