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On February 18th, the first substantive negotiations at the official level between Moscow and Washington began in Riyadh. A Russian delegation headed by the Foreign Minister Lavrov is meeting the US delegation headed by Secretary of State Rubio.
The Russian delegation came to listen to proposals from the American side, while Moscow stayed still on its demands supported by victories and dominance of the Russian army on the battlefields, despite all the multi-billion dollar aid from the West to the Kiev regime.
From a tactical point of view, Trump could be satisfied with a prolonged smoldering Ukrainian conflict, which the United States could make money from. Trump honestly declared that he would allow European countries to purchase weapons from the American military-industrial complex for supplies to Ukraine. Fighting between the EU and Ukraine against Russia with American weapons that would not interrupt the extraction of rare metals would be well acceptable for Washington.
However, as a part of his geopolitical strategy, Trump’s interest is not limited to Ukraine, and the ongoing negotiations in Riyadh go far beyond the Ukrainian conflict. The main objective of the meeting is claimed to be the “real normalization” of relations between the two states.
The peace talks in Saudi Arabia may well become the base for a new system of international security.
Moscow insists that creating a ceasefire along the current front line in Ukraine will not solve the underlying problems that made this war possible. The future Ukraine should be a demilitarized, neutral state that does not belong to any blocs or alliances. Kiev has irretrievably lost the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhie regions, and Moscow denies any territorial concessions.
The parameters of peace in Ukraine are yet to be outlined, however it is already clear that together with Kiev, the European warmongers are already losing this war. All the sides agree that Europe has nothing to do at the negotiating table.
Humiliated European leaders got together in Paris to discuss their strategic sovereignty. Rumors about the possible deployment of their military in Ukraine resumed amid European attempts to play the strong card; but the vanity of European warmongers faces crucial challenges, including the absence of consensus on any decision to make, absence of all the necessary means to gain back their role on the international sphere and complete dependence on the US military. Europe is decades away from any military strategic sovereignty and their support to Kiev can change nothing without Washington.
While Europe is hysterically looking for lost glory, Kiev keeps fighting in the media. Zelensky definitely struck an uncompromising pose, refusing to recognize the negotiations in Riyadh, signed an agreement with the United States on rare earth elements, and raised the stakes by demanding that the Russian military withdraw to the borders. But Kiev only says out loud what it is allowed to say.
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the lithium is russias now. cope. thats not going to change
there’s tonnes of lithium around they use all that crap as decoys to cover their tracks. the only real shortage atm is fertiliser for their gmo crops so they hide that.
☁ smoke ☁ rises in odessa, ⚡ power ⚡ outages are reported in several districts 🇺🇦 = 🤡 🖕😆🖕
and they can hardly get it repaired anymore, the specialized staff and engineers have already fled from zelenskyi and his convocations
blablabla as usual you’re off the chart with whatever daft ideas you harbour inside your skull!
senator graham crack head very upset
trump… but, but, our lithium, we blew billions
come one, they had it mountains in afghanistan.
it’s all over the place they just lie about everything. imo
ukrainian air defense shot down 106 of 97 drones overnight 🤣🤣🤣
i’m beginning to think trump just used that as a ploy to flush out zelensky’s bullshit. too much blood in his stool anyway, for the world to not have noticed.
oh yeah? next zio target is tehran. and they will pump up depleted magazines of ammo and manpower to fukraine. and they’ll replenish that in 3, 4, 5 years time.
well who knows if you know that zionism. isn’t really about israel but is in fact saturn worship. if you know why the vatican’s courtyard is a massive sun dial then you’re right. otherwise no, your e not.
fucking malfunctioning brains.
he’s the resident retard
you insult retards like me
one of many on this forum.
then iran has “3, 4, 5 years” to build nukes, then let them try.
iran already has nukes
unproved assumption. if iran had it then the western pro zionist msm would be all over it like a rash, and nuttyyahoo would be demanding israel’s bitches aka the usa to bomb tehran and other military targets.
un spin in coasta. nu ar accepta nimeni. vedem cat mai rezista frontul. peste 4 ani, alt presedinte, alta confruntare. au timp sa stranga bombe. precedentul comportanent imi spune ca iar se cumpara timp.
