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MARCH 2025

Panic Continues In Al-Tanaf: U.S. Proxies Beg For Deal With Damascus

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Panic Continues In Al-Tanaf: U.S. Proxies Beg For Deal With Damascus

US forces in the Syrian town of al-Tanaf, by Hammurabi’s Justice News

U.S. proxies in the garrison of al-Tanaf and the 55km de-escalation zone around it are seeking an evacuation agreement that would allow them to withdraw to the opposition-held areas in northern Syria once US troops leave the country, the RT TV reported on December 22.

Citing Syrian activists, the TV network said that the US-backed Revolutionary Commando Army’s leader, Muhannad Tala, is hoping that the coalition will help his group strike a deal with Damascus before it withdraws from the al-Tanaf base.

“The international [US-led] coalition withdrawal from al-Tanaf and the 55km zone will put Free Syrian Army [FSA] factions in these areas in a direct confrontation with regime forces and Iranian militias,” Tala warned on December 21.

The Revolutionary Commando Army’s leader confirmed that the coalition had informed him that they will withdraw from al-Tanaf soon as a part of U.S. President Donald Trump decision to withdraw all American troops from Syria.

The U.S. decision has apparently led to a state of panic among the remaining militants in al-Tanaf, who know that they will not last for more than a few days if the coalition withdraws. Facing this situation, pro-opposition blogs, like Hammurabi’s Justice News, began spreading propaganda to raise the morale of the militants.

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Ricky Miller

Please don’t do that. Yes, the rebels deserve death or defeat and capture in combat, and judicial justice if captured. But we shouldn’t display their bodies like insurgent PR types do. No brother, mother, sister or child should ever be on the internet and come across a picture of their loved one. The Syrian Arab Republic represents civilization, standing against barbarity. Let’s follow that example. If it must be displayed for news effect or to illustrate a point than the face should always be blurred. Just a request.


I don’t think a dead Isis has “loved ones”.

Ricky Miller

I don’t know. No Jihadist of any stripe ever showed up on Earth via Immaculate conception.


Could be.

Jens Holm

For the 7575757757577575757575757577s time. Those are not ISIS at all. They never was.

Zionism = EVIL

ISIS is shameless faggot cowards.

Concrete Mike

I still dont want to see any corpse christmad eve…come on man!!

Empire's Frontiers

Close your eyes then.

Ricky Miller

It’s really not about me. As holders of alternative views to MSM propaganda and as information combatants, it is our duty to fight in a way that reinforces our shared humanity and that means declining to trade in uncensored images of the dead, regardless of whom they fought for or against.

Zionism = EVIL

Share your humanity for Palestinians and other victims of US and Zionist holocaust of the innocents and oppressed globally.

Concrete Mike

Im with you brother. The dead are dead…let them be dead and respect the dead…because tomorrow it could be you.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Ricky Miller

Thank you. And hey I have no sympathy for their cause, wish them nothing but defeat and share anger and pain for the Syrian soldiers and police lost, the injustice and deaths from American and Israeli actions around the world. I’m all for the cause, just don’t believe in dehumanizing ourselves by making digital trophies out of the dead. Or in making more new enemies from among our enemies families. Merry Christmas to you and yours too. And maybe this really will be the happy new year that sees the end of the American fueled insurrection in Syria. That is my wish. And we can hope.

Zionism = EVIL

and dear Ricky stick your head up the arse :) if truth is unpalatable :)

Zionism = EVIL

Not really, the headchopper scum were burning captured SAA soldiers in cages and the western media and Jews had no problem posting gloating shameless photos and videos. These cowards deserve what is coming to them.

Tudor Miron

I have to support you on this. Yes, we have to defeat ISIS and any similar rats. Still we understand that those are humans (yes, stupid and evil) and we don’t selebrate humans death. If we do than they won, than we become like them. “In the heat of the battle don’t loos site of what we’re fighting for.”(c)


Very wise words from you (and Ricky Miller)! While i have no problem with them meeting their karma, the dead ISIS on these photo’s, as a baby, were once a bundle of joy in the arms of their parents. these parents didn’t raise them to rape, chop off heads and meeting their end at the receiving end of a tank barrel. What ever heinious crimes they have commited under the ISIS banner, most of them still have loved ones, who never wanted all of this and for their sake, i also think it is not good judgement to parade these pictures all over the internet.

With regards!

Promitheas Apollonious

with this post you have my respect.

J Ramirez

seeing this picture and the one above makes me feel realy sad for the poor rat.

Brother Ma

Please God,have the Syrians ,Iranians and Russkies destroy them all. All rats!

Tudor Miron

“Muhannad Tala, is hoping that the coalition will help his group strike a deal with Damascus” (C) When this rat was making a deal with the devil he should have anticipated the outcome.


But it means Syria is back on the east Euphrates without major fighting nor possibility of Global (read US) escalation, so it is time to make a new rat of him.


Make food for rats from all of them!

Zionism = EVIL

haha the headchoppers are running scared as Americunt sugar daddy left them high and dry. More landcruisers for SAA and Hezbollah courtesy of US taxpayers.

