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Overview Of Military Developments: Ukrainian Offensive Continues. Russians Waiting For Reinforcements

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Overview Of Military Developments: Ukrainian Offensive Continues. Russians Waiting For Reinforcements

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Overview Of Military Developments: Ukrainian Offensive Continues. Russians Waiting For Reinforcements

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Overview Of Military Developments: Ukrainian Offensive Continues. Russians Waiting For Reinforcements
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Overview Of Military Developments: Ukrainian Offensive Continues. Russians Waiting For Reinforcements

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their offensive in the Kharkiv region and in the north of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republic. After the announcement of partial mobilization in Russia, as well as amid worsening weather conditions, the Ukrainian military are rushing to get to the Russian military communication lines and cut them in order to threaten Russian forces in the whole region.

Ukrainian units recently managed to break through Russian defenses north of Krasny Estuary and establish control over several villages in the area. Russian military positions in Krasny Liman remain the main Russian stronghold in the region. Russian units in Krasny Liman and Yampol have been repelling attacks by superior enemy forces for more than a week. The AFU are attacking from the western direction, from their positions in Shurovo, as well as from the south, from the positions in Ozernoe.

The villages of Novoselovka, Drobishevo and Shandrigolovo also remain under Russian control.  The AFU are attacked in small groups of up to 10-15 soldiers on armored vehicles, which are shelled by Russian artillery.

The road between the settlements is under Ukrainian fire control. The supply of the Russian grouping in Krasny Liman is carried out from the north-eastern direction, along the Svatovo-Makeyevka-Terny road, which is also in danger of being cut off amid the ongoing Ukrainian offensive.

The AFU are passing through the villages of Korovy Yar and Redkodub:



After unsuccessful attempts to storm Krasny Limsn, the AFU are trying to surround the area from the northern and southern directions.

The village of Redkodub recently came under Ukrainian control. On September 27, a company of the Armed Forces of Ukraine established a foothold in the nearby village of Novoe.

It was also reported that Ukrainian troops have regained control of Yekaterinovka, located east of Redkodub. In recent days, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already taken control of the village, but were repulsed by Russian troops. Fighting continues in the area.

By evening, some sources claimed that the villages of Novoye and Yekaterinovka had come back under Russian control.

By now, the AFU have advanced about 15 kilometers to the east in this area. From the bridgehead in Redkodub – Novoe, the AFU units are trying to develop their offensive in the direction of the village of Zelenaya Dolina and the Zherebets River in order to reach the rear of the Russian troops defending the city of Krasny Liman.

Russian Su-34 was shot down in the Kharkov region near Kupyansk on September 25. Russian pilots survived and were evacuated:



In the north, the situation remains tense in the area of the Oskol reservoir. After the loss of Izyum, Russian troops managed to straighten the front and stop the Ukrainian offensive in the city of Oskol. Recently, they were forced to retreat towards Shandrigolovo, located near the small Nitrius River. The AFU established an important stronghold on the left bank of the Oskol River.

On September 27, the AFU also took control of the village of Peski-Radkovskie. Clashes in the area continue. The AFU are trying to reach the Borovaya-Svatovo road, located a few kilometers to the north. If the Ukrainian military manages to capture a stronghold in this area, it will pave the way for their offensive in the direction of Svatovo.

The AFU also made some progress east of Krasny Liman. They built several pontoon crossings across the Seversky Donets River in the area between Krivaya Luka and Belogorovka. They are transferring military equipment and created an important bridgehead on the northern bank of the river, preparing for the further offensive against the positions of allied troops in the area.

Ukrainian military equipment destroyed near Drobyshevo:



According to the footage from the front, the AFU are suffering heavy losses in the region. The Russian military also claims that the Ukrainian military command continues offensive operations using their servicemen as a cannon fodder.

The Russian scouts managed to detect and destroy a stronghold of Ukrainian militants with the help of artillery. As a result of the strike, several vehicles with ammunition and fuel were destroyed:


The Russian special forces found an enemy mortar crew near the village of Dibrova, which was firing at the Russian positions in Krasny Liman. The Ukrainian mortar was destroyed by the first shot:


While the front lines in other regions of Ukraine are marked by positional battles without any significant successes by any of the warring sides, Krasny Liman remains one of the most turbulent battlefields of the Ukrainian war. The Ukrainian military has about two weeks left to gain more advantages, at least in the Kharkiv region. It is expected that after hundreds of thousands of newly mobilized Russian soldiers are deployed in Ukraine, who will allow to better secure the rears and free up more forces for Russian offensive operations, the AFU will return to defense.


