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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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On September 24, ISIS fighters shelled a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Russian Army in Mazlum village on the eastern bank of the Euphrates river with mortars and Katyusha rockets, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.

It’s very likely Russia’s Lieutenant General, Valery Asapov, was killed in that attack. According to Russian media reports, the general was a commander of Russian task forces in Deir Ezzor and Raqqah provinces.

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Russia will likely react to the incident with increased bombing campaign against ISIS terrorists in the province of Deir Ezzor. Strikes of Russian strategic bombers and cruise missile strikes of the Russian Navy are likely expected soon against ISIS targets.

Amaq also claimed that ISIS fighters attacked a unit of the SAA in Mazlum village. Amaq said that 7 SAA soldiers were killed, 3 other were injured, and a BMP-1 vehicle of the SAA was destroyed in the attack.

Meanwhile, the Russian Army delivered at least 2 PMM-2M Self-propelled ferry vehicles to the SAA to support its operation in Deir Ezzor province. The PMM-2M is capable of moving up to 42tons of equipment across water obstacles more than 500 meters and wide up to 6 km.

A video also appeared showing fresh government reinforcements heading for operations in Deir Ezzor city:

On September 22, the Russian military also delivered at least 2 BMK-MO boats to the SAA in Deir Ezzor. This allows to suggest that the main SAA attack on eastern back of the Euphrates river and on Saqr island east of Deir Ezzor city is yet to come.

Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Deir Ezzor On September 24, 2017 (Map, Videos, Photos)

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If it was me, I will have declared that Omar fields are for SAA and bombed SDF if SDF tries to enter there.


Would you really declare war on the US?


War on SDF. But, if USA tried to oppose, so USA must face consequences. USA can’t handle multiple wars (Afghanistan, NK, Syria, Libya, ….).

Full war. Also, I would stop exporting gas and oil in Europe if UE supports USA.


Well SDF is the US so I think it would mean war on the US. The US is not really doing anything anymore in Afghanistan but protecting their poppy fields. Libya is in chaos as the US wants and NK is just a show so the US is not really at war anywhere but Syria for the moment and the US military spending is the same as the 7 next biggest military spenders in world together, meaning they have a huge arsenal and a lot of paid mercenaries. I think that all countries fear the US.


Russia can easily destroy their stronghold with Kalibr missiles. They also can overarm SAA and give them missiles to strike SDF stronghold.

Melotte 22

Put it this way, US lost as soon as Russia took a part in Syrian war. Nothing can change that. It is just a matter of graceful US exit from Syria. Libya scenario in Syria failed.


lol….I would go to the UN and demand to see where legally the US has the right to be in another sovereign country…..no legal justification in UN charter that is called a invasion…then I would bomb the SDF.

Floyd Hazzard

I think with the best oilfields in Syria on the Eastern bank, and with the blocking at Al Tanf etc before, the rush to the oilfields should have been foreseen. It would have been easier to block them than to fight to remove them, but yes, I would hit the SDF with a frontal assault, especially now that aircraft can operate out of Deir Ezzor. As long as you don’t hit them they will think they are untouchable. You hit them once, they will think twice about everything else. Remember, even American Generals and politicians have admitted to the world that they are in Syria illegally.


It wouldn’t be declaring war with the USA. Sure the USA would threaten, cry, send nikki to the UN and find a way to get back at the Russians through proxies, but the USA will not go to war, no matter how many SOFs and CIA agents and assets are killed. Expect more sanctions though.

The fact remains that Russia and Syria are using the SDF with time and it allows them to have some modicum of control on the battlefield eliminating the need to have forces all over and in every single front, which the Syrians, Iranians, and Hezbollah don’t have.

Syria needs less fronts. Time and the SDF are giving it to them.


yes they wipe out one terrorist group at a time, first finish off ISIS, then SDF-PKK, then Al Qaida, then FSA

Rafik Chauhan



Just as legal technicality – under current international law it wouldn’t be a declaration of war on US if SAA attacked SDF militia inside Syrian territory and some embedded US SOF/ Marines personnel got killed as result – as they are stationed inside Syria without governing authorities consent or any UN mandate. But, of course, US would respond entirely illegally and engage in direct war action against Syrian state as response – which is what many in US Neo-Cons/ war-hawks circle desperately want.


