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‘Pay Up, Baby, Pay Up’. Trump Increases Pressure On Europe

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‘Pay Up, Baby, Pay Up’. Trump Increases Pressure On Europe

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On 22 January, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz described the new US president as a ‘challenge for Europe’. The German leader went on to offer ritualistic phrases about the long history of friendship and partnership between the EU and the United States. But everyone understands Berlin’s real message. Europe is anxiously awaiting new decisions from the White House. Donald Trump wants to radically change the nature of the transatlantic partnership. Washington wants to move away from unilateral patronage and transform military-political cooperation and trade in America’s interests. Such a move would entail huge financial losses for the Old World. After all, Western Europe has entrusted its security almost entirely to the Americans since 1945. And in terms of trade on the American market, the Europeans have enjoyed full preferential treatment since the Marshall Plan.

On his second day in office, Trump threatened the European Union with tariffs. According to the head of state, trade with the EU is a deficit for the United States. The US buys $300 billion more than it sells on the European market. This imbalance can only be corrected by increasing imports of expensive American energy. If the Europeans do not want to buy more oil and natural gas from the ‘world hegemon’, the Oval Office will decide to impose tariffs on European products. The United States accounts for about 20 percent of all goods exports from the European Union. Together with the loss of the Russian market, this will be a major blow to the ruling regimes in Germany, France and other countries.

During Donald Trump’s first term in office, he already imposed tariffs of 25 per cent on certain categories of EU products. The new administration is expected to take decisive action to correct the chronic trade deficit. The last time America ran a surplus was in 1975. Trump is unlikely to achieve such a result. But a return to the moderate deficits of the early 1990s is clearly what the Republican president wants. It is not for nothing that he appeals to the “golden age of America”, i.e. the country of his youth and adulthood at the height of its power.

Trump’s tax policy is remarkable. On 23 January, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the President announced a corporate tax cut for companies that bring production back to the United States. Such loyal companies will be taxed at 15 per cent instead of 21 per cent. During his first term, Trump reduced this tax from 35% to 21%. Such tax incentives will accelerate the flight of European companies across the Atlantic. A Europe mired in military spending cannot afford to cut tax revenues. Confrontation with Russia is very expensive for the Old World. The United States is mercilessly cutting unnecessary spending on pointless wars started by the Democrats.

Trump’s stance on NATO spending is getting tougher. “We’re protecting them. They don’t protect us. So I don’t think we should pay. I’m not sure we should spend anything. But we should definitely help them. But they should raise the 2 percent to 5 percent,” the US president said. Back in 2014, the North Atlantic Alliance summit set a target to increase spending by all members of the military-political alliance to 2% of GDP. To date, France, Germany, Croatia, Denmark, Norway, Turkey, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic and others have not even reached that figure. It is simply unrealistic to meet Trump’s demand and increase funding to 5% of GDP. It will trigger a storm of protest in European society. Social programmes will have to be cut. And that automatically means defeat at the next election.

It is likely that the strong pressure on the issue of military spending could be a cunning plan by the White House to destabilise the strong position of the eurobureaucracy. Elon Musk’s intervention in the German election campaign is telling. “Alternative for Germany” is the main anti-mainstream party in the country. And it is the party that will reap the harvest of votes in the event of a sharp deterioration in the socio-economic situation following a multiple increase in military spending. Europe’s left-liberal establishment faces a terrible dilemma. Either lose the US military umbrella in a proxy war with Russia, or make concessions to Trump and risk electoral positions.

Adding to the uncertainty of US-European relations is the conflict between the US and Denmark over Greenland. “I don’t know what Denmark’s claim to Greenland is, but it would be a very unfriendly act if they thwarted an attempt to annex the island to the United States because it’s for the defence of the free world,” Donald Trump said. The Financial Times reports that the American leader moved on to threats during a phone call with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. The call went ‘very badly’, according to people involved in arranging the negotiations.

Washington is not ruling out the possibility of a scenario involving the use of force, which is stated directly. There have been conflicts between NATO members. One need only recall the confrontation between Turkey and Greece in recent years. But the violation of the territorial integrity of an ally by the Americans is nonsense. Brussels is confused and does not know how to react to such pressure. The annexation of Greenland will render meaningless any claims against Russia over the reunification with the Crimea. It will also completely bury the myth of ‘Atlantic solidarity’.

