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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Following the liberation of the district of Harasta by government forces, militants have abandoned their attempts to resist to the ongoing army’s operation in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have liberated the town of Ayn Tarma and forced militants in the areas of Jobar, Zamalka, Hazeh and Irbin to accept an evacuation agreement.

Under the deal reached between the Damascus government and members of Faylaq al-Rahman and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants are set to start leaving their areas in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta today, on March 24.

Syrian governemt forces have already started boosting security in the recently liberated areas of Eastern Ghouta. As soon as militants withdraw from the southern pocket, the SAA will start solving the Douma issue – the area is currently controlled by Jaish al-Islam.

On March 23, Jaish al-Islam already promised to release 3,500 prisoners and to allow evacuation of 3,000 sick and injured people. However, the group has not accepted a reconsiliation agreemend with the Syrian governmen yet. According to pro-government experts, the collapse of the militants’ defense in Jobar, Zamalka, Hazeh and Irbin will force Jaish al-Islam to reconsider its ability to hold the area of Douma.

Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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The liberation of Eastern Ghouta is a key step en route to securing the entire Damascus countryside from militants. Eastern Ghouta has been for a long time a source of security threats to the government-held areas of the Syrian capital. Now, it looks that this problam will be solved soon.

Government forces service members in the liberated areas of Eastern Ghouta:

Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 24, 2018 (Maps, Video, Photos)

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MD Ranix

God bless syria and her true allies


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Well done them Syrians.

Shadow Blade



lol, I love this picture!


I hope he doesn’t go!


Sometimes it can be amazing how situations unfold. 2 weeks ago I believed that al Rahman branch of the Islamic Brotherhood would have prove the most stubborn of these headchoppers and Jaish al Islam the least. All indicators suggested JaI were on the cusp of accepting their “Get out of Douma” pass and heading up North for their interment. There are rumours JaI have murdered at varying times people they are holding. The latest of these savage atrocities was on 20/03/18 when they supposedly killed 40 people. I really hope it is a rumour, firstly for the loved ones of the murdered as they were on the verge of freedom denied by insane brutality. Secondly, it would signify a bitter and bloody battle where many more SAA freedom fighters would perish at the hands of these monsters.

Deo Cass

Jaish al-Islam is controlled by the Saudi Arabian tyrant. He suely will never accept surrender by this goroup. He’d rather see them all inevitably killed while he enjoys his luxurious life on his golden throne in Saudi Arabia. The Jaish al-Islam fighters should be wise and save their own lives not die for a corrupt murderous tyrant like the despot of Saudi Arabia.

Gregory Casey

Never a truer word spoken. The murderous princeling who visited Washington early last week to meet with his friends in Trump’s Administration must be delighted that Bolton has now joined the White House as Trump’s NSS ………. onwards to Iran where I sincerely hope that no US service men and women are sent to support the Saudis and their lackeys in the White House and Fox.


I know JaI are a Saudi proxi, however they are one of many IB offspring along with the the other 3 who locked down Ghouta until recently. Should they stay and fight it would consume a huge effort by the SAA and probably take a lot more SAA lives. If SAA could get the sick, the prisoners and civilian population out. that would be great as SAA and Russian AFs could pound them to dust. However, there might be another reason behind their resistance to leave.


Crimes against humanity never prescribe.


وبس؟ لا…وحرية وديموقراطية وانتخابات…

You can call me Al



What a loser you are.


Oh yeah …. GREAT freedom and democracy for all under those Western Govt + Saudi backed terrorists.

And mind your manners – this is an English medium forum.


And not latin…Shahna likes more the english.


excellentes news SAA next to objectif final JOBAR!!!!

Joe Doe

Next packet should be South of Damascus and Dumayr


I agree with Southern Damascus but I think the small pocket of Dumayr city should not be liberated until the larger pocket next to it is liberated! There has been news on US backed forces trying to make a run from Al-tanf area to this Large pocket which could then give rebels and open run and a serious threat to Damascus!

That pocket needs to be next! (Before Dumayr city) My opinion :)


For rebel offensive from tanf to successfully target dumayr, then they’ll have to secure their right flank, as the left flank is desert. That would mean palmyra will fall a third time.


Unless the FSA thugs get air support from the USAF I fid the chances of such an operation from happening highly unlikely. They’d be pounded non stop all the way by the RuAF and SyAF.


That large pocket actually aids an attack on Palmyra because they can cut off access to it or make it very difficult to get to Palmyra by road! Liberating that large pocket allows easier logistic access to Palmyra! And as the saying goes…. “logistics wins wars”! this is exactly why Assad attacked EG pockets! he stated in his own words that Syria needed to free up its main highways so the free flow of logistics could speed up victory! He stated that syria was being choked and it needs to create again! Same analogy!

Piotr Rokosz

Today terrorists fired rocket on place where are civilians evacuated from Ghouta (Fayhaa sport city, quarter of Mazraa). What is with surrendering? Why they still are shelling city?

Gregory Casey

Killing a child playing football and injuring 7 of his team-mates


There are so many different gangs, and these are thugs, not an army.


The morons of France, UK and Washington have held these Syrians civilians hostage for 7 years. Still these morons have held many civilians in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and in Palestine. Now it is necessary to disarm whole France, UK and Washington for the peace, prosperity and development of this world communities. If disarming of these morons is not possible by peaceful means then Russia need to use their advance technology to completely burn them all.

Tony B.

