Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared at paulcraigroberts.org
The liberal/progressive/left are enjoying their drunkfest of denunciation. I can’t say I have ever witnessed anything like it. These are the people who sat on their hands for 16 years while Washington destroyed in whole or part seven countries. Not being satisfied with this level of warmongering and crimes against humanity, Washington orchestrated a conflict situation with Russia. Americans elected a president who said he would defuse this dangerous conflict, and the liberal/progressive/left turned on him. In contrast, one person is killed after the hated Charlottesville protest event was over, and there is endless absurd outrage against the president of the US.

© AP Photo/ Steve Helber
Three New York Times presstitutes yesterday blamed the crisis on Trump, declaring him “increasingly isolated in a racial crisis of his own making.” Apparently, Trump is responsible for the crisis because he blamed both protest groups for the violence.
But isn’t that what happened? Wasn’t there violence on both sides? That was the impression I got from the news reporting. I’m not surprised that Trump got the same impression. Indeed, many readers have sent emails that they received the same impression of mutual violence.
So Trump is being damned for stating the truth.
Let’s assume that the impression Trump and many others got from the news is wrong. That would make Trump guilty of arriving at a mistaken conclusion. Yet, he is accused of instigating and supporting Nazi violence. How is it possible to transform a mistake into evil intent? A mistaken impression gained from news reporting does not constitute a “defense of white nationalist protesters.” An assertion by the New York Times cannot turn the absence of intent into intent. What the Establishment is trying to do is to push Trump into the arms of white supremacists, which is where they want him.
Clearly, there is no basis for this charge. It is a lie, an orchestration that is being used to delegitimize President Trump and those who elected him.
The question is: who is behind this orchestration?
The orchestration is causing people to run away from Trump or is being used as an excuse by them to further the plot to remove him from office.
Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum headed by Stephen A. Schwarzman ran away, just as members of the Carter Center’s board deserted President Jimmy Carter when he criticized Israel for its apartheid policy toward the Palestinians. The New York Times says that the armed services chiefs are running away. And the entire Republican Party.
The hypocrisy is stunning. For 16 years the armed services chiefs, the New York Times and the rest of the presstitute media, both political parties and the liberal/progressive/left have participated actively or passively in massive crimes against humanity. There are millions of dead, maimed, and displaced people. Yet one death in Charlottesville has produced a greater outpouring of protest.
I don’t believe it is sincere. I don’t believe that people who are insensitive to the deaths of millions at the hands of their government can be so upset over the death of one person. Assume that Trump is responsible for the death of the woman. How much blood is it compared to the blood on the hands of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama? It seems clear enough that the outpouring of grief is an orchestration designed to deligitimize the president and the people who elected him. We are now experiencing at home what the Obama regime inflicted on Ukraine, with the support of course of the liberal/progressive/left just as John Wight said in CounterPunch.
Just as the majority of the Maiden protesters had no idea they were being used, the same is the case for the majority of those protesting the false charge against Trump. For most of the liberal/progressive/left, the hatred of Trump and white nationalists that they are expressing is a reflexive result of the Identity Politics with which they are imbued.
Any objective reading of the situation has to conclude that the hate with which Trump and the “deplorables” who elected him are being covered far exceeds in amount the hate expressed by the white nationalists.
Members of the liberal/progressive/left are proclaiming that despicable people such as white nationalists should not be allowed to protest and should not be given a permit to protest. They forget that protest is a right.
The US Supreme Court settled the issue 40 years ago in 1977 by overturning an Illinois court order that blocked an extremist protest in Skokie, a Jewish suburb of Chicago. The Supreme Court ruled that protest is not limited by the fact that some people will be offended or by the chance that there will be violent reactions. Otherwise, whatever faction happens to be in charge can suppress dissent by everyone else.
For decades the liberal/progressive/left has invested heavily in driving people apart. Black studies, women’s studies, and Native American studies can easily cross into propaganda that generates hatred. As a man of peace said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”
Charlottesville has given us a debauchery of denunciation that proves that we are a divided nation. Does a nation so divided really want to be in conflict with Russia and China and Iran? If the US is the institutionalization of White Supremacy as the liberal/progressive/left says, how can it be that Americans are simultaneously the “exceptional, indispensable people” with the right to bomb other peoples into the stone age?
Obviously, there is a lot in this scenario that does not make sense.
My readers on my website are people capable of independent thought. They understand that an explanation of something is not an excuse for it. My explanations are explanations. They might be wrong, but they are not apologies. I find it necessary to say this, because my columns are reposted on many other websites where some of the audience wants to hear only what they already believe and are always looking for someone to denounce. It is a great disability for the United States that only a limited number of its citizens are capable of independent thought. Perhaps this is a problem for every country, but it most certainly is a problem for the United States.
The United States has another great disability, and that is that its intellectual class, or perhaps I should say its semi-intellectual class, has a large contingent of cowards who are too fearful to be truthful. Of course, considering the witchhunt mentality that Identity Politics has created, they have reasons to be fearful, but their cowardice leaves the burden of searching for and defending truth to a few.
Note: Virginia governor McAuliffe made false claims that were spread around the world by the presstitutes that the white nationalists had weapons caches and that the Virginia police were outgunned by the supremacists. Reason.com reports that the police have contradicted the moronic governor with the statement that no such weapons caches were found. http://reason.com/blog/2017/08/16/virginia-state-police-say-they-didnt-fin
Violence by Nazis is bad. Violence against Nazis is justifiable. Fuck this both sides crap. NO FREE SPEECH FOR NAZIS!
Are you talking about leftist nazis? The Nazis that instituted political correctness and things you can say and not say, VIOLATING THE FREE SPEECH allowed in the Constitution?
be careful. putin yesterdey forbad nazi websites in russia. one day take you the FSB for nazi propaganda.
Fuck the Constitution! No one gets to say Exterminate the Jews. Or Exterminate the Niggers. Or Exterminate the Communists. Suck my star-spangled Glock!
By your profane language I surmise that you are yourself a Jew.
Who said that?
If someone calls you nazi you don’t become one. Your deeds are labeling you, not “some one saying something”. If I would not know English and watched the news and judjing by what I see there was violant, unlowful action from all sides. Don’t feed us with that justifiable crap. Your liberal-progressive-gey lobby (sponsored and nurtured by zio nazi) easily justify neo-nazi in Ukraine.
WTF, you don’t have both oars in the water.
Violence by anyone is bad, moron.
That’s plain stoopid.
no. learn, what is violence.
umm, when a cop shoots a black man with his hands up?
can be
That never happened he was grabbing the gun and if you seen the video he was pulverizing the cop, now be real you must be one of those BLACK LIES MATTER PEOPLE! What he meant “was yeah my hands are up you and your gun pig!”
Stringball Spoken like true Nazi. Kill all who oppose you, very democratic. Having the military and the security services, CIA etc. run the country. Isn’t that how it was done in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.??? Who needs a fair trial right. How many do you want to kill? 1 million, 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion. are you the reincarnation of of Hitler?
