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Overview Of Russian Strikes On April 28: Explosions Thunder Throughout Ukraine

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Overview Of Russian Strikes On April 28: Explosions Thunder Throughout Ukraine

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After a short break, Russian forces launched another massive attack on the military facilities in the central Ukrainian regions. On the night of April 28, air alert sounded throughout Ukraine.

The attack was carried out by Russian UAVs and Tu-22 and Tu-95 bombers with X-101 and X-555 missiles. According to Ukrainian sources, the strikes were carried out from the Russian cities of Kursk and Voronezh. The unusual direction of the attack allegedly distracted the Ukrainian air defence, as well as numerous false air targets used by the Russian Aerospace forces.

The Ukrainian military reported that 21 Russian missiles were allegedly intercepted by Ukrainian forces. However, this was not enough.

Explosions thundered in the cities of Kiev, Kremenchug, Dnepropetrovsk, as well as in the Kiev, Mykolaiv, Poltava and Cherkasy regions.

Ukrainian officials confirmed damage to the facilities in the capital. The city administration reported that the air defense system was activated in Kiev. The head of the city military administration confirmed damage to the local power line in the Obolon district.

Ukrainian sources claimed that seven Russian missiles were intercepted near the city of Dnepropetrovsk. However, some Russian missiles reached their targets. As a result of the attack, two oil deports used by the Ukrainian military were reportedly destroyed. Two people were killed.

Overview Of Russian Strikes On April 28: Explosions Thunder Throughout Ukraine

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Overview Of Russian Strikes On April 28: Explosions Thunder Throughout Ukraine

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Ukrainian officials also reported that an apartment building was damaged by wreckage of the missile in the town of Ukrainka in the Kiev region. The civilian house was damaged because Ukrainian air defence forces intercepted their target over the residential distrikt in the town.


Overview Of Russian Strikes On April 28: Explosions Thunder Throughout Ukraine

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Another similar tragedy took place in the city of Uman in the Cherkassy region. Ukrainian air defence forces destroyed another apartment building. Zelensky said that ten buildings were damaged, as a result of a missile strike and an entrance collapsed in one of them. He did not clarify that the reason of the collapse was the incompetence of the Ukrainian military.

So far, death of 14 civilians have been confirmed by Ukrainian officials.

The target of the Russian strike was likely the local airfield, but Ukrainian servicemen assessed that lives of Ukrainians are less precious.



While the Kiev regime is intentionally shelling civilians in the DPR and the LPR, killing people on a daily basis, the Russian Defense Ministry has repeatedly stressed that missile strikes are carried out exclusively on military facilities of Ukraine. Despite all the Kiev’s attempts to blame Russia for the strikes on civilian houses and the alleged “genocide”, all the fakes are revealed. The outdated Ukrainian air defence strengthened by NATO forces is still not capable to protect the population. Incompetent Ukrainian military intercepts their targets over the cities, killing civilians. On the other hand, it is possible that Ukrainian forces are intentionally damaging civilian infrastructure in order to use such incidents to blame Russia.


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Peter Jennings

The Ukraine junta just does not care. They have their orders from nato and the USadmin. The US don’t want the people, they just want the land for their missiles, pointed at Russia.


They also want all the ukrainian nationalists dead to replace them with “new ukrainians”.

Pox Ukraina

The US just wants Crimea for NATO and doesn’t care how many Ukrainian corpses line the road to it.

Russell Tyrone Jones, helpin Ukrawidows & dauthers

We at ‘Russell Tyrone Jones Aid Foundation’ are proud to launch our initiative to help Ukrainian widows and teen daughters who lost their loving fathers. Specializing in helping them with all their needs and feelings. We support them to overcome their traumas and anxieties. We offer counseling, therapy and much more. Please feel free to donate to our foundation. We are an internationally recognized institution, helping women for many years. I, Russell Tyrone Jones, personally say thank you for the kind support. God save us all.

Last edited 1 year ago by Russell Tyrone Jones, helpin Ukrawidows & dauthers

Helping them by impregnating them?

You need shelling

Romanian yankee whore

Don’t take my job, asshole ! I was the first who said I’m accommodating max.5 good looking, big boobs and strong asses kukraine widows for free in my glorious shithole colony country Romania. For many years, of course. I wish I can take more but not enough cock power for more. Sorry.

Hunter Biden will take care of Ukrainian widows and teen daughters 😁

Pox Ukraina

He’s too busy slumming with ten dollar crack whores. Times are getting tough.

I guess you’d offer to save all of Ukraine’s teen sons too but they’ve all been kidnapped off the streets and thrown into a trench on the front.