It looks like USA troops (kurds) have blocked SAA movement to Syria oil fields in Omar. This is a tragedy,, from my personal point of view. If SDF’s (kurds, USA-puppets) get these oil fields they can easily construct a nation by they own (Kurdistan), that is why for they is so important to steal these oil fields from Syria. Syria-Russia armies have had more than enough time (three weeks) to stop SDF advance to these oil fields and did NOTHING for this to happen. Well, let us see now how the partition of Syria will be, although Russia-Syria-hezbolah-Iran decide other thing.


The west is just using SDF to steal oil and gas fromSyria. Kurds can’t create Kurdistan in Syria because, raqqa and south syria and Mandjib is not kurdish. The west is just using their puppets to steal oil and gas.

Melotte 22

There won’t be any partition of Syria. One step at the time. Oil fields will be under full control of SAA, regardless who gets there first.


For the umpteenth time, how are they going to export that oil without a port? The Kurds are completely landlocked, with hostile neighbors on all sides. Unless they build a space elevator, or petetion the Chaos Gods to open a warpgate that oil is not going anywhere.


IS has or had those oilfields earlier.

Erdogan was eager to buy from IS, KRG was eager to buy from IS, Assad was eager to buy from IS. All with a discount of course.

When SDF takes over oilfields, at some time there will either be a deal like already existing re oilfields in Hassakah, or oil will be, underhand, bought by Erdogan, Assad and Barzani.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Erdogan was buying for US/UK/Israel interests in the region you have to follow the money.

Plus stop your typical deviant behavior of being dutch as they are the most racist and despicable like any other ilk like that.

Besides they will be ordered to hand over the oilfields and if they refuse they will be seen for what they truly are land grabbing thieves and oil thieves in bed with ISIS.




So they’re basically making a landgrab for future negotiations? Which confirms what I’m thinking. That at least makes sense.

Don’t expect Erdogan to buy any of that oil though. He bought it from ISIS because it was cheap and because he liked to use ISIS against Assad and your favorite Kurds. He doesn’t seem to like your favorite Kurds much though. The only cash he’ll want to give the Kurds will probably be in the shape of bombs and bullets. And the KRG will probably be blockaded soon, so I doubt they’re in the position to facilitate any oil exports. That only leaves Assad. Now he had to buy from ISIS in the past, because he had lost all of Syria’s oil fields, but as you may have noticed he gained a lot of them recently. His need for oil may also have significantly diminished.


The US and Israel will most likely buy it and transport it by air.


Seriously? By air? At today’s market prices? Dude, what are you smoking and where can I get some.

I’ve never even heard of transporting oil by air. And for a reason, IT COSTS TOO MUCH!!!


A Hercules can take pretty much and if is Israel and the US who will buy their oil it’s not for the cheap price but to support their “country “.


Carrying that much volume in oil a Hercules would have to burn a lot of kerosine, a more expensive product. Making transport by air ridiculous expensive. It has to be cost effective, dude. Why do you think only air forces use in-flight refueling? Because to the military economy is not important. That is why oil gets transported by land or sea. Like most stuff in the world. Air transport is expensive. Which is why it costs me in Europe a lot of money to order anything from the US. $30 for something less then a kilo. Air freight is just not sheep. Far, far, far, far easier for Israel to just hire a tanker and get it somewhere else. Especially since they’re apparently bestest buds with Saudia Arabia these days.

And that’s still excluding that if Turkey, Syria and Iraq close their airspace to SDF territory you cannot fly anything in or out of that territory. Especially a slow moving vulnerable transport aircraft. Or is the next step that you’re going to escort them with expensive fighter jets? Which burn ridiculous amounts of expensive jet fuel.


Barba; very easily, via Turkish, Iraqi, and foreign middle men, all via land. Primarily, the revenues generated from it could be used to purchase weapons to strengthen against potential Iranian invasion and install anti missile shields!


A Russian pipeline company , already controls the northern oil of Al Hasakah and Qamishli , which is SAA controlled and is shipped through Turkey. What is needed , is for SAA to take Al Bukamal , that crossing into Iraq , controls any oil , which could flow into Iraqi from those eastern fields .


any body will buy the oil, if people can make money they will even trade with their enemy. How do you think those rebel/ terrorists pockets surrounded by assads troops get their oil/food/medicine and other stuff?