Vladimir Putin’s words about the vassal-like dependence of European countries on the United States will be confirmed. Everything that has been branded ‘Russian disinformation’ is turning out to be true. The Scandinavian countries have spent large sums of money to strengthen their defences against the ‘Russian bear’. And in the end, their sovereignty was questioned by their main ally. A historical paradox. Or rather a clinical diagnosis of short-sighted European elites.


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Italy Libia Hero

inmates have been killed since february 2015 and 22 people, including a 5-year-old child, have been sexually abused by guards. this is what is written in the ruling of the pre-trial chamber of the international criminal court, which on january 18 notified – by majority vote – the arrest warrant for the libyan general who was blocked in italy on the 19th and then released


the international criminal court isn’t what it seems either. nothing is.


jeez, that’s just brilliant. it’s amazing what clarity of mind jenkem has given you.

As the World Churns

i think he stepped through the floor mirror from that twilight zone episode that brought him here from a parallel universe.


anonymous cannot allegedly think


would that be the wholly credible and entirely unbiased icc of unimpeachable integrity which has been so zealous in pursuing genocide and ethnic cleansing?

Italy Libia Hero

according to the judges in the hague, njeem “has personally beaten, tortured, shot, sexually assaulted and killed inmates, as well as ordered the guards to beat and torture them”.

crimes in almasri prison: what the hague says


they’d know there in the hag

As the World Churns

the puppets at the hag never do anything unless they’re on the rag.


is this part of the zionist gulag?


the votes are rigged as usual

Italy Libia Hero

violence was inflicted by beatings with clubs, punches, gunshots, electrocution, confinement in metal cubes. available information indicates that at least six detainees were raped in mittiga. according to material available to the chamber, at least four detainees died from gunshots; at least 12 died from behaviors amounting to torture or other serious ill-treatment; approximately 16 from lack of adequate medical care; at least tw


normal behaviour, prisoners are always being raped and beaten. it’s standard jail usually they suicide by hanging themselves. it’s all under the government and or the laws control always has been.

Last edited 19 days ago by Allegedly

sounds like guantanamo or abu ghraib. worse things happen every day in the zionist gulag.

Italy Libia Hero

on some occasions, almasri was present when guards beat or shot inmates. he reportedly ordered guards to beat inmates in a manner that ensured that the injuries were not visible. he also reportedly punished guards who were helping inmates contact their families. based on the material provided by the prosecution, the majority of judges “find reasonable grounds to believe that mr. almasri


they use wet newspapers rolled up or bags of oranges for that. standard mafia style “teaching lessons”


pay up eurohuren. we need your money to buy greenland ,finance israel’s gaza tax free, new beach front real estate and the attack on iran.

Shlomo's little weenie

and . . . as some of the maga’s are getting a little confused now, they ask ‘what’s in it for us oh messiah ?. . .” , he replies “thou shall go to heaven soon in everlasting bliss “.

and, their simple minds are at rest . . . 😇


rigged votes by the nazi party south fronts favourite


europe can indeed pay 5% of gdp for military expansion. and they can buy american petroleum and gas and weapons to correct the trade imbalance. it’s time they paid american back for decades of protection. and just like ronald reagan creating a military funding contest with the ussr which had very productive consequences, so too will this funding contest pay the west great dividends.


greenland’s fate is in the hands of greenlanders. let them decide what deal they want. texas and alaska are great places to live and thrive. resource rich states enjoy the fruits of their natural abundance. each individual greenlander can ride such a deal to personal wealth. great opportunity. great time to be a greenlander.


move. before there goes the neighbourhood sets in.

Conman Z

here’s why,” mollie hemingway calls out the massive secret weapon serving d… you tube. and she doesn’t really call it what it is, she obfuscate into vague denials instead talking about the democrats she won’t admit the truth she knows they hate it. imo. and it’s all over the world the sane mob all running nv every bureaucracy and private corporations all in it together to deceive the world imo

Conman Z

here’s why,” mollie hemingway calls out the massive secret weapon serving d… you tube. and she doesn’t really call it what it is, she obfuscate into vague denials instead talking about the democrats she won’t admit the truth she knows they hate it. imo. and it’s all over the world the same mob all running every bureaucracy and private corporations all in it together to deceive the world

Conman Z

imo every tv station radio news running all the schools unis colleges running science law healthcare education banking insurance the military, the arts entertainment, the whole lot. and no one will tell the truth. imo. from my enquiries and observations over 15 years

Conman Z

it’s actually very cleverly co ordinated produced and directed they play it like a chess board so they’re all the same set but enact as if opposing. cover both sides crime and punishment justice injustice etcetera so the actors, the pieces don’t even know what they’re really doing. imo. they play them all so well.