Stalin made Russia grrreat! If Nazis raise their heads, blow them away. Get your head out of your comic book. The Soviet Union != The Third Reich. History is not taught in Hollywood movies.
The Russians didn’t need Stalin. Stalin and his Jew buddies presided over one of the greatest genocides in human history. Russia would have been great with or without him. And in all likelihood with far fewer atrocities without him.
Name one “Jew buddy”. And don’t say Trotsky. Stalin hated Trotsky. But not because Trotsky was a Jew. And tell us Mr Freedom: Where did the Brutal Stalin bury his victims? There ought to be mass graves all over Russia. Where are they? Why no calls to dig up the bazzilions Stalin killed?
“He found employment at the Rothschild refinery”
“he helped to plan a demonstration for May Day 1901, in which 3000 marchers clashed with the authorities.[63] He continued to evade arrest by using aliases and sleeping in different apartments.[64] In November 1901, he was elected to the Tiflis Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), a Marxist party founded in 1898.[65] That month he travelled to the port city of Batumi.[66] His militant rhetoric proved divisive among the city’s Marxists, with some suspecting that he might be an agent provocateur.[67] He found employment at the Rothschild refinery storehouse. There he helped organise two workers’ strikes.[68] After several strike leaders were arrested, he co-organised a mass public demonstration against the arrests that led to the storming of the prison; troops fired upon the demonstrators, 13 of whom were killed.[69] Stalin organised a second mass demonstration on the day of their funeral”
Search Stalin genocide and read up on it, there’s plenty there. If you say that you can’t find it your lying. If you’re an apologist for it, it just shows what type of low life you are.
Stalin & Jews murdered 65 millions of Russians moron. If there was no Stalin there would have been no treaty “pact of steel” with Hitler and no world war 2. Part 1 The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html Racist supremracist Jews killed 65 million Goyms in the Soviet Union “And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. “Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people. “His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together. According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews.
Part 2 In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags. 11 of the 12 Gulag extermination camp commanders were Jews. Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews.. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews. Two thirds Jewish. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bbe00af08d9ff00bbeb0d1ad3ed82ec7173f6c94b7dcc9d7988abc3c3e0f1fbe.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg
I do love real historical facts :) The Jews hate them.
Yes racist supremacist Jews hate historical facts and ban them. Don’t forget Lincoln is the most hated figure in human history after Jesus by racist supremacist Jews. Any white person who defends the confederacy is a stupid, useful, animal, beast, stooge, as racist supremacist Jews say, because the South economically and politically, the slave trade, banks financial system, courts, military, etc. the government, was totally run by racist supremacist Jews as the entire USSA now is. today.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png
Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary. http://www.jta.org/2013/12/26/news-opinion/world/dutch-rabbi-confronts-jews-with-ancestors-complicity-in-slavery
Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A
Yes I agree with all you say. many of the slave ships were owned by Jews as well.
Its not me saying anything. I quote with links the racist supremacist Jewish Rabbis themselves as they brag of Jews power and running the slave trade etc. Part 1 See very good videos of how racist supremacist Jews treat Goyim. http://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937 http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some more proof, these links below on Jewish racism JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
part 2 Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’
An example. Aaron Lopez, was born in 1731 in Lisbon, Portugal, as “Duarte Lopez” to a Jewish family who had ostensibly converted to Catholicism in order to avoid deportation but secretly continued to practicing Judaism. Lopez followed his older brother, Moses, to North America in 1752, where he immediately dropped the Christian name Duarte, took the Hebrew name Aaron, submitted to ritual circumcision, and began openly living as a Jew. Settling in Newport, Rhode Island, where his brother had located a decade earlier. Like his uncle and future father-in-law, Aaron established himself as a whale-oil merchant and a manufacturer of spermaceti candles. In 1761, Aaron, Jacob Rodriguez Rivera, and seven other merchants formed a cartel to control the price and distribution of whale oil. That same year he and Jacob Rodriguez Rivera, purchased a brigantine sailing ship named Grayhound which sailed to Africa in 1763, bringing back a cargo of 134 Africans who were sold as slaves to fellow Jew, Isaac de Costa, in South Carolina. Four captains made thirteen of the voyages to Africa, bringing back some 1,275 black slaves. Between 1761 and 1774, Aaron Lopez underwrote 21 slave ships and by the beginning of the Revolutionary War, he owned or controlled 30 vessels. Lopez soon amassed a vast fortune through shipping, the slave trade, candle making, distilling rum, producing chocolate, textiles, clothing, shoes, hats, bottles and barrels. By the early 1770s, Lopez had become the wealthiest person in Newport and his tax assessment was twice that of any other resident.
Perhaps a few statues could be erected so that this ‘inconvenient’ history is shown to all :) Sadly the education system of the West tends to ignore that today’s ‘ Professional Victims’ are the same tribe that engaged vigorously in the African slave trade for generations.
Good idea. Start with evil racist supremacist Jew and his evil quotes and show he is the giant “pope” among Jews and they almost all follow him. http://www.azquotes.com/author/30007-Ovadia_Yosef Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,. Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef buried in largest funeral in Israeli history http://www.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-closes-down-for-rabbi-ovadia-yosefs-funeral/ 800,000 attend last procession for revered leader of Sephardi Jewry; 300 require medical treatment — but no serious injuries… and one birth; worried police chief had feared disaster as crowds swelled; public figures send condolences, recall a giant of Jewish thought. The most significant halachic authority of the last 100 years, whose positions helped fashion a balanced and moderate Judaism. Ovadia Yosef Rabbi Yosef Advocates Genocide is Honored by the World Zionist Establisment In the October 13, 2013 Times of Israel, shows how the leaders of Jewry all over the world honored Yosef after his death. it quotes the Israeli Prime Minister’s adulation of Yosef: * Netanyahu called the late rabbi a “great scholar” and said Yosef “uniquely combined Judaism and humanity” and “cared deeply for anyone in need.” Yosef Openly Calls for Genocide Furthermore, he proclaimed that Jewish holy scripture provide that Jewish enemies such as the Palestinians should be genocided, that their very seed should be wiped from the Earth: “…waste their seed and exterminate them, devastate them and vanish them from this world…” (BBC, 10th April 2001, “Rabbi calls for annihilation of Arabs.”) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/1270038.stm
PART 1JEWS SELLING BLACKS: SLAVE SALE ADVERTISING BY AMERICAN JEWS July 9, 2016adminBook Reviews Authors: NOI Historical Research Department http://www.truthinstitute.org/jews-selling-blacks-slave-sale-advertising-american-jews/ 144 pages, ISBN 978-0963687722 Copyright 2010 Latimer Associates Perfect Bound There is no longer any debate. It has been conclusively shown that the Jewish people held a key role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the development of an Apartheid society in the United States of America . Different from the heavily footnoted previous publications “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” Volumes One and Two, the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam has released 144 pages containing 283 Jewish slave sale ads reproduced from American newspapers across the country. “Jews Selling Blacks” displays posted bills, classified ads and flyers showing that Jews bought and sold whole plantations and marketed slaves ranging in age from infants to the elderly. Additionally, Jewish merchants arranged bank financing and various other payment options which in essence amounted to lay-away terms for their human cargo and subsequently enslaved labor force. Jewish apologists often advance the discredited notion that according to the population, only a “modest” number of Jewish people owned slaves. Compared to what? Census figures do not tell the entire story. Certainly one individual, or family—especially possessing great wealth—can be responsible for large amounts of evil.