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Ukraine are using a smart technique. Since everyone knows Russians are afraid to be surrounded. The Ukraine storm Russian defense and scare the Russians about being surrounded, so the Russians retreat and Ukraine gets more land. Obviously Ukraine lose many men but they use the “if the soldier infront of you die, pick up his weapon and move forward” since Ukraine has so many men but less weapons and ammunition.


Ukraine does not have time on it’s side, but if they plan the time they have smart. They can hurt Russia really bad and win the battle before they lose the war.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

less weapons and ammunition, hmm interesting. What happened with the millions of weapons and ammunition provided by NATO and the collective West? Went up in smoke?! Sounds like the Persian drones are doing a great job then.

Last edited 1 year ago by North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

Russia is much better than Isis is a terrorist state :D




Isis is a terrorist state and mass murderer


true that 👍

george moiseyev


Another “great job ” all Russian controlled regions in Ukraine have voted for accession to Russia !!!

USA /UK not happy- good !


That’s called maneuvering. Basic military “technique”: no reason to attack straight on if you can attack flanks. Russians tho are directly attacking heavily entrenched Bakhmut for weeks, months and achieve nothing. But the main reason for both failures are severe lack of troops. Kremlin delayed mobilization way too long, waiting for situation to become critical to actually something.

Captain Hohol

We need a new Debaltsevo for the UAF, with a 0.3kt iksander cherry on top to send a message, but only if necessary.

Lord Humungus

Yeah Ukraine did the same thing in 2014/15. Advanced very far in long narrow fronts, stretched their supply lines and wound up in cauldrons. Remember Debatlseve and Ilovaisk. Looks like they are doing the same thing. We shall see. No Merkel to come to their rescue this time.

Vlad from Romania

Nazi way to “win” a war: amphetamines and mindless aggresivity. Too bad there is no Suvorov on the Russian side this time 😞.

Southfront resident nigha

Suvorov was a Nazi. He was a huge fan of Napoleon too. Like all Nazis he was into mindless aggressiveness and drugs (coca and opium in those times). Drugs give user overconfidence, aggressiveness and spitefulness.

I noticed that most of the Nazis in Ukraine are heavily on Roids.

V for victory

Sex, war and roc’nroll.

Sr. Menotti

Nazis, please, lol. Keep “claiming” these small 7people villages. Keep going Ukros, you still have someday before the total war will be declared against you. After the 1st of October there will be just 2 options for ya: Surrender or die. Cope.


Russia is much better than Isis is a terrorist state :)


Time to destroy Kiev. Send that little jew pervert and thief to hell for getting all those Ukranians killed.


The United States will urgently transfer 16 NASAMS installations to the AFU.

U.S. crews no doubt.

No way Ukros were trained so quickly to operate these sophisticated systems. So far Americans refused to give them electronics with artillery and now suddenly they are giving them the best air defense systems they have? U.S. is more and more openly and directly involved in this war.

Last edited 1 year ago by ...

Putin wants to escalate the war in Ukraine by mobilizing Russians , so NATO is giving more weapons to the Ukrops. Its a tit-for-tat. Nothing more and nothing less. Thousands and thousands of Russians will die in Ukraine. Entire Russian family’s are being torn apart right now because Russian dad’s and grandfathers must go to the frontline in Ukraine or else they get 15 year prison.

The Objective

Moronic nonsense your every dumb word. Who started with mobilization first? Huh you inbred monkey? If Ukraine mobilized its reservists why Russia can’t mobilize its own? Is NATO side in this conflict? No? SO how’s that tit-for-tat you jihadist monkey from Erdogan’s harem? You don’t even know what that means. Perhaps they should join openly instead of hiding like bitches behind Ukroidiots , so all you vermin can finally be eradicated.

Last edited 1 year ago by The Objective

Russia is much better than Isis is a terrorist state :P

Captain Hohol

The U.S is playing a very dangerous game if they start shipping out active duty U.S servicemen to fight in Ukraine.


If so it is just a question of time before some are either killed or captured.