Solomon Krupacek

yes, and the governments take free from buyers. after that nobody will buy. second, kurds must sell for extremly low price. low price is not enough to run a state. thisrd, within 2 years will be civil war in kurdish territories. kurds form only minority. adios, matt, stay at your fat mamerican whores :)


Mamerican whores? What’s that? We will see what happens….i think its time to redraw the sykes picot borders

Solomon Krupacek

yup. cancel israel


what do you mean with that? Turn it into a normal country, so no jewish state? I fully agree. If you mean to kill and/or kick out all the jews i do not agree. You can not blame the younger generations for what their grandparents created. Most people are completely brainwashed because of the terrible zionist education system.

Solomon Krupacek

no, i am against genocide. only eliminate israel as state. in reality today, in 21st century europ and north america is more homeland for jews than palestine.


For north america yes, for europe no. Most left to Israel. The only country in europe with a big group of jews is france. But a big part of them came from north africa Half of the israelis came from north africa and the middle east.


Matt, lets think more about this!

first lets take this into account!

US doctrine

1.Problem, 2.reaction, 3.solution

1.Create ISIS, 2.Fight them, 3a. Kurdish state + 3b. no more Assad regime!


Who is ABSOLUTELY against a Kurdish State?

Turkey, Iraq, Iran Syria!

Why? because they will steal oil, be used to route energy supplies to Europe (hence stealing Russian energy market in Europe) and also creates a safe base for Israel and USA to attack Iran!

Where are the Kurds? They are all in one region which is intersected by Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria! Once Syria and Iraq has a Kurdish state taken out of it, its certain that Kurds will rise up in Iran and Turkey to create an even greater Kurdish state that is pro Israel and USA

How many fighters do the Kurds have? About 35,000 (of which 15,000 have 2 weeks training)

USA cannot get access to these Kurdish lands unless Iraq or Turkey allow it!

Airforces against Kurds:

Russia, Turkey, Syria

Airforce FOR Kurds

Israeli and USA

Soldiers / militia against Kurds (at least 200,000)

SAA, PMU, Hezbollah. Iraqi army, Russian SF, Iranian forces, Turkish backed rebels and Turkish army!

Soldiers / militia FOR Kurds

Kurds, US special forces

Who has all the airbases in the region? Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia

Keep in mind that Russia and Syria have air defence systems throughout Syria! If push comes to shove, the US may have to risk losing its aircraft to Ground based air defence systems and also to aircraft in the skies! It would have to run a risky gauntlet to support the Kurds!

Syrian and Russian aircraft and air defence systems nullifies US aircraft!

What are we left with? Just the forces on the ground!

35,000 vs 200,000!

Who is in syria legally? Russia, Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah

Who is in syria illegally? USA

All we are left with is WHAT FORCES ARE ON THE GROUND!

Because the skies will be equalised by Russia!

The Kurds totally depend on Western Media to grant sympathy for escalation and NATO help who have already left the scene! Why did they leave the scene?

Because this war is not worth ww3 just because Israel wants more land, more oil and for the USA to continue its hegemonic role in the ME!

Enough is enough!

The plan back fired!

Even if the Kurds get the oil fields first doesn’t mean they keep it!

This is why the SAA will close the Idlib pocket fast!

Israel will bomb Syrian Air fields!

And the Russians will bring in MORE equipment as a counter measure!

The more Israel escalates, the more and more equipment Russia brings in!

Israel will be seen for what it is!

Aiding terrorists!

Im telling u…… this war is over before the next proxy war even begins!

The Kurds have NO CHANCE!!!

Turkey, Iran, syria and Iraq are all going to block US access to these regions when the shit starts to heat up! Thats why Turkey bought the S-400 system so it can be independent from NATO systems and even use it to TARGET US aircraft if they feel they need too!

This is why Netenyahu is trying to strike up a deal with Russia!

To which Putin has replied “No”!

More than the USA, it will be Israel who escalates this war into a possible ww3!

Making themselves look worse and worse in the eyes of the world!

They will receive no backing!


The terrorists in the Assad besieged pockets get their supplies because there’s widespread corruption among the SAA and NDF forces. That’s no secret, its common knowledge. The food they probably procure locally, as nowadays all the pockets are in the countryside.