Conman Z

eg pop stars england’s females 1960s dusty biggest selling artist before the beatles , lulu cilla, all catholic. anerican 70s ronstatd, biggest selling female, then debby harry, then madonna, all catholics.

Last edited 19 days ago by Conman Z
Conman Z

actresses liz taylor converted to catholic to marry nicky hilton, zsa zsa gabor catholic, oh almost all of them the exceptions garland, monroe. basically and even monroe ( converted to jew for marriage to miller) married catholic hero di maggio . and garland married catholic minelli .grace kelly catholic married prince rainier catholic. etc etc etc etc.

Conman Z

both sides, every angle all the bases eg manson family murders sharon tate catholic jay sebring catholic abigail folger catholic and i think the polish boy too was also, and the next nights victims the la biancas catholic even the boy just visiting the tate rental to see the “caretaker” . all of them its not coincidence imo.

Conman Z

right now diddy s making news catholic. went to mount saint michael catholic college. etc etc etc ad infinitum

Conman Z

hemingway himself converted to catholicism at 19. fox news is almost 100% catholic and so on the most influential members of both republican and democratic party are catholics. blah blah blah black sheep have you any wool…

Ramses 11

no coincidence boris johnson ,first openly catholic pm of england simultaneously with catholics biden trudeau macron many european leaders including germany’s, former nato leader ,who claims i’m.not catholic like others do , buf went to the oldest catholic school.in.the world and says, “i only feel the presence of god in.church”

Ramses 11

and the others who say they aren’t now somehow have wives and kids who are , like trump .fauci pelosi pence pompeo schwab oh just might as well say 90 % .imo even pharoah after all rome conquered egypt ..

As the World Churns

anonymous, we can identify you simply by your chain posting habit. we don’t even have to read your drivel. you are, as they say… transparently anonymous.


you should not have access to the internet when you’re on a jenkem binge. elizabeth taylor was married to conrad hilton, and was divorced from him in very short order. she later converted to judaism and married at least two jews.

As the World Churns

i suspect that when anonymous goes on his multiple pseudonym binge, he’s pretty close to popping his cork. the man is obviously not well, said the farmer in the dell.

Bugs Bunny

all true but following his antics is a lot like an easter egg hunt with elmer fudd.

Shlomo's little weenie

‘imo’. . . . . back at it eh ? 💩💩💩🪠


rubbish its the property of the king.

As the World Churns

come one, come all… either trump will plant the natives in an oklahoma reservation or make greenland the casino capital of the world.


pigs arse its all privatised profits to the elite not the west.


you mean decades of protection racket. the cold war “funding contest” did have super productive consequences. the us became a shithole country.


it might also be noted all these self committing economic suicide leaders in europe were installed by the biden administration and the obama administration. this whole false climate agenda is pushed to drive companies away from europe to the united states and economically bankrupt europe and vassalize it to the us. its the kissinger heartland theory that is taking place here. the usa and its jews dont want a wealthy europe with good russian trade relations.

Last edited 18 days ago by Thehandrubbingjews

yes, they need to be good obedient little vassals and learn to love licking chumpo’s boots.

Just me

the rearmament of europe is the goal of the agenda… trump is just the puppet who is supposed to make it look like a natural development. trump is an idiot who says things like “superhypersonic” and other such nonsense.


the trouble with businessmen is they’re compulsive obsessed about profits imo. they don’t realize they’re obsessed that’s the problem they think they’re normal and that thinking has been normalised. that’s the real issue, the belief that money can solve everything as if god.


correction as if pharoahs debt slave purchase master plan the final pharoanic family solution to their pyramid ponsi scam. imo

Last edited 19 days ago by Allegedly

and as we know no amount of unlimited money which is the reality of fiat and now even more so with crypto, has ever or ever will solve hunger starvation poverty crime war disease inequality, because they won’t allow it. never. they’re liars which is proven by observation beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever imo.

theold wise orangegutan

it’s super duper hypersonic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious you idiot.


not at all. the forcing them to take taxpayers money and hand it over to raytheon boeing and lockheed is imo

cosmic dwarf

european rearmament is inevitable. they can’t remain cucked, pacifist, weed smoking, tree hugging, welfare queen buggerers forever.


eu -> pay israël -> don’t pay

stupo mctaco

in my germ colony we like bend over service amerikunt

Conman Z

in your german colony for hitler.

