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Palestinian Gunman Kills Seven People In Occupied East Jerusalem Attack

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Palestinian Gunman Kills Seven People In Occupied East Jerusalem Attack

Late on January 27, a Palestinian gunman killed seven people near a synagogue in the East Jerusalem Neve Yaakov neighborhood before being fatally shot, in what appears to be a response to a deadly Israeli military operation in the West Bank that took place day earlier.

The Israeli police said that the gunmen arrived by car to the neighborhood and opened fire at people outside the synagogue and other passersby. He then fled the scene by car toward the Palestinian neighborhood of Beit Hanina where he encountered officers who were called to the scene. There, the gunman was shot dead after he exited the car and opened fire on the officers while trying to escape on foot. A handgun used in the attack was seized.

Israel’s Magen David Adom emergency service confirmed that seven people were dead, five of them men and two women, while hospitals received three wounded, one in critical condition.

The Shin Bet security agency identified the attacker as Alqam Khayri, 21, a resident of East Jerusalem with no prior offenses.

Palestinian Gunman Kills Seven People In Occupied East Jerusalem Attack

Speaking after visiting the scene, newly-appointed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, called the attack “one of the most severe we have known in years.”

“Our hearts are with the families. I commend the police officers who took action so quickly,” Netanyahu said. “We must act with determination and composure. I call on people not to take the law into their own hands.”

He said the cabinet would convene on Saturday, adding, “We have decided on several immediate steps that will begin tonight.”

Hazem Qassem, a spokesperson for Hamas, the Palestinian faction that controls the Gaza Strip, told the Reuters news agency that the attack was “a response to the crime conducted by the occupation in Jenin and a natural response to the occupation’s criminal actions.”

Qassam did not claim responsibility for the shooting. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) also praised but did not take responsibility.

Ten Palestinians, including an elderly woman, were killed and many others were wounded in the Jenin operation. Israel said that the target was a cell of the PIJ.

The East Jerusalem attack was not the first response to the Israeli operation. Late on January 26, Palestinian factions fired two salvos of rockets from the Gaza Strip at a nearby Israeli settlement, provoking Israeli retaliationary strikes.

The shooting was the deadliest Palestinian attack since 2008, when a gunman from East Jerusalem killed eight Israeli students at the Mercaz Harav yeshiva. Tel Aviv will likely respond by expanding its operations in Palestinian areas. 42 people have been already arrested over alleged links to the attack.


Palestinian Fighters Fire Rockets From Gaza In Response To Deadly Israeli Operation In Jenin Camp

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The Winners of Armageddon

1. Ottoman Saeed Nursists

2. Ikhwan

3. HTS

Chris Gr

These are the losers.


Winners (as arabs and kikes kill each other)

1. KKK

2. NatSoc

3. The anti-Nygger front


Hitlerists who are E1b1b, but sorry, no pagan himmlerists.


Muh Niggers dont gaf about pagan himmlerists, but Hitler is Honorary Muh Nigga.


Mein Nigga


Mein Neger, and yes you anti-racist bigot I’m going to say it again f u c k N I G G E R S and K I K E S

What you gonna fo bitch ass N I G G E R

And I’m neither a shitskin neither an hitlerist because I’m human and also because hitler was a vegan faggot that refused to kill the jews and lose the war

Chris Gr

What haplogroups are the Native Americans and Mestizos?

S Balu

Chris Gr Mestizo like you of Turkish DNA goes way out hide it and try prove you greek same with rest

Chris Gr

Mestizo is white plus indian. Stop the bullshit.


Only 7, but it is a beginning. Palestinians, protekt your villages, put bobytraps when the rats come at night to your homes. Resive them whit burning oil, flame trowers, baloons filled whit paint you smash on the windows off there vehikles so they had to come out and then you shoot them. You kill them because they will kill you. FREE PALESTINE !!!



Very true ! I 100% agree with your comment ! Never allow the hook-nosed judaic demons to oppress you ! From mighty Odin to Mohammed, to Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, to Shamil Basajew, Abdel Aziz al Rantisi and Sheik Ahmed Jassin and mio. of other brave men.., blessings to all of them, these holy men, who took up the fight against satan and his hook-nosed deciples (aka jews) !!

