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Panic Mode: U.S Proxies In al-Tanaf Deny Reality & Their Own Claims

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Panic Mode: U.S Proxies In al-Tanaf Deny Reality & Their Own Claims

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In a sign of panic, Hammurabi’s Justice News denied that the US-led coalition is withdrawing from its base in the Syrian area of al-Tanaf and the 55km de-escalation zone around it. The pro-opposition blog added that the coalition dropped resupplies near the base on December 22.

“The coalition have dropped resupply near al-Tanaf to insure the commitment of the Revolutionary Commando Army and coalition forces in securing the civilians of 55km de-escalation zone,” Hammurabi’s Justice News said in a short report.

The blog’s report likely was a propaganda stunt to manipulate the reality, as no one had claimed that the U.S. is withdrawing forces right now from the al-Tanaf base. Furthermore, the report hints that the coalition is not planning to withdraw, which contradicts with recent statements by officials in the Pentagon and the Revolutionary Commando Army.

The US-backed group’s own leader, Muhannad Tala, confirmed a day earlier that the coalition informed him that they will withdraw from al-Tanaf soon as a part of U.S. President Donald Trump decision to withdraw all American troops from Syria.

Hammurabi’s Justice News has a track record of spreading propaganda and fake news in order to raise the morale of the Syrian opposition supporters. Last September, the blog claimed that the Russian Military Police arrested all service members of the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) responsible for shooting down the Russian IL-20 intelligence plane. A claim which was debunked by several sources later.

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Ha…more wishful thinking from the head choppers…they will soon be turned into mulch by the SAA…asta la vista baby…


That woefully inept ‘fighting’ force that has become the laughingstock of militaries around the world? That SAA?

Tudor Miron

Which militaries (around the world) exactly?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

US, UK, France, Israel, turkey, Saudi amongst others, added up there was an estimated 35 countries involved in attacking Syria. the ones I mentioned were the main players

US created, trained armed and funded ISIS. As well as giving Aerial bombardment support as it bombed out Syrian Infrastructure.

Do keep up. USA are not the good guys

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

That same SAA that saved Syria from the US funded and armed IS head-choppers. Care to repeat the “Assad must go” farts?


In fact, turkish funded

Potato Potato

The same SAA that survived nearly 8 years of determined destruction by the entire western world.

John Whitehot

in case you did not notice, there are two persons standing behind you, dressed in white, and one has a straightjacket in his hands.


You miss spelled your nick, maybe? Isn’t there a t wrongly placed?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

still wouldnt spell his real name, ‘completefuktard’….. xD


The “t” is not misplaced. You will note on your keyboard “r & t”, are side by side. Therefore, I am respectfully suggesting that “Moron”, accidentally clipped the “t” when inputting his name. In reality we should just freeze this Jew troll by ignoring their inane yammerings.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

The SAA that has been beating the USA backed terrorists ISIS… that one


“securing the civilians” Freudian slip? Prison guards also speak like this.


US will not withdraw its troops from Syria the rest are Trump’s words.


The money is running out, sooner or later they will be gone, just like all of the others.


Good financial analysis

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

sooner or later yes, but not currently.


The money is actually running out now. Notice was sent out this year that Social Security payments in the near future will drop to 70% of what is scheduled for recipients. Tax filings not done within three years will negate any merited refunds. This kind of stuff was unimagineable as I was growing up in the US. Wait until 2019 passes and the sanctions regimes still fail to produce results. The party is over. The collapse is in progress. My take Red, happy holidays to you.

Mr Bray


This may shed some light on the rapid pull-back of US Forces in Syria:

1) Confirmation that US Carrier Forces are – quote “currently being loaded for bear”. NOTE 1 – The term ‘loaded for Bear’ is an American expression used by hunters to indicate they are carrying weapons of sufficicent power to take down big game, however, another interpretation, especially to other nationalities, is that the Carrier Forces are preparing to face down or fight Russia, sometimes also referered to as ‘The Bear’.

2) Confirmation that Senior officers commanding US and UK Forces stationed in a) Black Sea area, and b) MENA, warned to expect ‘an event’ at anytime within the next 21 days. Senior officers also instructed to withdraw exposed assets in MENA immediately. NOTE 2 – Is this why US forces in Syria have been suddenly pulled back? Is this why UK Special Ops in Syria (and also seen on the borders of Transnistria and Crimea) have been withdrawn?

