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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Syrian government forces are developing momentum against militants in the Eastern Ghouta region, near the country’s capital of Damascus.

On March 11, the Tiger Forces, the Republican Guard and their allies liberated the key town of Madiera in the central part of the region and cut off the Estern Ghouta pocket into two parts. On March 12, government troops continued their advance aiming to isolate militants in the area of Harasta (north of the Armoured Vehicles Base) from their counterparts in Douma.

According to some pro-government sources, army troops entered the areas of Satra and Alkhoms and already achieved this goal. However, these reports still have to be confirmed.

Separately, army troops advanced in a farm area near the towns of of Aftris and Jisreen in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta. The town of Aftris was even captured according to some pro-government sources.

Syrian Army Colonel Ferraz Ibrahim told the media on March 12 that government forces had found a make-shift workshop for making chemical weapons in the town of Aftris following the militants’ pullout.

“Apparently the charges were made as part of preparations for a provocation with the aim to eventually accuse government troops of using chemical weapons,” the colonel said.

Earlier, Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said militants in Eastern Ghouta had been preparing to conduct a provocation with chemical weapons to blame the attack on the Syrian government.

Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Liwa al-Quds members involved in the operation:

Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 12, 2018 (Video, Maps, Photos)

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very good news ! primo liquided the pocket d,harasta!!

Fülöp Kiss

VIVA SAA ! ! !


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Russia should fly a non corrupt western chemical expert & media person into rebel chemical plant. End the chemical propaganda BS once & for all.


Is it possible to find a ‘ non corrupt’ chemical expert in the West these days as telling the truth would destroy their careers ?


Of course there are plenty. Problem is that nobody in the Western MSM pays any attention to what the Russians are saying. Everybody in the Western MSM has been brainwashed into thinking the Russians only spout pro Kremlin propaganda and fake news.

Adam Wallace

When actually its the opposite, Western media spouts only US/Saudi/Israeli propaganda & fake news.



Maxime St-Jacques Canada

Hey everyone in America can you specify please ?


Better still fly all the corrupt journos in when Jihadi’s are brewing-up, give them dust masks and see how well they work. lol

Hide Behind

Where would one find an uncorrupted chemical warfare specialist? Get F’n real? Chem warfare specialist in every Eurocentric nation are either working for manufacturers, in military, or under their nations paid for educational programs. US fully controls all U.N. operations, operations manned by politically appointed bureaucrats who mostly run about world talking to each other at expences by world’s taxpayers. Get into real world, THE WORLD IS AT WAR AGAINST SYRIA, LED BY US AND NATIONS CONTROLLED BY WHITE EUROCENTRICS ARE BENEFICIARIES.


So much cannon fodder in one picture. highly incompetent nor do they have the will to actully die but without actully being effective that much they die with half heart performance while just thinking about a pay check. They have also lost morally the fight and are way less motivated. Russia is trying to bring the city completely down and that goes to show the incompetance of this bunch.

A small rebellion can finish them off in the aftermath while they think they have the controll and everything but just a small uprising next time around could finish them off if not another foreign intervention comes to their aid. They can number around 500k forces they are good for nothing and would fold quickly against 10k determined fighters.

On a seriously note. The US and Russia did 90% of the fighting and hammered the resistance. If they didn’t turn up Assad would have died in 2013.

They took on 2 major anti-actors who would have likely also go at it after Assad is killed off.

This war was by far not a Civil war. I also see alot of crazy and very ludicrous posting calling the rebels US allies or whatever or Zionist bla bla this just goes to show that they are morally terrified and trying to create confusion but that won’t go down the throats of the resistance they see them as they should be seen actully weak and for the taken any given time

al quaida

Just crawl away and die


‘Mountains of Rubbish’


And non recyclable rubbish only fit for landfill or incineration Bob :)


If these guys were highly incompetent then their pics of them would have shown corpses. Highly incompetent soldiers don’t tend to live very long in warfare.

I doubt that another uprising could easily beat them because for 7 years now they HAVE been fighting against highly determined fighters. All those Jihadis, from ISIS, to Al Nusra, to the socalled ‘moderates’ they were all highly motivated. You don’t see many government troops willing to blow themselves using suicide attacks, whereas with the Jihadis it was standard practice. Also government troops HAD to fight just as determined because if they got caught by Jihadis, nasty things would happen to them. Ranging from mass executions (if lucky) to being tortured and set on fire alive (ISIS).

