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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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On March 8, Syrian government forces continued their advance in Eastern Ghouta aiming to spit the militant-held pocket into two separate parts. The mist intense fighting is now ongoing in the area between the Armoured Vehicle Base and the town of Beit Sawa as well as in the area of Misraba.

If Misraba falls into the hands of government forces, militants controlling  the city of Douma will be isolated from their counterparts in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta. In other words, this will make the defeat of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies inevitable.

It’s interesting to note that the ISIS Hunters of the 5th Assault Corps have been also deployed in Eastern Ghouta to support the ongoing Syrian Army operation in the area. The ISIS Hunters are rumored to be linked with Russian military contractors operating in Syria. So, the so-called “Russian factor” will likely increase in the ongoing battle for Eastern Ghouta.

Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Overview Of Battle For Eastern Ghouta On March 8, 2018 (Map, Video, Photos)

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Promitheas Apollonious

Good cut them first in half then dissect them, again and again. BREAK their spirit if they have any and make them feel the despair of the hunted cornered animal. You achieve this and then you have people who will never hold their nerve in fighting. They be not only defeated but also with a broken spirit, worthless as fighters again.

Rex drabble

Russia will NEVER allow this sort of wanton murder and deliberate destruction to happen again. USA!! you have been warned,,,NO MORE!!

Joe Dokes

Russia needs to keep targeting those mosques.


The mosques are not the enemy. Surely you know that. Let’s target churches in North America because they are full of christian zionists. Now that makes sense!


Christian Zionists are a primarily protestant subset known as evangelicals. They’re concentrated in the south east US, and they’re part of the problem. The main problem is the US legislature which is almost completely Israel first, even though most of their constituencies aren’t on a lot of Israel issues. Which is why the US needs to be dejudified, so that these Israel first swamp slaves can be gotten out of the system and replaced with America first legislators.

“According to a 2011 Pew Forum study on global Christianity, 285,480,000 or 13.1 percent of all Christians are Evangelicals. …

By the late 19th to early 20th century, most American Protestants were Evangelicals. A divide had arisen between the more liberal-modernist mainline denominations and the fundamentalist denominations, the latter typically consisting of Evangelicals. …

According to a Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life study, Evangelicals can be broadly divided into three camps: traditionalist, centrist, and modernist.[128] A 2004 Pew survey identified Evangelicals as 26.3 percent of the population, while Catholics make up 22 percent and mainline Protestants make up 16 percent”


I agree. However in general, I don’t give two shits about the USurpers


What’s a USurpers?


US of Arrogance


The US suffers from severe Jew infestation, this needs to be corrected, sites like this are helping to get that done. This is the problem: https://i.redd.it/qg3tk2eyuhqz.jpg

Oscar Silva Martinez

Damn, I knew there were Jews controlling the U.S. MSM, but I didn’t know they were so many!!!


Same here, it was a real eye opener, that’s why I run it a lot, to help people understand.

Oscar Silva Martinez

There are more controlling the movie industry or T.V. channels like The History and Discovery Channels, they are owned by Jews as well. It’s very easy to notice how biased they are on the documentaries of WWI and WWII, just to give one or two examples of this.

And course the uninformed sheep are easy to influence by the Jewish system!!!


The msm is changing from newspapers and TV to the internet. Which the Jews have far less control over. And voices like ours are being heard by a lot more people. Which is having a positive impact.

Oscar Silva Martinez

That’s correct, FORTUNATLEY the internet is taking over, for example here in Mexico more and more people are watching less TV everyday We prefer to get the news in the internet where we can have many different options, so we can compare!!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/14ada7ab509997a6ffdafdf9622eff6cd47db4875ff6c0ba59717ed4b85d3655.png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelicalism


yes and confederation sudist!!!

northerntruthseeker .

As the sick and twisted Jewish pricks said many times.. Those “Christian Zionists” are one of their “greatest allies” in their pursuit of world domination… And once these sickos get their domination, the idiotic Christian Zionists will be one of the first groups to be eliminated.


This is the type of insanity that we’re dealing with in the US:

“43 Senators – 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats – want to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel, which was launched in protest of that country’s decades-old occupation of Palestine. The two primary sponsors of the bill are Democrat Ben Cardin of Maryland and Republican Rob Portman of Ohio. Perhaps the most shocking aspect is the punishment: anyone guilty of violating its prohibitions will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000, and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison.”

