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MARCH 2025

Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan Down But Not Out

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Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan Down But Not Out

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Written by Daniel Edgar exclusively for South Front

The main opposition political parties have succeeded in having a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan passed in the Federal Parliament, assisted by a wave of defections from the governing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party  (PTI) and the decision of the governing party’s ally in the parliament to abandon the coalition. Nonetheless, to secure their victory the opposition parties and their accomplices must garner a majority in Monday’s parliamentary session in support of their own candidate, and even if they can form a government they will have less than a year before the government’s term will end and they will have to face the electorate.

Over the last few weeks Prime Minister Imran Khan had warned about the setting in motion of a foreign-sponsored plot led by the united States, with most attention focusing on a letter sent by US officials to their counterparts in Pakistan warning of dire consequences if a no-confidence motion was not passed.

Much more significant than the official not-so-diplomatic letter, however, were the observations made by Khan when he filed a petition with the Supreme Court to investigate the indications that there was a foreign-sponsored coup plot under way. The statement commented that several months ago the opposition parties and elements in the media began to coalesce and intensify their efforts to delegitimize, destabilize and overthrow the government.

According to the statement, ever since the inception of this government a number of ill motivated/undemocratic attempts were made by inter alia the opposition within the parliament to cause collapse of the lawfully elected federal government.

“The pivotal personalities, who during this tenure tried to conceive and mobilise these conspiracies are the leaders of the opposition which includes Mian Shahbaz Shareef as the leader of the PML-N, Moulana Fazalur Rehman, the leader of JUI, as well as Bilawal Bhutto Zardari/Asif Ali Zardari as Chairman and Co-Chairman of PPP. These MNAs along with other minor political personalities/parties within the parliament constantly aimed to destabilise the government of PTI.

These ill-conceived, in fact criminal efforts, failed for one reason or the other; the fundamental basis was lack of consensus among the participants thereof, individual motivations and selfish interests; the last but not the least being lack of their appeal to the public at large. Despite repeated attempts, these political parties were/have been unable to muster public support, so as to transform their efforts in a local indigenous opposition viz the democratically elected government headed by the answering Respondent.

“However, it was only during the last few months when a titanic move was made to implement the political vision of the federal government, within the arena of foreign affairs. These included positive remedial measure to end the Afghan war, exit of foreign forces from Afghanistan, the permanent resistance and refusal to provide any foreign bases/assistance to countries who desired hostile/inimical posture towards Afghanistan. Besides the same, cultivation and promotion of friendly relationship with the neighbouring countries, particularly those of the Republic of China and Russia, created hostilities in the international and well as local arena. In this regard, the visit of the answering Respondent to Russia during the initial days of the breakout of war between Russia and Ukraine proved to be an event which ignited adverse attempts with the domestic politics of Pakistan led by the Opposition.

“All of a sudden, the opposition found a new life. This time they mobilised in a manner which was utterly unusual and created concerns within the government circles as well as the security institutions of Pakistan that something was amiss. The opposition on a war footing mobilised extensive negotiations inter se, within and outside Pakistan; they were now constantly contacted by representatives of foreign states who felt that the federal government of Pakistan, headed by the answering Respondent was not in line with their perception of the global affairs. This movement, within days, initiated opposition activities within the parliament and manifested unnatural strength despite the fact that there was no populous support. Newspaper articles, comments by senior journalists/anchors within the electronic print and media as well as on the social network started issuing predictions/assessments that the federal government was to collapse with a short time… LINK

All efforts by the now former PM to initiate an investigation into the possible existence of a foreign-sponsored regime change operation and actions of high treason by elements within the opposition parties (and elsewhere) have been thwarted. While the Supreme Court held rushed proceedings to nullify Khan’s attempt to dissolve the parliament and call elections so that the people of Pakistan could decide the matter, the magistrates refused to hear evidence of a foreign-sponsored plot to overthrow the government.