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Was redest Du da? Ich kotze gerade. Warum Hitler? Was hatten die Juden in Deutschland für eine Schuld? Was ist los mit Dir? kranke Leute hier



Sorry but you are still sleeping, without knowing it !

You obviously know nothing about jews, apart from the lies you are told about them in the jewish owned german mainstream medias and the faked school and history books.

Didn t you realize Merkel was jewish, Gysi, Boris Palmer etc. They all are. Even the members of the so-called “german” Ethikrat are nearly ALL jews. These demons gave the green-light for the start of the massinjection of the deadly mRNA vaccines into germans including children. It’s a genocide ! The One, Josef Schuster, is even President of the Zentralrat der Juden”-organisation. ZDJ’s former general-secretary switched into new office as now Verfassungsschutz-Präsident of Thüringen. Your whole country is ruled and ruined on full purpose by Jews !

All the corona-vaccine companies worldwide are jewish owned, and have jewish CEO’s, see Pfizer, Albert Bourla, Moderna, Stephan Bancel, Sputnik V, Alexander Ginzburg etc.

Pfizer/BioNTech even named their poison-injection “Comirnaty” which is a satanic anagram for Goyim-RNA with is hebrew and means subhuman-RNA. Pfizer for example is an anagram for Iuzifer aka Luzifer. See: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pdBb1vVJ8xzP/ Judaism is Satanism. Who ever supports jewish, supports Satan and the destruction of earth and mankind and is an enemy of God !

Pfizer Chief CEO, the jew Albert Bourla openly states that their goal for 2023 is to quote “reduce the number of the people in the world by 50 percent” !!!!!!!!!!!! Here watch and listen: Pfizer = Luzifer CEO Says Goal In 2023 is to Kill 4 Billion People | Wow! https://www.bitchute.com/video/z5incbOZydaK/

Wake up man, and start realize these parasites ! FRIEDEN is nice, but you cannot make peace with harcore satanists who own the world and are maniacly genociding mankind !!!

Speech of ADL chief Abraham Foxman 25th Aug 1998 (Rede des ADL Chefs Abraham Foxman 25 Aug. 1998) translated to german https://www.bitchute.com/video/5y9wH5wgTkRv/

Record of school-lesson from jewish Rabbi Rav Laitman Mitschnitt jüd. Unterricht Rabbi Rav Laitman https://www.bitchute.com/video/xEH9KPOpLvI7/

More speeches from jewish rabbis and prominent jew-persons https://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-jewish-agenda-to-destroy-the-white-race/

Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for genocide of European ethnic people. https://www.bitchute.com/video/HTHsywfUUgDu/

and here https://www.bitchute.com/video/0V2JI7g8J6KM/

And maybe you should also view this here too in order to wake up from your media induced deepsleep http://rlu.ru/2SoVg

So what more do you want? Here a real short excerpt of the jews and cryto-jews ruling Germany without you brainer even knowing about this fact.

