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Panjshir Resistance Willing To Negotiate With The Taliban

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Panjshir Resistance Willing To Negotiate With The Taliban

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Ahmad Massoud will not receive international support and conciliation with the enemy is the only path to peace.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

As Taliban control of Afghanistan expands, Panjshir remains the country’s only resistance zone. However, it is not known how long this situation will last, as there are indications that the resistance’s main leaders plan to renounce if there is an agreement in which the Taliban guarantees minimum conditions of freedom for the local population. Day by day, the Taliban’s absolute power becomes an undeniable reality and soon all Afghans – as well as all Nation States – will have to deal with this situation.

The leader of the resistance in Afghan province of Panjshir, Ahmad Massoud, said during an interview with Foreign Policy magazine that he would give up the armed struggle if the Taliban forms an inclusive government and guarantees equal rights for all Afghan citizens. His group, The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, does not receive any foreign financial support, which makes them even more vulnerable considering that many countries in the region have sided with the Taliban. In fact, Ahmad Massoud seems not to really want to fight, but only to guarantee the peace and freedom of his people. He’s willing to take up arms for this, but he’s also willing to step down, if possible.

These were his words: “If the Taliban are willing to share power with everyone and are willing to establish justice and to give equal rights and freedom to all of Afghanistan, then I will step down and quit politics (…) The government [of ex-President Ashraf Ghani] drove many regional countries to the side of the Taliban. From its ethnic-nationalist rhetoric to its water policies, it provoked and antagonised our neighbours, and they grew closer to the Taliban”.

At the start of the Taliban offensive, Massoud made several public pronouncements calling for Western support to fight their common enemy. However, no foreign aid has been provided and this is unlikely to happen anytime. Despite representing an anti-Taliban force, the resistance group led by Massoud is a Shiite militia with strong ties to Iran. For Western countries, the possibility of strengthening Iran is far more dangerous than accepting the reality of a Taliban-led government in Kabul. With an expansion of Iran into Central Asia, a disastrous scenario would form for Washington, which would totally lose any possibility of influence in the region.

For these reasons, Massoud was “abandoned” by the world powers. Countries with tense relations with Iran do not want to strengthen Tehran in Central Asia, but at the same time, countries with good relations with the Shiites are also interested in forging ties with the Taliban, as this is the only way to pacify Afghanistan and avoid the advancement of terrorist organizations there. Iran itself is not interested in a new conflict, which is why it has not sent aid to Massoud either. So, for the Panjshir Resistance, all that remained was to accept the possibility of negotiating with their enemies – which Massoud now reveals that he is willing to do so.

In fact, the only authority that may be really interested in strengthening Panjshir is the official government in Kabul, which has recently been overthrown. For forces loyal to the old government, any form of opposition against the Taliban is advantageous. Not by chance, officials from the defeated government are spreading rumors to frustrate possible Taliban-Panjshir negotiations. On Tuesday, the Afghan ambassador to Tajikistan, Mohammad Zahir Aghbar, said the Taliban is planning to kill Massoud. Aghbar previously claimed that the only legal source of power in Afghanistan is the resistance of Panjshir province. Apparently, for the defeated government officials, investing in strengthening the Panjshir is currently a necessity – the only possible way to fight the Taliban.

Aghbar did not provide details on the sources of his information, raising suspicions about its veracity. It is possible that the Taliban really wants to kill Massoud and is using the possibility of dialogue as a strategy to do so, but this seems unlikely, as the Taliban’s strength is much greater than that of the resistance. If killing all the resistance’s leaders had really been the Taliban’s intention, it would have happened before. This is also the opinion of representatives from other countries. Russian Ambassador to Kabul Dmitry Zhirnov, for example, recently stated: “I think they [the Taliban] could take over Panjshir in a day, maybe even in a few hours, but they don’t do it to avoid bloodshed.”