While any substantive conclusions on the matter must await a comprehensive investigation – should one ever be held – there are many indications that preparations for a carefully orchestrated ambush of the PTI government entered their final phase a couple of months ago. While other factors cannot be ruled out, it seems that Khan’s refusal to break with Russia and China and uncritically and unquestioningly support ‘the West’ in the aftermath of the escalation of the war in Ukraine was the final tipping point that persuaded the coup-plotters to act.

Students of coups d’états and regime change operations will notice many similarities among the recent political developments in Pakistan with other US and/or UK-led regime change operations, such as the overthrow of the Whitlam government in Australia in 1975, the spate of ‘colour revolutions’ in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, or the series of ‘parliamentary coups’ or traditional military/ corporate coups that have occurred in Latin America since the ouster of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras in 2008 (including in Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, and the numerous failed attempts to overthrow the Venezuelan  government).

Amidst the deluge of media reports eulogising the valiant, patriotic and courageous efforts of the opposition to overthrow the government and condemning all actions of the PTI government, one analyst noted the anachronism of the democracy and constitution-loving regime-change advocates stampeding to hold the no-confidence motion and install a new government while at the same time denouncing and obstructing all efforts to investigate the many indications that it is indeed the culmination of a foreign-sponsored coup d’état.

India had been for a long time a British colony ruled by viceroys who exercised their power on the greatest and the richest empire of the world on behalf of the sovereign – Great Britain. The imperial viceroys governed us because we were enslaved, weak and not free to make our choices. But what is wrong with us now? Are we still not sovereign – free to rule ourselves? Are we still colonised? Is another imperialist power yet again trying to extend and spread its power and influence through its protégés and selected deputies to meddle in our internal affairs? The ‘letter-gate’ is an ugly political scandal that has taken this country by storm. It was on the basis of this scandal that the no-confidence motion against the prime mister was dismissed by the deputy speaker of the national assembly. What is strange is that the highest court in the country has unanimously decided to restore everything but hasn’t said a word about this scandal. 

Despite knowing that politics in Pakistan today is clearly divided into two political camps – pro-Imran and anti-Imran, the supreme court still gave a judgment that is clearly tilted towards one camp. This judgment has needlessly created two most unfortunate openings. The first one has opened up democratic wounds of the followers of PTI – wounds that are forcing the supporters of PTI to express fearlessly their bitterness against the institutions that they held very close to their hearts not long ago. Apparently, it seems that these wounds would now take a very long time to heal. The other opening relates to who qualifies to rule this country – not a prime minister but an imperial viceroy who is a deputy of some other sovereign. At least that’s the popular public impression.

The real question that every self-respecting Pakistani is asking today is: are we still not liberated? And this question will remain unanswered if the letter-gate is not investigated. Lord Clive was the creator of the British Empire in India and was famous for buying members of the British parliament and parliamentary seats with the sole purpose of ensuring that East India Company could be backed and supported by the state power that it needed to rule India. The Lord Clives of our country also needed a sovereign’s backing and support to come to power through this no-confidence motion. The colonial history re-lived itself when based on the backing of such a sovereign, many members of our azad parliament allowed themselves to be purchased and dishonorably switched their loyalties.

Listening to the Prime Minister’s address to the nation on Friday night, it is clear that he is not going to back off. His decision to go to the public is a democratic decision and on Sunday he will be able to demonstrate how huge all around the country is his public following. Drawing political control and influence over society is the desire of every political party. Imran Khan out on the roads will extend that control and influence much more than Imran Khan who was looking after the responsibilities of the prime minister office.

The nominees for the position of prime minister of the country and the chief minister of Punjab – the father-son duo face serious charges of corruption. much like the story of East India Company and Britain’s viceroys which was filled with personal enrichment, creation of private fortunes for officers and rich dividends for the entire company, the Sharifs and Zardaris are also famous not only for ensuring family enrichment but for rewarding all those that become part of their scheme of things. Nothing ever gets proven in Pakistan but both domestic and foreign press is filled with stories of how both political families are reputed to have executed orderly and methodical corruption in this country in the past.

