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Overview Of Syrian Army’s Operation In Southern Damascus (Map, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Army's Operation In Southern Damascus (Map, Videos)

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The ISIS-held pocket in southern Damascus is crumbling under pressure from the Syrian Arab Army, Liwa al-Quds and their allies. The most intense clashes are currently ongoing in the Yarmouk refugee camp and the district of Taqadam.

Over the past few days, government forces have tightened their siege on the remaining ISIS positions in the area, but have not been able to break the ISIS defense in Yarmouk.

According to pro-government sources, the Syrian Army has recently rejected an ISIS request to allow the ISIS members to withdraw without heavy weapons to the Homs desert. If this is true, the ISIS militants have no option to surrender.


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King Tudor777

No evacuation for ISIS! Like the Iraqis in Mossul, the Syrians must destroy the terrorist rats!


Russia is a great country in the whole world. Russian government always very friendly with all Muslim states while US, UK, France, Sauds and Israeli migrants are always number one enemies of all Muslim states.


lol Russia will do the same if it means securing the vital oil under the ground. At least the US tried teaching democracy and freedom to these savages.


teaching USA democracy: Republican-Democrat-Republican-Democart-Republican-Democrat——and so on.


‘…the US tried teaching democracy and freedom of these savages…’

Well, that is the public-relations, feel-good, rationale and narrative that US politicians and military officials like to spin to the western public. But alas, as in all colonial wars, stealing the Iraqi and Libyan Treasury’s entire gold reserves was the first order of the day, in both the respective US/NATO invasion of Iraq and ‘intervention’ in Libya. Then after that, the second order of plunder commenced…Here’s some GI’s ‘exporting democracy.’

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d374988b4ec072add253eed62490056537dc6cccee2313614d6a7a4688612620.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e0591d53dc04b45917c41f25e5c3b8f4c7348e4fec9130172528995d5a42263b.jpg


lol those gold nuggets is nothing to whats earned in a single week at Wall street. lol!


Again Yankee your full of shit.

Tony B.

Even were that true, do you think Wall St. is part of America and Americans? It’s a Jew insider rape of the nation, always has been. Wake the hell up.


That is all you got to reply with? Seriously? Wall Street speculation is within the financial markets – that stolen Iraqi and Libyan gold actually props up the US Treasury and therefore the real economy.


Lol that’s worth nothing compared to what the economy makes in a week


Really, that is still all you have? Still cannot dispute the outright US plunder of foriegn Iraqi and Libyan Treasury assets? Still lack the basic education to discern what underpins the Treasury and real economy?


Dispute them ? Lol we didn’t steal them dumbass because it’s worth almost nothing to us.


Really, so whose soldiers exactly are in the above photos, looting gold assets from foriegn state Treasuries? Hint: those are US uniforms. If you try and deny these events occurred, you are merely revealing yourself as an incompetent liar, with zero grounding in factual reality. Note: is worth everything to your leadership as gold reserves underpin all state Treasuries, and thus the entire public confidence in the economic system – but of course, this is all news to you, as you lack the most basic secondary education.


Lol no you idiot those are Americans. We took down the dictator saddam and took his gold so what’s the big deal ?


Full confession, of shameless smash and grab thieves, case closed.


Aww sounds like you never won a war before…

Promitheas Apollonious

teach democracy a country run by jews and pedophile perverts. The funny part is they never had democracy there so how you figure one who has no democracy can teach it to others while they steal everything from them?

Retard is your family name broken condom?


lol calls me a retard but think America is run by jews and pedophiles. Whole shitholes are full of pedophiles like Saudi arabia or pakistan or india etc..


And your shit stain excuse of country supports it, but I wouldn’t expect less from an animal like you.


This shit stain landed men on the moon loll

Tony B.

You are absolutely clueless. You are waving a flag that is full of occult symbolism and don’t even realize it.

Tony B.

Right. It was publically a republic but de facto always an oligarchy. Was never for one second free of the yoke of London.

Promitheas Apollonious

I wonder if the americans know, where the IRS taxation goes to.

Tony B.

Seems most everyone knows they don’t go where they lawfully must but not many know where they actually go. We don’t even know the real figures of what amount is extracted from us. But the majority is aware that the big money boys pay almost no taxes at all, its the poor suckers who are forever robbed. A few of us are aware that the “income tax” is actually an excise on something but the government refuses to say what that something is. The tax was created along with the federal reserve (Rothschild grab of the exchange medium) so one can assume most of it goes to cover what it can of the interest on the perpetual phony debt to the Rothschild cabal. When the tax was set up congress still had to do it through the constitution and it is unlawful to tax the income of Americans. It’s called the “income tax” because THE AMOUNT DUE is based on the amount of the individual’s income. In as much as the tax is enforced by BATF of the Treasury Dept. (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and, now, explosives), it is assumed that the lawful purpose of the tax would be on imports of those items, which would apply to a tiny group in the country. A good reason the criminal government refuses to give the basis of the tax.