Degeneration Of Russia

electricity prices in europe are constantly rising and renewables are losing ground. russia has been excluded from the european energy markets and russia’s fossil energy sector faces a golden future despite this. the energy transition is at a standstill – and the eu is still a neanderthal.

Degeneration Of Russia

electricity prices in europe have gone down and renewables are winning. russia has been kicked out from european energy markets and russia’s fossile energy sector will face really grim future. energy transition goes on – russia is becoming neanderthal.


“electricity prices down in europe ” since when ???? i live in the uk and they are rising steadily every day people are dying from being unable to afford us fracked lpg at 4.5 times what a us citizen pays who says -the office of national statistics and economic observatory to levels not seen in 40 years .

Fedor von Bock

….der typ ist scheinbar ein ukro oder ein russe, vom europäischen energiemarkt hat er jedenfalls überhaupt keine ahnung! ich zahle mittlerweile 95.-euro monatlich, tendenz weiter steigend.

deutschland steckt in der schwersten energiekrise seiner geschichte, deutsche konzerne verlassen in massen das land in richtung usa oder china, selbst nach polen oder lateinamerika!

wir erleben gerade den anfang vom ende des industriestandortes deutschland!

Jack Bugner

russian energy was never cheap to europe. eu countries paid 500-530 € per 1000 m3 russian pipeline gas. it is 4 times more expensive to generate electricity by using russian gas than using solar and wind power. no wonder countries not using natural gas at all have cheapest electricity.


jack bugner uk boxer are you punch drunk ? germany thrived on cheap russian gas/oil etc now america has blown up ns1 its in crisis factories moving to the usa you sound like one of boris johnstone,s new starts in his many paid poster propaganda units dotted about the uk.

Flatulence is the Future

bugger… it’s fart gas that’s the eu’s future. just put a ventilation hood over brussels and they’ll even become net exporters in no time at all.


yes and no the whole scams to get the dead shuts to demand nuclear 2power plants for the profits of the uranium mine owners. take a guess who. imo

Last edited 19 days ago by Allegedly

double the price as last year in sweden. you lie so blue flames flow out of your mouth.


in case you haven’t noticed, it’s ukraine’s generations that are degenerating while accelerating. the 18-25 yr olds are next on the chopping block, if they can catch them.


europe and america are importing more energy from russia than ever. they just do it through indian and chinese middlemen at a fat mark up who are laughing all the way to the bank. europe imports more lng from russia than it does from the us. without blended tussian oil the us would have no diesel. all the green crap and global warming mumbo jumbo are just a colossal boondoggle – an utterly pointless waste of colossal amounts of money.


that’s why they are frantically trying to repair nordstream, which was only built as a favour to germany. the german economy and the rest of the eu are collapsing. good luck with all those windmills.


pigs arse. the taxpayers of europe will now be paying up to the military industrialists for greater destructive forces to be unleashed in europe. who then will secure all of the reconstruction contracts under their other identities too.. and all the health care profits. even the coffins all of it. and the rebirthing profits everything and they ll say, wasn’t us ai did it it and the”aliens”, thing 1 and thing 2 says the cat in the hat.imo.

Jack Bugner

europe must cut ties to all russian influence including energy and raw material. let russia become china’s street bitch.


it already has, in obedience to its us overlords. and as a result it is becoming an impoverished, deindustrialised, irrelevant backwater. good luck with all those windmills.


well said anon and the truth.


so it’s no threat to whom?


meanwhile vd leyen, bareback and the rest of that corrupt and pampered ilk have been telling people to wipe themselves down with a wet rag instead of taking showers and go out to collect firewood to keep warm, and stop washing their clothes. volkswagen, mercedes, basf, bayer and every other business in the eu is closing down bankrupt or relocating abroad. being a us vassal comes with a high price rag.

Flatulence is the Future

bugger, bugger… have you no sugar? sour balls will make your face wrinkly and old and leave you in the frosty cold.

Jack Bugner

it’s easy to see that all friends russia has in europe are tiny groups of right wing fascists or old dying stalinists. russia itself is of course a fascist nation led by imperialistic fascists.


like the afd, biggest party in germany. like le pen, biggest party in france. like orban and fico, winning multiple elections hands down. the oh-so-democratic eu is threatening to cancel elections in germany like it just has in romania. the right wing fascists can be found in lvov and kiev and getting standing ovations in the canadian parliament.


and what is the ukraine, shit-cock?


corporatism which in the 1930s whilst everyone was watching the movie called adolf s ascent was globalised by making every government a corporation meant fascism become globalised as every corporate government had to be subject to corporate law, not the will of its people. they all became frauds right then. imo

The Iceman Cometh

yeah, but those banderites sure do like their nazi tattoos. c+ for that old reform school try though.