3) Confirmation that Russian forces have DEPLOYED (or otherwise readied) thier full nuclear deterant. This has included replacing some conventional tipped Iskander missiles in both Kaliningrad and Syria with non-conventional warheads. The same has also been done to the Bastion systems deployed throughout Russia, Syria, and Crimea. NOTE 3: Russia has also relocated several air-defence batteries to give greater coverage and better layering of the Black Sea, Ukraine, and Belarus, and also parts of Syria.

4) Confirmation that Russia has moved ‘Special weapons’ from Novorossiysk to Sevastospol. NOTE 4: It is unknown what the ‘special weapons’ are, but it is suspected that they are ‘Khibiny’ and other EM weapons and countermeasures (already deployed in Syria).

5) Although we have confirmation that BOTH the US and Russia are preparing urgently for an immediate nuclear confrontation this does NOT necessarily mean a strike or war is going to occur! There is NO intel currently available to confirm that the US and Russia are about to go to war with each other. We only have intel that both sides are getting prepared for a for a confrontation / fight. NOTE 5: It is suspected that some sort of opperation has been planned to occur in Syria, potentially involving Israel and an attack on Iranian and Hezbollah forces. The suspicion is that Russia is being ‘covered’ by US guns at the request of Israel so that Russia does not get involved in any counter strike on Israel.


This leak is from a Ukraine source? Current US carrier deployment is only CVN-74 in Indian ocean from last map I saw. But you never know about those dam Israeli idiots! :)


The guy is trying to play with us.


Yes I think so. Just trying to add some common sense to the discussion jorge. :)


You have done well, even ending with a sarcasm.

Mr Bray

NO. This is Serious – Check the Navy website: x10 US Carriers currently in home port being rearmed! Check out the Stratfor site for current locations: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/us-naval-update-map-dec-20-2018

Mr Bray

WTF! This is no BULL! Check the Navy website: x10 US Carriers currently in home port being rearmed! Check out the Stratfor site for current locations: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/us-naval-update-map-dec-20-2018 PS, The Ukrainan source is the Jonas blog. He has been 100% correct since he predicted the Kerch Strait provocation. His blog was taken down but is now back up from Moldova or Transnistria. My account was closed for copy and pasting his stuff.

Mr Bray

Check the Navy website: x10 US Carriers currently in home port being rearmed Check out Stratfor: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/us-naval-update-map-dec-20-2018


I can show you pix from 6 years ago of 10 carriers in home port. How long does it take to “rearm” LOL


Last I heard the Essex (CV-9) was buddied up with the Stennis (CVN-74). A little carrier by American standards but still sporting F35B’s, etc.


Blocked, go play elsewhere, little clown.

Mr Bray

This is no BULL you muppet! Check the Navy website: x10 US Carriers currently in home port being rearmed! Check out the Stratfor site for current locations: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/us-naval-update-map-dec-20-2018


But I can “unblock” He called you a muppet :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39e8d515710ccab2411f2efa9189cdf84d068b15b94f7c9160549417558aa481.jpg


LOL. Good Christmas PZIVJ.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Very interesting but alarming at the same time. But because of this “LEAK FROM PREVIOUSLY VERY RELIABLE SOURCE IN UKRAINE”, I’m already doubtful. Confusing propaganda has become all to readily available since Trumps decision to pull US troops out of Syria. Thanks for the info though, it’s time for some research.

Mr Bray

Thanks for the sensible comment. I have posted the above copy and paste from the infamous ‘Jonas’ blog simply for people to consider because I personally found it very concerning.

As with all information it is just that – ‘information’. It may or may not be true, but with x10 US carriers curently in Home Ports, and with the sudden withdrawl of all exposed US Forces from Syria, there is more than a bit of circumstantial evidence to back up the supposed ‘leaks’. It is also possible that the ‘Ukrainian source’ is part of the message – ie events in Ukraine are a distraction and the main event will come from Israel / Syria. I dont know. But thanks for your sensible comment, makes it worthwile copy and pasting and replying to people who have the ability to at least think about these things, unlike some of the other people on here………..


Norfolk has been a carrier parking lot for many years now. Navy is having trouble keeping their FA-18 units in good working order because of so much money wasted on stupid projects. Good that they stay home! Let me know when they leave home port. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/144f9b935a44c11db5cd7747caa458dfab35bb243ef570cb9c98805b979347a5.jpg

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Havent got any planes for that aircraft carrier,. and Turkey were going to be servicing them and repairing UK planes but now USA arent even selling Turkey F-35’s. The UK has no army navy or airforce left capable of withstanding a half decent attack

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There can never be too much shared info, relying on even 20 reliable news sources won’t tell you everything there is to know, post like yours can help though, that’s if they turn out to be correct. But even if it isn’t correct and it turns out to be unimportant, it still doesn’t matter, you at least tried to offer some info that might be relevant. Even if you only supply one bit of info in 10 that’s useful it’s still a help, I don’t mind reading and checking the other 9 that turned out to be wrong, it’s just what you have to do to get to the right bit of info that does help. I hope you have a thick skin, you’ll need it here in these forums, especially if you sometimes go against the grain, I’ve found out the hard way, Cheers.

