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MARCH 2025

“Peaceful” Migrants Set Greek Border Fence On Fire, While Speaking Perfect Turkish And Having Guns

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"Peaceful" Migrants Set Greek Border Fence On Fire, While Speaking Perfect Turkish And Having Guns

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The migrant crisis along the Greek-Turkish border appears to be exacerbating, and mostly due to Ankara’s rhetoric and presumed actions.

A video surfaced, purportedly showing migrants, who speak perfect Turkish, and also are armed.

The migrants are attempting to set the border fence on fire and are then throwing stones at the fire truck that’s putting it out.

Prior to that, on the evening between March 6th – 7th, there were clashes between migrants and Greek border guards, with the migrants chanting “Allahu Akbar.”

Meanwhile, in a “friendly push” for the migrants, Turkish security officers are shooting cannisters with tear gas towards the Greek border guard.

The Turkish security forces are also doing their best to motivate the migrants in a search for a brighter future, as the video below shows:

Meanwhile, Turkey is ramping up its accusatory rhetoric.

A Turkish jurists group has slammed the EU for violating the rights of asylum seekers flocking to the Turkish-Greek border.

“EU countries announced that they support Greece’s human rights violations under the pretext of protecting its borders,” Necati Ceylan, head of Turkey’s International Jurist Union said.

Asylum seekers flocking to the Turkish-Greek borders caused great panic in the governments of European Union countries, he said.

“The United States and EU countries stress the possibility of asylum seekers coming to their countries and affecting their economic well-being, so they do not see asylum seekers as people,” he said.

This proves that the EU talk of values and human rights is empty, he argued.

In a statement to the CNN International network, Communication Director Fahrettin Altun responded to claims by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis that Ankara is “assisting” thousands of migrants on its border get into Europe.

“We categorically reject Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ allegations and we are deeply concerned about the ill treatment of, and the use of lethal force against, refugees by this country’s law enforcement and border security agents,” Altun said.

He said Turkey hosts more refugees than any other country and has been a “bulwark against irregular migration from Syria and elsewhere.”

Meanwhile, Turkey also maintains that the EU has failed to fulfill its obligations under the 2016 migrant deal, but doesn’t mention that Ankara also appears to be in default of its commitments.

The situation is similar to the Sochi agreement being entirely unfulfilled by Turkey for nearly 2 years, but it denying its non-compliance.

“The European Union has failed to keep its promises, including financial aid and voluntary humanitarian admission, under the 2016 agreement. As a result, Turkey had to divert its resources away from stopping the refugee flow to Europe and instead prepare for a potential influx from Idlib. Instead of playing the blame game, we urge Greece and the rest of the international community to address the root cause of irregular migration, namely the ongoing civil war in Syria.”

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry also issued a statement accusing the EU of not keeping its promises:

“Instead of accusing Turkey, the EU should first keep its promises, apply itself to the March 18 [2016 EU-Turkey refugee] Agreement as a whole,” the ministry said.

“It clearly shows that the European Union still cannot grasp the extraordinary burden and efforts that our country faces in migration and security issues,” it said in the statement that underlined that Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world with the best intentions. “To accuse a country of using immigration for a political purpose is a new indicator of the hypocritical approach we have been exposed to for years” and the EU essentially makes the issue “political material.”

“It is also exemplary for the EU to back up Greece, which violates international law and human rights and deems proper all kinds of torture to innocent people who come to its borders, contradicting its principles and values,” it said.


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Mustafa Mehmet

They been in Turkey since the Syrian war started what you expect of course they can speak Turkish to

Ice Icegold

Fuck you

Mustafa Mehmet

Mind the language now f*** you too

Ice Icegold

Mind the borders of your neighbors ! You stupid bastard.

Mustafa Mehmet

fillfy Cockroaches

Simplekindof Man

Yea the language bothers you. Retarded fuckup.

Legis Legis Juscius

but heir are not syrians you fool, all this numbers 3.6 mln syrians are bulshit

Mustafa Mehmet

What you trying to say girl can you repeat yourself. Jelly brain

Legis Legis Juscius

we will hunt you dogs one by one in EU

Rafik Chauhan

then get the hell out of Syria and let Syrian get back to the country. Tell your pig Erdogon who is slave of israelis . Erdogon supporting terriost that’s why civilian are fleeing Syria . now take the brunt of it.