“security” by finance neo-nazis ?!! europe should not pay for the nazi “us” destroy europe, and started a mass murder in ukraine. get the murderer trump hanged instead. they have slimy snails of different color every 4 years, which should profit on the latest mass murder. hang the infantile quisling regimes which have mass murder in the hospitals. throw the occupants out. arm greenland. blow up the “us” base there.


rigged votes they only approve anti american anti semitic comments here

Shlomo's little weenie

and your troll-bot shit. 💩💩💩🪠


having looted the rest of the planet for decades, the jewsa is now pillaging the most servile vassals of its extended empire. “you gotta pay! you gotta pay us for your protection! you gotta buy our lng for 4 times as much!” a terrorist gangster regime that invades and bombs scores of countries across the planet, murdering, starving and immiserating hundreds of millions of people. a vile, saranic regime 100 x worse than the 3rd reich at its worst.


yes anon as i always say the americans run their satrap countries just like the mafia -“do as i say –or else ” the usa is the world mafia.


no you’re describing the empire the sun never set on and the spanish with its south american latinos. show me anywhere that speaks hebrew not english or spanish.

Conan M

so this is supposed to allay any concerns that trump essentially is saying to western europe, if you want to pay for wwiii we the u.$.a. are on board as long as you “bring it”… otherwsie go “pound some sand”???… president pootie-poot must be so relieved!…

Last edited 19 days ago by Conan M

inferior puerile amerikunt konan envious

Conan M

when pootie-poot announces russia’s complete separation from the un, imf, world bank and opec he can call the rest of u$ in amerika “inferior puerile amerikunt konan envious”… until that day and date he and his government are treasonous western zi0ni$t bitches to the “rule of law”!…

Last edited 18 days ago by Conan M
Shlomo's little weenie

interesting. you know, i’ve got a feeling that a lot of people in the donbass have put 2 and 2 together over time and come to your conclusions. i’ll bet igor gurkin (strelkov) has. where’s he sitting now ?

donny trump

submissive weak western europe lick my boot —u cowards have zero integrity


one big problem with the russia economy was always the brain drain. immigration from central asia helped a bit to balance, but the gap is still there. lack of man power. which will increase even more after april of this year, because the federal government introduced tougher laws against immigrants.


this law will open even more the gap specially in the construction sector. plus, it will also have negative impact on demographics. and dont come with your “immigrants = crime bs” russia is one of the safest countries on the planet. only 1% of the immigrants commit crime. most of them (specially asians are hardworking).


with the eu’s industrial base collapsing and it’s population impoverished, no amount of trump pressure is going to get them to cough up what he wants.

the eu will collapse in 5 years, and then the usa will have no one to leach upon.

Last edited 19 days ago by LoveTheSmellofBurntUkrainian
Stupo von Germ

we ruin our economy our social benefits cuz we are amerikunt colony

Stupo von Germ

and i love to lick lloyd austin dirty ass hole until it’s clean

Paul Citro

an import tax on luxury goods is genius. the wealthy hate paying income tax but they don’t blink at paying a thousand dollars for shoes or a bottle of wine.


slimy snails like trump and bill gates should get hanged before they reach their first million, or kill the first hospital visitor. they are dead men walking, undead vampires. blow up the atlantic cables ! i partly like russia’s approach, kill them as long they want it ! they have only target the wrong coordinates, the source to the mayhem are “us”.

Conan M

can’t wait for the russian federation’s response to the pictures out of gaza that resemble a “trail of tears” and final solution “stunning images show tens of thousands of gazans returning to destroyed homes on foot” reminiscent of the cleansing campaign by the transvestite zi0ni$t leader to rid ukraine of russian speech and russian religion…

Last edited 18 days ago by Conan M
Conan M

…i’m certain pootie-poot will make sure to aggrandize his wealth by making more deals to distance russia from the genocide in the me especially syria in return for keeping natostan “away” from it’s borders with ukraine.

Last edited 18 days ago by Conan M
the narrative

last time i looked the constitution of the united states has no mention of europe except to withdraw. also haveing read it several times, i see no mention of israel.

Peter Jennings

the trumpster thinks that the usadmin has been protecting europe since 1945. ukraine recently came under that nato ‘protection’ and now it’s a ruin. fancy that?

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