Part 2 This is evident in places such as slave-era South Carolina. A foundation of mercantilism and the slave trade, it was the first state to declare its secession, leading to the formation of the Confederate States of America, which led to the Civil War. In the book, readers are shown that before New York became the population center for American Jews, during the slave era, Charleston, South Carolina was the center of Jewish population and their mercantile exploits. For example, in December of 1839, Maurice Barnett, a slave dealer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana offered a 26-year-old slave named Osborn for sale. Osborn was described as “a mulatto, good carriage driver and waiter, active and handy at anything he is put to.” His wife Lucinda, 22, was also offered for sale. She was described as “very intelligent, food cook, washer and ironer.” Perhaps the most disconcerting portion of the advertisement was that the children, Commodore, age 6, Josephine, age 4, Henry “about 2 years of age” and Osborn Jr. “about 1 year of age” were also for sale. (p. 9) Keep in mind, many times, Black families would be torn apart and sold to different plantation owners. Quite often, husbands were split up from their wives, mothers separated from their children and children from their siblings. An advertisement in the June 24, 1805 Charleston City Gazette contained an advertisement by Cohen & Moses offering “Twenty Prime AFRICAN SLAVES. Conditions, cash on delivery.” (p.11) In fact, several pages are devoted to slave advertisements by Cohen & Moses spanning several years. Another Jewish auctioneer, Jacob Cohen, a prominent slave dealer who ran Jacob Cohen and Co., also advertised extensively. Later, the company, Jacob Cohen & Son, according to the numerous advertisements that are a part of historical record, continued this legacy of genocidal human trafficking amassing great wealth at that time. Could the modern day Cohen & Co., the Philadelphia-based firm that according to a July 30, 2010 Bloomberg article “built itself into the second-largest manager of collateralized debt obligations” be connected in some way to the similarly named trading companies flourishing in the antebellum south?
Part 3 An interesting bit of information shows that slave broker and auctioneer Thomas W. Mordecai, of Charleston was a founding member of the Reform Society of Israelites, the first Jewish reform movement in the United States. He later became a prominent religious and media official. (p. 80) The demeaning language used in many of the slave sale advertisements, often by well-respected religious pillars of the Jewish community, such as Isaiah Isaacs, a slave owner of Richmond, Virginia, who founded Congregation Beth Shalome (p.112) demonstrate blatant disregard for the humanity of their Black slaves, who were sold alongside farm animals, furniture, liquor and often as “add-on” items when land ownership was transferred. The Jewish people have established themselves as the quintessential and prototypical merchant class in American society. Specifically related to slavery, their dominance led the Jewish Encyclopedia to note, “The cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of Jews, and as a consequence, slavery found its advocates among them.” They were so thoroughly integrated in the cultural realities of the racially segregated South that in 1813, Jewish constable Moses Levy reminded residents of the ordinance that required “All negroes or other Slaves working out on hire,” to wear a badge “conspicuously about their persons” comparable to the WWII Nazi-era yellow star that became symbolic of the dissolution of Jews in Germany over a century later. (p.133)
Part 4 It was not until the revelation of the significant involvement of the Jews that their scholars (and their impish Black lackeys and mouthpieces) sought to highlight the actions of others (i.e., African chiefs, Arab traders, so-called “free” Blacks etc.) in an attempt to change the focus of the discussion and documented research. It is strange that prior to the Nation of Islam’s research, those who had studied history and this critical aspect of the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on American society were perfectly content allowing the blame to fall squarely on the shoulders of the White Anglo Saxon Protestants in the South. Those who continue to be mystified by motive generated mythology and revisionist history are either intellectually incurious or purposefully lazy and have not properly utilized the meticulously crafted documentation provided by the Historical Research Department. As stated earlier, there is no longer any debate. The evidence is overwhelming. The lies have been deconstructed. This book is an important addition to any library, and in years to come, will be considered one of several publications responsible for yet another paradigm shift in the study of American history thus leading to the proper contextualization and understanding of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
The demeaning language used in many of the Jewish slave sale advertisements, often by well-respected religious pillars of the Jewish community, such as Isaiah Isaacs, a slave owner of Richmond, Virginia, who founded Congregation Beth Shalome (p.112) demonstrate blatant disregard for the humanity of their Black slaves, who were sold alongside farm animals, furniture, liquor and often as “add-on” items when land ownership was transferred. http://www.truthinstitute.org/jews-selling-blacks-slave-sale-advertising-american-jews/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg
We are certainly long overdue a pogrom and with luck the next one will be a world wide affair.
I don’t recall anything good ever coming from punishing innocent people for what the guilty have done which is what the guilty want you to do, so they can get away with their crimes. You won’t get any guilty ones in a pogrom as they will all be long gone before re it even starts. You want to have fair trials which are what all the criminals fear most as all their crimes will be exposed and they won’t be able to say they were innocent etc.. Also use LSD and Sodium Pentothal on them in a drug interrogation, double filmed using psychiatrists etc. as well, so it can be used in court as evidence, which can’t be refuted, so you will find out who every single one of their accomplices are, none will escape justice. Then you can put them on trial as well and expose all their crimes for the entire world to see. This is how to win and defeat evil. You are not going to out evil and out Satan, Satan by using Satan’s racist supremacist Jewish pogrom tactics.
Who will be the judges in these trials ? So many of them have been subverted into the paedophile rings and even those who have not owe their positions and wealth to the Deep State of Darkness.
It won’t be any of the ones we had before for judges as they are almost all 100% corrupt as you say unless they can pass the drug interrogation mind scan test which I doubt, but there will be a few who were not corrupt and pass. Even then most likely they will then be witnesses with evidence against their former peers and therefore still can’t judges in such cases, so most likely they will all be new judges who should also have to go through the drug mind scan test, to be sure they are not corrupt as should all future government officials. Such sessions double filmed should all be available to the public so the same filth won’t get back into power ever again
Judge John Brown has a ring to it :)
65 million? Really? What did they do with all the corpses? That’s twice the pop of Beijing. You are full of shit. So was Solzhenitsyn.
Under Stalin circa 20 million Russian civilians were killed and many tens of millions more suffered in the Gulags.
Define Nazi? What makes someone a Nazi? Looking at those radical hate-filled Antifa whack-jobs, they certainly seem to qualify…
These days, “Nazi” is mostly a label people use to de-legitimize those whose opinions they dislike.