– Senate Bill Would Make It a Federal Crime to Boycott Israel –



So, if there 5 products on the shelf one of which is Israeli and you chose one of the others, you could be identified as a boycotter. This is nuts. What has happened to freedom of choice?


You can’t expect sanity from a cult like Judaism. They’re a parasitical disease. Once they gain control of the host, it’s a sick and twisted perversion of what it would be without Jew infestation. It’s why they’re the most expelled and genocided group in recorded history. Judaism should be outlawed and the planet dejudified to create a better future for humanity. The place to start is Israel and the United States where 83% of the planet’s Jews live.


This is why Athletes should be taking a knee before every game. This is the First Amendment and the Bill of Right under legislative threatof destruction. However the WashDC Regime has invalidated the US Constitution already. It’s worth more as a collectors item than it is as a legal defense of your rights in USA. As a Westerner, I would rather take my chances in the Pre-War justice System of Assad’s Syria than todays WashDC Regime Kangaroo Courts. USA is a failed state..every day it more resembles Ukraines Oligarchy Kleptocracy.


You have the vampire Jews and their collaborators to blame for the sorry state of affairs. Trump ran on drain the swamp and the swamp slaves and their Jew overlords immediately tried to get him out of office. So until that gets pushed back, there are limits to how much house cleaning he can do.


– 81% of Americans Oppose “Aid” to Israel –


– POLL: By 2-to-1, Americans Oppose Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem –



Does this mean that the US citizenry love affair with Israel is really waning? I do hope so as the removal of Zionists from all positions of power is necessary to rebuild trust America .


It’s always been over stated. You just wouldn’t know it from the lying Jew media. Now that the internet is becoming the new msm that the baby rapers have far less control over. Their self made image is facing increasing competition from information sources beyond their control. And one more dejudification exercise is gaining momentum. Hopefully popcorn time is coming for the evil Jews. Popcorn for us not them.



Sadly; So What?, 90%+ US Citizens support Stricter Background Check on Gun Sales. 80% of US Citizens want some form of Single Payer Health Care. “US CITIZENS” have no influence over the Wash’ DC Regime. The WashDC Regime takes it’s orders printed on the back of $M Cheques.

John Whitehot

“90%+ US Citizens support Stricter Background Check on Gun Sales”

no, 90% of those who got asked the question. I sincerely doubt they make this kind of polls without carefully selecting the people categories to interview in order to have the intended results.


Or else they’re black mailed, there’s no shortage of them. Or being threatened. There are 7 million Jews here. They control the media and the government. They need to be gotten out of government, media, finance, academia, etc., and Judaism needs to be outlawed to dejudify the US and the planet.


+AIPAC is the third largest lobby and 2nd Richest lobby and employer of the WashDC Regime.


Maybe if the Jihadists wouldn’t use mosques as bases then they wouldn’t have to be targeted. Of course, if I were a Jihadi, or any other kind of insurgent, I’d use any building whose destruction would cause outrage for the destroyer, or put my bases right next to schools, hospitals or anything else that would cause massive collateral civilian casualties. I’d be a stupid insurgent if I were to do otherwise, no, I’d be a soon to be dead insurgent if I did otherwise.

No, I can’t fault them for doing that. I can however blame the Western OUTRAGE brigade for getting their knickers in a twist each time something like this happened. Because they should A: know how warfare is actually being waged and B: if the insurgents knew that doing this would cause no outrage they would try and find a different strategy. And leave these buildings and civilians alone.


The ” Western Outrage Brigade ” leaders are perfectly aware of what is going on and the support for barbarism by the US Coalition of Terror.

Tudor Miron

Mosque will be rebuild even better than it was. (just look at Grozny). Now compare Raqqa and Mosul to Aleppo – striking difference of the results of liberation by SAA and anglo-zio coalition.

northerntruthseeker .

OK…. Why?

This war is not about religion, but is about the freedom of the Syrian people from tyranny…

Joe Dokes

Because the terrorists like to hide in mosques. They must be trannies because they wear women’s clothes too.


Russia is not people of barbarian like the well known (USA-Israel-NATO).


Urban warfare is different to capturing farm land. Hard work is still ahead. They should leave eastern farm land alone, airdrop leaflet for civilians to take shelter there while getting rid of Islamist in urban area. Excellent work so far. SAA and allied forces are ready for big push.


