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Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People’s Republic On August 4 (18+)

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Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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On August 4, the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic reported that more than 300 shells, including those equipped with PMF-1 (Lepestok) anti-personnel mines, were fired from the Ukrainian side on the territory of the Republic.

As of 9 p.m. on August 4, 20 civilians suffered from the explosions on PFM mines. One of the injured died in hospital as a result of the injury.

On August 4, the AFU shelled the center of the city of Donetsk. One of the attacks targeted the drama theater, where the farewell to the colonel of the People’s Militia of the DPR Olga Kachura (known by the call sign Korsa) took place. She was killed a day before in Gorlovka.

Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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The ceremony was attended by DPR military and political officials.

Another attack hit the Donbass Palace, a hotel where Russian and foreign journalists stay.

The attacks on the city center were carried out from the AFU positions in the area of the settlement of Karlovka, and precisely with the use of NATO-style 155 mm caliber weapons. This is the area of responsibility of the 56th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade, commander – Colonel Sergey Anatolyevich Sirchenko. The chief of artillery of the 56 brigade is Colonel Artem Yurievich Puchkov.

At the moment, the number of victims as a result of the shelling of the Voroshilovsky district is 13 people (8 were killed, 5 wounded).

Killed: women born in 1973, 1961, 1956, a girl born in 2010, men born in 1995, 1997

Personal data on 2 victims are being clarified.


“We note the special cynicism of the criminals of the Kiev regime, who hastened to assure the world community of their alleged non-involvement in today’s tragedy.

We remind Ukrainian criminals, and all those who unconditionally believe them, that NATO-made 155 mm caliber weapons, used for attacks on civilians of Donbass precisely and exclusively by the AFU.” DPR representative in the JCCC reported.

On August 4, the town of Toretsk came under artillery fire. The outskirts and the central part of the city were shelled. 8 people were reportedly killed, including 7 civilians and 1 police officer. 4 people were injured, including 3 children.

Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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According to local reports, the AFU shelled another penal colony. The attack targeted the 124th colony in the DPR. As a result of the strike, victims were reported. Their number is yet to be clarified. Presumably, prisoners of war are also kept in this colony.

Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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Overview Of Bloody Attacks By Ukrainian Forces On Civilians In Donetsk People's Republic On August 4 (18+)

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These are only a few targets hit by the nazi Kiev regime in the Donetsk People’s Republic on August 4. The other regions that are under Russian control were also hit by Ukrainian forces.

According to the pro-Russian military-civil administration of the Zaporozhye region, four Ukrainian missiles hit an agricultural facility in the village of Gusarka in the Zaporozhye region. Hangars were destroyed, agricultural machinery and equipment for threshing grain were damaged. No casualties were reported as a result of the attack.

The head of the military-civil administration of the Kherson region claimed that last night Russian air defense systems intercepted 16 of the 18 missiles fired at Kherson from the US-made HIMARS MLRS.

“Of the 18 missiles, 16 were shot down, and two simply did not reach the city,” the official said.



The Russian territory was also targeted by Ukrainian Tochka-U missiles.

Two people were injured during the shelling by the AFU of the village of Klimovo in the Bryansk region was carried out by Ukraine. Three Ukrainian missiles were shot down over a village.


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The Lord of the Pimps

And Pelosi wants the same for Taiwan.


Yes, this was barbaric, yes this was a massacre. I agree. But where is the reaction from Moscow? When are you FINALLY going to teach the Comedian a final lesson? It’s time to take him down once and for all – he killed enough Russian civilians and civilians of the DPR. Attack Kiev! Vengeance!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter
Michel LeBlanc

The names of the commanding officers of the artillery units doing the shelling is know.

I propose putting a missile in each of these officers house. Have them fear for their families like they have terrorized others for too long.


The purpose of the whole conflict is to cause as much human misery and death as possible. Unfortunately, lacking understanding, most can not see this wishing either side great luck etc.


From outside, this looks a lot like the penal colony where the 3 foreign mercenaries are held (among other Ukrainian prisoners). Is it the same?

