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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 10, 2018 (Videos, Maps)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 10, 2018 (Videos, Maps)

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Last night, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Republican Guard and th 4th Armoured Division liberated the area of Adrawani, near the neighborhood of Harasta, in the westren part of the Damascus subrub of Eastern Ghouta, according to pro-government sources. Thus, government troops depoyed in close proximity to the militant-held part of the highway linking the militant-held city of Douma and the militant-held district of Harasta. If the SAA and its allies cut off the highway east of Harasta, they will dramatically complicate any supplies to militants in the area.

Meanwhile, calshes in Harasta itself resulted in no gains for government forces. This is a highly urbanized and fortified area mostly controlled by Ahrar al-Sham and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda). So, the SAA maneuver along the Douma-Harasta higway is a useful way to avoid singificant casualties in urban clashes.

Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 10, 2018 (Videos, Maps)

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On the same time, government forces have also not been able to capture the town of Misraba, located south of the city of Douma. This town is one of the key militant strong points in the central part of the pocket. The SAA and the Tiger Forces attempted to storm it on March 8 and March 9 but achieved a little progress in the area.

Clashes also continued in the area of Jirsin in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta. Jisrin is controlled by Faylaq al-Rahman and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Controlling it militants prevent government troops from isolating the village of Aftris south of Beit Sawa. However, according to pro-government sources, these two settlements will likely fall into the hands of the SAA and the Tiger Forces soon.

A deputy leader of Faylaq al-Rahman was killed in clashes with the SAA:

Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 10, 2018 (Videos, Maps)

A video from one of the Eastern Ghouta operation rooms shows the elimination of a group of terrorists in the area of Jisrin:

Late on March 9, a group of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham members were reportedly evacuated from Eastern Ghouta towards the province of Idlib under a deal between militants and the Damascus government. However, a large-scale evacuation agreemnet has not been reached yet. Most likely, the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance will implement various evecaution agrements in different settlements to ease the militant resistance in the pocket.

Military equipment of government forces:

Meanwhile, United Nations-Syrian Arab Red Crescent humanitarian convoy delivered 74 tons of food and medical supplies to the city of Douma. The convoy is a part of the wider effort aimed to improve a humantiarian situation for civilians in the besieged area.

The recent convoy was set to deliver the aid on March 5, but did it only on March 9 because of a tense security situation in Eastern Ghouta.

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Richard M

LOL… Get on the bus, ya stinkin Orcs!

Peggy Johnson

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Cheryl Brandon

Shitty Google Government BOT. FUCK OFF


Hello White Elf Man

Promitheas Apollonious

in few words they have found the hard core now and have difficulty moving on and finish the job. Time for a good strategy and not raw force alone.

Richard M

LOL. You kidding? At best the Orcs are fighting a delaying action while documentation of their CIA/Mossad control, resupply, rearming, supply of gas for false flags, etc is burned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHLKFSWzImk


I remember watching that when I were a lad.


I do as well, although I was in my 20’s and in those days had been fed on US invincibility that these images demolished ,especially the image of the NVA tank bursting through the gates. :)


Harasta will become a sealed pocket tomorrow and will never again be able to cry Gas attack. (The same will hold true for the other sealed pockets) As the centre of the town to the SAA secured perimeter will never be more than 300 meters and shrinking by the hour. No matter how dumb msm believe their readers and viewers are, people would just laugh that stupid attempt right off.


They are splitting every pocket in half…. and the halves in halves again….nice strategy…. chewing up Headchoppers along they way…..these Psychopaths don’t know where to hide or run to anymore……SAA & Friends using momemtum all the way…. you can always take the bus to Idlib, you Headchopping Bastards hehehe…chop up these sons of Satan…..

Richard M

I hope so, but no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public! :D


That’s how all major battles are fought. Attack the enemy at their weakest point, break through, take all the lower hanging fruit in their rear area and bottle them up in their strong points. Deal with them at your leisure.

Yeah, the hard core may be tougher to deal with, but without the logistical support they had from their now over run rear area it will be a lot harder to resist indefinitely. This is how East Aleppo also fell. The last parts to fall were those hard core areas. There’s a reason why the preferred tactic in this war is to surround your enemy and split them up into tiny enclaves. The tinier and more isolated the enclave, the harder it is for them to hold on.

Promitheas Apollonious

Good strategy.


The SAA though is never really sure of the extensive US Terrorists tunnel networks. Some of which may not be found for millennia.

There is a great opportunity for the Orc Tunnel diggers after Syria is liberated as a Multi National company. ” Tunnels R Us “. :)

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

use glue Dragon


They should have employed these guys at the Amsterdam metro network, Maybe then the North-South line would have been finished a decade ago and under budget.


They will soon be employed in Ireland to construct the smuggling tunnels for the Brexit border as well :)


Excellent documentation of what’s happening. The videos are very informative.


If they could get the civvies out, SAA could get the flame throwers in.


Shoulder fired 40mm thermobaric grenade launcher. The Russians have larger thermobaric RPG rounds.



Time for these head-choppers to accept safe passage to their final destination. Plenty of unfilled desolate graveyards in Idlib patiently awaiting your arrival


Mesraba has fallen! Hooorah!


The humiliation has no limits and their Western friends scream and cry murder but that’s it. No more head chopping in Mesraba and other places.

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

Ok orcs are the barbarian rebels of the islamic state, the reason for them to living is to dig undergraduate tunnels to emcompass hard strategy against their crualty

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

If there is a way of getting rid of the Regime atrocities, get rid of your past and try to begin again with no atrocities. Rebells associated with SAA and SDF are the terrorists. They are green areas of conflict with the syrians over food, meal and bodies…

Cheryl Brandon

USA/Israhell, if you think SAA soldiers are joking, you better wake up. This is what SAA soldiers do best; They use their parietal brain/ they think/ they organize a winning strategy then they attack and advance and defeat those paid criminals pretending to be “rebels”; Paid criminals can be given loads of fancy weapons but, if they are running on acting first and acting as long as there is MONEY;They will fail.Die rats die; Viva SAA soldiers; They are the defenders/warriors/heroes and Liberators.VaVa Voom SAA soldiers.

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