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Paul Craig Roberts: “The Crisis Is Only In Its Beginning Stages”

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Written by Paul Craig Roberts; Originally appeared at paulcraigroberts.org

Many, including Russia’s President Putin, have asked why the US launched an illegal attack on Syria prior to the chemical weapons inspectors examining the site of the alleged chemical attack.

This popular question completely misses the point. The US attack on Syria is a clear and indisputable war crime against a sovereign country regardless of whether Syria used a chemical weapon in driving the Washington supported terrorists from Douma. No one acted to stop Washington’s war crime. Some of Washington’s vassals, such as Germany and Italy, refused to participate in Washington’s war crime, but no one attempted to block it. The impotent UN Security Council, to which Russia is wasting its time appealing, the EU, NATO, Russia and China themselves did nothing to stop Washington’s Nazi era war crime.

Russia said that if Washington’s attack harmed its citizens, there would be military consequences, but Russia did not protect its ally Syria from the attack.

Perhaps it doesn’t matter as Washington’s attack was carefully conducted so as to have no effect except to serve as a face-saver for Trump. Apparently no one was killed and no damage was done to anything real except to a facility in which anti-venom for snake bites was being produced.

On the other hand, it does matter, because of the perception that the American presstitutes have created that it was a great victory for America over the evil Syrian government and the evil Russian government that supports them. This perception, which the presstitutes have created with their fake news, justifies the war crime and will lead to more attacks on Syria.

It is unlikely that the UN Security Council will condemn Washington, which pays 25% of the UN’s budget. Moreover, the Security Council is loaded up with Washington’s vassals, and they will not vote to censure their liegelord. Putin is wasting his time taking the matter to the Security Council, unless his purpose is to prove that every Western institution is completely corrupt. As most informed people already know this, I don’t understand the point of proving the known. Putin should read Eric Zuesse’s article before he puts too much faith in the UN. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/04/17/how-us-has-virtually-destroyed-un.html

As I have written on a number of occasions, I admire Putin’s Christian character of sidestepping the beatings he continuously takes from Washington in order to save the world from the massive deaths of a world war. The problem is that by turning the other cheek, Putin encourages more aggression from Washington. Putin is dealing with neoconservative psychopaths. He is not dealing with common sense.

During the entirety of the Cold War no US ambassador to the UN spoke aggressively and disrespectfully to the Soviet representative as Nikki Haley speaks to the Russian ambassador. During the Cold War no American president would have tolerated Nikki Haley. The crazed bitch would have instantly been fired.

The Russian government is captured by delusion if the Russians believe that the US government, in which Nikki Haley is Trump’s choice to be America’s spokesperson to the world, in which the crazed neoconservative war monger John Bolton is a principal influence over US military and foreign policy, and in which the President himself is under threat of indictment for wanting to normalize relations with Russia, has any prospect of avoiding war.

The best chance of preventing the oncoming war is Russian-Chinese-Iranian unity and a defeat for American arms in a regional context not worth the Washington psychopaths launching of nuclear weapons. Until Washington is effectively resisted, Washington’s European vassals, the UN Security Council and the OPCW will stand with Washington. Once Washington experiences a defeat, NATO will dissolve and with this dissolution Washington’s ability to threaten other countries will lose its cover and evaporate.

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Nigel Maund

Can’t but agree with PCR on this one. Russia has no chance of dealing sensibly with the US and NATO masters, the Anglo – American – Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabal (read the 4th Reich), gievn their long announced plans for global hegemony by any means possible in which “the end always justifies the means”, That’s their Hegalian rational and maxim. They are evil, greedy, corrupt, decrepit people and, moreover, dedicated / fanatical satanists. No one can deal with these people given their psychological / pathological makeup.

viktor ziv

“Russia said that if Washington’s attack harmed its citizens, there would be military consequences, but Russia did not protect its ally Syria from the attack.” Who rebuilt SAA’s counter-air defence capabilities? What is better, to provide bread to someone in need, or to learn that someone to make own bread? Some three years ago SAA had broken tank flotilla and that was one of the primary task of RF back then, to teach SAA engineers to make those run again.

paul ( original )

Also I believe some aircraft were moved to Russia bases there by affording protection. So I agree with your comment. But Paul Craig Roberts comment is more in the nature of saying that Washington will only respond or back down if it is given a ‘blood nose’. He is not criticizing the Russians.


Putin is a Judo Master. In Judo the ultimate goal is not to give your opponent a bloody nose. Its to use his own force against him into a position where he is pinned firmly down till he gives up. Then help him up.


Lol.. we are having a world situation and scenario here and you compared it with judo..? Then what the hack is all the deterrent weapons (defensive & offensive) as claimed for..? Why the waiting for..? The muricunts had shown many times of their stupid moves and plans since obomber time.. but Russia are just stupid enough to grabbed the opportunities to make the world a safer place to lived in..!