Poor Turk

But FSA is a turkish group?

Brother Ma

It is ! Which is why they should be machine- gunned as invaders!

Jenny Lancaster

this week? in that area they’re US proxies, although the region was supposedly set up as an area where civilians could be safe, however it’s well known that the scum terrorists were using it as a safe haven to launch attacks on SAA and surrounding areas loyal to Assad

Jens Holm

The usual crap from a Mr Know All having not the slightest idea about, whats going on.

Even so You scum can name people as scum. Those FSAs make no terror.

The terror much more are the many good reasons systematicly made by Assads for uprise.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

I was under that impression also, i guess that is why they said free syrian army ‘factions’. must be the part USA got and Turkey didnt want

Jens Holm

I am afraid that divifing is not enough. Lets say USA now has up to 500 in south as well as civile non Assads are there.

But FSA are several 1000 in north many helped by Turks as well as many is not. They have big internal problems an kill each other too.

John Whitehot

Fsa is a fake label given to any group on the basis of how much it suits the US. Even nusra was calling itself Fsa years ago

Jens Holm

Again a far out from You.

Jens Holm

No. Syria in those matters is a big country having many oppinions and local defencegroupds(had).

The northern part partly are supported by Turks as well as finaced by the, as mercenairies. Correct some are from South by Korean buses.


lol they are pissing their pants – now they want to talk!

Jens Holm

Theyb have no choise. The only small one might be to be¨transported to the SDF zone and “neutalize” there as farmers in empty hamlets or something.

There must be space somewhere.More then 500.000 are dead and many refugees outside Syria has declared, they never will come back.

Bigaess Wangmane

This time around, I hope that Syria & Russia gives them the only deal that these Jihadi rats deserve: Unconditional Surrender or Death


Leave out the “Unconditional Surrender”, and job done.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

agree million procentage


The Syrian army will have another batch of free troops soon.


Even with Americans out of Syria, and we’ll wait to see it before we believe it, there are still serious problems.

1) Turks are allies with Isis. 2) al-Qaida still operating in idlib with immunity thanks to American protection 3) isreal and turkey are threatening to invade Syria.

The Israelis are securing their border with Lebanon, in preparation for an invasion of Syria. They made a deal with Russia – if America leaves Syria, Iran leaves Syria. But if Iran doesn’t leave, isreal invades Syria.

Tommy Jensen

Deal link please?

alejandro casalegno

Israel can ivade Syria, of course………….as Lebanon in 1982……….don´t was a smart thing.

Jens Holm

So after all,on which side of the border are Hesbollah

alejandro casalegno

In 1982 the Hezbollah doesn´t exist……….the zionist invasion create the Resistance.

Empire's Frontiers

What American protection is present in Idlib?


Geographically it’s not present in Idlib boundaries but the eastern Mediterranean and various US and co. bases around Syria. This protection is used before and it’s logical to assume will be used again. It’s usually triggered by a chemical attack false flag whenever the US feels the threat of an imminent annihilation of their jihadi terrorists in Idlib.

Other false flag cards like “humanitarian crisis”, “freedom”, “democracy” and “human rights” are waiting in queue just in case the chemical attack false flag card lost it’s weight.

Jens Holm

Haha. It cpuld be true.

Empire's Frontiers

Though this presence of American forces within range of Idlib has not stopped SAA or Russian advances a single time. They rise above each time the US has made paltry attacks from sea.

For this, I find the remark about the Americans restraining activity in Idlib to be somewhat preposterous.


The support also existed in Qunaitrah and Dara’a and not only from the US but Israel too. Existing and being effective are two different matters. If the support was preventive the SAA wouldn’t free large parts of the country as they did.

The US even tried to bring the matter to UNSC. The US support may not be for they love jihadis, but for they hate the Syrian government and resistance.


A quick death then awaits the Jew construct called IsraHell

You can call me Al

God bless you.

Promitheas Apollonious

invade with what? they could not win Hezbollah and now they going to invade syria that has the best fighting army in ME and also beat Hez and Iranian guards in one go.

Jens Holm

Thats speculation. I do agree this is a phase. The Trump Americans are not even gone yet.To much panic at those sites too.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

1, right. 2, no immunity from anyone anymore, HTS has Saudi funding and did have Erdogan’s support but that ended with the new Astana agreement in November. The US never backed or supported HTS, just the FSA. 3, The Turks will invade for sure, Erdogan’s insane and can’t stop, but the Israelis are probably just using bluster to make a point and won’t do anything stupid. The last war they had against Hezbollah a few years back didn’t end to well for the Israelis, they didn’t lose but they didn’t win either. Hezbollah are even stronger now and the Iranians have their brand new missiles, that would have to be quite a deterrent to the Israelis now, “an airport for an airport, a city for a city”, I don’t think they want to start another war they could possibly lose.


