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Pan-Turkist, Neo-Ottomanist NATO Member Turkey In BRICS? Is It Really A Good Idea?

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Pan-Turkist, Neo-Ottomanist NATO Member Turkey In BRICS? Is It Really A Good Idea?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Joining BRICS is all the rage nowadays. Dozens of countries have shown interest to join what’s almost certainly the world’s only true international organization. The UN has long been an instrument of “legitimizing” the US-led political West’s perpetual aggression against the world, resulting in the so-called “international law” becoming nothing more than a rather sad platitude that’s only used when it suits Washington DC or its numerous vassals and satellite states. When it’s not in the interest of NATO, “international law” is reviewed on the so-called “case by case” basis, where the excuse of “special and unique” cases is used, particularly in former Yugoslavia. The endless hypocrisy and double standards of the US are most glaringly obvious with regard to Serbia, the sole real successor state of Yugoslavia.

After dismantling the country along the lines of Yugoslav republics, Washington DC was unhappy with the result and decided to further carve up Serbia (a process that’s still ongoing), supporting Albanian narco-terrorist invaders. The genocide of native Christian Serbs, started by Nazi Germany and its Albanian collaborators during WWII, was continued by NATO, a process that is also ongoing. In order to avoid a similar fate, numerous countries want to join organizations such as BRICS, because it provides a framework for a much fairer global system. The very concept of BRICS, where the entire mankind can work together for a common cause (as a united and truly diverse world, just not the so-called “woke” kind), makes it the most welcoming of new members from all over the world.

This is certainly expected and even commendable, but it may also bring issues. Namely, the BRICS+ format allows anyone to apply for membership, which could include NATO-aligned “Trojan horses”. This is perhaps best illustrated by the example of Turkey, not only a long-time NATO member, but one of the most important partners in the political West’s aggression against the world. There’s virtually not a single US-orchestrated war that hasn’t been supported by Turkey, in one way or another. Whether it was in Korea, Yugoslavia or anywhere in the Middle East, Ankara has been working in concert with Washington DC since the 1950s. Nowadays, this is most evident in countries like Syria and Libya, where they directly support the same terrorist groups.

With the obvious exception of the Kurdish question, Washington DC and Ankara see eye to eye on most other issues, even when it may seem otherwise on the outside. For instance, while Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan keeps fuming at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, behind the scenes, Turkey and Israel still maintain close ties. This is entirely in the interest of the US and shows the true level of hypocrisy of the Turkish political elite. Not to mention the fact that, while Ankara continues shedding crocodile tears for Palestinians and faking “moral high ground” in former Yugoslavia (including by whitewashing Bosnian Muslim war criminals), it’s still trying to finish the Armenian Genocide, one of the worst (and largely unpunished) crimes against humanity ever committed.

However, the real danger of letting Turkey join the multipolar world doesn’t lie only in its double standards, hypocrisy, unapologetic war crimes and support for terrorism, but the unchecked ultranationalist agenda that’s purely expansionist and goes entirely against the principles on which BRICS was founded.

At best, Ankara’s intolerance toward other civilizations, religions, ethnicities and even the very idea of peaceful coexistence makes it an uncharted territory for the multipolar world. At worst, it could easily play the aforementioned role of a US/NATO’s “Trojan horse” that could undermine BRICS at every step of the way, as Turkey’s policies, both domestic and foreign, effectively boil down to an extremely volatile mix of Neo-Ottomanism, political Islam and pan-Turkism.

None of these are in line with the basic interests of the multipolar world. Quite the contrary, they threaten the core national interests of several key BRICS+ members. This is particularly evident in Central Asia, where Ankara has been one of the main backers of Islamic radicalism for decades. It has also been trying to spread pan-Turkist ideas, including in Xinjiang, where Turkey has been actively contributing to the dissemination of propaganda about the mythical “Uyghur genocide”, an entirely fabricated narrative that aims to denigrate China, one of the cornerstones of BRICS. Ankara is also actively promoting the idea of pan-Turkism not only in the four post-Soviet republics in Central Asia (namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan), but also within Russia.