Vlad from Romania

They did that before the Russian invasion. Who do you think stopped Russian advance in the first place, Ukrainian civilians?!

t s

The US ‘State Department’ does not use active military, but does use people with military experience and may force the active US military to provide transport.


Putin wants to escalate the war in Ukraine by mobilizing Russians , so NATO is giving more weapons to the Ukrops. Its a tit-for-tat. Nothing more and nothing less. Thousands and thousands of Russians will die in Ukraine. Entire Russian family’s are being torn apart right now because Russian dad’s and grandfathers must go to the frontline in Ukraine or else they get 15 year prison.

The Objective

Stop spamming the same moronic garbage you inbred monkey.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

If I would be the Russian leader I would respond in kind the sabotage of the Northstream: I would destroy an American pipeline as retribution, a big one. And when the Yanks say “Ru did it”. I would answer: “No, you did it yourself, idiots.”.



Captain Hohol

They should, honestly.

How about the trans atlantic cable system? Instant dark ages.


Russian reinforcements are even more poorly trained incompetent forces as those been in Ukraine. Make no mistakes: Russian military is piece of shit.

Putin is a genius

In the last few months Southfront have censored almost every serious comment that could have led to a serious conversation. As a result the comment section has become a platform for immature men with serious doubts about their sexual identity. No wonder the donations are dropping.

f u c k you

Actually they mostly censor moronic faggot trolls like you =frantisek=ottoman=degenerate piece of shit with 1000000 gay names, polluting this site from your basement 24/7 every day

Good job SF, keep removing Ukrotrash !


Russia is much better than Isis is a terrorist state ;)


There is only one useful answer to this developments… Russia should take directly Charkov, after that this “offensives” are over.

Last edited 1 year ago by paco

I would love to see another ten videos of the SU34 being shot down as it shows they are actually being used. Even the loss of twenty or thirty planes would be accepted as insignificant compared to the amount of destruction they would bring. Used in force there should be no way in hell the UAF could continue offensive operations.

I did not watch all the videos posted above but when I watched many of them yesterday there were videos of the SU 34 and SU 25 providing CAS dropping bombs! not just the one of the shoot down. Surprised they are not shown here? It is amazing the diff that four 500lb fab have over the 152mm shells or mlrs rounds. In at least one video a small column of around five vehicles on the road are completely obliterated, none of the usual arty rounds close but just close with one hit here or there….. there is no confusion as to if anything survives!


Good point. According to one telegram channel (forgot which) one of the Su-30/35’s was stalked (that vid clip was a low altitude manpads interception), meaning patterns and routes in the sorties are studied (RU af, like the RU navy is usually as regular and on the clock as German rail transport). Once aircraft depart from base and tracked by NATO awacs, it doesn’t take long until predictions can be made for what sort of sortie/route/destination the plane is headed along. Nearby teams with manpads and possibly other SAM are coordinated and dispatched along the routes of a good guess candidate, and the Sukhoi is shot down in a fashion very similar to how Serbs managed to shoot down the F/A-117 over two decades ago.

The solution, less regular flight plans, more deviations from regular path or creative alternate paths, faux sorties that at first look like a sortie to the front but then simply end up as look down patrols and loitering with stand off bombs which can be requested on demand by ground troops a safer distance from the front. Also use of glide bombs (which have good stand off distance). The channel suggesting these was perplexed why RU has so far not seemed to use glide bombs. (These must be dropped from great altitude, but have good range). Perhaps RU AF assesses that Ukrop S-300 are close enough to drop point that aircraft at high altitude are at too great a risk. (I’m not sure if an S-300 launched at say 120km -200km distance can be defeated/outrun by a jet through very high altitude ~20km and high speed 2+mach, perhaps some aviation sim buffs can do some trials and give us the answer/guesses.)

Last edited 1 year ago by November
Vlad from Romania

AWACS are operating from the airspace of Poland and Romania. Too bad Russians are not doing anything about them…


The big problem they cause is to make SAM hunting very difficult for RU’s airforce, by enabling the Ukrop SAMs to barely need to turn on their radar. And if they do need to turn on their radar it’s very brief, and not enough time for RU af to send an anti-radiation missile.

Dronifiying some of the Foxbats to work with human wild weasel Foxbats would also maybe to encourage Ukrops to turn on their radars more often; those drones would mostly serve the primary role as pawns, while maybe also being able to gather useful recon footage when flying over Ukrop held territory.