The scums did it because the Allies managed to break through Peski near Adviivka!


russia really needs to fire missiles to whichever countries sent weapons to uknazi. western countries have russians’ blood on their hands. time to retaliate. what to wait for?


Sad news about Korsa, I liked her. I bookmarked her favorite Louna Storming the Heavens track the first time that video was shown on here. Such a small thing, but nonetheless she will be fondly remembered, and by many others too no doubt.




Still no strikes on decision-making centers. Just sayin’


I’m beginning to get upset with the Russians. Will you please kindly start striking command centers?!


Your Americans friends and government aided in these hideous act of atrocities now and during 8 years since 2014. Be proud to wave that f-ing flag.

jens used car sales

“if you can get people to believe absurdities you can get them to commit atrocities”. Voltaire


Justice will be dark and brutal for the Nazis.


God bless Mother Russia the last Christian nation on this planet and let the devil take the evil angloZionaZi empire of shit. Ever faster to Odessa before General Winter comes storming in from the East in the coming months. Let the freeZing EuroPeons rip apart the sickening EUSSR in Natostan and the collapsing fiat filth €urodollah will take care of the Satanic Pedovore Politburo in sink hole Brussels and the adrenachrome chugging geriatric garbage in the Washing town sewer.

China will liberate Formosa from the USSAN meat puppets and Russia will decapitate the wargasming filth running the Natostan butcher’s department.

No mercy until all these innocent dead are avenged.

Z all the way to the apes in Berlin (again) and Brussels, Natostan if that is what it takes.


This is a CIA and NATO wrong strategy that Zelensky follows. In a military war a person with a tiny brain would never attack civilians because they have no weapons to fight back.


Zelensky’s forces also attack on POW that cannot defend themselves.


Mr. Putin, please, it is now the hour of using nukes, nukes, nukes everywhere|! KIEV for first! Retaliation is needed. Don’t expect anymore!


I’m very sorry for the die of brave commander CORSA. She was a glorious soldier. R.I.P. I cry for her from Italy.


These images are horrific. This and other war crimes are being hidden by Western governments and Western media outlets. The Kiev regime narrative is pushed to the public in West Europe and North America. We need to make sure that these war crimes are exposed across the world for all to see. We all have a part to play in this and no matter how small or how large that part may be. It is the duty of every civilised human being to expose the crimes of the Kiev regime and their Western backers. From talking to people in the street or writing about this online to protecting at Ukrainianr embassies and confronting Western politicians about their role in supplying the Kiev criminal regime with weapons to murder civilians in the Donbass and Southern Ukraine. Do your bit and speak out . Our prayers and condolences to the families of the victims in the above report. And to all who have suffered as a result of the criminal actions of the regime currently in power in Kiev.

mohummad your profit

we lower species amerikan are feminized; in Usa morality is monkey pox


Zelensky Nazi Fascist cowards!!!!!!


Trolls, nervous of US and NATO complicity in this evil murdering and genocide. Your time has come and we all know history will not be good to you scum.

senile joe your profit

me true atheist—I send drones to murder thousands in Afghanistan but not my wasabi sushi eating Saudi friends


and western politicians plus their media propaganda always blame Russia, but keep their mouth shut about Ukrainian atrocities. Just like Germany i May1945: Nobody had known anything, all militaries were just following orders. If you are a politician or media mouthpiece and hide the crimes of Ukrainian units, you are guilty of supporting mass murder and belong behind prison bars for many years. If You are a soldier in an artillery unit deliberately shooting civilians, you are a murderer and deserve to be punished as such.


Many of you want Putin and his forces and allies to hit Kiev and take out Zelenskike. There is a reason he does not. First you have to know where he is and because he behaves like a typical joo-commie he probably moves around alot like the scared little ratfukk that he is. There is another reason too, he and his staff are incompetant boobs and make alot of bad decisions. This helps the Russian armed forces and their DPR, LPR allies and Chechen allies on the battle field. If Zelenskunt where to die you would probably get a Uke general to take over and they might actually get better at fighting and Putin and his forces and allies would have a tougher time achieving their objectives and it would be bloodier for them and take longer.

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