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

You tell that the propaganda is believed coming from Russia. So where does it come from ? I think that you are a thinktank that perverts the all environment as the ISIS needes, misinforming just for their greed.


Your posts are really hard to make sense off and you seem to have a very black and white view of the world. Here’s a fact that may shock you. The world is full of people who disagree with you and they cannot all be part of a think tank, because then everybody would be in one. So learn to accept that there is a lot of grey in the world and that most people you will meet will disagree with you.

Maxime St-Jacques Canada

You call highly determined fighters what you call the mass executionners and setting fire and torturing, determined FIGHTERS ? They are terrorists !


Terrorism is a label that we apply to those insurgents we happen to disagree with. That’s why when Al Qaida blew up the World Trade Center it was a gross act of terrorism and the US and NATO went to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban we labeled as terrorists. But in Syria we (as in the West) disagrees with Assad, so suddenly the Jihadis who fight him are NOT terrorists and we want to bomb Assad instead. The only reason we attacked ISIS was because ISIS was stupid enough to engage in attacks in the West, so we HAD to call them terrorists.

And that aside, just because you hate your enemy should that blind you in regards to how well or not they fight? It is a fact that their fanaticism, which causes them to engage in acts of brutality also allows them to fight with greater determination then the Syrian army that fights against them. Does that observation mean I think of them favorably? (Answer: I don’t)

Mustaffa Ashaa

It is a pleasure to intrude on your grief. I have no sympathy with you or anyone who mourn the physical defeat of these savage sub-human head choppers. I only hope that no one of these snakes survive and contaminate our green buses. for total liquidation. Whatever you wrote is a nothing but a vomit of someone who is sucking his sorrow !! Keep im denial of the Zionist part of your “Revolution” …. Are you familiar with the frequent visits of your leaders to Israel ? Have you seen a list of the names of French “Friend of Syrians”.(sic), (e.g. Bernard Levi). Since when the US Zionists and AIPAC were friends of Syria? Hope you maintain your sorrow to the last day of your miserable life and let the Syrian celebrate the victories of SAA,


Have you ever been in a war, and on the basis of personal experience, do you judge soldiers on the video, or do you have a stance based on games and war movies?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Should change your name to “Trash Heap” all countries have “mountains” of them.


On 12th March, 2018 the Syrian Army finds Chemical Weapons’ workshop in Eastern Ghouta.


On 12th March, 2018 Suicide attack by a donkey injured two policemen in Kunar province in Afghanistan. So sad and so strange. They should use robot vehicles instead of animals.


Monitor: Syria war created by Washington regime has left more than 350,000 dead and 700,000 injured in 7 years.


We know Washington regime invaded Japan with nukes, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Yugoslavia, etc and now want to invade more countries. The Washington regime has any other business are just invading other countries is their only business. Washington regimes are evils and are against humans and need to be completely eliminated from this world.


The below quote is from the great anti-war classic; War is a Racket by Smedley Butler. Butler became the most highly decorated US solider of all time and attained the position of Supreme Commander of the US Marine Corps over 100 years ago. Nothing much has changed in between times.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Ret. General Schmedley Butler was telling everybody about what is really going on unlike today’s Ret. Generals actually continuing in playing this charade of Imperialism cloaked as Democracy.

Joe Dirt

Bulter was anit-FDR.

Hide Behind

This History of a man of Honor, is what is lacking in our children’s education, not just in US but world at large. For today, and increasingly so, no matter the nation there is a military/ financial power running the show; may not be an internally imposed faction but one that is complicit with foreign racateers.


The ANNA video correspondents never fail to impress – that is amazing report.


Yup, yeah, there are some wankees present and drools something, of course totally bonkers, based upon moronic perceptions feed thru an system that creates idiots. Yeah, as obvious and natural as an dick on an woman, right, wankees. What the Syrians and its allies need to do is continue to do what they are doing, whatever bullshit the western MSM can muster means jack shit, everybody knows it, thats why e get all this, events, poooping up in piles, and whom gets all the blame, huh, Russia. The UN is so hypocritical its breaks new ground every week now, so biased into the rotten Sore-ass lalaland of sniveling drivel, and have no credibility left what so ever, even the ICC is an joke.