Mr Bray

Thanks again. I have decided to simply delete the comment as I would otherwise feel compelled to defend it and argue with some apparent simpletons (who will likely defeat me with thier wealth of experience in being ignorant of history, in narrow thinking, and in lack of reasoning, lol). At least you got to see the comment and consider the information, so it was not in vain that I took the time to post it. All the best (and lets hope the leaks were indeed wrong).

Bigaess Wangmane

Urgent – leak from previously very reliable source in Ukraine states Israel is preparing to attack Syria!

Somehow, someway, between the civil war raging in the Donbass between the Novorussians and NATO/F-UK-US-backed Banderist Zionazis, the dilapidated economy, rampant prostitution, Corruption from floor to ceiling in the political realm and Hunter Biden spreading his evil Auric Field throughout whatever’s left of the country, this “source” managed to find the time and the resources to determine that another Zionazi-Controlled Occupied Country 3000 miles away is planning to attack its neighbor? I find that hard to believe, but lets assume that this source is correct & just to reiterate

Israel is preparing to attack Syria!

Let them come, lets see how many planes and airports they’re willing to lose before tapping out, again.

Mr Bray

I found it interesting, that is why I copied and pasted it. I have no skin in the game and no idea if the source is even from Ukraine, but whoever he is or where ever he is he previously scored some hits. If Israel are going to hit Syria it would make sense they did so under the protection of big bad brother Uncle Sam.

I have deleted the comment now anyway as I really I cant be bothered if people belive it or not.


Well, it was extremely controversial material Mr Bray. What did you expect? Up vote for effort. :)

Alberto Garza

iran is retreating from syria i think israel will not attack .

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Iran will leave Syria only when it is requested to do so by the Syrian government. near the Israeli border. Israel were attacking Syrian ammunition warehouses and syrian and iranian military positions claiming it was because of hezbollah, (although no actual hezbollah positions were hit). But they mopped up the fighting in under two weeks and took huge amounts of territory back and quickly. So Israel has no excuse to be hitting Syria for BS reasons like ‘stray rockets’ during clashes with ISIS. Or Iran operating near Israel border. Israel will not attack because their entire airforce will get obliterated by Russian controlled air defense systems

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

I doubt there is any credible source from Ukraine regarding the Syrian conflict


Just a guess on this one SF,

Is it supposed to be “panic mode”?

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

If you notice typo’s SF is usually quick to respond and fix it


There must be a strong reason why USA is withdrawing from Syria, this is very strange, but we know it later on.

Jon Gruntha

I don’t think it’s panic. Even US doesn’t know what US is doing.

John Whitehot

somehow I feel the same. But I wouldn’t swear by anything at this point

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

USA is lying about Withdrawing, it just needs an excuse for transports going in and out of SDF, ISIS and al qaeda territories as it ships its ISIS/al qaeda/SDF fighters to Afghanistan and Somalia,


why stay in syria when a) they can’t win and b) make an enemy of turkey so the kurds are expandable and will have to live with it. i.e.being short a nation! hahaha


To stop the Iranian gas pipeline.


they, the disorganized morons of the disunited states of a, have other and more pressing issues than to try to stop a pipeline from iran. one such thing is to speed the israeli pipeline for gas to europe which would make a number of issues void. the best way would be to draw it through turkey but that is unikely and on the bottom of the sea bypassing cyprus to greece would be feasible although the waterdepths in places are hard to do anything about, although they are working on it!


Interesting point Verner. :)


Perhaps, but Israel as yet does not have the gas available, they still buy Egyptian gas. Also a lot of the gas Israel claims to own, actually belongs to other countries. The north and south Pars fields are in production, and the winner of this war could have gas in Europe in 2 years.


israel claim to have a mega find of gas (which really is Palestina’s gas) and would love to bring it to the market, but it can’t be overland so it’s the sea route with some serious water depths to cross. but with a little help from a seriously disturbed friend they will and must find a way forward. without the financial help from that friend israel would have foundered long ago but if they can find a way, it means the seriously disturbed and dis-organized disunited states of a won’t have to fork out quite as much in the future as it’s forking out today!

stary ujo

To burn USA rats , in the Syria !

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