What has to be “disarmed” to insure peace is the money creation power of the Rothschild cabal in its City of London. This is the control of all these nations you want disarmed. In fact it is the control of the governments of almost all nations, even to an extent that of Russia. As long as people keep playing the divide and conquer game for the cabal they will just switch their knee cappers from one nation to another if the one being used collapses. The UK was their kneecapper for centuries, now it is a basket case but the kneecapping keeps going on, now by the American military. Tomorrow? Who knows? Get rid of the cabal and peace will have a chance.


Syrians should change their town and road signs to Arabic and Cyrillic – get rid of that Westernised Latinised script…..


Why? many arab states, also Israel have signage in both western script & arabic/hebrew. Before the war there were tourists & backpackers visiting so it helps to read the signs


It’s the Russians – NOT the West – that’s helping keep Syria Syrian.


You are going to be fat! Or, in a latin langue, vais ser gordo!


That’s your second silly troll message to me – do a better job in future or you will stop speaking to me altogether.


We are on a free world, and you are trolling all the latins tongues, so, you are a troll anti-latin.




So, my dear very, very ancient cousin of our common great, great mother Eve of africa, put a radar on your eye, or, better, put your two eyes on a radar. The so called whites are nothing more than guys without pigmentation.


Well … whites aren’t entirely lacking in pigmentation – such folk are termed albinos.


Correct. And a little correction: such folks are…no?


Why not 3, Catholic Church has also suffered and thanked the Russians by letter, so they deserve a script too (plus Assad’s wife will need it).


Should Syria crowd their signage to accommodate the West who bombs them? If by now the Catholic/Christians in Syria can’t speak Arabic then they can learn.


and you can learn chinese.


As soon as Chinese appears on our signage – I will.


And latin.


Why would I want Latin – seriously!


Or greek, or mongol.


English signs aren’t there to “accomodate” westerners you fucking moron. English is used worldwide as the international language of business and in tourism and it has been that way for about 100 years. It’s used in Latin America, Asia, Russia, parts of Africa and SEA.

Anyone from anywhere in the world, not just western countries, that wishes to travel for business or tourism in tourist hotspots is expected to know english. So if someone from Japan or Singapore wanted to visit parts of the middle east, they would be expected to know english, rather than learning arabic or expecting middle east countries to put up east asian signs.

What you’re suggesting is incredibly stupid, English has already been adopted as the international language of business just like the metric system, which was invented by the French has been adopted worldwide (with some small aspects of it rejected by Americans), or things like the Gregorian calendar. It’s incredibly stupid and inefficient to just “abolish” these things for the sake of some symbolic message.


Yes, I know. In case you hadn’t noticed – I’m speaking English here. And I don’t think it’s “inefficient” to make it difficult for US/EU agitators to find their way around the country.


You’re proposing to make it difficult for the entire world which has already long adopted english and the official language of international business, just so some so called “agitators” have a more difficult time? How fucking delusional.


Why’s it “difficult for the entire world?” Is the entire world wandering around Syria? …. ….. ….. erha …. ….. You got a good point there – the entire Western world IS bloody wandering around Syria – so make it hard as HELL for them to get around!

PS. As for international business language – not so much if they go the Russia/China route insteada being good lil US/UK PATSIES. ‘Sides, those visitors would use taxis and chauffeurs to get around. Local guys.


Are you fucking stupid? I am from China and people here do business in English, including incoming Russian businessmen. You have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about.

And again, I highly doubt US terrorist proxies really use some english roadsigns that much to “get around” in Syria. Absolutely fucking retarded bullshit spewing from your mouth. Completely detached from reality.


FGS – get a grip! We are talking about road signs.

And when Syria is once again in control of Syria and wants to THINK about doing business with the people who bombed-her-by-proxy …. they can turn ’em back. IF they want.


Mahmoud Abbas is a traitor puppet pressedent of West. So many Palestinian women and small kids suffered and slaughtered in Palestine is due to Mahmoud Abbas.


Abbas is a president in name only of a country in name only, as Israel controls all the borders. People will sooner walk on Mars then that anyone from those countries will set foot in Palestine to do what you suggested.


I dont really understand what is the point of bringing up shit like Abbas in a largely unrelated thread. I mean I pretty much agree with the majority of what you typically post, but I think I speak on behalf of a large majority of people here who think it is just cringeworthy and awkward that you have these random outbursts about Palestine on articles about Syria or Yemen.

It’s just mindbogglingly stupid and annoying spam, and it doesn’t benefit you in any way. I don’t get the point.


This is news and news never have linked with other posts.


That still doesn’t change the fact that it is stupid senseless spam.


Look if my post hurts you then just click on – sign and then my comment will disappear.


You’re probably right. I should stop being a bitch making a big deal about it. I take back what I said. Post as much as you please. :)


I still think you’re an annoying fat out of shape bitch tho, so that part I dont take back.

matew ivanson

fcuk butcher of Syria Assad, he is a sick murderer and war criminal, hope ll be fcked by nato nad usa army, Trump dont fcuk more and start killing shite teroristic militias

Gregory Casey

Clearly, the liberated people of Ayn Tarma shown in the film clip above don’t agree with you. I suspect they’d be very happy to waste a bullet in you.

matew ivanson

fcuking Hezbollah propaganda, russian communist journalism, fcuk them

Gregory Casey

You don’t have to read it. Stick to the Daily Telegraph and Mail


Guy, you are losing your temper, so, go to ISIS, you can there make suicide in combat.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Tinfoil hat much lately?


Guy, go there, there always place for one more, don’t hide behind Nato. Nato, without you, is nothing! (or maybe, with you, perhaps). Go die elswhere, or hang yourself!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller



Guys, the budget for April of South Front…isn’t at 90%, so,,,,lets donate. And if you don’t want to donate, you can join the Tigers Forces of general al-Hassan (its time to put here a photo ot the man).

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