What he’s saying and suggesting is very correct.. Russia has been acting like a lame faggot (macaroni of France.. lol)..! or put it this way.. Like a neck chained bulldog barking on a lamp post.. lol..! or in a political diplomacy it’s called.. Lip service..!


Is the heat getting to you down there in Riyadh, or does your brain always work at half capacity, like your English?

Say shalom to your handlers from me.


Riyadh.. lol.. you must be another idiot who just love guessing and so fanatically love someone that no one should criticized..! English is not my mother tongue.. but none of my European friends ever complained.. nor those in these forum..Only those who doesn’t agree will starts using abusing words coming out off its (instead of their) stinking mouth.. just like kids do.. bird brain..!

Brad Isherwood

Putin was placed in power by the Criminal Cabal in Russia. That type of Criminal opportunist exist in countries of Power. Deep State USA end JFK. Israel Deepstate. ….. shoot Yitzhak Rabin

Israel and the Lunatic Neo conservative/Troskyites are causing great trouble on the Earth. They can be stopped…or made to chsnge their agenda, It’s probable only another group which understands the way of things, Has the resolve to take control away from them.

In 2006 Israel attacked South Lebanon…..bombed the place to rubble. Murdered many innocent . 100,000 IDF was defeated by less than 5000 Hezbollah. Israel’s agenda lost its control. … Hezbollah took that away from them. It’s taken over 10 years of huge money and political manipulation to get things back to the 2006 level,….yet today. …Israel’s IAF is not invincible. …it lost that image of power recently with F16i downing. Israel’s greatest fear is to be publically defeated where no control media can rescue. Israel wants the US,Saudi etc to attack Hezbollah,Iran….get them/make them do their dirty work. Do that Hit*…like the Gangster movie.

Putin can enable Syria, Hezbollah and Iran to … Take Control away from Israel and the Neocons. It’s a decision fraught with Risk. . Yet it’s one path to changing the course of the criminality.

Muriel Kuri

Yes, you’ve raised a good point about the air defense weapons. Now if Putin sells (or gives) Syria the s300s that would be even better. They are talking about it, so let’s see what the future brings. That would be an adequate way to ensure that Syria will be able to defend itself without Russia’s risk of starting WWIII with the psychopaths in US.

viktor ziv

“During the entirety of the Cold War no US ambassador to the UN spoke aggressively and disrespectfully to the Soviet representative as Nikki Haley speaks to the Russian ambassador.” What about “Adlai Stevenson’s Cuban Missile Crisis speech to the United Nations Security Council (1962)”?????

paul ( original )

Your point is good. I think he is just using a rhetorical devise to say that things are worse now than ever before. He also calls journalist prestitutes as though there had ever been a time when they were not.


By advocating for a tougher Russian response? That is the only thing preventing a total war, you numb-nuts.

The piece above here is written so as you would think that it is anti war, or anti US foreign policy. Just look at the hate provoking words. But it is advocating precisely what the CIA, mosad and the those neo-cons he is so “anti” have been trying to get Russia to do. To provoke this exact response. How many Russian diplomats have been assassinated since the Russian intervention, did we all forget?

And believe you me. It has been worst than this before, just to mention, 2 world wars, Korean war, Vietnam war and as mentioned above Cuban missile crisis when again, it was a russian guy, literally one guy, who saved the world (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasili_Arkhipov). And no, you fraud, it is not the beginning, its coming to an end. And you lost.

Arguing that Russia looks weak if it doesn’t engage in a violent response towards the US or NATO.


Russia would look mad or stupid if it did response in such a manner. Escalation and the war mongering star-role is already taken by the US. That is exactly what Russia is avoiding to do for the sake of humanity, mother earth. Has PCR gone senile?

This nonsensical, hatred provoking, illogically pushing for war, frankly peace of garbage is not journalism. This is propaganda. For war.

Who is the presstitute now?

Tiresia Branding

everyone is armed in USA but no one use his gun to shoot these criminals that play with their life. Sad

Veritas Vincit

PCR is correct. Russian restraint is being interpreted as weakness

In this context, Russian responses can become more effective. For example, if anti-Assad Arab states deploy mercenaries (including U.S. mercenaries) in significant numbers throughout Syrian territory (in violation of international law), Russian military forces can intensify counter-terrorism/anti-mercenary operations (towards the liberation of Syrian territory).

In this process, Russian military forces would also have the opportunity to respond to the killing of Russian military contractors (openly celebrated by U.S. and allied sources).

As such illegal foreign mercenaries would be acting in violation of international law, conforming to aggression, it would be prudent for the Syrian-Russian-Iranian-Hezbollah coalition to clarify such forces would be legitimate targets. Such a policy would be consistent with the stated objective of liberating all Syrian territory and would serve to counter anti-Assad coalition efforts to prolong the conflict.