Indeed, in many ways the Taliban seems genuinely willing to change its stance and act differently from what it was known worldwide for in its previous government. The group has been fighting terrorist organizations that are trying to gain ground on Afghan soil and has also been trying to resolve the situation peacefully in Panjshir. Massoud has realized that no international support will come for his struggle and is now willing to cooperate with the Taliban as long as the civil and religious freedoms of the Shiite ethnic minorities in the region are respected. Both sides seem more and more willing to integrate nationally as it is evident that a divided country will be weaker to resist the advance of terrorists who want to dominate Kabul.


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The Black terror

Just think of Ahmad Massood as the Afghan version of another US puppet: Juan Guaido. Give up your Quixotic quest of an independent Panjshir and try to live a peaceful life in the new Afghanistan. The reality is foreigners are playing you for another disposable dupe, fool and chump.

The Black terror

Listen child, I do not have to f*ck myself. Years ago I f*cked a down and out, homeless, hungry drug-addict and she ended up being your mother.

The Black terror

Stop projecting you moron. If you don’t understand what that means, Google it, moron. If you are an American, that is a good excuse for being f*cking stupid, moron.

L du Plessis

Yes its better to talk to the Taliban than to fight them, unless you want another 20yr war lol


Ahmad Masoud is Snni not Shia,am I wrong?


Ahmad Maasod is not Shiite . he is Tajik Sunni. look like Author confused. Ahmed Amssod should negotiate and talk to taliban and resolve peacfully. TAliban will not do stupid mistake to bring back Extrmisim to kill people Taliban knows if they kill or attack people on the religious bases then Russia/China/Iran will destroy Taliban forever.


Your reason for Iran not helping Massoud is not accurate at all . You said massoud militia is a shitte one which is completely wrong. Massoud’s family are from a sunni tajik background not from the neighboring shitte groups like Hazzara or pamirs. On the other hand, there are many shittes from ethnicities in the ranks of Massoud’s militia. So, it’s not taliban resistance war but north- south or pashtun speaking- dari speaking war.


Negotiation? Nope, not interested. Massood fired the first shot, but the Talibs will finish it. Afghanistan doesn’t need foreign-backed troublemakers.


I wish him luck and i hope he doesn’t die like his father, and ps fuck the talebi eating scums aka Taliban freaks.

Ibrahim Abdul-Khaliq

I hope our brother Ahmad and those with him see the light and unite with the Taliban, because division is exactly what the dirty Shaitan want.

This is what I would like to say to all those in Panjshir especially brother Ahmad Masood.

For years to long now Shaitan has been playing these division games of divide, rule and conqueror with the Muslim’s, he did it with the believing Israelites and with the believing Christian’s whereby mass slaughter became fair seeming to them, and hell fire becomes their lot, anger is a nasty trait, be not frustrated with what Allaah has victoriously willed, maybe you are wanting something that is bad for you, and maybe you dislike something that is of benefit to you, reflect.

I tell you the truth, and I swear to you all in the name of His Majesty the All Mighty Allaah, that it is Harram for a believer to kill with the intention of killing another believer, and regardless of what sect or persuasion you or the other side maybe inclined to, why? because those on the other side are your brothers and likewise of the Ummah of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) Allaah alone knows best who is who, and who holds in heart the true sincere faith that Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) came with and who is closer to Allaah in following sincere act’s of righteousness, which is the point of being a Muslim in the first instance isn’t it, be wise, consider the blessings you have already received from Allaah.

So for sure only Allaah knows what the hearts contain and what they do not among you all, Allaah knows what and who is pushing and pulling you all, Allaah knows all things brothers. We all must learn to fear Allaah in our actions and speech, and be of those who practice patience and tolerance especially amongst ourselves, be mindful of what Allaah tells us in Quran.

Is not what Allaah says in Quran is our guide to learn from through that guidance surely the hearts and minds of believers are guided by Allaah to contentment, so we need to trust Allaah and hold onto the unbreakable rope of His Sharia. The Taliban are the authority and that Authority is subject to Allaah his will His commands so fear not and adhere not to the whisper of oneself or that of the dirty Shaitan, consult console in Allaah whom you have contracted with as you know no other will be accepted on Al-Qiyamat.

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