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MARCH 2025

Paul Craig Roberts: “Democrats Confirm Torturer As Director Of CIA”

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Paul Craig Roberts: "Democrats Confirm Torturer As Director Of CIA"

Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared on paulcraigroberts.org

How did a person who should be in the criminal dock both in the US and in the International Criminal Court for running a torture prison get appointed the Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency? What is all the Washington talk about defending human rights when a torturer is put in charge of covert operations?

Milosovic, the Serbia leader who tried to defend his country from Washington’s aggression, was sent by Washington to the war crimes tribunal or some such place that only tries victims of Washington’s aggression. He died in prison, some say he was murdered by Washington. The court ended up clearing him of the faked American charges. But little good that did a dead man.

But now Washington has a real criminal, a real person who has committed without any doubt “crimes against humanity” confirmed by the US Senate as CIA director. That tells us a lot about the hypocrisy, double standards, and utter mendacity of the government in Washington.

As some Republicans voted against the torturer in chief, it was the Democrats that put a torturer at the head of the CIA.

Listen to their excuses:

West Virginia’s Joe Manchin said: Haspel prioritizes the safety of America. She is “an unbelievable public servant.”

North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp said that Trump had picked the director best suited to the job. Heidi said she would make sure that Congress conducts oversight of Haspel’s job, an ambivalent statement if the job is torture, which seems to be enshrined in US practices.

Indiana’s Senator Joe Donnelly said that he believed Haspel “has learned from the past, and that the CIA under her leadership can help our country confront serious international threats and challenges.”
What threats? What challenges? This is bla-bla talk. Think about it for a minute. Imagine a criminal before the judge saying “I have learned from my past crimes and am now fit to be an upstanding citizen who can help our country.”

Florida’s Bill Nelson covered his collapse as a moral person by meeting with Haspel personally and arriving at the conclusion that she was fit to serve.

According to Newsweek these four US Democratic senators face tough re-elections and voted to clear Haspel in order to appease the Trump deplorables. In other words, these four senators think that the deplorables, who voted for Trump because he said he was for peace in Syria and with Russia and was against the US being policeman of the world, want to have a torturer confirmed as CIA director. The Democrats voted for a torturer because they are afraid of Trump voters. If Trump voters want a torturer in office, the senators would be honor bound to stand up to the Trump voters.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D, NH) said that she believes Haspel that she won’t torture again. “Your honor,” said the murderer in the dock, “I promise I won’t murder again. Just give me this plumb appointment as chief of police.”

Virginia’s Mark Warner, vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, put Haspel in the job with his assurance that she would stand up to Trump if he ordered her to torture. In other words, Warner associates Trump with torture, not Haspel who has actually tortured.

Please, let us not hear again about America liberating other nations and defending human rights, or having a moral conscience, or being a light unto the world.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_principles Under International Law no excuse of ‘doing her job’ or ‘just following orders’: Bloody Gina remains personally responsible.


THUMBS UP! You got that Right…:)



I think torture should just be reintroduced in all countries across the world. Noone follows international law anyways. Plus, I could probably find a lot of employment.

I am a master of torture techniques. :)

You can call me Al

The only people you could torture, is those that read any shit that you write.


Well I certainly “could” torture quite a few people if given the chance, the question is, would I? Obviously basic human decency would prevail and I’d choose not to.

But perhaps in your case, I’d make an exception. People like you and your whole family are just rabid dogs capable of nothing but belching nonsense on the internet all day. As you’d only qualify as a degenerate scum, rather than as “people”, I’d have no problem inflicting a lot of pain upon your particular colony of subhuman inbreeds.

And I wouldn’t lose a second of sleep over it. Plus, why are you all upset, its not like your life is worth anything.

S Melanson

Nicely done! You encapsulated, and very succinctly, the psychological process of justifying immoral behaviour. You first state your upstanding morality followed by justification for immoral actions – you reduce opponents to savages, animals or anything ‘less’ than human. It has worked well in the past – slavery (sub-human), colonialism (the white man’s burden of civilizing the savages), vivisection used in animal testing phase for drug approval process (animals, unlike humanity, do not possess souls and so do not feel pain).

The arguments all rely on exceptionalism versus some lower order of life. Lower order of life has one purpose: to serve for the benefit of those (of pure race) appointed by God (Genesis) as stewards (caretakers on behalf of the Creator God) of this world having domain over all the plants and animals on land and in the seas.

Well you covered off animals and sub-humans but what about the savages. Oh yes, that is reserved for yourself and the title well deserved. As for the ‘superiority’ of our race, we need only look at the smashing job we have done as caretakers of God’s creations as it clearly demonstrates to the animals and sub-humans how truly superior we are… not.


You’re actually overthinking it. Almost none of that reflects my actual train of thought.


your train of thought has been derailed for a long time now.