In Merka, only honest people admit they are Nazis. No one is willing to say I’m a Nazi. They say shit like, Ahm a freedumb fighter like John Wayne.
Why don’t you keep your lies and false accusations to yourself? Or post proof that I’m a Nazi, which you’re not going to be able to do, because you’re a truth hating liar.
National Zionist is where it is derived from they had 350,000 serving in the German army as we know Soros only changed his name to hide from the public his military career in the German Army. You can call him now Field Marshal George Soros !
The left have always been the real fascists we just call them black shirts now all their speeches and political strategies are stolen from those long ago fascists from the left. The commu-nazis wore brown shirts in the 30’s now the commu-Fascists wear Black shirts.
Violence by Israel is bad. Violence against Israel is justifiable. Fuck this both sides crap. No fee speech for Israelis defending its violence against the occupied.
No free speech for Zionists should be allowed either if we follow your principals surely ?
Such a sound article in a sea of manipulation and madness!
The US is badly in need of a civil war to educate the majority of Americans to the horrors that US policy has inflicted on other nations . Including the indigenous American population who were treated with the same barbarity displayed by ISIS today.
Good commentary as per usual; thanks!
What have we learned from civil wars so far? Isn’t that the reason we have been repeating them time and again? What lesson do people learn actually when they kill each other? Or perhaps that’s an incentive to those deprived in character to sit in front of a media box of their choice and enjoy eating popcorn?
The US Zio Marxist elite have been and still are erasing US history via Hollywood, the ‘pressitute’ media and today by the Marxist Icon destroyers. This is no different to the political vandals throughout history who have sought to control a society they wish to dominate by destroying writings and effigies of the past.
The Norman Conquest of Britain was a very bloody and cruel affair BUT I am pleased that artefact’s and buildings of that period are still in existence to look at and explore. That does not mean that I agree with the heinous acts of those dark times. I do not.
It is only by understanding historical FACTS that we have any chance of not committing the barbarity of our past. The US population in general has been so immersed in themselves , trivia and a perception of excellence that they have lost any humanity for others who they regard as ‘ Untermensch ‘. Of any colour or creed EXCEPT Judaism
So in answer to your question, I will be stocking up with popcorn to watch an anticipated US civil war :)
They never talk about Jewish racist supremacism as they are most racist murderous and violent people in human history. Not all only about 85% to 95% according to Israeli polling. A DNA test to prove racial purity to get Israeli citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist?? Take the racial purity test to see if you are part of the superior racist and supremacist master race. No one else in human history has done this kind of racist stuff. . Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe http://www.telegraph.co.uk/… Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness. The group,which calls itself the Bnei Menashe (or children of the biblical tribe of Manasseh), fears that the plan by a group of American and Israeli scientists to carry out DNA tests may undermine its claims to Jewish ancestry. Many of the Bnei Menashe fear that the proposal that they should undergo DNA testing may further complicate their efforts to assimilate and to bring fellow members of the tribe to Israel. He said: “Over a number of years, Jewish blood has mixed with non-Jewish blood in our community. So would the DNA test show that we are Jewish? Maybe not. So are people then going to say that we are not Jewish and dash the hopes of the rest of the community to move here? Even if it is not proven according to a DNA test, we feel Jewish and we will still be Jewish.”
Jews have been generally disliked for millennia. I wonder why :)
When you have experienced bombs falling on your children and your homes and your civil infrastructure you know exactly WHY it’s wrong. And you remember.
America has only ever GIVEN that – never received it. If she will not hear then she must feel – THEN she will know. THEN she will stop.
trump is idiot. it is laughly, that in america won such uncivilized pussycatcher. he had no concept. always supported the last opinion heared. for his problems is only he responsible. now kicjked out bannon, the barbarian. before xmas he will be alone. there is a nice photo, how leave him the people, who were with him in jabuary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/966a66bbf9fd3bd1ebc4fca79a71c1d10dbf725f85b7061148466bac34d4b2ff.jpg
I agree with your points. I think Trump owed winning the elections to Bannon. Firing him after so many is suicidal for Trump, my guess is that he will not reach the end of his term and will be replaced by Spence (the only one “surviving” on your picture.)
my conclusion is same :)
That madman named Pence is the one behind the leaks and intends to become president by hook or crook.
He is playing in the background, remaining clean but letting Trump digging himself in dirt, in the end the dem will be happy to have him replace Trump. I hope he would change his mind on Russia, seeing its going for spiritual and moral foundations contrary to our Europe going deeper and deeper into decay and civilisational suicide…
Mike Pence is a Vatican protégé via Koch Bros who are powerful members of Opus Dei America. People are not paying attention since they’ve been duped by Jesuit order in thinking that religion plays no role in world politics. However those who have wisdom know better. All roads lead to Rome.
They are Jesuits and not Catholics as one would assume, Jesuits have always played a heavy role since 5000 Jews had converted to the religion centuries ago.
Your comment sounds like something written by a barely literate Jew pedophile rape cult supporter.
too much write you about pedophilia? were you raped by parents?
The Jews rape 3,600 a year in NYC and 65,000 a year in Israel.
How’s about Anglican and catholic priests?
Anglican and Catholic Priests, in fact any people with easy access to children via organisations etc are not necessarily paedophiles.
It is a paedophile’s who are attracted to join this groups. Its simplistic I know , but true I think.
I agree with your comment, but I was raised catholic, and the catholic church is complicit in covering up and perpetuating these crimes when other denominations have largely prevented it. I think that the teachings of Christ have a lot of value, but they shouldn’t be used by criminals violating them to hide behind, as has been done with Catholicism.
The questions there are :- 1/ Are the people covering the abuse up abusers themselves who have not been caught ? or 2/ Are the people covering it up attempting to preserve the good reputation of the church etc ?
In my opinion the paedophilia of the ‘Great and The Good’ in many nations is covered up because governments would fall and all the elite would be suspected and that would cause a constitutional crisis.
I would prefer to have a crisis and lock up all the paedo bastards for life and sort out the mess afterwards.
Some of the senior clergy may also be pedophiles themselves, or homosexuals involved with pedophiles who are vulnerable to blackmail. Whether they’re doing it to protect the reputation of the church is questionable, when they allow it to continue when they could prevent it like other denominations who prevent it without causing a crisis for their branch.
Pedophilia blackmail is a powerful political tool that the Jews learned early on to use effectively. It’s referenced repeatedly in the various versions of the Talmud. You don’t read a lot about it outside of Jew infested areas like Europe and North America where the vast majority of Jews live and their parasitical hold on governments is the strongest. I’m sure that it exists to some extent in those areas. But political compromise pedophile operations seem to have a strong Jew cabal nexus.
I fully agree with you. IF the paedophilia issue is prosecuted firmly , a few HIGH profile arrests would create a domino effect with the aid of ‘plea bargains’. Talk and you get to live , fail to talk and you die a slow death. Dynasties from around the globe would be implicated and ALL their wealth should be seized and placed on a global fund that incorporates all affected nations.