And surely RU is working constantly on ECM, which hopefully will keep growing in effectiveness.


Yes, time is not on their side for USA terrorists and Ukronazis. Blowing up pipelines under the sea in the Baltics will excelarate the size and speed of the conflict. I’m not sure 😕 where the US Terrorists are going with this one but you can be sure it will get a massive response. I think clearly China sees they have lost their collective minds. They will begin to mobilize to the next level, as a partner of Russia. Humanity is reliant on them to put down the Warmongering US and Natostan. Serbian leader is right, in that we are in World War III.

Remember Bucha!

The russian murderers are being driven out of Ukraine…finally revenge for Bucha!

Lesco Brandon

The sheer incompetence of this Russian operation continues to amaze me.


It’s unreal how much I hate jews…


Why does Russia have a huge problem with AIDs/HIV? I thought that was a gay disease? Hmmm….

jens holm

Ask your mom why. She knows she has infected a lot of dogs in Russia with HIV.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

Why does the USA have a huge problem with AIDs/HIV, SYPHILIS and MONKEYPOX?


RU really needs to address those bridgeheads and retake the Oskol line. They need to move in firepower fast. Airlift if that speed this up.

Secondly address the flow upstream at southwestern borders (at and west of Odessa).

Barba Papa

How come we see article after article of the RuAF pounding ISIS positions in Syria but nothing about the RuAF in Ukraine? Where is the RuAF in this war? Why wasn’t air superiority over Ukraine established from day 1? Why is Russia allowing the flow of weapons to the AFU?


NATO forces are trying to start a destructive war against Russia which is hampering the new world order. It’s their only chance to clear the debt and stay in power. And the US deep state knows it must win its war, before Trump returns in November


Russia needs to be destroying nato supply lines to the west of the dypner River cut off their supply lines and they are done for also hit anything coming into Ukraine from Poland and Romania

Genaro, antifascist

USA – terrorist and saboteur state

Genaro, antifascist

“The US Embassy urges US citizens to leave Russia immediately. Earlier, Poland and Bulgaria urged their citizens to leave Russia.” Hmm, interesting. So, NATO is going to ‘nuke’ Russia or what? Dont forget that this will be the end of NATO, and all NATO countries will be immediately destructed by hypersonic nukes.

Slava Rossia

Sadly, but Lyman is already lost. Another retreat must happen. Very unsatisfactory russian MoD planning from the beginning. And they still don’t want to take proper actions. The only thing which still have success stopping the ukropizdan cocaine-led nazis is in-depth aerial mining. Moreover, the terrain is the best possible for that kind of actions. Woods after woods…..Even the Pentagoon’s new fascists used that to slow down russians all along the east frontline of Lisichansk with good results. There is only 1 road left for supply of Lyman but is already in range of hohol wehrmacht.


Russians will wait and wait and wait forever


The war may end in the next few weeks, the Ukrainians likely know that once Russian reinforcements arrive, the prospects of recovering territory are gone. They want to take as much as possible in order to spin the peace deal as a Russian humiliation like the Winter War. Putin probably will agree to a ceasefire but at least this way the fighting would end. It looks like both sides are about to be satisfied enough to stop.

Ziological Warfare

Little britain is all in on the trannie brigades. They wanted to stay on fighting in Afghanistan as their boyfriends pulled out. This must be it. They want to make up for the fighting they missed. Enjoy it while it lasts before winter sets in and more Russians arrive


The Ukrops expected Russia to do the same again as it did in Kherson, leaving Zaporizhzhia – Vuhledar – Melitopol and Mariupol all open to another blitzkrieg. They are holding out valiantly while the winter and mobilized units come in. I can’t wait to see their asses kicked in a massive role reversal. If you ask me, Putin should have mobilized at least another 600k and ended this war once and for all. First, send them all in to put Ukraine on the defensive. Then when it stabilizes a bit, rotate them and train them further, send the heavy equipment in, and attack and end this once and for all. But the attack has to include all gloves off and no niceties or compromises – mass bombing in the rear and destruction of all C4I and infrastructure, even hitting NATO decision centres in Kiev and all dams and bridges especially the Dnirpo bridges to stop retreat and encircle them in another Ilovaisk / Debaltsevo

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