There’s still a huge difference between smuggling in small supplies, like guns and TOW missiles in the odd truck and tunnel vs. large scale oil exports. ISIS was able to sell its oil en masse because the Turks were complicit. Turkey liked ISIS as they saw it as a means to overthrow Assad and the Syrian Kurds. In this case none of the SDF’s neighbors likes them. So its going to be a total blockade. Which I’m sure will inspire smuggling of small supplies, because of corruption in all the neighboring countries, but not enough to enable the export of this oil. Not in any volume and for a price that will make it worthwhile for the SDF.

The only real reason that makes any logical sense as to why they’re making a grab for these oil fields is as a bargaining chip for future negotiations.


You are right

John Brown

Nothing to worry about, you are totally wrong. Racist supremacist Jews are doing everything they can to provoke the SAA, so Israel can order more of its slave American Goyims to die for a greater racist supremacist Israel. None of this matters for the kurds As I predicted when Turkey invades very soon the Kurds will be running to the SAA for protection begging for their lives but with their recent behavior in Deir Azur they have most likely already destroyed themselves. The SAA may protect some of the Kurdish civilians but probably want the SDF to be wiped out by Turkey for their treachery. So while the idiot greedy Kurdish leadership races to occupy oil fields far from their supply lines the SAA and the Turkish army will be making a pincer attack to occupy all the major Kurdish cities in Syria such as Al-Hasakah, Qamishli, Tell Tamer, Kobanî, etc. What will it matter what oil field they claim to have then when their government is dissolved. I suspect the Turkish army and the SAA will then surround the American bases in Syria. If the USSA tries to attack the Turkish army or the SAA under orders from their racist supremacist Israeli masters I expect their bases to be wiped out. Any further escalation by racist supremacist Israel will most likely be met by an all out attack on Israel by Hezboah and Turkey which Israel will never risk and will back down and then initiate some kind of propaganda offensive as it is better to have all of American Goyims die then one Jewish fingernail to be broken etc. As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.” …If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. … If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life. — Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in Jewish Week, the largest Jewish publication in the United States.

Not one superior Jewish cell will be put at risk for Syria or the Kurds. If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA. …


Genetically, none but the Sephardi are jews. The rest are Khazars without conection to Israel exept theis assumed religion.


Oh for fucks’s sake you racist C19th throwback, Jews are people communicant with the religion. Either way, the rightful owners of Palestine are the Palestinians, whatever their religion or indifference to such superstitious mumbo-jumbo. Zionists are not Jews, they are secular, fascist antisemites using Judaism as a fig leaf to hide their criminal enterprise. Don’t abuse Jews by blaming them for the crimes of zionists.


And the shape-shifting Khazars use the Jewish religion to disguise their real nature and program.


even the Sephardi are ancient converts from North Africa


Your arm chair is gonna wear out. Beware the Russian jabberwocky.


It’s time to bomb SDF off those fields.


This map is partly incorrect.

The advance of SDF between the Euphrates towards Al Suhwar, where SDF reached the city today and fighting has started there, also today, is not on this map.


piss off


Still no indication at all that the russian crossing of the Euphrates was by a (ponton)bridge. The crossing to Saqr Island is shown by SF to be a rope towed crickety old fishing boat able to hold some ten fighters on foot.

The other crossing is shown to have to loose pontonbridge pieces, not enough to cross a river of some 400 to 600 m width.

There were some amphibic boats thuogh and this report shows some more.

Imo this means no pontonbridge. Just some boats / amphibic vehicles.


And why would they advertise their bridge location ?? Do your homework, some sections of the Euphrates are less than 200 m in this area. This would take less than 30 ribbon bridge sections to cross. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55c5abf39c08b9427f276bb794d4d656194712d0d49623f57cb17bacc6eecb6.jpg


It doesn’t matter. They have the means to move as much material and man power across the river as they need. And without the bottle neck of a single bridge. The main force is in the process of moving across the river now and neither Isis nor the SDF will be able to stop them.

Then you’ll have to come up with some new anti Syria hasbara ziotroll nonsense to keep your Jew psyops going.


I don t think that he is ISIS but that he is PKK instead.