Whatever response the Syrian-Russian-Iranian-Hezbollah coalition will take, actions would be assessed in terms of conflict containment, effectiveness (neutralising developing threats and as deterrence to further hostile actions) and efficiency in achieving an end to the Syrian conflict.

If escalation continues to be pursued by the anti-Assad coalition, (with preceding warnings) actions to reinforce deterrence can be employed.

Note: Credibility is critical. If stated counter-actions are not employed, loss of credibility will only serve to embolden adversaries to escalate further (interpreting lack of response as weakness, not restraint). This worsens following situations (as should be evident). Deterrence is only effective if there is credibility warnings will become actions if hostile behaviour crosses clearly defined red lines.



Veritas Vincit

While you are welcome to your opinion, the fact remains deterrence is only effective if there is credibility warnings will become actions if red lines are crossed. This is self-evident.

Similarly, fear is an effective mechanism to moderate behaviour (to deter hostility). This is also self-evident. While I recognise your concerns, I respectfully stand by my comments.

klove and light

everybody always misses the BIG picture……..some give it/them the name ZIONISTS, others call it/them KHASARIAN jews.Lets make it simple…..our planet has a jewish problem…starting from the exact time jesus was crucified.Anybody who read the talmud knows what im talking about.ALL other Religions/People are worthless to the jews on this planet. who runs russian central bank? JEWS who runs uk central bank? JEWS who runs fed usa? JEWS who runs EZB? JEWS The entire economy on planet earth is run by debt!!!!!!That includes each and every country with no exeption!!! Who controls the debt? JEWS What is the goal of our jewish( stop bs with zionist/khasar/semetic….they all go by the talmud) “friends”? Rule the planet ( they dont make a secret out of it) How can they(a fucking extraordinary minority) ever Rule our planet DIRECTLY?(through the debt that they control they indirectly control a major part of our planet already)

The last question, and the answer to it….is the answer that paul craig and others r looking for but cant see, because they dont understand the BIG picture!! There r only 2 ways that israel(jews) can Rule our planet! 1. make israel bigger 2. make the world smaller

1. is no option anymore(they tried for decades) 2. is the option they r going after.

2= war between russia/iran and the us/nato alliance thats WHY the jews r constantly pouring oil into the fire from each and every direction….just…putin didnt take the bait yet!

ps. the last man in the usa who went against the jews was JFK.He was the biggest opponent of a jewish state….biggest opponent of jewish nuclear weapons…thats why he got assassinated…..DIMONA!!

As long as jews believing in the talmud(a book full of hatred towards each and every life form exept jews) live on planet earth, this planet will not be in peace!

ps.2. and anybody who calls me a nazi…please dont be an embarassement to the human species…. think just for one second what the word NAZI means.Anybody know here?I´ll give you a hint… it aint got the meaning of hitlers party..cause that was the National Socialst German Workers Party….NSDAP(original german..NationalSozialistischeDeutscheArbeiterPartei) NA stands for National…..so what does ZI stand for???? Im not a jew…so I cant be a NAZI!!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3gKz-5SyPs Yemen Explained: Saudi Coalition, Houthis and Famine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npk7tfKyXok Yemen: On the brink of starvation – BBC News

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzgKd1cl8Ow How the Saudi Blockade is Starving Yemen

Oh my God these are children dying due to starvation. They have no food due to blockade …..

1. The Largest Humanitarian Disaster. 2. 8 Million People Hungary. 3. About 11,000 people killed. 4. About 50,000 people injured. 5. Entire villages and towns have been demolished and erased from the earth.

Russia, China and Pakistan could help to open blockade on Houthis, send them humanitarian aid in emergency. All world leaders should stand against Saudi and Israeli bastards that regularly bombing them like pesticides on insects. Stand against Saudi and Israeli oppression and aggression. Saudis tell to Yemen nation that accept Hadi as president otherwise you all will die and nobody will know. Shame ————————————————————————————————————————————

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRQ2GzxGMBQ How the Arabian prince spend their money. This will be a shame history.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrzXMplWOy4 Adolf Hitler Speech – Must See – Exposing Zionists and their MSM ….

I love Adolf Hitler he was genius and a great leader. He had fought for us to protect us from Zionists. What we are talking about now he had told us 80 years ago. If he was alive now so the whole world population would be very prosper and developed. Zionists think that they are superiour from whole world population and hats and lies about other nations in the world to justify their attacks on them. Zionists fight through US, UK and France. Adolf Hitler was against Zionists. He said in his speeches that if we leave Zionists then they will massacre millions of innocents in the world. We must protect the world population from Zionist oppressors.


Take it easy guys, now you are starting to sound like war mongers. No one wants to blow the whole planet up. You love having stuff to much and are always looking for the key to eternal life. Even your psychos. You are watching way to much Hollywood movies and that sugar diet ain’t helping either.