No bail should be given to any of those implicated with firm evidence. Not even Royalty or Presidents etc.
A lot if them are dirty, that’s for sure. In this day with modern audio visual equipment saturating society, there’s more incriminating evidence than ever. Many people are targeted for compromising material collection long before they reach the public stage. Trying to build a control file that can be used against them.
The Trump pussy tape was compromising material light. There’s much worse material in existence for a lot of public figures that the public knows nothing about. Probably including the current US president. Many Americans concluded that and voted for him anyways because of America First and the Clinton Jew cabal status quo that they want nothing to do with.
That’s what the Jew Rosenstein Mueller witch hunt is all about. Trying to use the Russia investigation to go off on some tangent to find an excuse for criminal charges to use with Jew Sherman’s impeachment articles. To impead the implementation of America First and prying the Jew cabal’s slimy fingers off of the US government.
We are certainly at a cross roads and the next one with a route to freedom from the grip of zionism is a log way ahead .
That’s why I supported Trump, despite his imperfections, we all have them. History isn’t written by perfect people. It’s written by flawed people who do the best that they can under the circumstances that they’re dealing with.
The Jew world order fascists and they’re collaborators are clearly making an example of Trump to both defeat his common sense populist agenda, and to make an example of him to discourage others from attempting anything similar. That’s why it’s so difficult to clean out the swamp and overhaul the legislature and judiciary. Because many people who could do a good job are discouraged from participating because they don’t want to get into the lying Jew media pig pen to engage in a mud wrestling contest with the Jew swamp slaves in an obviously rigged game.
I agree. It is a testament to President Trump that he has continued in office despite the unrivalled opposition from the Marxist Jews globally , together with the unthinking cultists of Hillary. A lesser man would have thrown in the towel by now to spend more time playing golf.
The mass of the educated classes of the US will be amongst the first to be thrown into Fema Camps , irrespective of their ideology. Citizens who can think logically ,rather than emotionally are a threat to the Elite. The Jew in Europe is generally mistrusted ,in fact Jews in England were once banished for about 200 years and I am staggered that the Jew in the US often seems to be revered , despite all the criminality of this tribe.
It would be wrong though to tar all the Jews with the same brush as many also abhor what is being done in their name.
The US was inundated with a msm near monopoly of Jew propaganda through the print media, radio and TV prior to the internet. And with half of global gdp after ww2 and a military that only the Soviets could challenge, who were half a world away. Many Americans looked at the overseas Jew world order machinations as a game.
That’s all changed now by the internet, a Jew banker debt laden faltering economy, and non stop, extremely costly military adventures that clearly do more harm than good for everyone, including most US citizens, other than a tiny Jew infested cabal of war profiteers and their collaborators.
Many Americans are tracing the problems that the Jews are causing back to the Jew source now that they have the tools to do so. And they recognize that a lot of Jews born into that evil cult don’t support it’s crimes. But that doesn’t exonerate the guilty ones. Who have to be, and increasingly are being dealt with. The Trump election and America First being part of the Jew problem resolution process.
Trump campaigned on an America First platform that promised to correct many of these problems. How sincere he was or is, how compromised he is or isn’t, and how effective he’ll be, only time will tell. Judging from the Jew cabal and their collaborators opposition that America First is running into. They view it as an us or them struggle, and they’re probably right. So it’s game on to see who prevails.
As far as fema camps and round ups go, that might happen in a collapse for the destitute. But in a society armed like the US, it probably isn’t going to happen outside of a collapse, and would in all probability result in secessionist movements and civil wars if anything like that was attempted to implement a more fascist agenda than the one that we have now that Trump is trying to overturn.
Jews aren’t the only cause of the world’s problems, there is plenty of blame to go around. But they are a core problem that exacerbates many of the other problems. And humanitie’s Jew problem needs to be corrected for this planet to have a better future.
I think it is true to say that any groups of people whose behaviour does not conform to the wishes of the majority can only do so with the connivance of those in power or by controlling the institutions of power themselves.
Jewish influence in Europe is less overt than that observed in the US today. Possibly because the Jews of Europe fear another Pogrom if they decide to come out of the shadows too much.
There is also an ever increasing problem in Europe from Gypsy’s and criminal bands of those who we quaintly describe as ‘Travellers’. The Zio-Marxist 5th column has been supporting these ‘minority’ groups for decades now and the result has been largely lawless bands of thieves and cheats roaming around Britain leaving a trail of crime, intimidation and filth in their wake. Only in the past few weeks another gang was convicted of slavery. The State response to this anarchic behaviour is too late coming though as their criminal behaviour has become a way of life that will now be much harder to erase.
The ‘ Eternal Victims’ of the Zionist world are mostly Khazars whose ancestors only converted to Judaism circa 800 years ago and who have in the last 100 years or so spread from the ‘Pale of Settlement’ . Hence the term ‘Wandering Jew’.
On the bright side there are some very decent Jews who recognise the flaws of the ‘ Exceptional Religion’ and who are VERY brave to describe them . One of those is Gillad Atzmon who wrote an excellent book titled ‘The Wandering Who’ a few years ago. I have a copy my self and it is well worth reading.
The English study that disproves the Khazar theory as false myth looks credible to me. Keeping in mind that the vast majority of Jews are primarily European, not middle eastern and certainly not Hebrew. The primary Hebrew tribal genetics from the original Jews on the planet are the Palestinians and their immediate neighbors. And almost none of them are Jews.
“A 2013 study at the University of Huddersfield, led by Professor Martin B. Richards, concluded that 65%-81% of Ashkenazi Mt-DNA is European in origin, including all four founding mothers, and that most of the remaining lineages are also European. The results were published in Nature Communications in October 2013. The team analyzed about 2,500 complete and 28,000 partial Mt-DNA genomes of mostly non-Jews, and 836 partial Mt-DNA genomes of Ashkenazi Jews. The study claims that only 8% of Ashkenazi Mt-DNA could be identified as Middle Eastern in origin, with the origin of the rest being unclear.[60]
They wrote:
If we allow for the possibility that K1a9 and N1b2 might have a Near Eastern source, then we can estimate the overall fraction of European maternal ancestry at ~65%. Given the strength of the case for even these founders having a European source, however, our best estimate is to assign ~81% of Ashkenazi lineages to a European source, ~8% to the Near East and ~1% further to the east in Asia, with ~10% remaining ambiguous… Thus at least two-thirds and most likely more than four-fifths of Ashkenazi maternal lineages have a European ancestry.[65]
Regarding the origin of Ashkenazi admixture, the analyses suggest that “the first major wave of assimilation probably took place in Mediterranean Europe, most likely in Southern Europe, with substantial further assimilation of minor founders in west/central Europe.”[65] According to Richards, who acknowledged past research showing that Ashkenazi Jews’ paternal origins are largely from the Middle East, the most likely explanation is that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Middle Eastern men who moved to Europe, and married local women who they converted to Judaism. The authors found “less evidence for assimilation in Eastern Europe, and almost none for a source in the North Caucasus/Chuvashia, as would be predicted by the Khazar hypothesis.””