Solomon Krupacek

listen carefully: kusham on east bank is i hands of saa. this confirmed also your kurdish terrorists. you should stop trolling and spamming. you can have another opinion, also opposite, also pro-jihadists. but you have no right to gird at us!

Abdul Majeed

as long as the Americans are in Syria the Russians will continue to be attacked by the so-called ISIS former code name Al Qaeda. A retaliatory attack on an American base in Syria will resolve the problem …quickly.

Khalid Khan

The USA and it’s Kurdish stooges will not be allowed to exploit the oil and gas. Because it has to pass across Syria / Iraq / Turkey first before it can reach Israel or any other markets. So it does not matter who ‘wins the race’ to get there first. The land belongs to Syria and will be reclaimed in due course. During the past years the SAA has been patient and methodical despite fighting on many fronts. Soon the Kurds will be the sole opponents and the Pentagon / CIA will abandon them.


This is right, ISIS formerly traded oil because Turkey allowed that and iSIS also had better southern connection to Transjordan area two years ago, this is not the case for Kurds today.


And methodical yes, SAA is concerned now with clearing pockets of terrorists and establishing sound supply routes to D E.


These are fresh depot supplies coming from Russia. They’re preparing to move the main force across the river and push east to the Iraq border and north up Hwy 7. The SDF is clearly attempting a blocking move. There’s a real possibility of Syrian government coalition military operations against the SDF with the way that the SDF is behaving and collaborating with regime change supporters and elements.

Melotte 22

There is a massive military build up by SAA and its allies for an offensive to liberate Syrian territory east of Euphrates. It is not if but when is this going to take place. We are approaching the crucial stage of liberation of Syria from US,Israel and their puppets SDF, Al-Nusra, ISIS..



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This scenario is the most likely as they will already have an assurance the borders will be closed and airspace to US forces coming soon and a restriction on US movement if this conflict changes. The Russians,Iran,Syria,Hezbollah and Chinese are prepared for this eventuality where the US is not. The other NATO allies already see the handwriting on the wall and didn’t want this outcome. Seems it will be left for those few who support them to make a decision.

The US Daesh proxies in Idlib are losing ground as they are elsewhere, they are going to try to create an exit to Turkey where the Turks are preparing for the breakout by Daesh forces from Idlib since they’re waiting for them. The Turkey has full Govt support in this even among the Kurdish CHP party.Many don’t want instability at no price.


SDF aka re-branded Kurdish YPG have no legitimate role that far south-east in Syria. Interestingly, nor do SDF appear to be encountering too much ISIS resistance – which appears largely focused on attacking SAA. Notably, on west side of Euphrates, Russian BM27 Uragan rocket launchers are now operating in Dier Ezzore – these are serious mobile artillery weapons and the US handlers of SDF well understand the capabilities – of launching heavy rocket artillery strikes and even laying of encircling anti-personnel mines.


Electron lets think more about this! first lets take this into account! US doctrine 1.Problem, 2.reaction, 3.solution 1.Create ISIS, 2.Fight them, 3a. Kurdish state + 3b. no more Assad regime! 3b FAILED!

Who is ABSOLUTELY against a Kurdish State? Turkey, Iraq, Iran Syria! Why? because they will steal oil, be used to route energy supplies to Europe (hence stealing Russian energy market in Europe) and also creates a safe base for Israel and USA to attack Iran!

Where are the Kurds? They are all in one region which is intersected by Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria! Once Syria and Iraq has a Kurdish state taken out of it, its certain that Kurds will rise up in Iran and Turkey to create an even greater Kurdish state that is pro Israel and USA

How many fighters do the Kurds have? About 35,000 (of which 15,000 have 2 weeks training)

USA cannot get access to these Kurdish lands unless Iraq or Turkey allow it!

Airforces against Kurds: Russia, Turkey, Syria

Airforce FOR Kurds Israeli and USA

Soldiers / militia against Kurds (at least 200,000) SAA, PMU, Hezbollah. Iraqi army, Russian SF, Iranian forces, Turkish backed rebels and Turkish army!

Soldiers / militia FOR Kurds Kurds, US special forces

Who has all the airbases in the region? Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia

Keep in mind that Russia and Syria have air defence systems throughout Syria! If push comes to shove, the US may have to risk losing its aircraft to Ground based air defence systems and also to aircraft in the skies! It would have to run a risky gauntlet to support the Kurds!

