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Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City on November 5, 2016

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Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City on November 5, 2016

The so-called “Syrian Observation for Human Rights” (SOHR, a UK-based pro-militant monitor) reported on November 5 that 166 “rebels” have been killed since the start of the 2nd phase of Jabhat Fatah al-Sham(formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian al-Qaeda branch)-led offensive in western Aleppo. According to the SOHR, 86″opposition fighters” killed by the “Assad regime” were non-Syrians. In other words, the main striking force of Jaish al-Fatah (al-Nusra-led operation room) in Aleppo is foreign mercenaries.

Following the fail of the 2nd phase of Al-Nusra-led offensive, the miltiary situation in western Aleppo remains stable. Pro-government forces and militants engage each other in firefights and artillery duels, but nobody is able to seize more ground in the area.

Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City on November 5, 2016

Reports appeared that the Syrian army and Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba (an Iraqi pro-government militia) entered the Sadcop factory in the Ramouseh area. However, the real gains on the ground cannot be confirmed.

Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City on November 5, 2016

Jaish al-Fatah suffers more casualties than the Syrian army and its allies because it has a lack of expirienced artillery units and the militants don’t have an air support. In the coming days, Jabhat al-Nusra and its allies will likely make another attempt to break the government forces’ defenses in the 1070 Apartment Project, the 3000 Apartment Project and in the New Aleppo. If they are not able to do this, they will lost the vestiges of initiative in the ongoing battle for Aleppo.

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Will you wait for another offensive without bombing them first ? Will you wait for SAA and allies to loose soldiers for nothing ? Will you wait for civilians in west Aleppo to be killed by terrorist shellings ?

Or Putin will ask for another useless truce for the terrorists to reorganize and rearm until the next offensive ?

John Whitehot

you have been exposed as a zionist. Your cover lasted about half an hour. clap clap.


Pathetic. What make me a zionist ? Just the fact that you told it ?


Putin had to kill the western Media propaganda of air Strikes in Aleppo. 20 days without airstrikes and the US still can seperate terrorists from rebells, in case of the rebells putin knows they dont exists. Give it some more days and they start bombing again. than everybody know when the Us is calling for a ceasefire they are helping only terrorists. Aleppo will fall, the world puts its focus on Aleppo and the SAA is cleaning the backyard!


Like I said before why Putin never exposed the 9/11 lies ? And why Putin didn’t sold S-300 to Syria ?

The western media propaganda stand in “fighting terrorism” since the 9/11 flase flag. But, everybody knows that USA is helping terrorists to invade nations to “fight terrorism” by taking these countries, what was the real goal. So, exposing 9/11 lies should have been done years ago. Iran did it but not Russia.


All this ragging on Putin as not doing enough to solve east Aleppo is absurd. Air power alone wont do it, the SAA needs manpower. Hezbollah has carried burden of the counter assaults in southern districts for months, and they are drained and need a break. The next assistance is likely to come from Iraq in form of Shia militias after Mosul Operation complete, but that means holding steady until their availability. This simply requires window of time, and Russians are adept, they are using that window to rewrite the Aleppo MSM narrative. They are extending bombing pauses, opening corridors and calling on militants to peacefully leave, giving impression they have it all under control. The media is major battlefield, whoever dominates the narrative initiative often has ability to control the narrative, and affect the outcome. Aleppo has taken years to get to this point, it won’t be wrapped in matter of weeks. It is urban jungle and the militants are entrenched. But SAA holds the encircling ground and militants in east Aleppo are in position of the besieged.

Ross Kapernick

You put it well in only a few words. The reasoned pragmatic approach of Putin and his Ministers is absolutely brilliant. If only we could find a few the same in the West. They make Hillary etc. look like petty children.

John Whitehot



Just because someone has a different opinion, and is clearly pro-Assad, doesn’t mean they’re a zionist. So many retards in these comments can never criticize Putin or Assad, they’re human ffs, nothing is perfect or don’t make mistakes.

John Whitehot

i agree. But, my friend, be wary. Those I call zionists, and that basically work for that global domination agenda, use means that normally won’t be apparent, especially to younger, inexperienced people, which are their primary targets. Just one thing: If I appear as a fiery Assad supporter, my “opinion” will be much more easily listened by those who support Assad and Russia. So I’ll be able to plant seeds in those minds that normally I could not plant.

