On March 14, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Tiger Forces, the Republican Guard and their allies advanced on the village of Jisreen in the southern part of Eastern Ghouta and captured a number of buildings inside it, according to pro-government sources.
As soon as Jisreen is liberated, government troops will start operation to liberated the villages of Kafr Batna and Saqba.
The SAA and its allies also advanced on positions of militants in the area of Harasta but failed to achieve any notable gains there.
Government forces have captured a weapons depot in Aftaris:
The SAA has discovered a chemical weapons lab in the recently liberated village of Al-Shifuniayh in Eastern Ghouta. Previously, the village had been controlled by Jaish al-Islam. This poves that militants had been able to produce and use chemical weapons to stage chemical attacks in the pocket in order to accuse the Syrian government of conducting them.

Geolocation of the militants’ chemical lab in Eastern Ghouta. Source: https://twitter.com/dalanymokus
On March 13, Speaking during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Commander of US Central Command Gen. Joseph Votel said that Russia’s support to the Syrian government increases the complexity of the anti-ISIS campaign in Syria. The general also accused Moscow of undermining the US-Russian relations.
“So I am concerned about this role that Russia plays in northern Syria and how it impacts all of our relationships and especially relations between us and Turkey,” Gen. Votel said.
So, the US military has found who is “guilty” of its failures in Syria and Washington’s ill-advised policy in the country.
Because Russia hacked Turkey.
Dear southfront there is a typo in the title it should read march not may; or I magically time travelled
I sincerely hope the government has well and truly finished this by May :)
I hope they finish it the next 10 days.
You definitely time traveled…. But the pocket should be destroyed by the end of March….
So they found a chemical weapons lab? MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION AT THE UN!!! Oh wait, after Colin Powell no one takes those serious any more.
>>So, the US military has found who is “guilty” of its failures in Syria and Washington’s ill-advised policy in the country.<<
Why accept blame yourself when you can blame others instead? Its not like Russia had to do much, with the Pentagon continuing to ship weapons to the Kurds and setting them up as a de facto independent state. In no way whatsoever was that policy guaranteed to piss off Turkey in any possible way. No way! Absolutely not! Impossible! It had to be the Russians!
And even so, why would Russia be under any obligation to do something that would not undermine or run counter to US foreign policy. Last time I checked Russia was an independent country. Not beholden to the US in any possible way. That's what independent countries do. Have independent foreign policies that further THEIR interests.
Snakeheads. Enough said.
They found the militant chemical lab and storage depot – but don’t expect US to acknowledge this.
Where is nikki hately??The Syrians should pass these photos of the chemical workshop all around the UN at the next meeting.I would love to see her reaction to them,,.