to set up the united global kingdom. under the pope as the universal rule of law so the ayatollah has to go. imo allegedly. its pretty blatant.
here get real. “astonishing :elon musks doge exposes age range in social security…” you tube understand the democrats aka catholics party, just like australias labor party, versus republican monarchist protestant, just like australias liberal party and the sane everywhere, but they hate the truth, we’re set up to be over 80% of bureaucratic bosses in america decades ago. ok? do you start to see the picture? how to bankrupt your target from within??? wakey wakey. imo allegedly.
and don’t think hail maria st bart iromo s going to blow the whistle either. her family fortune came from the pizza shop they own. they worked really hard as you do making pizzas.
here again another story you msm types with your patron saints won’t expose. “why hasn’t politician who sold out australia been criminally prosecuted?” you tube. really that was catholic prime minister gough whitlam. but they won’t tell you that. imo allegedly.
and if you think it’s not significant, if you think religions not significant, then you’re plain stupid here, who are the most famous clowns on the world’s stage from the 1900s? the rat pack. ok leader of the pack sin atra whose mummy was famous as the illegal back yard abortionist, sammy davis jnr, who was a member of the church of satan and a knight of columbus, dean martin, italian irish catholic, and joey joseph bishop, a jew grew up in italian catholic values community. “
“joey bishop final interview confirms what we suspected” you tube. i almost forgot peter lawford, whose english parents arrive as undocumented illegal immigrants and nothing was ever done about it.? he married jfks sister..
this sums up sinatra imo judy garland, who was a lways ripped off ( for hundreds of millions) was bring harassed by a hotelier where she she couldn’t pay the bill, because her manager ripped her off again, ( and no lawyers would ever represent her) so she rang her” good friend “frank. minutes later heaps if cops poured in to enforce the law, and he rings judy and say’s” how do you like that kid? ” as if he d done her a favour.
dumb amerikunt tiresome
anonymous parasite is fringe burger type
but here’s the news . capital letters. course sf edit every comment and won’t allow anyone’s speech to interfere with their composition controls, only they can use a keyboard. anyway here’s the historical story for this centuries future “largest money laundering scheme in history has been uncovered by….” you tube. aka, there’s a sucker born every second when we all work together to rip them all off for our gain. imo allegedly. we love family values so enriching for our culture.
continues with another you tube understated heading do they hate the truth too ? karoline levitt trump is the first president to do this. you tube and there’s little saint peter doocy revealing the us treasuries secretly paid out almost 5 trillion in a way that can’t be traced
as if it’s 80 % ” incompetence” what a load of **it. always the same always the opposite ” if they’re that incompetent how did they ever graduate high school???? get real melon. imo
listen to poxy foxy passive aggressively subversively hijack the real story as usual. imo typical. totally.
hijack the real story, like you hijack this forum and turn it into your personal vomitorium?
looks like the zio troll has got verbal diarrhoea.
who ended up with that ukrainian flag signed by dozens of neo-nazi groups that pelosi waved around in congress? they might want to deep six it, or if’s pelosi, take a hammer to it.
not sure if the eu had anything new or different to offer towards these discussions. if starmer was in a better position perhaps he could ‘make europe great again’! alas, the british left psuedo-europe behind a while back, pulling out of the eurozone for good so it can’t happen anytime soon.
burger species humiliated by russia relegated to taliban group therapy begging for tacos from superior jews
many piece of former ukraine now permanently russia—nato humiliated…the entire nato created war has enhanced russias prestige economy culture unity resolve territory concomitantly degraded the credibility of nato paper tiger squirrels
western leftish ‘newspapers’ here in britain like the independent and guardian, and of course rupert murdoch’s sun are still going after russia and putin in particular.
my new name is jens holm—i am not squirrel
your name is jens holm and your the forum’s sexually degenerate jewish troll.
zelensky deport me–now i am jens holm retired hotel janitor in denmark
i want my graham cracker from zelensky
shake your booty and lindsay will come running.
pieces of ukraine–my policy yields fruit for russia–i gud dumb uki-amerikunt