Most Jews aren’t anymore or less law abiding then the rest of society. But collectively they gravitate to control positions in society and then use them to advance their own cause to the detriment of the rest of society. The primary problem is the Talmud ideology of Jew supremacist at the expense of non Jews. The Jew pedophile rape cult should be outlawed.
It is positive that more and more of the previously ‘ uninterested ‘ in the Jewish issue of the EU/USA are now able to see the parasites that continue to feed off them.
It is only fair to say though that throughout history there have been many groups of people in all societies who have used nepotism to advance their personal ambitions. Closed societies and extreme religions are of course more prone to this cult like ideology. The Jewish problem has always been exacerbated by the traditional Jewish use of ‘money’ to exact control over others.
Today paedophilia is the ‘silver bullet ‘ that should and could rid the world of the Zionist problem that has also entwined itself with other extreme forms of other religions and so by has corrupted so many of the worlds political and business leaders.
We live in tumultuous times that only occur every few hundred years.
The technology has gotten to the point where we’re entering the interstellar age as ETs ourselves. And the energy technology used on 911 is probably of secret space program origin. The Jew involvement in 911 points to their having at least limited access to it. And considering how evil they are. Using it for a break away civilization and a two tier society or population cull is a real concern and fits perfectly into their supremacy modus operandi.
They practice nepotism on an industrial scale, which is where a lot of their power comes from. That and co opting collaborators.
Any clergy molesting and raping children, let alone new borns like the Jews, are despicable. The difference is Christian sex offenders are breaking church law. Raping babies at birth is Jew law.
Well said.
An electorate is said to get a government they deserve. Hillary or Trump :)
People really need to wake up, yesterday…
We are now experiencing at home what the Obama regime inflicted on Ukraine ———- BS. Like hell you are! You get to say that when your people are being sniped on the streets, burnt in buildings and bombed by the govt! What the US is experiencing is NOTHING like what Ukraine suffered and is still suffering under US wrought democracy!
Aside from that – I’m hoping for civil war. A long hard extensive civil war that draws home the 200,000+ US troops abroad to deal with it. A vicious, acrid, nasty civil war that breaks up the states so that the rest of this world is NEVER AGAIN bombed and destroyed by this God damned and God forsaken country. Sure someone else will rise from the ashes but we’ll deal with them when that time comes and in meantime we get a break from the phucking USA.
Keep it up Folks! ‘Cos you’re getting there.
Agreed. Hopefully the toll of the new civil war will exceed the old one. After all, neoliberalism requires us to work harder for better results, constant growth and all that shit…
More Jews live in the US than anyplace else in the world. The neocons are a Jew creation. Do you think that maybe that has anything to do with it? Americans have been force fed the lying Jew media’s filth from cradle to grave until the internet came along and they could see the Jew lies for what they are. And now most of them want their country back from the Jew slime and don’t want anything to do with Jew world order machinations.
How would you like to have this freak show happen in your front yard, and have your government totally and deliberately drop the ball in properly investigating it:
I’m sorry but I have no patience with an ideology that subscribes all the ills of the world to one particular religion; and a religion that comprises a mere 14 million entities at that. … (One of whom is a little goatherder in Namibia who’s never even heard of all the evil things he’s personally responsible for.)
America and Americans do what America… Americans .. are doing. I see no Mighty Jew holding a gun to the head of the man who twiddles a joystick to kill a school of children in the HOPE of killing one particular man with his Hellfire drone bomb from the sky..
If a lot of very rich, very powerful, and very amoral people in the world happen to be Jews – so what? MOST of them are not.
I can take a horse to water but I cannot make it drink. I can TELL you to go kill other people – but you still have to decide for yourself to get off your arse and go … and kill.
If you want to tell me there are amoral and immoral people in this world who deliberately cause chaos and harm then do so – but don’t try to tell me they are ALL and ONLY Jews and all the rest are just deluded suckers and sycophants.
‘Cos I’m calling bullshìt on that.
Their evil baby raping pedophile cult should be outlawed.
ANYONE calling for the extermination of people for the crime of being born should be jailed for inciting violence.
What does that have to do with my comment?
I agree that a civil war in the US is all that might save the world from ‘American Democratic Values ‘ ( Zionist autocratic values ) , the export of which has caused untold misery and millions of deaths in other peoples lands.
“BS. Like hell you are! You get to say that when your people are being sniped on the streets, burnt in buildings and bombed by the govt!”
Do the false flag terror attacks like 9/11 and several others not count even if the real perpetrators aren’t known to the public?
Oh My GAWD! Some murdering aholes perpetrated a terror attack on the USA nearly 20 years ago and still the rest of the world must bow and scrape and beg forgiveness in perfect humiliation for the next 100 YEARS!
On top of that – chances are kinda fair – they did it to themselves anyway.
No! A terrorist attack (perps known or un-) does not equate to your own damn government (those aholes you pay your taxes to) dropping bombs on your own damn children.
The dog and pony show circus- Kabuki theater farce continues.
Sad to say, it will not be over until the last corrupt Republicrat political shill sock puppet has bitten the dust and the last corporate fascist criminal oligarch war racketeer parasite has passed to oblivion.
The Jew cabal and their swamp slaves are trying to destroy America rather than relinquish control of it. They need to be cleaned out of government, finance, media, academia and to have their evil blood sucking baby raping pedophile cult outlawed.
Hey, you fit right in here. The Constitution gives you the right to say these things. VALLEY FORGE!!!
The Jew cabal and their swamp slave collaborators have broken many laws. The first thing that Trump did was start cleaning out the Justice Department so that they can be gone after. Until Sessions threw him under the bus, Jew Rosenstein appointed the witch hunter Mueller, and Jew Sherman filed impeachment articles. Now that situation needs to be defused.
You got Jews on the brain. Ain’t one of Trumps sons-n-law a horrible, evil Jew?! I hope you are warning him of the terrible danger!
Not all Jews are bad, but they’re carriers and human shields for a pedophile rape cult that should be outlawed, and an evil Jew cabal, many of whom belong in prison.
no pedophile rape cult. and trumps son in law is big, big zionost, israel fan and want jerusalem as capital. and trumps dughter became jew. what now?!
You’re a liar. The Jews rape cult children every day.
It would be nice if you stop ranting.
They are raping their children at birth and sucking their blood during vile “religious” ceremonies. I’m simply stating the facts. Why do you have a problem with the truth of the matter being clearly stated?
And these depraved perverts are “God’s chosen people”? Give me a break.
Those are naked facts.
yes, both my sentences are naked facts. :)
No ,this is a naked fact Uncle Bibi used to sleep in Jared’s bed when he came to New York to visit.
The Trump family was Jewish to begin with as for his parents they were buried in a Jewish cemetery and always supported Jewish groups as the family still does.