Syrian and Russian aircraft and air defence systems nullifies US air craft!

What are we left with? Just the forces win the ground! 35,000 vs 200,000!

Who is in syria legally? Russia, Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah Who is in syria illegally? USA

All we are left with is WHAT FORCES ARE ON THE GROUND! Because the skies will be equalised by Russia!

The Kurds totally depend on Western Media to grant sympathy for escalation and NATO help who have already left the scene! Why did they leave the scene? Because this war is not worth ww3 just because Israel wants more land, more oil and for the USA to continue its hegemonic role in the ME!

Enough is enough!

The plan back fired!

Even if the Kurds get the oil fields first doesn’t mean they keep it!

This is why the SAA will close the Idlib pocket fast! Israel will bomb Syrian Air fields! And the Russians will bring in MORE equipment as a counter measure!

The more Israel escalates, the more and more equipment Russia brings in!

Israel will be seen for what it is! Aiding terrorists!

Im telling u…… this war is over before the next proxy war even begin! The Kurds have NO CHANCE!!!

Turkey, Iran, syria and Iraq are all going to block US access to these regions when the shit starts to heat up!

This is why Netenyahu is trying to strike up a deal with Russia! Which Putin has said “No”!

More than the USA, it will be Israel who escalates this war into a possible ww3!

Making themselves look worse and worse in the eyes of the world!

They will receive no backing!


oh and by the way, if u ever see a “DutchNational” comment, just remember he is a well known troll!


Solomon Krupacek

syrian army … :(



Forget the Twitter news, look at the map ! SAA can now concentrate east of Deir Ezzor city to make an advance before the SDF trash get to the Omar oil fields. TIME FOR THE TIGERS TO MAKE A LEAP :))) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg

Solomon Krupacek


do you know, which was the most shameful death for isis fighters?


To die helping the women and children, which where shot in the back when trying to reach safety from the iSIS held village or town in Iraq?

Solomon Krupacek

no, death of isis fghters.

when they were slaughtered by dirty animals, pigs :)))


Melotte 22

Looks like RuAF are giving hell to terrorist rats tonight https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43d316940c443a1c472d3e79e3cabe55e5d59e728f4bcdb6370c994898dd1370.jpg


What did the Syrians do when the US head-hopping, heart-eating rapers tried to cut them off earlier this year? They went round them instead. Since then, they’ve inexorably ground down the rapers by systematically driving into their defences and outflanking the survivors, pulled off the odd spectacular by landing troops from helicopters and neutralised lesser fronts with diplomacy. Perhaps we’ll see all three next week?


Looking at what’s happening in Iraq, with all of the same actors involved in an almost identical Kurdish secessionist drive. The Syrians and their coalition allies have got to be saying to themselves that they can deal with the Kurdish issue now, or kick the can down the road and deal with it later when the Jew world order is much further along with standing up Israel II in northern Syria. To use it to proceed with regime change in Turkey, Iran, Russia and China. To move ahead with asset stripping and subordination to Jew world order hegemony.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the Syrian government coalition has military plans and preparations to deal with Kurdish secession now rather than later.


Hate to agree with you , but the Kurdish issue needs to be dealt with sooner , much harder or even impossible latter . I can see how with the referendum tomorrow , Iraqi Kurdistan could be “Declared” , with the Syrian SDF , immediately joining . Israel and the US / UK grant “official” recognition , and the beginning of a “big problem” .


They’ve already effectively declared independence. It just needs to be rolled back and Syrian government authority reasserted over the areas that Kurdish separatists currently occupy.


River crossing, it looks like the new Russian river ferry’s are operational. You can see one at the end of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0fo16EFK70


New Russian military ferry in river crossing operation: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0fbcba00a96c9689f0e2bc1175a8b03904043d477e38863163ae99aae1b41a3c.png


It wouldn’t take much to set these up as temporary cable ferry’s that can just go back and forth across the river quickly around the clock.


PMM-2M Russian military ferry from a different angle: https://photos.smugmug.com/Military/ARMYGAMES-2016-Open-water/i-kcp8rWq/0/d6a55ca8/XL/Openwater2016-07-XL.jpg

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