Ross Kapernick

Your comment did not appeal to me as an anti US British French and there dispicable allies in the ME. Yes I also hope Assad does manage to get on top also and can bring some stability to Syria. Name calling does not help though. That is what has caused the problem. Hopeless brainless name calling lying twisting US Politicians. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Ross Kapernick

Retard. Cant you do better than name calling like a child.

John Whitehot

lol lunatic. what name calling? I don’t do names, the fucking fuck are you talking about?

Ross Kapernick

My apology. Now I go through your posts again it is obvious I agree with you. I do object to the use of the word “zionists” which can easily be interpreted in a racist way by many. With regard to the USA I personally think it is the Political Establishment that is the problem. People who have grown up as part of the Political system for decades if not generations. They become so blind to being pragmatic and making decisions based on the situation today by there past stances. A problem we also have in Australia. It would be good to go back to the days where our Politicians are dominated by people that have led a real life before they become senior Politicians captive of the system. E.g. the person who may have been a school captain joined a service club and been president maybe been a simple councillor in a local authority and then at say age 40 makes a move into federal politics. Now so many like Hillary since she was a student have moved into politics when at University. The end result is they end up very one eyed and trapped by the system they have been part of all there adult life. Brainwashed in there own way. Incapable of making decisions based on the facts of the day. Always tied to the past. Typical of this in US and British Foreign Policy is the majority of US politicians automatically consider Russia today exactly the same as the USSR. There thinking becomes entrenched. Even in USSR days most fool Politicians in the USA equated USSR under Stalin the same as under Kruschev. It was not if you bother to ask Russians of the period. Politicians captive of there past experiences. All I will say if Hillary gets in God help the world in terms of Foreign Policy. If Trump gets in God help the USA if he stays with the simplistic economic Policy he has espoused and his family xtreme stance regarding Latinos. The real truth is somewhere in between. I still feel in economic terms what he says and what he would do are completely different.

Ross Kapernick

I would add I now consider our Parliamentary system in Australia better. At least here where the elected Politicians pick the Prime Minister we have a leader that can be changed easily. E.g. When our Labour Party had power 5/6 years ago and the leader they went to the election with proved to be a control freak they replaced him. Best summed up by a comment of one of his Ministers. “The way we got rid of him might have been a bastard act but he acted like a bastard towards his Ministers.” In simple terms it had to be his way always. Same happened when the Liberal/Nationals got power. Abbott was removed when it became obvious his attitudes were very much in keeping with his roots. Born in Britain and a one eyed British extreme Conservative in reality. Got rid of by his Party. This keeps our system more moderate and less extreme and less polarised. The big problem in the USA now.

Ross Kapernick

I have a feeling the truces are now over. Putin has now proven what he and all balanced people have believed for a long time. Most in the Terrorist held area of Aleppo are not much better than ISIS. Two prolonged truces to please the USA and Britain and France and virtually no civilians allowed to leave. They like all terrorists now are resorting to suicide bombers and more and more indiscrimonate shelling of the innocents of Assad held Aleppo. It has now been proven that the USA has no real influence over the so called moderates. They cant get them to separate themselves from the AlQaida types. So be it. The Russian coalition has no choice now but to hit hard and hopefully get the Terrorists in Aleppo on the run. Lets hope they only have to bomb a small area very hard and there are not too many civilians forced to stay on that area by the US backed Terorists. I am sure they have a strategy worked out just as the US coalition has in Mosul that will minimise civilian deaths. A lousy 8,000 Terrorists in Aleppo according to the UN cant be allowed to hold the entire nation as hostage. After they are eliminated then it is a matter of the cleanup that will talk years as usual. Also wipe out what remains of ISIS. Thanks USA and Britain and France for another disastrous humanitarian disaster. We can thank the new Imperialist abd the two old imperialists acting with there Terrorist supporting allies in the ME.


I think Putin wants to give the US a “present” during its elections.