It is not merely the stories in the press but every time one of these families ruled Pakistan it registered cases of corruption against the other family. For many common Pakistanis, it is deeply unsatisfying to know that their fate will be back in the hands of the political leaders who have not been able to clearly break away from these charges of corruption.

Palace intrigues and military coups we are all familiar with, as they have been a regular Middle Eastern and South Asian phenomena that mostly have been domestically generated. But this democratic coup that Pakistan is experiencing is an indelible blot on the democracy of this country because it is allegedly foreign-sponsored and is thus an attack on our sovereignty. Had political and personal greed not been the case, the entire parliament should have asserted itself to first challenge this deadly attack that had taken place against our democracy. Since that is not the case, it gives credence to prime minister’s allegation that there are deputies of a sovereign as well as contenders for the position of an imperial viceroy who may have ended up selling their souls to achieve personal benefit, grandeur and glamour…  LINK

While it appears that the coup plotters and their collaborators (whether willingly or unwittingly) have succeeded up to now, their final victory is far from assured. Even with the support of a tranche of defectors from the governing party and the sudden switching of support of the governing party’s coalition partner, the no-confidence motion was passed by a bare majority (174 votes, with 172 the minimum required to secure a majority vote).

Moreover, even if the opposition parties can secure a majority in the vote scheduled to be held on Monday (11 April) to complete their overthrow of the sitting government and take over the prime ministership, there is less than a year before the term of the current parliament expires and the people will eventually have their opportunity to pronounce their verdict.

A particularly well-informed analyst once commented that the history of Pakistan’s government has been a sequence of military regimes with an occasional commercial break. Many Pakistanis had hoped that this unfortunate reality may have finally been broken following the arrival of the PTI government, and it is highly unlikely that even a comprehensively orchestrated and massively financed campaign of propaganda and stigmatization will persuade them to abandon the PTI party and Imran Khan. No matter how much they search, they will not find any illicit offshore accounts in the name of Imran Khan in London, Switzerland, New York, Panama or the Bahamas, and the respective track records of the Khan, Sharif and Zardari governments provide clear and incontrovertible testimony as to their intentions, motives, loyalties and objectives.

Notwithstanding that the multitude of ‘fifth columns’ and willing or naïve dupes of the traditional Establishment elites will do everything they can to perpetuate the rule of the modern political dynasties of Pakistan and return the country to the US orbit, if they try to remove Imran Khan and the PTI from the political chessboard completely they risk provoking a major popular uprising and triggering an existential crisis for the country which their enemies will not hesitate to exploit to the fullest.


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Nobody really cares it seems, but the media would move heaven and hell if any other country would have written such a letter.


“Foreign Collusion”, much??!!


It’s a shame. I watched him speaking a few times and he seemed to be a very good man for the job. Reminded me of Lula da Silva from Brazil. Fighting the poverty and helping those trapped in it for generations is a noble task.

I remember he had highest regards of China for the very same reason – China managed to achieve the unthinkable, increased middle class to 800 million strong and economic growth there really helped many and not just precious few.


Khan was highly critical of US and NATO countries rinse and repeat actions that got them nowhere for two decades in Afghanistan. Khan pointed out on many occasions that the core of Taliban, the Pashtun occupy the rugged borderlands that straddle Afghanistan and Pakistan that are basically impossible to police or control in any effective manner. The Pashtun Taliban could both retreat and recruit constantly. Khan was an early advocate that the US had no choice but to negotiate their way out of Afghanistan, as outright defeat of Taliban was nigh impossible. Khan was variously castigated and ignored by US for many years over this, by US military and diplomatic officials who had no solution, but simply did not want to admit to a colossal failure on their watch, or have it on their resume. Look how it all ended up anyways. Khan was right all along about strategic prospects and outcomes for US war on Afghanistan.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGardens

Yes, so true. Besides, he shared Russian and Chinese vision of common Eurasian space, that would bring prosperity and development to the continent. He wanted to end conflicts and tried to bridge over to India aswell and move something there. It was simply too much, USA needs unstable and poor countries that are endless source of instability. Those zones of instability drag down entire regions and eliminate / weaken competition that way. Middle East did that task in the case of Europe. Afghanistan and Pakistan are close to both India and China. Russia is not far either since central Asian republics are CSTO members. It’s perfect to keep all the Asia bogged down. And also, there is, another benefit of it – those poor countries are source of cheap labour for West on one side, and those most talented and smart people on the other side will eventually immigrate to the West, mostly to US. Whole scheme is actually quite simple.