Leonhard Birnbaum (Chef Vorstandsvorsitzender v. Eon) Marian Offmann (Stadtrat München CSU !!!) Martina Rosenberg (Chefin Dt. Militärische Abschirmdienstes) Jessica Rosenthal (stellv. Vorsitzende Jusos SPD) Michael Roth (Staatssekretär im Auswärtigen Amt) Georg Wilhelm Adamowitsch Dr. Steven Althaus Petra Klamm-Rothberger Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Volker Beck, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Stefan Gelbhaar , Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Die Grünen sogar Gründungsmitglied!) Peter Feldmann (Oberbürgermeister v. Frankfurt nach Frau P.Roth !) Julia Jacob (Bürgermeisterin v. Essen) Boris Palmer (Oberbürgermeister v. Tübingen) Dieter Salomon (Ex-Oberbürgermeister Freiburg) Jann Jakobs (bis 2018 Oberbürgermeister v. Potsdam) Peter Tschentscher (aktuell Bürgermeister v Hamburg) Frank Stein (Bürgermeister v. Bergisch Gladbach) Dr. Johannes Beermann, Vorstand Deutsche Bundesbank Ludwig Bez, PKC Freudental Dagmar Bottenbruch Anne Spiegel (Bundesfamilienministerin) Markus Blume (CSU-Generalsekretär) Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Armin Schuster (CDU Innenexperte) Volker Christians, Egon Zehnder International Joseph H. Domberger, B’nai B‘rith, sel. Prof. Dr. Michael Eilfort, Vorstand Stiftung Marktwirtschaft Lars Ellermeier (BNP Paribas Vermögensverwaltung) Haim Saban (ex-Eigentümer von Pro7, Kabel1, Sat1 und N-24) Josef Schuster (führendes Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat, sowie gleichzeitig Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden in DE) Sigrid Graumann (Mitglied im “deutschen Ethikrat) Alena Buyx (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Julian Nida-Rümelin (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Volker Lipp (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Armin Grunwald (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Wolfram Henn (Mitglied im “deutschen” Ethikrat) Aaron ‘Ron’ Sommer (ex-Telekom Chef geb. in Haifa Israel) Martin Winterkorn (ex-VW Chef) Oliver Blume (aktueller VW Chef) Peter Y. Solmssen (ex-Siemens Chef) – for comparison – Hakan Samuelsson (Volvo Chef) Astrid Rothe-Beinlich, Fraktionsvorsitz ‘Die Grünen’ Thüringen, Sigmar Gabriel, SPD Richard Gaul Knut Abraham, Geschäftsträger der dt. Botschaft in Warschau Wolf-Dieter Jacobi (Programmchef MDR) Gerold Tandler (ex-CSU Generalsekretär) Anke Rehlinger (Saarländ. Wirtschaftsministerin) Susanne Hennig-Wellsow (Chefin Linkspartei Thüringen) Marina Weißband (ehem. Chefin Piratenpartei) Felix Hufeld, Vorsitzender der Bafin Prof. Jörg Hafkemeyer Louis Hagen, WMP Eurocom Dr. Louis Hagen, CEO Münchener Hypothekenbank Dr. Joachim von Harbou Uwe-Karsten Heye, Staatssekretär a.D. Ismail Kara (kara bedeutet auf türkisch: schwarz) Lukas Kircher, Executive Partner C3 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kluge Stefan J. Kramer (Verfassungsschutz Chef Thüringen) Bernd Knobloch Hedwig Richter, Professorin UniBundeswehr München Hannes Grünseisen (Oberstaatsanwalt Erfurt/Weimar) Dr. Tonio Kröger Christian Lindner, FDP Prof. Dr. Margarita Mathiopoulos, Aspide Prof. Dr. Gerd Merke Magnus M. Merkle Markus Söder (Ministerpräsident Bayr. Landtag) Anjela Merkel (ex-Bundeskanzlerin geb. Kazmierczak) Eveline Y. Metzen, Geschäftsführerin American Chamber of Commerce, Germany Philipp Mißfelder † Jerzy Montag, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Anne Franke, B90/ Die Grünen -Mitglied im Bayrisch.-Landtag)) Hildegard Müller, Vorstand Innogy SE Josef Nachmann Joschka Fischer (ex-Außenminister) Maryam Blumenthal, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Hamburg) René Blumenthal, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Ulrike Goldstein, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (München) Thomas Adler, Die Linken (im Stuttgarter Gemeinderat) Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss Prof. Dr. Torsten Oltmanns u. Roland Berger Cornelia Pieper, Generalkonsulin Avi Primor, Botschafter a.D. Barbara Richstein, CDU Reinhold Robbe Günther Beckstein (Ministerpräsid. Bayern 2007-8) Peter Boehringer (AFD) Michael Rosenblat (Gründer Modemarke Tom Tailor) Prof. Michael Rutz Dr. Guido Sandler Wolfgang Saurin Dr. Etta Schiller Christian Schmidt, CSU André Schmitz Jens Spahn (ex-Gesundheitsminister) Lothar H. Wieler (Präsident des Robert-Koch-Instituts RKI) Ulrich Schmitz Arne Schönbohm (Chef Bundesamtes Sicherheit Informationstech) Gerd Schulte-Hillen Frank Rosenfeld (SPD Landrat Baden-Würtemberg) Jens Peter Rosenfeld (SPD / Hamburg) Peter Rosenfeld (Vorsitzender SPD / Bigge-Olsberg) Anni Rosenfeld (SPD Kempen) Regine Sixt (Autovermietungen) Carol& Peter Kahn Strauss (Leo Baeck Institut) Prof. Dr. Lorenz Schulz Lala Süsskind (WIZO Deutschland) Rita Süssmuth Nicholas Teller, CEO E.R. Capital Holding, Hamburg Roland Tichy Bülent Tulay Anetta Kahane (Ex-Stasi heute Chefin Amadeu Antonio Stiftung) Simon Vaut Kathrina Schulze (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) Jenny Jasberg (Grünen Chefin Hamburg 2022) Axel Wallrabenstein Dr. Petra Warnecke Reinhold Welina Dr. Angelika Westerwelle Michael Zehden Brigitte Zypries, SPD Paul Ziemiak (Vorsitzender Junge Union CDU) AfD-Expertin Melanie Amann (Spiegel) Rudolf u. Jakob Augstein (Spiegel) Stephan Löwenstein (Korrespondent der FAZ) Leslie Nachmann (Pro7 Moderatorin) Michael Rothberg (Lehrstuhl an Goethe Institut) Paul-Ehrlich-Insitut Aaron Diamond Institut Firma (G)Rossmann Firma Lidl (Eigentümer Dieter Schwarz) Dagmar Rosenfeld (Chefredakteurin Tageszeitung die Welt) was married till 2011 with FDP-guy Christian Lindner