And when one considers reality, boy, the west have nothing to play with, expect going for the big one, like the latest “testosterone” stunt coming from some drunkards on an isle, yeah, whom needs tugboats to move their war ships, have an army whom is like the Wankees predominate educated to be hit men, attacking banana republics and country they have no problems with doing that, since they knew everything beforehand, you have to be an total idiot not to make it, like Iraq, whom then morphed into ISIS in Syria. Russia is Not an Banana republic and can be a lot, but not stupid, and Putin never bluffs, that is poker, even Ludo is more advanced.

I saw the entire video, for once, and I have nothing to add, other than this is urban warfare, fighting an enemy supported by the west, specs and everything to weapons, dug in, street by street, you have to chew you way to the towns and open areas. And in that scenario, its always noisy, and you couldn’t probably hear your self talk from time to time, when an 16 cylinder diesel is on top speed, that is noisy, etc. All glory to the men and women in this theaters, unlike the western club of whining castrates, pretending to be an male or even worse, an man, should watch and learn, they are fighting and sacrificing their life, for their country and its people, the ultimate gift any man/woman can give. Do you have it, do you, creeps. Yeah like the “vikings”, ugh…. I know of Afgan little girls, risking their life every day on the path to knowledge and education, because they want it, every day, and when the day of reckoning, even in Valhalla, the Gods would open the gates wide for anyone if this children, and drop on their knees, and hail an true warrior is entering, not an coward creep, whom is hiding behind conformity and ignores reality. You are nothing.

Read this, from an Norwegian dump site, packed to the brim with propaganda and utter bullshit. And use translit, because in here you will read exactly what the western Gov. are doing and what insane level of propaganda it have become to justify their imperialism. Try not to puke on the tabs, I warn you, PC-ism and flat out imperialism camouflaged as humaNazism.

https://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/dette-skjer-i-ost-ghouta-mens-vi-mesker-oss-i-vintervaeret/69597749 This paper is an unique study in how staggering insane and how full of bullshit it is possible to become and be, its PC-ism on steroids, unbelievable rotten and pimps hate propaganda at levels I have never seen before, all in sync with CNN etc, to the raving loonies in the EU.

wake up


You can call me Al

You do realise that Liwa al-Quds (above photos) are Palestinian PRO-SYRIAN don’t you ?.


hvaiallverden is very pro-Syrian, sometimes a bit sarcastic, even if his English is not perfect, he has poetic license.

You can call me Al

Fair play.

Hide Behind

Good catch.lots of pseudo white trash intellec

Hide Behind

YOU NAILED IT. One can only hope others can still think for selves.


Well done them Syrians but where are the hospitals for the wounded and the POW camps? It’s time we were shown what follows from the military successes achieved by the decent people involved in this.


When Jihadi’s refuse the green bus they fight to the death. So, no POW camps are required.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They can always get on the White bus then. They need to process more thru the civil courts in order to get them processed faster. Me well I would start firing squads of shooting the worst criminals right away, have no sympathy for terrorists who rape and murder for pleasure of hating another.


Why hospitals and POW camps. They are terrorists, they are not a regular army, so they are not subject to the law of war. They do not have absolutely any rights, except to be liquidated immediately upon sight.


The Syrians are the decent people, remember? It’s the US and its vassals that imitate the Einsatzgruppen; don’t join them.


First, I did not mention the Syrians, I mentioned the terrorists. Secondly, I do not state my position, but I’m talking about what is written in the Geneva Conventions. Terrorists are not listed there, so they can not invoke the convention.


The Geneva Conventions bind a signatory regardless of the opposition and to excuse a bloodbath with legalistic quibbles is what the Washington barbarians do; you should take a step back and look at yourself.


If you give away the positions of the hospitals, the USA would bomb them.


Just a look inside won’t hurt but you’re right about the Washington barbarians.

northerntruthseeker .

Congratulations to the brave soldiers of the SAA in their latest achievements…

Now is the time to destroy the northern pocket and further isolate the southern one.. The days of the US murderous civilian killing “terrorists” in East Ghouta are numbered.



leon mc pilibin

This ongoing victory of the Syrian Army is driving the zionists crazy,,,expect something sneaky and cowardly from them soon.


Incridible work od SAA also great video footage…GOD SPEED TIGERS!

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