Not by you of course, you’re incapable of doing even basic analysis or conducting rational thought. THis has been thoroughly established, so your opinion is worth less than dogshit.


your train of thought has been derailed for a long time now. if it ever was on the track in the 1st place. poor naive little hamster spinning on his wheel. lol


You do not even know the definition of the term “train of thought” or you’d realize that using “derailment” in this context and in the context of what I had written is actually incorrect. How can my train of thought be “derailed” if in this particular topic the discourse that I’ve been having stems from an original comment that I made which has been the focus of attention of all subsequent responses. It makes absolutely no sense, but then again, I’m not surprised, as you’re not here to make sense. You’re just here to bark away some useless insults like a rabid dog in some pathetically failing attempt to try and provoke it. It must be enraging knowing what an impotent and abject failure you are, both in this discussion and at life in general. Enjoy being useless, noone will remember you when you die.


hapless hamster. conversation is over. you bore me.

S Melanson

Agreed, let us not feed the trolls.


Why would the conversation be over? Don’t pretend like you have anything better to do in your life. Talking to me should be healthy outlet for you, to relieve your anxieties, your frustrations, your regrets, your pent up emotions…

I bet you go to bed every night and wake up in a cold sweat thinking about me, with your adrenals pumping out cortisol.

You and I both know that I got into your head, and it would only be healthy for you if you were to continue venting your pent up rage in my direction. Don’t hold it in… tell me how you really feel. AFter spending so much pent up energy venting your anger at me, I bet you’re much more pleasant to talk to in the real world. It’s very beneficial.

S Melanson

When I construct a response to comments, I assume the ideas expressed by the poster reflect their thinking, unless it is clearly a post in jest or satirical. Given the strong rebukes your post garnered, others also assume you meant what you wrote.

I find your reasoning to summarily dismiss my response to be highly,problematic. You cannot arbitrarily disown the content you put out to the public. You must take ownership of what you write and be accountable for the ideas you express.


Yes, but your attempt to psychoanalyze me and pretend like you’ve figured out my train of thought wasn’t based upon any kind of thorough investigation. You’re just speculating and spouting off abstruse nonsense based off of a bunch of assumptions about me that you have absolutely no way of verifying.

I didn’t “disown” the content I was putting out in public, I questioned your poor ability to accurately analyze the underlying motivations and thought processes behind what I was wrote. It was woefully inadequate in that you’re trying to construct some narrative about my thought process considering how awfully little you know about me or my background.

S Melanson

I relied purely on what you said:

“Almost none of that reflects my actual train of thought”.

If your posts do not reflect your thinking, my ability to accurately analyse your underlying motivations and thought processes will continue to be, as you say, poor.


See now you’re just being dishonest and trying to manipulate my words. You do not just get to switch the term “train of thought” with thinking. Obviously enunciating any sort of idea, thought or opinion, regardless of what you may think of that particular idea/thought/opinion reflects some aspect of my thinking. That is just plain obvious and goes without saying. However it does not say anything about my underlying train of thought and motivations, which is what you attempted to “analyze” and spectacularly failed. Go back and reread what you said in your original response to me. You did not rely “purely” on what I said, you also relied on a bunch of premature assumptions and false narratives that you created about me in your own little head with little substantive backing.

You can call me Al

Nice and very clever…… in a civilised way.


I imagine you…sitting behind your computer Buttnaked with a dead chicken on your dick… at the moment you were typing your shit….did you kill that chicken yourself?


Are you saying your heritage consists of a flock of chickens? No wonder you’re always squacking like one who’s about to go to the slaugher house.


You are nothin’… a cockroach…a chickenshit coward behind his keyboard thinkin’ he’s a big boy now…


I’m nothing. The irony of that coming from someone with an avatar of a native American, that’s really rich. Talk about being “nothing”, rofl.


Your ancestors should have been exterminated by the Natives.. unfortunately your Divide & Conquer did the Job …Otherwise Rats like you would never have existed…


Funny thing is, my “ancestors” are not even of European or American heritage, so jokes on you. You’re a fucking nobody, so why dont you save yourself the trouble and go back to being extinct, bitch.


I don’t give a fuck where you are from… you are just a useless by-product of nature….and out of Billions of sperm cells you where the fastest?! Hehehe


You “don’t give a fuck” and yet in the previous response you make the assumption that my “ancestors” were colonialists facing off with the native Americans. So much for consistency.

then again, consistency isn’t of any relevance to you, just like your nearly extinct lineage, and therefore your opinions, are of no consequence to the wider world. So don’t bother with your useless insults, you were only meant to be a stain on your mother’s panties. Stay extinct, retard.



S Melanson



no, the joke is on you….lol


“I’m nothing.” the only thing you’ve said that makes any sense.


Well considering I said it sarcastically in a mocking way, I’m pretty sure it does.