“The Lutheran All Faiths Cemetery on Metropolitan Avenue is the final resting spot of Donald’s grandparents (Fred and Elizabeth), his parents (Fred Sr. and Mary), and his eldest brother, Fred Jr. A 2011 photo of the Trump family gravesite reveals an unassuming gray stone marker listing all five names.”
A Visit to Trump’s Graveyard – Esquire http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a49247/search-for-trump-grave/
Masonic Jews have proved themselves evil beyond doubt. However they got almost everyone in cahoots by an idea about restoration of the ancient Israel based on the politically motivated interpretation of OT prophecy made to suit Vatican agenda.
I thought that the Catholic church opposed Zionism and only recognised Israel late in the game. The rest of the comment I agree with.
Goodbye America! And Good riddance!
I have just read 35 commnents posted seen how it degenerated to blaming the Jews for American problems. All of you in the US are the blame for your own problems. Blaming others does not cure the problem domesticaly or on the international scene. I have not seen one thread that offers any practical solutions. Inciting violence, civil war or impeachment will not solve anything. Even though Trump might not be the right man for the job removing him from office before his term is up is just another step towards total anarchy. You are blessed with the right to vote and have not chosen to use it wisely. You also fail to see that the voters and the defeated party are not accepting the results of the vote. Thus you have the stalled government unable to get anything done because their own personal preferences are more important than actually running the country. Leaving it to Trump to drain the swamp will not happen until you choose to vote wisely and drain the swamp yourself. I have my own idea how to do it. But it is not up to me as I am not a US citizen it is up to you to figure it out.
Really, the Jews are innocent and it’s not the Jew neocons fault, how does that work?
I can tell you only read the first sentence.
No, you’re evading the question.
NO because you have not come up with an intelligent response and it is just like I said blaming others for your own problems. The Jewish question has nothing to do with it. Your problems and the rest of America’s are your own fault. Good night as it is pointless argue with some one that cannot read or comprehend more than one sentence.
“The Jewish question has nothing to do with it.”
You’re either being very untruthful, or are very ignorant of US politics. I suspect the former.
The Jew cabal and their swamp slave collaborators have broken many laws. The first thing that Trump did was to start cleaning out the Justice Department so that they can be gone after. Until Sessions threw him under the bus, Jew Rosenstein appointed the witch hunter Mueller, and Jew Sherman filed impeachment articles. Now that situation needs to be defused.
The sanctions vote was 517 to 5, that’s over 99% of the people in the legislature that is tasked with administering Jew Sherman’s impeachment articles. The Jew world order establishment has fought Trump every step of the way and is trying to get him out of office.
The only reason that he’s president is because he beat Jew cabal establishment candidates in the primaries with record landslides and won the general election with 85% of the land and counties voting for him. If Hillary didn’t win Jew land NY & CA it would have been a complete blow out.
Americans voted for America First, which the Jew cabal viscerally opposes, and against the Jew world order and their swamp slaves. And Trump is trying to implement it against massive Jew cabal opposition. If you don’t want to see that that’s your problem. Because it’s plainly obvious for anyone whose watching the Jew pedophile rape cult coup d’etea attempt as it’s happening.
The Jew establishment has fought Trump every step of the way, and is going to extremes never seen before in the history of US politics to vilify and remove him from office. Any rational person can plainly see it. Trump took almost no Jew money, Hillary was massively supported by the lying Jew media and finance. Those are the facts, not half baked conspiracy theory.
Inside the DC beltway, and the 85% of land and counties that voted for Trump, including much of NY & CA off the coast. Are two different places. Hillary was the unnecessary war status quo candidate, not Trump, which is why she lost. The 2008 financial crisis, unraveling 911 scam, and Afghan, gulf war and Libya disasters, ended most of what American support there was outside of the beltway for Jew world order pedophile cult machinations.
Many in the US have figured out that their country has been hijacked by the Jew cabal and they want it back. There is very little support in the US anymore for the Jew world order and their swamp slave’s foreign military adventures.
The Jews and Israel have had a hugely negative impact on the US domestically and it’s foreign policy. These leeches one of the biggest problems that the US has.
Neocon –
“The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish monthly review magazine Commentary, published by the American Jewish Committee.”
List of prominent Jewish Neocons – Huge Questions
Richard Perle
“American political advisor and lobbyist who worked for the Reagan administration as an assistant Secretary of Defense and worked on the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from 1987 to 2004. He was Chairman of the Board from 2001 to 2003 under the Bush Administration.”
“He is a member of several conservative think-tanks, such as Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the Hudson Institute, and (as a resident fellow) the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. He is also a Patron of the Henry Jackson Society. “
“Perle has written extensively on a number of issues; his cited research interests including defense, national security, and the Middle East. Perle had long been an advocate of regime change in Iraq. He also linked Saddam to Osama Bin Laden just a few days after 9/11”
“Perle chaired a study group that included Douglas Feith and David Wurmser that produced a strategy paper for the incoming Likud Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm””
“In a New York Times article Perle was criticized for recommending that the Army purchase an armaments system from an Israeli company that a year earlier had paid him $50,000 in consulting fees.”
“In 1996, Perle participated in a study group that produced a report for the incoming Likud-led government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel that urged the country to break off then-ongoing peace initiatives and suggested strategies for reshaping the Middle East. Among the group’s arguments was the idea that “removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq [was] an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right.”
Paul Wolfowitz “As U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense during the Presidency of George W. Bush, he was “a major architect of President Bush’s Iraq policy and, within the Administration, its most passionate and compelling advocate” (Boyer 1)”
Douglas Feith
“Douglas Feith is a former Pentagon official closely associated with the neoconservative political faction who has been investigated for allegedly distorting prewar intelligence on Iraq. Feith served as the deputy undersecretary of defense for policy, the number three position at the Pentagon, from July 2001 to August 2005.”
“Feith has been questioned by the FBI in relation to the passing by one of his employees of confidential Pentagon documents to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which in turn passed them to the Israeli Embassy. The Senate Intelligence Committee is also investigating Feith.”
“There seems little doubt that he operated in the Pentagon in such a way as to produce false and misleading ‘intelligence,’ that he created an entirely false impression of Iraqi weapons capabilities and ties to al-Qaida, and that he is among the chief facilitators of the U.S. war in Iraq. Feith is clearly resigning ahead of the possible breaking of major scandals concerning his tenure at the Department of Defense, which is among the more disgraceful cases of the misleading of the American people in American history.”
“Although Feith was not formally charged in connection to his work at the Pentagon, his work has been repeatedly investigated, and official reports have linked him to efforts to push faulty evidence to justify the war. One investigation, by the Department of Defense’s inspector general (IG), was set up to assess whether the Office of Special Plans (OSP), a specialized outfit set up by Feith within the Pentagon to scrutinize intelligence on Iraq, deliberately skewed information about the regime of Saddam Hussein (New York Times, May 25, 2006).”