Mustafa Mehmet

Clever rafik why they fleeing towards Turkey instead of somewhere else because they running away from dictator butcher

Traiano Welcome

Maybe the armed Turkish goons chasing them towards the border have something to do with it. Have you thought about that?

Mustafa Mehmet

Only the Greek waving a gun Killing Innocent refugees which is there good at killing innocent people

Traiano Welcome

Really? Then why are they waving guns?

Ceasar Polar

You know why everyone on this earth call you roaches ?


They were peaceful until they got shot at.


And tear gased too.


What goes around comes around

Ice Icegold

It goes up your arse


Keep hammering these r3t4ds my dude. Where the hell do these f8cks come from??

Ice Icegold

Fuck you too.

Assad must stay

This is like revenge for europe for funding and arming jihadis in libya and syria and elsewhere hahahaha


Europe is getting what they were blackmailed to pay the US for. Had Europe had the collective courage to say NO to the Zionist US wars of choice ,there would have been NO floods of migrants invading Europe.

The Zionists have got what they wanted. A ruined Middle East and a ruined EU.

Ceasar Polar

They can’t say no to the zionists, they hold their money-printing machines. Plus any EU-politician that goes against the main zionist propaganda, their carrier stops right there. Same for Canada.


Mossad also has incriminating videos of many politicians ‘entertaining’ children.


You mean like the one Putz Putin has of Daddy Dearest Trump Schtupping an underage Ivanka?


If Jews were as powerful and diabolical as you and yours claim, you and they would be long gone. So the simple fact that you are still around, proves beyond doubt that your claims are wrong.

Ceasar Polar

Who do you think i am ? The zionist agenda is against the whole earth, they want more deaths, and mass-depopulation. You are probably on their agenda for de-population, and yet you are taking the ZioNazi’s defense. Hope coronaChan visits your house.

Assad must stay

perhaps but it hasnt gone exactly how they wanted it lately ;)


This is what all the EU leaders anti Russia and China hysteria is all about. NATO never dreamed that President Assad would still be leading the courageous sons and daughters of Syria 9 years after the NATO attempts to install a pet Head Chopper regime in Syria.

Assad must stay

Nope, and I for one am very happy that things have not gone their way hahahaha


Yeah but the countries that are the most to blame are the ones that are further away from the place where the real battle is taking place. France and UK are having Greece absorb a part of the backlash even though Greece didn’t do anything. BUT while Greece and most other countries (Bulgaria, Serbia and others in south-eastern Europe) didn’t do anything they are still guilty of being silent cowards who just look the other way while FUKUS Israeli servile block terrorists are destroying sovereign countries.

Assad must stay

thats true, hopefully the real culprits get what they deserve


We should send Greece 5M Palis if they love them so much, put them all in boats and send them to the Agean Sea. Where is Smoking Man? I’m sure he can host some of them in his place.

Lazy Gamer

For many times Israel’s people were refugees. The last time was just around 70+ years ago that your predecessors were refugees


And did we do terror attacks against the host countries? look at refugees today and compare them to the Jews lived there 75 years ago.

Lazy Gamer

The Israelites slaughtered the canaanites… lol


Those were the Israelites and not the Israelis. And kind of a stretch to look back a few millennia to what some people did under the direction and command of God.


LOL youre literally genociding your host country!


No genocide and no attacks against a host country. Try to get the basics correct.


“And did we do terror attacks against the host countries?”



And where was that?


Who said I had a problem with them? Israel has the legal right to kill them for their terrorist acts. Simple as that. No problem.


The most famous one was the King David hotel bombing.

John Wallace

The King David Hotel bombing was a terrorist attack carried out on Monday, July 22, 1946, by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organization the Irgun on the British administrative headquarters Ignorance seems to be your forte.


The issue was terrorist acts against a host country. The Mandate was NOT part of Britain so that bombing was against a colonial occupying power, not against a host country. Try to get the basics correct.

John Wallace

That was just to draw attention to The Irgun committing terrorist acts as this was just one of many and the beginning of many assassinations in many countries including innocent civilians.


They did as did the ITA and every other national liberation movement. At least their

John Wallace

So why do you have a problem with Palestinians when they try and return the favor.


Who said I had a problem with them? Israel has the legal right to kill them for their terrorist acts. Simple as that. No problem…

Rafik Chauhan

yes till now you are doing terror attack


Well, only when need be against those who deserve it?

