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Paris Urgently Called Moscow Before Sending Troops To Ukraine

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Paris Urgently Called Moscow Before Sending Troops To Ukraine

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For the first time in a long time, the French Defense Minister decided to call Moscow.At the urgent request of the French side, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry held a telephone conversation with his French counterpart.

According to the press service of the French ministry, Sebastian Lecornu began the conversation by condemning the terrorist attack on Russian citizens in the Crocus City Hall on March 22 and expressed condolences. At the same time, Sebastian Lecornu hastened to declare that “France does not have any information that would allow Ukraine to be linked to the terrorist attack in the Moscow region.” The French Minister declared France’s readiness to strengthen cooperation with Russia in countering terrorism.

The Russian side confirmed that the Ministers discussed the terrorist attack. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Sebastian Lecornu “persistently tried to convince of the non-involvement of Ukraine and Western countries in the terrorist attack, shifting responsibility to ISIS”.

In response, Sergei Shoigu stressed that the investigation launched of the terrorist attack will certainly be brought to its end, and all those responsible will be punished. There is information about the Ukrainian trace in the organization of the terrorist attack.

“The Kiev regime does nothing without the approval of Western curators. We hope that in this case the French special services are not behind this,” the head of the Russian military department commented on the issue.

This was the first conversation between the Ministers since October 2022. While the officials are trying to highlite the topic of the terrorist attack, the main goal of the French (NATO) military was likely to probe the Russian position to the possible deployment of the French military in Ukraine. The Russian side seems adamant on this issue:

‘Regarding the statements of the Elysee Palace about sending the French contingent to Ukraine, Sergei Shoigu pointed out that if they are implemented in practice, this will create problems for France itself,’ the Russian MoD reported.

The Russian military claimed that readiness for dialogue on Ukraine was noted. The initial provisions could be based on the “Istanbul Peace Initiative”. Holding a meeting in Geneva without Russia’s participation is pointless, the Russian military concluded.

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Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are pissing all over pooh-tin’s “red lines”…heheheh

Florian Geyer

the french military have a president who is a shit stain on french history.


the jewish macaron is not a president. the bastard is just a part of the global khazarian mafia, and is appointed as executive director of rothschild to extend the jewish power over france.


lol nafo tranny quite spewing out verbal diarrhea. you’re clueless at best.

Crocus Shooters Executioner

nobody crosses zelenskyys “cocaine lines”, and i mean nobody….hehehehe

Kibosh warrior

join the french legion douche bag… since france won’t be getting phosphate fertilizer from russian, they’ll have to use imported french body bags for fertilizer from ukraine instead. very clever alternative fertilizer, should improve wine quality a lot.

Conan M

why does russia continue to play games after the worst mass terroris incident in it’s history since the beslan massacre???…

Conan M

and why didn’t the russian people demand of there “re-elected/anointed” president that in order for him to be reinstated as their leader he must summon all russian citizens abroad that are living in north america, israel and western europe must come “home” or else they will never be allowed to return.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

and when will russia throw out all americans, british and israelis that haven’t been detained or convicted for the crocus massacre to protect russia from further harm?

Conan M

and when will russia announce it’s departure from the united nations for all these terrorists acts against them?…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Crocus Shooters Executioner

when will the united paedophiles of raping children and united child rape kingdom stop sponsoring terrorists???

Conan M

answer: never!


the president putin is too clever to rashly act out of emotions. russia’s goal is to slowly grind the nato forces in jewkraine, and demolish the western economies, and thus destroy the jewish power.


yes. when nato will go together, russian army will activate the meatgrinder defensive mode.

Last edited 6 months ago by Sylvain

i read somewhere putin is controlled by the same forces as biden, could be true


“read somewhere”…. great facts!


why is the russian defense minister talking to anyone but the army’s generals ??? and stating a public policy that any non ukrainian captured in the theater of operations will be submitted for courts martial

Ramses II

french president won the discussion and standing like the champion, the russian team cries of envy and complains as always.


at least that’s the way macron will present it to the world lol. it wasn’t so long ago when he ran down into his bunker in paris when he felt theatened by the gilet jaunes movement. hero or zero?


the french laughed about the ruzzian stop of the production of the “wonderweapon” t-14 armata – because it’s a complete failure, just like weapons like the kinzhal, su57, p o s e i d o n, etc 😆😆😆

Last edited 6 months ago by _TomSawyer_
Crocus Shooters Executioner

russians laughed much harder when they chased napoleon back to paris in 1814, and the french raised the white flag over paris after only 18 hours!!! no wander french are always laughing since usa, uk, canada, australia etc etc etc had to send troops to save them in 2 world wars!!!


french laughed even harder after moscow burned down in 1812 and you just proved you missed history class since the russians had to be lead by foreigners in 1814 😆😆😆 and without us help in wwii, ruzzians would be speaking german now 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


er history? stalingrad was the beginning of the end for nazi germany as any qualified historian will tell you, not the normandy landings.