Promitheas Apollonious

k short version the income tax all of you pay are going to City Of London based on the treaty the americans did to pay tribute to the king/queen of england, in Paris.

We done a lot of research back on the day when I spend 5-6 years in US. I can upload many files from my personal server that are prove of what I am saying but what is the use? We did that back in the day when we believed that people cared to know the truth of their predicament and we been ridiculed and laughed at.

But then we was young and sort of naive back then. Now days we are just getting ready for the big bang. Hopefully it come while we still can pull the trigger and is one party this one I really dont want to miss.

If you are interested to see some of the charts we have made tracing the money not only from IRS, then I ask from a friend if she accept to post them, on her website, and give you the link to them. Studying them will give you a lot of answers and fill the blank spots.

Tony B.

Offer appreciated. I did run into that story somewhere – maybe your research – but by then was too involved in other issues to follow it up. Wouldn’t mind scanning them some but wouldn’t really study them at my age. When I was active in all that we were more concerned in the twisting and breaking of the law than in where the money went. We were naive enough to think we could enforce the law some way. Once I understood Rothschild “money creation” I figured we were all screwed in every country until we got rid of that satanic blight on mankind. One of my big gripes on sites such as this is that most of the commentors are forever falling for the Rothschild DIVIDE AND CONQUER, fighting each other instead of all going after the TRUE CAUSE, the cabal. Almost every other nation now is pretty much cabal owned and the fighting is all among nations which amount to SYMPTOMS while the CAUSE is almost never mentioned. And the cash flow is still to the cabal. Nothing will change until the cabal is taken out forever. I now expect the world to be over before that will happen. Have put much faith in Putin’s Russia but know that the Medvedev (Rothschild owned) bunch controlling the central bank have more power than Putin.

Promitheas Apollonious

Don`t believe what you reading from the ones who hunting for clicks on the net, as it is big business and create hypes and theoretical theories. And as far the west the illusions of the people as to whom is in control I tell you this much.

If you know them by name and know their family trees and where they are located then this are not the ones who run the west. As for Medvedev, having more power than Putin you are badly misinformed, as well that he is a stooge of Rothschild.

I dont want to elaborate on the net but I know russia and of russia better I know my own motherland.

Tony B.

If what you say concerning Russia, Putin, Medvedev is true, I’m glad to hear it. Everything I have seen tells me that Medvedev, et al, are Atlantacists. If they are not it is good to know.

Promitheas Apollonious

I used to be one of the inside people and spend a long time to Caucasus, operating there. Yes I know what I am talking about. Now if something changed drastically between, Putin and Medvedev the last 3 years then I dont know. That is when I retired from active life and withdrawn where I am now, but it seems the peace I been looking 4, for myself and my people, it will not come as things look like.

I already received a request to again go back on duty, but refused. This time I fight for none, but my people, along with my people.


The US is just as savage as the world terrorists she employs, only without the guts to fight for their plunder.


It could have been Russia or china but no it was America that took the 1 spot.


Your full of shit.


That is the problem. America for too long has ‘taken’ other nations assets . Rather like protection racketeer . The result is what we see, ruined countries caused by US violence or vassal countries where debt is necessary to live for most people. Debt slavery.

Tony B.

Attribute all that to the Rothschild cabal in its City of London and you have a pretty good picture of what goes on in the world. The U.S. is just the cabal’s major knee capper now that the UK is a helpless little rock surrounded by water.


I agree Tony. We do have Boris Johnson though. He is the face of British diplomacy today .

And a rather clownish face at that.


Tin foil



Tony B.

Idiot! Did no one teach you that democracy is absolutely unworkable in any group larger than a small town meeting hall? The founders of the U.S., although mostly greedy masons, at least knew that they were creating a REPUBLIC, not the chaos of a democracy. You are showing your ignorance.

You can call me Al

Rabid dogs pushed into a corner…. only one thing for it, KILL THEM.


Or asking for total surrender.


Unconditional surrender and interrogation to ascertain exactly who supported them. Israel is in total frenzy now, so I would suspect that Bibi is up to his neck with ISIS in Yarmouk.

You can call me Al

OK, surrender, interrogation, torture AND THEN KILL THEM.