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Chris Gr

Wasn’t Saddam Hussein an admirer of Stalin?


Saddam is worse than Assad bro

Chris Gr

I know, I dislike communism and Stalin.


Good start with seven We want figures to into thousands

Hakkol Havel

It is necessary for the Jews to win this war.

Israel is a Terrorist Colony

Funny how all the European squatters are shocked by this. What do you expect to happen when you forcefully occupy and try to erase another country.


Blood for blood…it is the way it is.

Palestine must be for the Semitic people of Palestine and not for the vile khaZar squatters. This will continue until the interloper is destroyed.


Israeli nazis continuing their genocide against the Palestinian nation. Palestinians are desperate so the only way to fight back is this. The world shall remember the criminality and satanic savagery of the zionist entity, as well as the heartbreaking heroic struggle of the Palestinian people!


hypersonic hypocritZ


Lot of misinformation given out by Israeli media sources but things are moving fast with Iran

Last edited 2 years ago by RussAngel

Holohoax remebrance day spoiled. 21 years old arab had killed more jews than hitler’s fake homicidal so called gas chamber.



Let’s hope one day you say that to the wrong person and you end up spending the rest of your pathetic, miserable life as a vegetable lying in a hospital bed being fed through a tube with your worthless pitiful family sobbing over your comatose carcass.

Cuckmander Hebrew

You subhuman shitskin hebrew, not only will I say it to your face but I’ll batter your mongrel monkey face in too till all the filthy sand in your shit coloured skin pours out your raped out holes. I’ll smash your testicles and pulverize them like a pair of eggs and snap your pecker in two with my bare hands so that you roam about your hole life with a broken cuckstick that even sand nigger yhwh elohim, the wog “g-d” of the shitskin incel hebrews can’t fix.


Awwww poor little baby. Cuckmander Hebrew is sad and angry because his dead mommy isn’t around to change his soiled diaper!!! And daddy is too busy fucking little boys because he is a pussy little paedophile fag!!

Cuckmander Hebrew

Kek, look at sissy shitskin sand nigger “murphy” writing his low IQ hebrew fanfiction. Hey, sand monkey, ever compared your pindick to your cuckold father’s cuckstick? Are you both equally tiny or is one of you actually smaller than a Greek statue? Is that why shitskin hebrews rape kiddies like epstein the dead sand nigger? Is it why your whore women let niggers and dune coons plow their orifices – because they want something bigger than shitskin hebrew micropenises?


Everybody know that the holocaust is amyth to vilify white nationalism and emotionally manupulate white people in order to obtain free weaponry and to send white people to die for israel in Iraq and elsewhere when jewish interests are at risk.

1v1 CQB in Ramallah I’m waiting for you faggy kike ?