Still a dumb comment. The 100 more times posting it doesn’t make it better

The Decline and Fall of Nazi America

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA Glory to pisscraine glory to PATRIOT systems glory to gravediggers


The Russians are employing this clever tactic, they send a drone or two over to the Ukrainian side. The dumb Nazis start firing at the drones.

The drone transmit the coordinates, Russians then dispatch their heavy goods planes, Lancets and artillery and like seagulls dropping from above, the landscape beautifully decorated with dead Nazis.


This tactic is also used to target greater AD means as Ukrainian officials lamented.


Well… things like „ The target of the Russian strike was likely the local airfield, but Ukrainian servicemen assessed that lives of Ukrainians are less precious.“ shows that SF is becoming slightly deranged in propaganda fog. Ukrainians hardly made that calculation. No matter hoe you spin it, the attacks, while having some military value, will only increase Ukrainians hatred of Russians… and yes, perhaps that of their own government too.


Well they chose the crazy path they are on,so they will have to pay the price.

William White

just as long as they are dead!

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

STFU you stupid faggot!


“Ukrainians hardly made that calculation.” It is well documented that they gladly use civilians as human shields, it needs also no sophisticated skills. It is also documented that they often shot the missiles above cities etc. So far the article is plausible , and your comment the sf would be biased in this story , is exaggerated. Look also at the example how they regularly shell the Zaporozhye NP , to see their attitude towards civilians and their whole country. I don’t want to say , all Ukrainians are monsters and criminals but the nazis as members of military command are sure the war criminals pure. I suppose they are a problem even for the NATO masters , since they destroy effectively the reputation of NATO supporting these murders and influence negative the western public support for the war.

A sane American

I’m so sick and tired of hearing about Ukrainians. They’re uncivilized. I hope they all end up in Biden’s basement and die from his heavier than air body odor.

Russian being hated by a Ukrainian.

I feel just terrible. I think I’ll just have to kill myself because a Ukrainian hates me. Can you pass me a tissue please?


Myslím, že je to skôr v dôsledku nedostatku dobre vyškoleného personálu, ktorí má za úlohu obsluhovať tieto PVO systémy!!! Tých ktorí boli vyškolení a mali skúsenosti je už zrejme kopa po smrti a noví vojaci ešte nenadobudli potrebné skúsenosti pri obsluhe týchto PVO. A možná, že ani nikdy nenadobudnú, lebo skôr ako sa tak stane, budú po smrti. Inak myslím si, že sa dá preukázať kto je zodpovedný za zničenie budov. Úlomky ktoré sa nájdu na mieste by mali odhaliť o akú raketu sa jednalo a tak isto potom aj o to kto ju vypálil.

Christian Chuba

The Russians bombed around Kiev about two weeks after the arrival of Patriot systems. I wonder if they were trying to make a point.


Where are the Patriot systems? Had they any effect?

Pox Ukraina

They forget to paint a swastika on it and it’s programmed not to work in Ukraine otherwise.

Eddie Regan

Patriot systems didn’t protect Saudi oil fields and airports from Yemen


Well, it’s a WAR. people are going to die. if they don;t want WAR, they need to remove the people in charge, the same as the USA. The Criminals in charge are destroying the lives of everyone. We need to make a move. Putin is showing us, this is the move to make. Remove the satanists from power. Or from this planet. either way, it must be done.


Máte 100% pravdu,jenže svět je tak připosraný z USA a zdegenerovaný,že lidi jako ovce tupě přihlížejí,jak je jejich vlády vedou na válečná jatka pro blaho zlaté miliardy a nejsou schopni je svrhnout a přivést k zodpovědnosti! Alespoň u nás v Evropě!

Pox Ukraina

Kiev starting to look more and more like Belgrade every day. Funny how that worked out.

It may even get to look like Baghdad before all is said and done and the Russians can get to pull down that Bandera statue in the square. Funny how geopolitics can boomerang on you.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pox Ukraina

As usual Ukraine intercepted 150 of the 100 missiles fired…..


The Ukronazis have been bombing, murdering, torturing, raping, civilians with full concent of USA 🇺🇸, Canada 🇨🇦, Britain 🇬🇧, France 🇫🇷 and rest of NATO. Oh! Did someone say something that’s the truth. Why Crimea got out of Dodge and those in Donbas chose to fight evil.


Well the Nuclear option of mass collective Nato sanctions to destroy Russia backfired, like a dog looking to lick it’s balls in front of a crowd eating lunch. Just doesn’t come out really the way you like them.

Eddie Regan

Why you use American A-10 planes in pic headline???

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