Well Mister Khan wenn they demanded of you to cut the ties to russia and china you asked them if they believe that pakistanis are their slaves to do what they tell them.

Well the answer is they dont believe it they know you are their slaves. How much time does the west give the new rulers until they have to cut the ties? I mean it should not be done so fast that it looks too obvious.

S Balu



Imran khan is prophet muhammad

Last edited 2 years ago by Iamallah
Muhammad is literary creation

And Omar Sharif is his sidekick, Hazrat Ali

S Balu

Muhammad is literary creation Any evidence?

Chris Gr

The message of Muhammad was corrupted in order to fit in certain interest. Modern day islamists are not only bad but the literal Gog Magog.

S Balu

Iamahhah Nice see children ie kid like in the SOUTHFRONT Just learning I guess

Chris Gr

Neither Khan nor the opposition. Pakistan shouldbe annexed by India.


It is a part of India that britts managed to divide and eventually cut to pieces, fueling tensions between hindu and muslim population so they could rule the divided society easier. Pakistan, India and Bangladesh all belong to historic India.

Chris Gr

That’s true but those radical Muslims in Bengal and Punjab should be brought to their knees.


greece should be Turkish colony

Chris Gr



They already are – if Erdogan farts, Greece military shits in its pants LoL

Chris Gr

Yeah but we won’t be alone

S Balu

Chris Gr You mean Greece should be annexed by Turkey as historically it is part of Turkey and you confirmed that you have Turkish DNA like 80% of Greek population Very wise suggestion by you So I suggest you start a revolution to become part of Turkey

Chris Gr

Turkish DNA is Mongolian. Anatolian Turks are descendants of Hittites and Lydians.


NAW, Turks are your Pappas – Your mammas got nailed by Turks for too long man. own up and come into the light turkey boy

Chris Gr

Another troll trying to be relevant


Indians dont have the balls to do it – yet they are 3X size of Pakistan in area and economy and military

Chris Gr

They can do it. Pakistan has lost every war to India in the past.


some–anglo imperialism exploitation racism inevitably produces anger and revolution vs anglo installed puppets

Chris Gr

You don’t know how to write probably.


True. That why I say, with Imran Khan as with Morsi, the only way to defeat internal opponents in a revolution of foreign policy (anti west) which is what Iranian, Egyptian and khans election was in fact, was to follow the Iranian model – PURGE – They hung and shot thousands of Shah era operatives and US collaborators for more than two years after the revolution. Khan should have PURGED Army and ISI of decades old entrenched US backed army generals getting FAT State Department cheques with his owned secret police – but he and Morsi are too Goody Two shoes for that – and now its too late. These pigs sell out their nations and make them subservient to

Chris Gr

Great, so you support radical Islamists.

Florian Geyer

I would think that the grubby hands of the UK are involved in this illegal US Coup as well.


Another USA sponsored putsch.

Omas Bioladen

USA is keen to revive its drone war in Pakistan and Afghanistan it seems. Pakistan military seems to be on USAs payroll big time. I do see troublesome times ahead for Pakistanis with Uncle Sam calling the shots.


Pakistan economy is heavily intertwined w China—USA influence diminished

Chris Gr

Unfortunately, China overlooks that Pakistan has supported jihadists in the past. Not only in Afghanistan but also in Xinjiang, in Tajikistan and in Kashmir.


Fortunately. China and pakis are allweather friends. India will be a Chinese colony soon and they’ll let the pakis rule on their behalf LoL

Chris Gr

Keep dreaming. You will lose and cry.