Cuckmander Hebrew

I’ll join you. I’d love to pulverize his shitskin testicles and snap his kikeropenis (kike micropenis) in two to make him writhe…we’ll make Wagner’s killing of the shitskin “hamdi bouta” look like a garden picnic by comparison.


Let’s hope the retaliation against the muslims pigs is long, brutal and bloody. The day a Jewish citizen walks into a mosque and slaughters all the vile shit-stinking muslim pigs inside it will truly be a great day for humanity. We need a lot more Brenton Tarrant’s in the World. What he did was a stroke of genius!

Cuckmander Hebrew

May the jussy rape against the sand nigger shitskin hebrews be gory, rape happy and genocidal. The day kikeroach maternity wards are blown up along with all newborn kikelets/kikelettes and whole yeshivas full of shitskin rabbis are castrated with blunt butter knives will be the day humanity will truly begin exterminating the shitskin hebrew plague.

All shitskin hebrews are butt sucking sand nigger monkeys, cumdumpster rapemeat. Their mongrel shitskin genes bear the DNA of every civilization that has raped their foremothers like rented whores after destroying their sand nigger temples in Jerusalem, which is the reason all shitskin hebrews have inbred dune coon faces.


Awww diddums. Cuckmander Hebrew is angry and upset because he still can’t get laid by a woman so he has to play with young boys just like his pussy fag of a father!!!

Cuckmander Hebrew

Kek, last I checked, all you shitskin incel hebrews stay home beating your quarter inch kosher cucksticks while your kike sow whores go to apefrica (kenya and morocco mostly) to get their holes plowed. Keep those cuck projection fantasies of yours home, shitskin shimon “murphy” sandnigsraeli.

Chris Gr

Kenyans and Moroccans are more masculine than you.


He’s an Australian! What do you expect!

Cuckmander Hebrew

Wipe the sand off your shitskin face, inbred dune coon. Oh wait, it’s part of your mongrel lineage – you can’t, sissy shitskin pindick.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew
Cuckmander Hebrew

You, hellenic shitskin mongrel talking about masculinity? Please, shitskin, your whole worthless brown monkey race are bastard offspring of turdks and useless pindicks with quarter-inch micropenises ROFL…even your statues show how uselessly tiny gayreek “man”lets are, useless small brown goblin babydicks.

Chris Gr

Ancient Greeks were the epitome of masculinity.


The “Jewish” elite instead of being given a piece of territory in Canada, or Australia…………………….. it wanted Palestine at all costs. These “Jews” are not originally from Palestine, but from Central Asia. Arthur Koestler’s book: The Thirteenth Tribe. As it proves.

Icarus Tanović

That is how the shit goes. Blood for blood.

Chris Gr

More Serbian pounding of Sarajevo please.

Cuckmander Hebrew

More turko-Albanian pussy rape of hellenic pussy in Athens, more like.

Chris Gr

Most Turks and Albanians are Greeks in disguise.

S Balu

Chris Gr You mean greeks who have Turkish DNA but ashamed to admit it

Chris Gr

You mean Turks that have Greek DNA but ashamed to admit it.


Fuck off Icarus, you braindead deluded little hick. No-one gives a flying fuck what you think so go back to bed.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Sand nigger shitskin hebrew, no one gives a shit about your turd brown durka-durka sandnigsraeli cuck cope either. By the way, I’d have kicked your mother in the belly if you were still in it.


And I would have cut your bitch whore slut of a mother’s throat then burnt her alive if you were still in it. After I’d raped her of course. Because your pussy fag daddy could never satisfy her could he?

Chris Gr

Don’t badmouth like that.

Boba Lazarević

Not shedding a tear here…

Arch Bungle

7 is a good start. Keep it up!

Cuckmander Hebrew

It was 12.


Awww look. Poor angry clueless little Cuckmander Hebrew can’t count either!! I guess that makes you totally useless now Ozzie pedo fag!!


YIPPEEE!!!! Scores of Muslime pigs were blown up today and hundreds more critically injured as they knelt to pray to their fag God in one of their sordid pigpen Mosques in Pakistan!!! Brilliant news!!!

Chris Gr

Please shut the fuck up


Errrr, nope.

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