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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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By May 3, Syrian government forces had developed their previous success against ISIS in southern Damascus by advancing further in the areas of Harj al-Aswad and Taqadm as well as in the northern part of the Yarmouk refugee camp.

According to pro-government sources, the Syrian Army and its allies recently liberated the Al-Zain area inside Harj al-Aswad and the Al-A’alaf area west of Harj al-Aswad. They also entered the northern part of the Yarmouk refugee camp after Hayat Tahrir al-Sham members had withdrawn from it under the previously reached evacaution deal.

At the same time, the Syrian Air Force and the Syrian Army’s artillery continued striking ISIS’ main positions in the center of the Yarmouk refugee camp.

ISIS conducted a series of counter attacks against the advancing government troops in Harj al-Aswad causing damage to the army’s military equipment and killing some pro-government fighters. However, the terrorist group is not capable of resisting the Syrian military’s advance there for a long time.

The ongoing evacuation of non-ISIS militants from the eastern part of the southern Damascus pocket is another key factor contributing to the current situation. This evacuation will allow government forces to free a large number of fighters and equipment that are currently involved in securing the pocket’s perimeter.

Summing up the recent military developments, it becomes clear that ISIS units in Yarmouk are in a no-win situation. The question is the cost that the Syrian military will have to pay to purge the remaining terrorists in the area.

Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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Overview Of Syrian Military’s Operation In Southern Damascus On May 3, 2018 (Map, Photos, Videos)

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>> The question is the cost that the Syrian military will have to pay to purge the remaining terrorists in the area.<<

That's the problem with ISIS. They no longer have an Idlib (a.k.a. the Jihadi Reservation) to be sent too. As a result fighting to the death or getting captured are the only courses of action that they have left.

The same thing will probably happen once the last Green Daesh strongholds will fall, like Daraa or Idlib.


There maybe hope yet, see the report on OANN.com , regarding Genie Energy !


Good article! Thanks for bringing it to my attention,


The cost is worthless in comparison with the future of a nation and the peace of its people. To the memory of brave Syria-Russia-Hezbolah-Iran fighters.

You can call me Al

Maybe the word you were looking for is “minor” but certainly not “worthless”.

Sebastian Vicente

Send the rats cross the river where the US-backed kurds can¨t not dominates the last positions of ISIS…. :)


Squeeze ISIS further to take out juice of them.


SAA advancing in northern sector across 800 meter frontage, centerline Yarmouk Street, Engaging enemy from Martyrs Park (GRID 249500 E 707380 N). Deepest Line of Contact along 707 Northing. Envelopment of southern portion of Hajar Aswad ongoing, immediate objective JUNCTION at GRID 249970 E 705770 N. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a57e45d57175e654c85d7c4db7d51c7a143851890710e6a195bf23b5fd74d351.jpg


abuqawha, you are a very good person.


The main-question remains why the Russians allow ISRAEL to bomb Syrian Army-troops and the Iranians, that are Russia-allies in Syria So will do Russia when IRAN will be attacked by the USA? Because it will be


It is not priority right now, Compare 2015 to today and you will see why. If anyone is to respond, it will be Iran, it is a game and the right moves have to be done at the right time. Iran will respond but only at the right time. One thing this war has shown, is that timing is significant.


Have answered this numerous times. The Russian intervention in Syria, note at Syrian’s request, has defined political and military strategic objectives. To stabilize the Syrian state, its leadership, and core state institutions – that were previously in very serious danger in 2015. This means rolling back the militants and forcibly containing them in controlled sectors that do not threaten the state institutions per se, – ie getting them into rural Idlib. These contained militant factions can then at a later stage be negotiated into surrender or annihilated. This is an achievable goal for Russia. Beyond that, Syria and Israel remain in a frozen state of war from the 1973 Yom Kippur War, they never signed a peace accord – as Egypt and then Jordan did. Russia is not in Syria to get dragged into that long standing and open ended regional conflict – and actually doing so would likely greatly please the US-Neo-Cons, who are desperate for wider ‘hot’ confrontation with Russia.


Generally agree, but remember that FUKUS and their Arab toadies have not, not for one minute, deviated from their ultimate goal which is the dismemberment and destruction of the Syrian nation state – they’re already halfway there : all of Syria east of Euphrates under US (and French) occupation, all of northern Syrian west of Euphrates under PERMANENT Turkish occupation, ethnic displacement ongoing etc…This war against Syria will continue unless the FUKUS are stopped, but how ? So far FUKUS and Israel and Turkey have bombed with impunity, Russia and Iran can do nothing.


Equally agree, but Russia has to achieve its first objectives before expanding into further situational complexities. Likewise agree, that Russia is going to inevitably have some sort of confrontation with NATO or Israel at some point, if a sovereign Syria is to be reinstated, but Russia needs to do so at a time and place of its choosing when they have their objectives in place – not vice versa.


You see Bob, unlike a lot of people in these comments sections, you are actually realistic and pragmatic. A lot of these trigger happy morons sitting behind their computer, who have never fought a war in their life nor had to exert themselves or experience any sacrifice are constantly moaning about “why doesn’t Russia do this”, “why doesn’t Russia do that”, The sheer insanity of some of these posters, who are willing to actually start World War 3 at the drop of a hat simply because they oppose US hegemony is just really discouraging. Like you correctly say, the prudent thing for any country like Syria, Iran, or Russia would be to take things one step at a time. One needs to pick their battles and furthermore know how to pragmatically fight them.


Unfortunately I cannot see this war against Syria ending while the war-monger aggressor states do not suffer any consequences – FUKUS+Israel+Turkey+Saudi can and do attack and bomb at will – like the bully in the schoolyard who deliberately taunts and provokes the smaller boy until he hits back, and then gets beaten to a pulp by the bully – everyone know that if Syria or Iran retaliate this is just the excuse for the Axis of Evil to launch all-out war – this is Bibi’s wish. So I agree with you , we must suffer in silence until insane US dollar hegemony is destroyed and thus US ability to fund worldwide war alliances ends

Adam Houbař

cause they dont want world war


SAA units linked up at JUNCTION (GRID 249420 E 705420 N) completing envelopment ! See my SITMAP from earlier post, promininent Water Tower was used (GRID 249510 E 705610 N) for realtime drone imagery to map correlation.


What surprises me is that there has been no counterattack that we know of yet. No suicide bombings, no defiant last stands, and relatively little siege works. I wonder what the internal affairs of Yarmouk are like in order to produce this inaction.

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