Ross Kapernick

Yes. Cripple Hillary before she gets a hold on power. A humiliation in Syria plus an Impeachment started by Congress should just about cripple her for her first term. Thank God for that. The world does not want more warmongering like Bush started and Obama continued with. What makes it worse is Obama failed to do the honorable thing and finish cleaning up the mess created in Afghanistan and Iraq originally by the USA as well. Then he in typical US style supported creating more disasters in Ukraine and Libya and Syria. As an Aussie I hope Trump by some miracle gets in. His domestic policies appall me but his foreign policy sounds OK. That or a crippled Hillary for her first term is all I ask for the World. What the USA wants domestically is up to them. As an Aussie I am tired of US admins creating disaters around the world or asking us in Australia to help them create them. Or asking us to help clean them up. We would be better spending the billions it costs us to do that and putting it onto our own home defense. From what my fellow Aussies say most feel the same way. This alliance simply costs us as an Asisn nation too much good will and wasted money. The change is coming. Good to see the President of the Phillipines the other day tell Obama “mind your own business you son of a bitch” When like a typical self-righteous Baptist Minister he tried to lecture him about how to be a good boy. Just like that hopeless drunken born again Bush. Religion might have saved him from the grog but there is no reason to lecture and tell everbody else in the world they should be like him. NO thanks.


If people keep saying that USA is fighting terrorism while USA is spreading terrorism, you can go nowhere. If people and Putin don’t want to make this easy step, I don’t know what all this is about. If it was the inverse and Russia made an 9/11 false flag in Moscow, USA would have never covered up this false story.

So, why helping the country that want to destroy you ?

Pampi Ta

Don’t be conspirationnist and drink a glass.


The conspirationnists are those who made 9/11 and blamed it on Al Qaida.

Pampi Ta

Oh, and who did that, I’m so eager to know…


You know. So don’t try to talk about your Bush propagenda.

Pampi Ta

Sure, I’m a Bush propagandist… LOL The problem with trolls like you is that your gross exagerations allow the official version to go on. Since nobody can seriously believe you, everybody end by believing the Bush version, which is also flawed.


What a total crap. You believe Bush version bnecause you don’t like the real version ? What a joke. Everyone can see what a joke and a liar you are likje Bush your terrorist master.

Ross Kapernick

We all agree Bush was either an imbecile used by others or part of the twisted conspiracy the USA has been about since supporting Terrorists to power in Afghanistan since the 1980’s. Dwelling on it though does not help. What is best for the world now is what matters. Let it all go and as a US citizen do your best to make sure the USA never again supports Terrorists to achieve there goals for whatever reason. One thing I do like about Trump. He is clear on the Foreign Policy he would follow. Not sure I would like his domestic policies though if I was a US citizen. Let the past go. Move on. As an Aussie then I again will be poroud to say we are an ally if the USA. At present most of us Aussies tend to want to disown the USA in that area.

Gabriel Hollows

I take it they’re waiting for the terrorists to regroup and launch a major offensive (which always require large concentrations of troops) so they can bomb them again with major casualties. I guess it’s a sound strategy considering the limited manpower of the SAA.

Ross Kapernick

Also the Terrorist groups in Aleppo are starting to fracture and fight each other again. It is one thing to Terrorise civilians but another to be trapped and doomed. Not all want to be martyrs. Most dont but are happy to use innocents that can be brainwashed into being sucide bombers etc. Russia also inderstands the Psychology of fighting Terrorists. They have had plenty of experince fighting Saudi /USA supported Terrorists over the last 3/4 decades.

Pampi Ta

Putin’s waiting the US election and gives a a hance to Trump by not bombing Aleppo (which would profite Killary with the MSN propaganda hysteria). As soon as the US election is over the djihadists surely will be wiped out.

Ross Kapernick

You make another good point. Putin and Lavrov and his key ministers are brilliant. They have shut up Kerry and discredited him completely now and all his supporters. We hear no more lies from Carter or any other loud mouth types. Now all discredited and destroyed by Putin and co. Also by then the US coalition will have to do some very serious bombing in Mosul to rid it of ISIS. Lets hope all that is not hidden as usual and US – MS media finds its conscience again and shows some ethics. Some balance.

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