It’s doing the same with regard to Iran (albeit more quietly). Turkish ultranationalists regularly show maps that include large parts of Iran, China and Russia as “occupied territories” of the mythical pan-Turkic entity that exists only in their minds. However, these ideas aren’t limited to obscure political figures with several percent of votes, but are part of Turkey’s state policies. Namely, in cooperation with Azerbaijan, Ankara is looking to establish the so-called Zangezur corridor which would go through the south of Armenia’s Syunik region and directly connect Baku with its Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. A tiny, 17 km long border with Turkey in this area would give Ankara unimpeded access to Azerbaijan precisely through the corridor, and by extension, to former Soviet Central Asia.

The Turkish ruling elite believes this could jumpstart its geopolitical wet dream of establishing a direct link with this region and even expanding its influence all the way to China’s Xinjiang. NATO surely supports such initiatives in the long term, as this would also open the gates of Central Asia for its own geostrategic schemes. By helping Turkey establish a foothold in the area (or at least not impeding it), the political West can also establish its own in the foreseeable future. This would be a major geopolitical maneuver, the goal of which would be to strategically outflank Russia, China and Iran, simultaneously. There’s not a single reason why Ankara would be against such a long-term plan, as none of the three aforementioned BRICS members are willing to offer anything remotely similar.

By accepting it, Moscow, Beijing and Tehran would only empower Turkey’s ultranationalist agenda and expansionism. Not to mention that India would also be against it, as well as other prominent BRICS members. This is without even considering the fact that Ankara is a major arms supplier to the Neo-Nazi junta, as well as the US itself. This is freeing up a lot of NATO resources for weapons deliveries to numerous US vassals and satellite states around the world, which is directly undermining the growth of the multipolar world. Thus, while BRICS should certainly be open to as many new members as possible, it needs to remain vigilant of their true intentions. On the other hand, if Turkey really wants membership, it should demonstrate willingness to change its ultranationalist policies.


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houhout the first

ouch, such innovative rhetoric from south front, suggesting the ottoman sultan sitting on both chairs, nato and brics. does that mean that now he will drink vodka with putin one day and eat a roasted pig in brussels the next day? he will probably throw it off with his ottoman voters. or he will throw up permanently.

Last edited 6 months ago by houhout the first
houhout the second

this clearly shows how insanely unhealthy it is to be a pan-turkish ottoman dictator. a good stomach is essential. like a duck. such a duck eats everything and still produces healthy green and gooey duck poop

houhout the third

in any case, this is a dire warning to other wanna-be dictators and especially for putin in the kremlin and some noname nato lackey in brussels. they’ll need to hire a few new cleaning women – men -nonbinary – transgenders – whatever so they can clean out all these green poops.

houhout the fourth

especially in brussels it will be a huge problem, because with putin it could be handled by some assy busty russian girls in miniskirts as moscow is overcrowded with such individuals, but in brussels it will be hellishly expensive problem due to all those non-binary deviations that must be covered.

houhout the fifth

and that’s it from me on this topic, thank you

houhout the Idiot

make life with schitzophrenia really fun, every morning while looking in the mirror you get to know a new friend!

you are never alone

Your mom

what is your point? brabbling nonsense while wanking? nobody understands you. everyone only see a moron who lost its pacifier.


it’s well known that turkey will never become a member of the entirely superfluous organisation eu. france has woved that over and over since de gaulle. so brics is a more than viable alternative for turkey and if erdogan at the same time can form an alliance of islamic states to finish off the jews once and for all, so much the better!


turcia ca și grecia au jucat la 2 capete întotdeauna.