“Feith also served on the board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a think tank that promotes a military and strategic alliance between the United States and Israel. [8]”
“Feith favors US support for Israel and has promoted US-Israeli cooperation. He also favors stronger US-Turkish cooperation, and increased military ties between Turkey and Israel. Both Feith and his father have been honored by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), a conservative organization that often makes common cause on foreign policy issues with conservative Christian organizations.”
“His father, Dalck, was a member of the Betar, a Revisionist Zionist youth organization”
“The Betar Movement (בית”ר, also spelled Beitar) is a Revisionist Zionist youth movement founded in 1923 in Riga, Latvia, by Ze’ev Jabotinsky. Betar members played important roles in the fight against the British during the Mandate, and in the creation of Israel. It has been traditionally linked to the original Herut and then Likud Israeli political parties.”
And the list goes on and on.
You still haven’t come to the bottom of the matter. Just do some research and find out how many American Jewish elitists have been educated at Georgetown University, the oldest Jesuit University in US.
Could you please provide some quotes or links with more information on this topic?
How do you expect Trump to change anything when you keep re-electing the same bad actors in the Senate and Congress over and over again?
Term limits would help, try getting them approved. Jew swamp slaves are usually the only choice on the ballot. Trump was opposed by the Republican establishment and lying Jew media the entire election. Few candidates are able to overcome those obstacles like Trump did. That’s why the legislature is full of Jew servants. Many of them bought or compromised. Including by pedophile operations.
Soros funds these leftist groups and even pays them to protest , so you could say there is Jewish money funding this. The problem with voting there is no choice but whom they choose you to want to vote for.
“Jewish money?” As in Judaism and its tenets command George Soros to be a scalawag and a criminal? Come again.
No single religion, ethnic grouping, nationality or spoken language has a monopoly on villainy. One is either a scoundrel or saint by their merits or deficiencies alone. Get off the “racialist” stuff.
As to leftism, yet another convenient term the oligarchy utilizes to attack those who would end its reign of misrule and misery and stop it in its quest for plunder.
George Soros funds many NGOs along with other well known Jewish family foundations is that so hard for you to comprehend. For those that are Jewish the end goal counts and how you got there doesn’t. Equating Judaism as a race is one contrived by the oligarchy when it is a religion and nothing more or are we to call Christians a race as which they are again trying to do.They seem to have the those on the left of the political spectrum trained like good goyim which follow or believe anything they say.
The political spectrum is gauged by those on one side or the other, here we see those who are on the left and lean towards many communist leaning groups.The oligarchies use both sides in this and to believe they represent the right is a common misconception among the children in political and monetary games.
“Inciting violence, civil war or impeachment will not solve anything.” Suppose that all depends one what one considers to be a solution. Beyond that, prove that they will not.
“You are blessed with the right to vote.” If the vote is rigged, what then?
As history has amply shown, there are two types of “voting”, the ballot or the bullet. When one falls short the other will accomplish.
I just want to show you the huge interest in Hungary in the articles of Mr. Roberts. Type his name in the search part of this highly popular and independent site there: lovasistvan.hu .
Sadly this article is completely correct! The US is marching towards a very dark future and is, as a country, just as incapable of stopping the seemingly inevitable as the Germans were of the preventing the Nazi’s rise to power in 1933 and WW2 and Germany’s utter destruction by 1945. For American’s the rise of the Deep State, and International Banking & Corporatist Cabal who control them, and their evil plans for social engineering and control and eventual global hegemony make Hitler’s Germany look like a tea party. Have the American’s the courage to stop this?? …. I don’t think so, as they are too weak, divided and lacking in moral courage. It’s OK to bomb other people’s countries to smithereens and kill and maim millions of innocents but to address their own massive internal problems, the American’s are either too stupid to understand what is going on in their faces or lacking in the courage, intelligence and organisation to respond appropriately to stop what is now inevitible. Long will they live to regret their mistake as did the Germans of 1945. Albeit, there is a big difference and it is this: the US will realise what all those FEMA camps and millions of plastic coffins are really for and why they have a highly militerized police armed to the teeth. The US Gulag and Death Squads are coming very shorlty and the compliant socialist fellow travellers and feminists will occupy their own MATRIX only there will be no Neo. if they wake up at all it will be too late and they will be the Elloi of H.G. Wells “The Time Machine”.
This article shows an amazing misunderstanding of the traditional role of American presidents as the ‘healers in chief’. It is said there was violence on both sides yet not one person has explained the victims role in the violent action that led to her death. Was she being aggressive ? Was her death reasonable given her actions? Not one person has addressed it. If they do they will quickly realize that she was a victim of terrorism. Murdered in her own hometown. Instead of civil war you will get to see Americans tearing down the statues that give public honor to terrible people who created such division in the first place. Probably a good story though to distract from Muslim terrorism that runs and will increasingly run rampant through Russia, the economy and the collapse of democracy. Good luck Russia in the next 30 years . China is looking at Siberia wondering if you are just going to let it go to waste. They could use some land you know. In 30 years they will take it. Good luck.
Apart from a couple sensible things he says, PCR remains stuck in his left/right hobby. When GWB and Cheney invaded Iraq, was that because they were leftists? I’d care deeply about all this if Trump were valiantly though incompetently opposing the war machine; but he obviously isn’t. Is Mr. Roberts too deeply invested in The Donald to see that?
I think The Saker has this one right: people are abandoning Trump because he has shown that he doesn’t have their back either: when under siege by his enemies, his first thought is to placate them by throwing his allies under the bus. Remember, it’s all about himself.
As others say, if Americans were to get serious about taking their passions out on each other, it might give other countries some breathing space. Though just as likely, they’ll drag much of the world down with them.
You’re right. A house divided against itself will fall. So bring on, increase, improve, exacerbate the division. Go all the way to utterly devastating civil war. RID US OF THIS SCOURGE THAT LITERALLY DESTROYS THE WORLD FOR WHIM & PROFIT. ————— “These are the people who sat on their hands for 16 years while Washington destroyed in whole or part seven countries.”
Hardly just the “liberal/progressive/left,” Mr Roberts. That is what all America is doing. That is ALL all America is doing.
You sit on your arses and you kill anyone, anywhere, anytime~! You’ve been doing it for 16 years. Will you STILL be doing it this time next year? More likely than not – YES.
I get it. Some of you are tryying… Writing little bits. Saying little bits. You, Mr Chomsky. Mr Hedges. But WHO listens to you? …………… We do – NOT Americans. WHO in America, OF America – STANDS UP to say “NO. NO MORE. STOP.” No-one. Protests against Wall Street – but not the endless wars. Protests against cops killing black Americans – but not against the drone bombs. Protests against white supremacists – but not against the LIES and the DEATH and the COMPLETE UTTER DESTRUCTION of Other People’s Countries.
The silence on your streets is deafening – yet it trumpets exactly what “The American People” are. Monsters. Americans protest for the drop of a hat – but not to stop the killing.