Richard M

Take the Orcs captured so far and set up gallows for mass hangings. Then drop photos and vids of the hangings over the last Orc holdouts! :D


Whilst very satisfying that would only motivate the Orcs to fight even harder, killing more SAA troops.

Far better to do it afterwards, after they’ve all surrendered.

Richard M

Tell them if they surrender now they won’t be hung. Then, when they surrender, hang them! :D

You can call me Al

LOL, the trouble is, I agree with you in principle, only difference is that I had popcorn for the public and decapitation of the vermin’s legs before I shot them whilst hanging.

Richard M

I could go along with that, but you would need to set a few well known Orcs aside for propaganda videos of them visiting Disneyworld and Hollywood, etc! :D… They could be dealt with later!

You can call me Al

lol, lateral thinking at its best.


my kind of thinking as far the mercenaries of west and israel goes.


Something like that.


If they rejected the offer then it looks like the SAA and allies are now out for ISIS blood. Even if it means shedding some of theirs.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

IS was given their chance to withdraw; now, /no prisoners/. (With the exception of their foreign advisors, who should be publicly shot.)


They were given the option to withdraw to the Homs desert. They chose to refuse it. They must be wiped out to the man. An example must be made to the whole world. At the end of this war Syria should publicly execute every last one of the primitives for the whole world to see.


Or asking for total uncondiional surrender.


next stop…bomb idlib occupants…including turks


Russia wouldn’t allow to do this. Turkey, Israel and USA can not be touched.


Kill em all!! and show us the clips!!!

Oscar Silva Martinez

That would be awesome


Why aren’t we seeing ANy dead subhuman scums?? Since start of East Ghouta operation there is no real combat videos or maybe just few, and I didn’t see any dead jihad scum..


why dont you go over there for vacations? I am sure if you survive it then you see plenty. Dont forget to take with you a lot of underwear to change.


don’t go hard on R3mba, partly he is right …

Promitheas Apollonious

what part is he? The one he want to see dead bodies more than likely burn and mutilated? Explain it to me because I fail to see what is the use of it. Especially for morons that think real life is a holyshit movie.


hey, slow down we are on the same side here , and things for psychotherapists are personal nature…

Promitheas Apollonious

someone make you his lawyer kid? Learn not to answer for other people is not your business. You said something i make you a question answer it but dont assume you can give me advice.

So want to debate answer what I ask. Or walk in peace but dont make someone else lawyer.


Prom ease up, the guy more than likely never been to war and never has your expirienses, smooth out brother.

Promitheas Apollonious

k chief, apologize for losing my cool. You are right.


bla bla …you lousy scumbag ..you will tell me what to do? hahahaha

Promitheas Apollonious

scumbag is the one who did not jerk you off moron.


yes you are right, he is also

Promitheas Apollonious

you think he has the guts ? People who make this kind of stupid demands, are the ones who jerking off with others, misery and hard luck in short retarded morons.


What the fuck are u ranting about?’0 go and fuck your self fucking faggot!


you confuse me with your father rainbow kid.


There are plenty of them in Arabe videos. It is not funny to see death people, even if they are the most hated people in the world.


Maybe for your western’s faggot’s it ( who are calling police when we Balkans are having rosat lamb in German parks) is, but Rest of Us is loving it!!


Bunch of dead jihadists at the end of first video here.


please send me a link..


It’s the first video in the article we are commenting here, at 1:15 mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5o0ZaVs4LI&feature=youtu.be&t=75


Ahh dead, I tout some real close up footage of dead fuckers..Like when they capture building or similar..But I watched today video on Ru when SAA tank driver say there is only mash of flesh and blood left from them,And what about capture ones?? its all very strange to me..


This would be an excellent opportunity to capture Isis members, foreign mercenaries, and special forces and intelligence operatives and put these people on trial and establish for the world and historical record who was behind this war, and the horrible crimes against humanity that these people committed as part of their regime change project. It would help raise awareness and decrease support by the citizens of these regime change countries for the crimes being committed in their names by their governments.


Yes Richard, the time has come to show the world who has been aiding and advising terrorism in Yarmouk for years.


Would end up as a farce, an OJ type trial. Everyone would know where the guilt lay. But the Guilty would walk…. Better to extract the intel from the sewer rats, then kill’em. Then begin the assassination of the Big Rats


I am afraid that those foreign advisor already left.


Looks like very soon S.A.A. and friends can start addressing harder the Northern and Southern Border areas. USoA plus Kurds and Turkey Terrorist, Israel-Jordin-USoA Terrorist. With adding improved Air Defenses in the end game and open major transport highway to Iraq and Iran.

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