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MARCH 2025

Paul Craig Roberts: CBS Contradicts Itself On Mueller’s Repo

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Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared on paulcraigroberts.org 

Despite reporting correctly Deputy AG Rosenstein’s statement that Mueller’s investigation found no evidence that Russian social media activity had an effect on the US election and no cooperation or collusion with the Trump campaign, CBS then falsely reports: “DOJ indicts Russians for meddling in election.”

Does CBS have an explanation for its side-by-side self-contradiction on its own website? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-indictment-2016-elections-rod-rosenstein-announcement-today-2018-02-16/

Are the CBS presstitutes so stupid that they didn’t even notice their self-contradiction, or are the presstitutes so determined to carry on with the Russiagate fake news story that they shout over a print account with a TV Special Report?

Is it a question of total incompetence or total dishonesty? I see every indication on the part of the media to prevent the American public from understanding that from start to finish Russiagate was a hoax designed to discredit the President of the United States.

I see the same on the part of the FBI, the DOJ, and Trump’s own National Security Adviser. Here is Rosenstein’s announcement of Muller’s indictment of 13 Russians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoAf_I3ULwE

Note that after saying the Russians are indicted for interfering in the election, and spending 5 minutes on this, at the 5 minute 20 second mark Rosenstein says there is no evidence that the Russians had any affect on the election! So what we have is the Deputy Attorney General of the United States announcing an indictment for which he says there is no evidence!

“What’s going on here?” as the colonel asks in the movie, Legends of the Fall. The answer is that Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Hillary, the DNC, the entirety of the presstitute media, and so on have been involved in a conspiracy to disempower and remove the President of the United States. They have been caught at it. And now the deceitful corrupt bastards and bitches are simultaneously abandoning their principal charge that Trump and his associates were involved while holding on to the claim that a few Russians independently of any and all Americans were trying to do something. If you watch Rosenstein’s 6 minute 45 second news statement, you can clearly see this simultaneous avowal and disavowal of Russiagate.

If Trump has any balls, all of the above will be indicted, convicted, and imprisoned. Otherwise, it will all happen again. Or Trump will be assassinated, and the presstitutes will blame the “lone nut” served up by the CIA.

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The statements “indicts Russians for meddling in election” and “found no evidence that Russian social media activity had an effect on the US election and no cooperation or collusion with the Trump campaign” are not mutually exclusive and both are essentially correct. Paul Craig Robers says some useful things but this isn’t one of them.

HighLord Gaz

If someone was charged with “meddling with an election” for demonstrating with untruthful placards, the charges would be laughed out of court.

These 13 Russians are being accused of the on-line equivalent. Its clearly a garbage charge.

Graeme Rymill

There is no law preventing Russian citizens coming to the US and waving political placards. However they do however have to register themselves with the US government in order to do this. It is the secrecy surrounding these indicted Russians’ activities and the funding that supported these efforts to interfere with the US political system that are illegal.

From the first paragraph of the indictment: “The United States of America, through its departments and agencies, regulates the activities of foreign individuals and entities in and affecting the United States in order to prevent, disclose, and counteract improper foreign influence on U.S. elections and on the U.S. political system. U.S. law bans foreign nationals from making certain expenditures or financial disbursements for the purpose of influencing federal elections. U.S. law also bars agents of any foreign entity from engaging in political activities within the United States without first registering with the Attorney General. And U.S. law requires certain foreign nationals seeking entry to the United States to obtain a visa by providing truthful and accurate information to the government. Various federal agencies, including the Federal Election Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Department of State, are charged with enforcing these laws.”


As a point of law, could these named (13 ) individuals hire legal representation as in a lawyer and ask to be presented the indictment (charges). That at least would eliminate the mystery of the exact nature of the charges .

Graeme Rymill

I am not sure what mystery you refer to. These aren’t secret indictments. Anyone can read the 37 page document:


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US DOJ has failed to clarify as they have no evidence yet want to apply indictments this is weak and sloppy case law here fire the clowns.

HighLord Gaz

“counteract improper foreign influence on U.S. elections and on the U.S. political system.”

Define “improper foreign influence”? I’ll give you a helping hand:

Russians – improper, to be considered suspect no matter they say or do.

Israelis – no issue whatsoever, in fact, they and their dual-nationality assets can create pro-Israel think tanks and pour money into the US political system and no-one will raise an eye-brow or they’ll be accused of “anti-semitism” by political attack dogs like ADL and get fired and dragged thru the courts until they are bankrupt.

Yeah, excuse me if I call total bullshit on that legalistic crap your just spouted. If its not evenly and impartially applied, its not worth a lake of spit.

Graeme Rymill

You are arguing that the law isn’t impartially applied to all parties. OK that may well be the case. Are you also claiming though that the Rusians didn’t break US law?

HighLord Gaz

“However they do have to register themselves with the US government in order to do this. It is the secrecy surrounding these activities that is illegal.”

Why should they need to register simply to voice their views? Do Americans have to register with foreign governments in order to take part in demonstrations overseas? No, they don’t. Funny how US commitments to political freedom of speech only applies to themselves, and not to others who the USGov dislikes….

Secrecy? Or simply the privacy that every US citizen expects when it comes to their own online political discourse and right to think?

These indictments are a fucking farce. These 13 private Russian citizens (there is no evidence they are gov employees or officials) are doing no more than Americans do, including the vast intel agency infrastructure that the US Police State maintains for use against people, both foreign & domestic,

Graeme Rymill

“Do Americans have to register with foreign governments in order to take part in demonstrations overseas?” Seriously? Try the same sort of undercover bullshit in Russia and you would end up in Lubyanka before you feet hit the ground. Try it in North Korea and you would wind up against a wall.


Everyone with at least two brain cells that communicate with each other, knows by now that there was NO Russian collusion with the Trump campaign and that the whole thing was manufactured from the beginning to cover up Clinton’s loss. The fact that these bogus investigations have gone on for over a year with no evidence yet to surface, places all of the supporters of this bs in a position where they have to come up with something to cover their behinds no matter how trivial. Hence we have that safe strange Rosenstein announcement regarding Russians which will never travel to the US to face kangaroo courts in order to be found guilty without any evidence provided as proof. Now if one wants to look at Russian collusion, well plenty of it during Obama’s reign, for example, the Uranium deal. Now that one has evidence to support a charge, but we won’t see any investigation because the swamp creatures are in control, regardless of who sits in the White House.


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This 13 Russians and 3 entities is unutterable tripe and it is the media and experts who “report” and “analyse” on it for ratings, shares and likes that give it credence!

Give this shite the attention it deserves and report on and analyse actual news and events – not this pure-ass distraction custom built for the dumbest people on the planet!


This is the “unutterable tripe” that has been the constant in American news since the election. It appears to be a concerted effort to keep the American media focused of this so that no real news of the “outside world” needs to be reported . Custom built is right.

HighLord Gaz

If someone was charged with “meddling with an election” for demonstrating with untruthful placards, the charges would be laughed out of court.

These 13 Russians are being accused of the on-line equivalent….

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