They should tale bajwa’s head for selling out his country to US again and allowing coup.


Time to call in The Taliban to save Pakistan from Occidental Forces = Start nightly visits on all members of the main opposition political parties. Seek support from Patriotic Elements in the Pakistaní Intelligence and Armed Forces. Disappear the Repugnants !!


1000% true. Both Morsi and Khan fell in the same way – Naivety in the face of entrenched Military Industrial complex beholden to the US – Both these leaders would be around today if they played the right game when coming to power – PURGE the ranks of the ISI and military with your own secret police ‘cos there aint no way they will ever be loyal to you or your ideals – just like Khomeini did when he came to power – heck, the Mullahs were executing the Shah’s dogs and SAVAK torturers for Years – Publicly. Isn’t it a shame that Pakistan will never move forward because it is in the hands of two ruling Gangster families – the Bhutto (his grandson) and the Sharif family. Both of whom are Yankee C@cksuckers. The Pakistanis have no choice. Afghanistan will have no peace. Long live Imran Khan

Last edited 2 years ago by JoeyBlogger
Chris Gr

So you want radicals like Khan, Morsi and Ayatollah. Not to mention that the coup in Egypt was pro-Russian.


Better than pro US/UK/Rothchild. I see you like being a Rothchild slave- never mind, Greece will be a Turkish province soon

Chris Gr

You are a Rothschild slave. Muslim Brotherhood and Ayatollah were helped by the British deep state.


YEAH – PURGE PURGE PURGE, Make them disappear in the middle of the night. Liquidate the gangster families that have ruled pakistan for decades – Sharif and Bhutto-Zardari clan


The East India Company has morphed into the Euro-Americana Corporation. The former only wanted control of Asia, the latter, the world. In place of Clive, there is Soros. Most Euro-Americans still think they live in democracies, and colllusion between political, media and commercian corporate arms maintains this illusion. Euro-Americana has colonized European-Americans.

Chris Gr

I believe that this is a bit different. They are both capitalist states but now we have radical progressivism sweeping over us.


I’m glad to see this terrorist is gone

WT Baker

The attempt to reincarnate the collapsed trans Atlantic system, aka. City of London/Wall Street cabal into the new “Global Britain” using the Great Reset and the current western provoked war in Ukraine since 2014, among other failed regime changes, has us all on the threshold of extinction. Lyndon LaRouche was and still is right about the nature and intentent of the Zeusians.

Chris Gr

That’s correct but this system is bound to fail.


Imran has to mobilize his supporters and GET THEM OUT ON THE STREETS!!


He did, but like Trump he isn’t doing anything with them. That’s why he lost.


Yeah man. he’s got masses of supporters.Maybe then the threat of a popular uprising leading to a counter coup/civil war will scare the army and they themselves will restore Imran Khan to Power…no harm dreaming…


another coerced regime change engineered by CIA threats and bribes…death to the immoral racist anglos—they cannot be civilized only confined to prisoner islands–north amerika New Zealand UK Australia

Chris Gr

Immorality exists in every state right now.


Especially in Greece

Chris Gr

Especially in Bosnia


True. It should have panned out like this: US ambassador issues Pakis with a threat. Khan recalls his ambassador from US and Expels the Yankee-Chinaman ambassador. Khan then arrests opposition and military Head + ISI that are pro Yankee. End of story. Pakis live in peace, Afghanistan can prosper.


He folded like Trump. The evil New Religion cannot be fought within the confines of the traditional order.


Thats right, he should lead a counter coup and hang the head of the Army and ISI as well as liquidate the Zardari and Bhutto clans for treason

Last edited 2 years ago by JoeyBlogger

True. But they Good guys wanna fight the good fight. thats why they lose.


‘they will have less than a year before the government’s term will end and they will have to face the electorate.’ – true, but by then, Pakistan will once again be a military dictatorship as Gen Bajwa has already indicated that he was ready for closer US ties – which is a euphemistic way of saying @I am ready to be the next US cocksucker president if you’ll let me do a coup’

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