Make no mistake, the Russians are there to capture some western & gulf ‘black ops’ forces embedded with the terrorists …. revenge is a dish best served cold, and the Russians are masters of cold revenge.


If you’re waiting for that you can wait for a LONG time. There are none. Nobody is THAT stupid to be embedded with these crazies. Just like there were none in East Aleppo.

The Russians are just eager to get this over with ASAP and place the US for a fait accompli, so they know there is no point coming to the rescue of the Jihadis as they are doomed regardless. The one good thing about military intervention in the West is that it needs time. Governments need time to make a case for war. So the Russians play the game of giving the West just enough humanitarian pauses so they can’t make the case for war with their own populations. And once EG has been split into several smaller enclaves any intervention becomes pointless. It would be like joining the Nazis during WWII at the time of Berlin being surrounded and almost taken.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They dropped a bunker bomb on them , 150 dead intelligence in East Aleppo officers,the US and the west are worried Russia will use another bomb like that again.


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I bet they still got some Intel running around…. as far as they didn’t already airlifted them out…..it’s best to if you catch any of’m to keep them on the MIA-List…..



I think you put that rather well.

Eskandar Black

I agree with most of the things you said, but there are most certainly western assets in place in ghouta, for one White Helmets are pretty well known mi6 contract operatives, as well as various Israeli logistical officers. I think there are intel assets on the ground, but they are likely not trapped.


Recall these reports from accelerated Aleppo events:




Soon it will look like bad acne. Four black spots; Jobar, Harasta, Arbin, and Duma. I wouldnt be sirprised if jobar is the last standing because of its proximity to Damascus.


Methinks because its probably the most fortified and toughest nut to crack.


It is well fortified but largely uninhabitable and there a prime target for thermobaric weapons :)

northerntruthseeker .

I still say the biggest obstacle is that pocket between Homs and Hama… The US backed “terrorists” holed up there have the higher terrain that is more defendable…

However, once East Ghouta falls as it should, I can see the Tiger Forces redeployed to that area within a few weeks and they will destroy that pocket as well…


Cancer Treatment more likely


White Helmets succeed in miraculous rescue of Cabbage Patch doll ( they’ve confirmed that the victim is now receiving medical care and has normal vital signs for a doll ) :


Joe Doe

This looks like doll. Another show on the way from terrorist


MAN this is HIS Sextoy, you know how the west is so eager to give everyone his or hers sexdrive kept free of oppresion, who knows if this isnt a Transgender-fluid-Jihad. This should be making headlines in the West, pretty sure many people will Support this Jihad-trans-fluid beeing in rescuing his/hers Sextoy.

David BlackBeard

so according to map I would say it”s going to be like FIRST to take Mudayrah and close pocket and meet up with allies at Armored Vehicule Base , after that Misraba , after Misraba is taken they should surround Harasta district and wipe some bitches out and then Liberate Douma from at least 2 directions ( Harasta- Misraba direction and from east Rayhan direction )

Promitheas Apollonious

sounds like a good plan

mehboob gani

what do you think about the southern part, its more densily populated and more difficult to liberate.


yeah, capture the farmland around the urban area and while performing the douma op. the south will die of hunger and then green bus to idlibstan

mehboob gani

very good idea, but food need to be droped on the civilian areas also to keep them alive and win the hearts and minds.

David BlackBeard

I said few days ago that I was affraid that hardest battles are still to come for SAA and Allies , urban districts are very difficult to fight , but I hope they will end this operation fast and kill all fucking rats


For sure, Russia intelligent gathering has much more information, and the Russian generals knows what is the best option.

David BlackBeard

I agree, I was juist saying my opinion , my point of view … but I also understand that situation on the ground is constantly changing so it’s not easy to say ( for regular people far away from front line ) what is really going to happen… I juist wish they kill those rats/terrorist and bring peace to that region


Syrian soldiers were seen passing through the villages of Beit Sawa and Mesraba, which have long been known as strongholds for opposition forces.


Well done them Syrians, let’s hope that some of the US godfathers of the head-chopping, heart-eating raping, slavers get theirs too.

northerntruthseeker .

The sooner the good guys complete the link up, the better..

And with that splitting of the pocket, the resistance will finally crumble….

I again applaud the efforts of the good guys, the SAA, in their battle against the evil of the US/Israel/NATO cabal…


Please, never forget the aerospace Russia force, it is the main key why Syria has not collapsed under terrorists (including Israel-USA-NATO) attack.

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