Erdogan is not insane, he has been Americanized. He will do anything for money, and at this time in history it’s China that has the most money. With Turkey as a central part of the great Eurasian empire that is forming, Erdogan and Turkey will be richer than America.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Erdogan’s been Ottomanized, and he did it to himself, which believe it or not, is actually even worse than being Americanized, the Ottomans were doing it long before the US was even thought of, and killed even more people in the process, though the US is catching up fast. China is one of the oldest and most civilized Nations humanities ever known, for the last few thousand years they’ve built their prosperity through stability and doing business with only the right people, what makes you think they’d want to do business with Erdogan, he not stable, he’s not adherent to any deals he makes with anyone else, he fights with his neighbours for no reason, and lastly you may have forgotten about what the Chinese said about joining in with the Idlib campaign. NO ONE LIKE’S ERDOGAN, especially the very clever Chinese, they want a new Turkish leader too.


Such short term thinking, Erdogan will go eventually, but Turkey will remain. Turkey will be a key trade hub in the Eurasian empire, and China takes a long term view. In the shorter term Turkey is becoming a major hub for southern European gas, earning large amounts of money.

As for Erdogan not adhering to deals, could you give an example?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Getting rid of Erdogan is long term thinking, the Chinese have many billions already invested in Iranian infrastructure, that’s long term thinking, they also have a lot invested in Syria too, but they can’t make money or buy cheap Iranian oil until the war in Syria is over, and why isn’t it over yet, everyone else agreed to end it back in January 12 months ago, but not Erdogan, he’s the one stopping the Chinese from making a return on all the billions they invested in Syria and Iran, as I say, what the hell would they want to do business with Erdogan for, they already threatened to help the SAA invade Iblib and attack the Turkish proxies fighting there, that should say everything you need to know about Chinese/Erdogan relations, they want a new Turkish leader too. Erdogan the deal breaker, Before the first Astana agreement was even signed last year, Erdogan was rushing down a convoy of Turkish soldiers to Northern Hama where he wasn’t supposed to set up a checkpoint and set one up anyway, he did it just as the SAA were kicking major butt in the first Idlib campaign and winning back heaps of territory from the Turks proxies. That checkpoint was stuck right between the advancing SAA and the losing rebels, halted the SAA’s first campaign in Idlib, and forcing Assad to move his troops to Goutah and beat their stinking butts instead. BASTARD Then Erdogan set up 4 extra OB posts during the second Astana agreement, 12 instead of the agreed upon 8, 1 or 2 in Latakia, 1 in northern Hama, and 1 in west Aleppo, these all stopped the SAA from attacking the Turks proxies in those areas. The Chinese aren’t stupid, they know the only reason this war in Syria hasn’t already ended is because of Erdogan.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i doubt iran would agree to that kind of deal, they said they would only leave if assad told them to


Don’t let the rats escape.


Drowning in cheese over there it looks like.


Perhaps Jared of Arabia will come charging in with a couple thousand Saudi tanks to save the day? That might give Crown Prince Fookface a chance to redeem himself and retrieve his balls from Lindsey Graham’s purse.

Jens Holm

You might like it. When Saudis a few time has taken in refugees, because they could not avoid it, they make a closed barbed wire area having first class condition incl. school for the children far from everybody else – in the desert. Even dead by age stay there :)

Concrete Mike

I love it!!! Maybe Jared of Subwaynia could.also join in!!! Save the Yemenis!!

Empire's Frontiers

A swift execution would be more than fair.


Ha ha, has anyone seen that youtube video with the dog walking alongside a double gate barking psychotically at everything on the other side of the gate … and then it finds the other half of the gate is open and it completely stops as it comes face to face with the other side?


Syria should demand unconditional surrender, just like America does. If they don’t surrender, kill them all, like America does. Now I know that is barbaric, but trying to be civilized when the enemy has been trained by the barbarian Americans simply will not work.

You can call me Al

The crucifixion was barbaric; this, as you say is run of the mill US tactics – in this scenario there must be no sympathy and no forgiveness. Eliminate them and feed them to the pigs.


I understand, and even sometimes share, the sentiment, but Assad has proven that his strategy has worked time and again. Assad has proven himself to be a humane and wise leader, and I personally trust him to do the right thing. The trouble with summary execution is that it lowers us to the level of Daesh, who we claim to fight against, so let’s not become them right at the end, so they (NWO) don’t win. Another problem is where do you stop? Who should be executed out of hand who should not. I’m not comfortable that many people can get it right. The Israelis certainly don’t, they kill first and (maybe) ask questions later. You can’t necessarily stop people doing barbaric things, but you can stop yourself doing barbaric things. Barbaric actions don’t make a better world.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s only just over 100 fighters here under US control, the FSA took off fore greener pastures when the US booted them out, so there’s not much of a problem to solve, pack them off to the USA with all their families, that’ll make everyone happy.

Hasbara Hunter


Tom Tom

The Donald says: “you’re fired.”

Jonathan Cohen


Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lmao what sort of position does this cunt think he is in to “strike a deal”? he’s lucky if assad doesn’t personally beat the shit outta him himself! LOL

You can call me Al

That is not like you !!!. a very naughty word…. ah well, in this case it is justified…..Assad and supporters ….. kill them fuckers.

Tom-Einar Nikolaisen

:) :) :)


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