Hans Wurst

this is exactly france’s problem, they live in the past 🇫🇷=🤡 😆😆😆

Kibosh warrior

jealous much? hey, khinzal pizza delivery still has a higher body count than your momma and lil sister combined, and that’s saying a lot.


you trolls are getting more desperate by the day, just like the western politicians. you say kinzhal is a failure? tell me more about how many are verifiaby intercepted

Psionists slaves of America

the problem is that us&nato have & continue 2 aide &/or collude with isis if it suits their goals, they have no credibility. case in point is the ‘september 2016 deir ez-zor air raid’ against a well established syrian army position in tharda mountain right before an isis attack overran such position. us claimed it was inocent mistake. c’mon man. the us can put a ninja hellfire missile in a single moving vehicle travellin in a heavy populated urban area without collateral damage

Nuclear Armageddon

french intelligence claims it doesn’t know who was behind the terrorist attack. but, that it was most certainly not ukraine or western allies. then it goes on to blame isis and guess who created this and other terrorist organizations?! either you know nothing or you know something and i’m confident french intelligence knows exactly what happened. these are very dangerous games.


macron ,front man for the abject failure of global capitalism, should be crawling under a rock with the other reptiles instead wants to suicide his country by russia.


beware france. the tail cannot wag without the dog. also beware, all légionnaires are parachutists, odessa may not be their target, crimea? most légionnaires are not french. this way they can fall and france can say we have not french on the battlefield.


global “power” player france, like the island monkeys on pirate rock, are fooling nobody by pretending to poke mr bear. as for the gaggle of squashed frog and pirate rock mercs already rotting in rump ukrapland, more manure is always welcome. z all the way to berlin and the bru$$els sewer if that’s what it takes to rid urupp of anglozionazi fascism yet again, not to mention the evil eussr. z

Kibosh warrior

shoigu has a tough job, having to listen to a zionist sniveling pos call him up on the phone, like some child making a random prank call, and hear the punk utter ridiculous nonsense like a bitch begging to be forgiven for the flaming bag of pooh left on the door step of the donbass.

Erik 1953

the french don’t seem to realize that, the russians have changed up, and the french have changed downwards. i can only imagine what implications it will have with all those diversity engineering departments the west has created. they ripped the soul out of progress.

Europe Glowing In The Dark

they [the french], [brits] and others can’t admit defeat after putting everything in ukraine and are prepared to throw the european continent into a nuclear war. they don’t seem to care about the consequences and when everyone is dying of radiation poisoning they will tell themselves from their luxurious bunkers that they did it for our own good.


time that the russian tanks are rolling at the champs elysees.

Take your idodine pills

once the countries who have been financing and arming ukraine to destroy russia step from behind their proxy and get directly involved in the war ww3 will officially start and while they might first use conventional weapons the tactical nukes will come out sooner then you think and it won’t be limited to ukraine. i don’t think citizens of europe and the world at large understand how dangerous this is.


so basically the french were told ‘fuck around, find out’. seems like a lot of baguettes will be sent back in body bags


hopefully, the first thing russia does is target these french troops with a few dozen fab-3000s.


nazi ruzzia stopped the production of the t14 because of its complete failure. remember, crappy ruzzian propaganda called it “the best tank ever made in history” 😆😆😆 🇷🇺🤡 😆😆😆


i usually dislike using of nukes. but whatever soldiers france sends to ukraine, please nuke them and kill the survivors with vx poison gas. if there still remains some alive, please send us a video of their agony.

Last edited 6 months ago by Algerian

why should throwing a nuke be the first attack on western troops? just stop avoiding to kill western mercenars in syria and ukraine as a first. call back all embassy personal from nato countrys. stop delivering any recources or materials who can be used in a military way. suspend all treatys with nato countrys. say that nato will be a target wherever they appear outside its territorys.


macron : quand il n’y a pas de connerie possible : il en invente une quand même et quand il y a une connerie à faire : il fait pire … ça résume le bonhome.

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