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Overview Of Russian Strikes In Ukraine On October 21, 2024

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Overview Of Russian Strikes In Ukraine On October 21, 2024

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The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue daily massive strikes with drones and missiles on Ukrainian rear facilities. In their turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again launched drone strikes in Russian border regions but their attack was repelled.

On the night of October 21st, Russian air defense forces repelled Ukrainian strikes in four western regions. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, 18 Ukrainian UAVs were intercepted and destroyed. Most of them, 11 UAVs were destroyed in the Rostov region. 4 more drones were destroyed in the Bryansk, 2 in the border Kursk region and one more drone was destroyed in the Oryol region.

According to available information, the attack was successfully repelled and Ukrainian strikes resulted in no damage.

On the other hand, the Russian military launched a series of precision strikes in Ukrainian rear region. In the morning, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that ‘over the past day, the Russian army has defeated the energy facilities of Ukraine that provided the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the infrastructure of military airfields, production workshops and storage depots for kamikaze UAVs, points of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries, areas of accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the enemy in 127 districts.’

Russian strikes were recorded in the capital Kiev and in its region, in Zhitomir, Poltava, Cherkassy, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Zaporozhie, Kherson, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk regions. Russian forces launched Geran-2 attack drones and UAVs of other types, guided aircraft missiles, as well as Iskander-M missile complexes were used.

Overview Of Russian Strikes In Ukraine On October 21, 2024

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The city of Krivy Rih in Dnepropetrovsk region came under the second attack in a row. On the night of October 20th, Russian Iskander missiles struck Druzhba hotel where foreign military specialists on EW means lived. After Druzhba hotel was destroyed, foreign servicemen were accommodated in Central hotel, which came under Russian attack tonight. On the night of October 21st, Russian Iskander-M missiles struck Central hotel used for accommodation of foreign instructors and military specialists. Russian missile struck the parking and heavily damaged the building.



In the afternoon, new series of Russian strikes destroyed more targets in Krivy Rih.

Overview Of Russian Strikes In Ukraine On October 21, 2024

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In the evening, another series of Russian precision strikes hit Ukrainian port infrastructure in the city of Odessa. A large fire broke out as a result of Russian missile strikes on the berth No.5. The oil pipeline was heavily damaged.

According to a Russian official, Russian forces struck workshops used for production of unmanned boats at the Zaporozhie shipbuilding plant located on the bank of the Dnieper River in the city of Zaporozhie. The facilities were pounded by Russian upgraded heavy bombs. According to preliminary reports, the strikes were launched at the moment when the Ukrainian military was preparing to ship new unmanned boats to the units on the frontlines. Kiev attempted to hide military damage and declared that Russian forces allegedly attacked another civilian shopping center.

Another target of Russian night strikes was Ukrainian military airfield in the village of Ozerne in the Zhitomir region. The airfield hosts the 39th brigade of the Air Force of Ukraine. As a result of the strikes, at least one Ukrainian Su-27 was destroyed.

At night, explosions thundered on the eastern bank of the Dnieper River in the city of Kiev as well as on the outskirts of the capital in Vasilkov and Boyarka. According to preliminary reports, military positions of the air defense forces of Ukraine came under attack.

Logistics facilities used by the Ukrainian military and military warehouses came under attacks in the Zhitomir region.

Russian strikes were recorded in the areas of Piryatin and Lybna in the Poltava region. More details about the damage there are yet to be revealed.



Ukrainian infrastructure and military positions in the border Sumy region are pounded by constant Russian strikes. Last night, Russian Geran UAVs struck the Anastasievka-110 energy station near Anastasievka and the Lipovaya Dolina-110 station near the village with the same name.




Russian aircraft also launched at least three waves of strikes on the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Sumy and Kharkiv border regions, including with upgraded heavy bombs.


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this war could end next year, all putin needs to do is add 300,000 troops to the kharkiv front, another 400,000 to the kherson front and take odessa, spend the winter carrying out combined attacks with drones, missiles and glide bombs, and attack them in the summer

Snow Den

bullshit, war is not won by 300.000 troops. 800.000 nk soldiers are less then 50 cruise missiles. if you want to win a war, you need much more then only win couple of battles and grab some ruins of towns. russia and china must crush u.s. mic and make them bankrupted and it will never happen as u.s. just staged coups in moldava, burma and indonesia, strengten their positions in gruzia and armenia and will use 300bln usd of frozen russian assets to do much more damage in the future

Snow Den 2

russia is so hopelessly stupid, passive and slow, that they are only observing what americans do and let it go unpunished. russians must not be surprised that conclusion in the west is that russia is stupid ruined country are not playing any significant role as a world superpower, so they treat them accordingly. as a garbage what russia probably is. at least with current stupid leadership putin & lavrov

Last edited 10 hours ago by Snow Den 2

you eurotard flathead nazis are more stupid then the average ukrainian.

guillable clown. did you learn your tripe from victoria nuland or ursula von der leyen?


Snow Den 3

i’m not eurotard, i’m just observing how putin killed 300.000 of his own people, how he ruined pro-russian donbas and let kiev regime unpunished instead bombing kiev to the ground and i observe how the west grabbed 300 bln usd of russian assets and blowed up nordstream and russia did nothing in retaliation. oh, and u.s. military companies make record profits because of the war in ukraine.

Last edited 9 hours ago by Snow Den 3

and just like that, by repeating the same isw talking points, you have proven that you are indeed an eurotard nazi flathead.

you guillable clowns are so easy to spot. maybe switch jobs and go back to flip burgers at mcdonalds.


unless putin takes odessa and cuts ukraine off black sea, this whole war becomes useless and very expensive/destructive exercise.


go play monopoly, jims, jimmy, jymmi.

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