I blocked Hamster a long time ago and am immune :)

You can call me Al

I cannot block now – can you ? – it all seems to have disappeared.


I can still block Al. Perhaps deleting your cookies might help.

You can call me Al

mm right good idea, how do I do that ?, in idiot speak please.


The best advice I can give is to search for ‘ How do I delete my Cookies on my ********** browser ‘. Its simple to do BUT you will need to input passwords etc afterwards , so keep a record of those and favourite sites.

You can call me Al

Thanks, you would think so wouldn’t you, but this damn Yandex, just lists Windows XP, Google or others.

I’ll get my lad on it cheers for now.


I blocked a troll last night and found that it took about 20 seconds for the tab to appear and become functional.

You can call me Al

That is modern technology – it is shite.



as your post demonstrates.


Milosevic’s appearance at the ICC was meant to be a classic political show-trial, of a non-compliant and defeated small state leadership by the victorious NATO powers. However, it certainly didn’t work out that way. As Milosevic refused to assume his designated role in the process, of a defeated plaything, and vigorously defended himself with competent legal effect. This made a successful prosecution under the stated charges increasingly less likely over time, as Milosevic introduced his own effective evidence to contest the specific charges, and the whole trial shifted gear into a frustrating legal and political embarrassment for the NATO powers. Milosevic’s death in custody at the ICC was certainly convenient, whether a consequence of the sheer stress of the process at his age, or something more deliberate being actively introduced into his controlled, incarcerated, environment. As it meant he never had to be publicly cleared and released, after being exonerated of the stated charges, and the ICC’s posthumous findings of his exoneration were published with very little fanfare, coverage by western MSM, and virtually no public comment from leading western politicians.


Inconvenient truths are seldom published by the Western Corporate Press these days ,which is yet more proof that NATO nations are a de facto Police States with pseudo Hate Crimes as the latest state cudgel .


But now Washington has a real criminal, a real person who has committed without any doubt “crimes against humanity” confirmed by the US Senate as CIA director.

Dear Mister Paul,

The Divided States of Americunts is the Biggest Criminal Organisation in the World… they are Governed by Corrupt Paedophile Politicians and Psychopathic Massmurderers… that took over the World Drug Business by Eliminitating all their Opponents & their Poppy & Cocaine Fields….and you think a Torturing Bitch as CIA Director is strange?

You can call me Al

Yes, there is something very, very, very wrong about the US behaviour, which seems to me, to become more insane, corrupt and “evil” daily.

Maybe panic ?.


Yeah the Panic is Veary, Veary Noice… it makes things More Visible on a Daily Basis… Lovely…


That is the reason I laugh on these child butchers that talking about human rights and running UN gang organization.


Another obscene UN post is placing Saudi Arabia as chair of the UN Human Rights Council for a second term.


US, UK, France and UN are security threats to humanity.

S Melanson

It would fit in perfectly as a chapter in Orwell’s “1984”


Yes, it certainly would and is a further display of UN depravity .


Pakistan, Iran, Russia and China will trade in own currencies instead of US dollars.


The US has destroyed nations for less :)


unarmed nations :)


As if it was the first time that the CIA boss was a torturer. XD. Every CIA boss is a mass murderer and a torturer as every USA president is.

Facts are facts.


?? thanx for setting that straight. the family tree of the cia include the SS. learn from the best.


Not only the Family Tree of The CIA



That’s a discredit to the SS


my, my look mommy i’m an SS (Simple+Silly) guy. killing civilians is my speciality. when i get home, i’ll probably kill myself as so many of us have already done. it’s a great life here spreading democracy and syphillus to the locals.


They Live their Nightmares back Home… like doing nothing when an eight year old boy or girl gets raped by a superior or the sight of a family blown up… by one of their grenades, tossed inside the home…so they either Kill themselves…or continue their insatiable Lust & Desire to Murder for their Masters…

John Brown

Yes but now it is out in the open in the light of day where it should be, so all can see the evil. Evil dies in the light of day, which is why evil needs darkness to grow and survive.


“How did a person who should be in the criminal dock both in the US and in the International Criminal Court for running a torture prison get appointed the Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency?”

because the u.s. is no longer a nation. it is a rogue state. each day it sinks deeper into its own sewage both literally and figuratively. each day it is more isolated from the rest of the world. don’t let it upset you.

S Melanson

The only thing new here is that it is being openly discussed in the MSM and it is this that I find of interest.

These are interesting times as debate as reported in the MSM reflects a much wider range of viewpoints than before, reflecting serious divisions among elite – although the debate is still narrow than would be the case if a truly independent media, hence need for alternative media.

Maybe PCR could give opinion on the fracturing of elite consensus and implications for control of narrative – legitimacy, alternative sources, co-optation, awakening public etc…



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