Washington was effectively defeated, moreover humiliated by little guys wearing pyjamas on a bowl of rice a day. Didn’t change anything back then. Currently getting a butt kicking in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen. Wont change anything either.

As for Putin. I’ve yet to see the day that he got a beating. He has won every conflict you have thrown at him, soundly. Is currently winning admirably. He has no need to change his strategy. And hopefully he manages to achieve what he has stated on many occasions to be his objective; security through a multi-polar world based on, respect, international laws and treaties, observed by all member states of the UN.

Its not his job to keep your psychos’ out of the UN or the white house. Its yours. Maybe you just need to start at home, wanting less stuff, less of that kill or be killed cult you always have going, you know, respecting yourselves. Then you might be willing to respect others too and their ways.

He respects yours.

And the rest of us, we would like to have you amongst us as friends and partners. Just get with the program, please.

Ivan Freely

An optimist! What say you on the rumors of troops buildup in Jordan?


Rumors? Thats what Putin is best at in dealing with ;)

Floyd Hazzard

I have come to the conclusion that Russia is impotent/incapable to a certain degree because no country sits back and watch their economy ravaged and their political capital and reputation beaten to the ground like that on the world stage while the stand by listlessly. It’s shameful to be honest. Who will root for Russia or rush to be their ally now when it’s so obvious there are no protections whatsoever in such an arrangement?


” but Russia did not protect its ally Syria from the attack.” P.C.R. cut the BS will you. You must be smarter than that having lived all these years or maybe not.

IMO you are the one that is a bit delusional and not RU or CN. Would you start a war over a waffle house waitress’s remarks?

” I admire Putin’s Christian character of sidestepping the beatings he continuously takes from Washington in order to save the world from the massive deaths of a world war”

P.C.R. do you know anything about Judo, Sun Tzu or chess?

Muriel Kuri

So Paul Craig Roberts agrees with what I’ve been saying all along – you can’t treat a psychopathic bully like a normal person – the only thing they understand is force and by ‘turning the other cheek’ Putin is guaranteeing that his other cheek will be hit even harder. Until Russia deals force with force, these actions will continue, on a steadily worsening basis, until finally there is all out war.


“the EU, NATO, Russia and China themselves did nothing to stop Washington’s Nazi era war crime.

Russia said that if Washington’s attack harmed its citizens, there would be military consequences, but Russia did not protect its ally Syria from the attack. …

The problem is that by turning the other cheek, Putin encourages more aggression from Washington. Putin is dealing with neoconservative psychopaths. He is not dealing with common sense. …

The best chance of preventing the oncoming war is Russian-Chinese-Iranian unity and a defeat for American arms in a regional context not worth the Washington psychopaths launching of nuclear weapons. Until Washington is effectively resisted, Washington’s European vassals, the UN Security Council and the OPCW will stand with Washington.”

PCR is contradicting his own narrative. Russia is obviously helping helping to stop US/NATO Jew 3 aggression by upgrading Syria’s air defense and integrating it into Russia’s air defense.

Why should Russia expand the war outside of Syria’s borders when it’s winning the war within Syria’s borders? And demonstrating that any expansion of the war outside of Syria’s borders by the aggressors will lead to losses by the aggressors that are far worse than anything that they’ve experienced since WW2:

“what has prevented the United States from starting a full-scale attack against Syria is the presence of Russia and the fear Americans feel about Moscow’s military technology.

“So, I think what we are seeing here is one of those technological thresholds in the history of warfare. One technology has made another technology obsolete and I think the Russian missiles have made a couple of trillion dollars worth of military hardware obsolete and the United States fears this and they don’t want to press the issue,””

– ‘US wary of Russia military technology in Syria’ –



Mr Roberts, you’d be surprised that not all countries you mention are US vassals… they make independent decisions… independent of the US and your poster-child Christian Putin. Yeah, that’s tough. There is a lot of corruption, yes (I don’t know what ‘the West’ is, perhaps Marocco…) but unlike most other countries, including, certainly, the Middle East and Russia, there are institutions, like the courts, that actually aren’t all that corrupt. Try launching that kind of criticism at Putin living in Russia… see how long you survive…

hope springs eternal.

The following countries are involved in trying to break up Syria:-

a) Israel. (for land and oil/gas). b) US ( puppets of Israel, and they like to bomb/kill innocents as a hobby/pastime). c) France/UK. (poodles of a, and b) d) Germany. (supplying Chlorine to militants and a Frigate). e) Jordan (Training and bases for US troops). f) Turkey. (Land grab in the North). g) Iraq. ( On the pretext of ISIS). h) Saudi Arabia. (overall terrorist king who funds wars/mercernaries).

2. Only Russia and Iran standing by Syria as honest friends. 3. Wonder if there is a gold mine beneath Syria!?

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