Bucuresti Bucuresti

de data asta turcul se va trage


same again up yours and all


up yours and all

Conan M

probably not. but neither is a non-unified feckless prc and india unwilling to leave the western un ca$in0 to tell the unsc that it has to leave the “diplomatic” and “political international organization” for it’s own good and the future of the world’s international legal system and markets in solidarity with what is unraveling in overthrow coup of ukraine and attack(s) on russia that could end them and the rest of the world if it is allowed to continue.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

when will they tell the rest of the $heep in that hollowed out den of inequity that an attack on russia is an attack on the prc and india???…. “waiting”!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

but equally reprehensible is russia’s lack of spine in showing leadership when the world needed it most 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… years ago after maidan 2014!… world war iii is going to happen anyway with or without their useless “veto” in the unsc!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

you’re naive americas, which as churchill told you “is our barracks” has nato and the commonwealth of nations as allies surpasses russia by far russia has less that 200 million people. miiliary age maybe 20 to 40 million. tanks don’t drive themselves planes aren’t auto pilots ships neither. indonesia alone has 20 to 22 million in its army now.

Conan M

winston chrchill one of the worst mass murderers of all time that made hitler look like a saint. without the u.$. there would be no start to wwii and the wholesale destruction of eastern europe to take out russia -that didn’t happen which was the plan all along!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

never. blanco descision lead to ww1 no country should ever give them to anyone.


at the bare minimum, turkey must leave nato, remove western military bases and units from their territory and stop their illegal occupation of parts of syria before even thinking about joining brics+ !!!


the only reason turkey was allowed to exist was to keep the russians from controling the bosporus strait. if turkey would join brics/ sco it would take the us control of the gate to the black sea and the arab world away. the usa will either tell the turkish generals to get rid of erdogan before this happens or an kurdish uprising will happen. if turkey leaves nato the usa will together with bulgaria and greece take over the control of the bosporus strait to keep it in us hands.

Last edited 6 months ago by kotromanic
K. Lewis

there have been coup attempts in turkey already. and they already suffered economic warfare. and erdogan became more anti-israeli since then… the gaza war just accelerated it but turkey’s “belligerence” towards israel and washington is a few years in the making. they also acquired the s400 and were kicked out of the f35 nato program.

Last edited 6 months ago by K. Lewis
K. Lewis

moreover, turkey was promised a piece of syria much like poland has been promised a piece of ukraine, and ukraine a piece of russia 🤣🤣🤣 that is how they get these countries to go along with the proxy wars on behalf of washington.


turkeys a curious character, very flexible. russia knows.


what a clever girl


russias suspended any new memberships several weeks ago. facts matter. all journalists in the ordinary course of their business ought to have known

Janne Kankaanpää

brics is not a russia fan club. it is pro china and anti american fan club. turkey will not leave syria and western military bases stay. they are economic leverage for turkey and have never and will never be used against russia.


this guy has a brain from a little bird

Jewish pimp

what’s up you huso bosnic?

Janne Kankaanpää

turkey has always played both sides. it is only natural that turkey will enter this alliance.


one could draw a parallel in israel with the arrival of european settlers in north america. over centuries the native indians were driven out almost entirely, something similar is happening in israel, parts of neighboring countries are annexed. there’s much hostility to the islamic world as a whole from nato post 911, in the past countries were judged more on their own merits, not religion.


king chatles is king of israel. its incorporated into the united kingdom.


palestine was run by the old british empire, the ideals of that have little relation to the current uk. it was when they left the jews attacked the arabs. israel is more related to the us now. and while the english speaking countries are linked, the us is the most influential. some americans, especially irish americans, dislike the uk – independence day celebrates victory over britain and biden is an ira supporter. in the uk 0.5% are jewish, 2.2% in the usa.


excellent points about the unsuitability of the turkish application for brics. however, whitewashing china’s digital prison system imposed on it’s traumatized population, the organ harvesting racket targetting christian and falong gong practitioners, is deplorable. falong gong was targetted for no other reason than it’s nature as a popular organization which had become larger than the communist party.

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