Traiano Welcome

Yes. The proof is in the historical record.

Jaime Galarza

Irgun? Stern gang? Didn’t Einstein called Begin a terrorist?


Those acts were against a colonial power, Britain. It was not against a host country. The Mandate was not part of the country of Britain.

Ceasar Polar

You did worst, you stole the land of your most friendly host country, and now you are committing genocide against that same people. Go back to Europe and leave Palestine already.


What host country was that? There was no host country there at the time. It was a British protectorate (colony) which had been taken from the Ottoman Empire. What Genocide? The non-Jewish Arab population in Israel is way greater today than before there was an Israel. Over 20% of Israeli citizens are non-Jewish Arabs, almost 2 million people. Some genocide. Oh, the indigenous Jews of Arab and other Muslim areas now are almost a majority of the Jews in Israel. Try to get the basics correct

Ceasar Polar

Fuck off, and screw their brits with their enforced will on the planet. The biggest zionist supporters are the freemason brits. They will end up in hell, with their ZioNazi friends. From 1947 to 1967 1.5 Million Palestinians were GENOCIDED. Until this day, Palestinians are still persecuted, killed (on live Tv), and kids put in jail. I will give you a flash news, NEVER israHellis will live in peace in Palestine. They will always live in fear of being killed by brave Palestinians. Go back and Europe, your homeland. Oh no, europe tried to genocide your people that is why you stealing Palestinian’s land/history/people ? Dont worry all that was a HOLOHOAX, so dont worry you will be save in europe, just leave PALESTINE asap. Or live in fear/anxiety for the rest of your life.

Lazy Gamer

EU has to coordinate with russia and syria. Some cities in the south would be good spots ready for resettlement. In the meantime, the jihadis must be separated from the refugees.


At this point of escalation one has to ask: When will things be at the point that the protectors on the Greek side will have no more means than to use regular ammunition and kill a hundred of these aggressors? These images are scenes of a war supported by the powergreedy Turkey “Fuhrer” to destabilize the EU-zone and go ahead with the Islamisation of Europe. The situation at the Evros-Border (and probably on other hotspots) is: They now create something like concentration camps at the fences. They do it by forcing the “refugees” (most of them Afghans) to the fence and closing up any way to go back to Turkeystan by police and their glorious military. Erdogan shows up to everybody’s eyes as a warmonger.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

So where is Nato defending the Greek border (therefore Greek territorial sovereignty) from being violated by another countries deliberate political policy?


Nato is in tel aviv, spreading its ass cheeks for kike diks, and paying them for the experience


NATO exists only to keep Europe suckling at Washington’s teat, not to defend Europe from any real threats.

Ice Icegold

Fuck erdodog


Under the agreement, those whose asylum applications were rejected from refugees who reached Greece after midnight Sunday will be sent back to Turkey.

In return, European Union countries will take refugees from Turkey to their countries.

The agreement will provide financial support to Turkey and speed up negotiations for full membership with the EU.

Turkey took in refugees and what the fuck did Europe do????

Simplekindof Man

You are repeating your fake news media narrative nothing new – move along.


Turkey did what it had to do. The European Union has not fulfilled any of the agreement. Europe is racially inhumane. Law and civilization are supposed to be in Europe.


Keep whining turkish b1tch


Greece does not have to take anyone , but it is a member of the European Union and the chamber has ratified this agreement. Greece is committing inhumane acts at the border. They strip people naked and leave them back in the Aegean.

Porc Halal

They want everybody to hate them…It’s like the turkbastards are asking for their on extintion…um, okay…

Porc Halal

PS… turkish secret services ops in action…fucking islamo-fascist bastards!!

Xoli Xoli

This are Turkish opposition fighters fleeing Erdogan tyrant rule in Turkey.

The Objective

Turkey’s exit from NATO will be a welcomed development. That will Further align Turkey with Russia and China which I think will be a better alliance for Turkey. Turkey will still be opposed to Assad though, because Assad won’t agree to a peace deal that will see the return of refugees and a nationwide election observed by the U.N. Assad once insisted that any future election in Syria will be monitored only by countries invited by the Assad regime. That means countries critical of Assad will not be invited. This is clearly a recipe for election malpractice. Although Turkey should exit NATO, it should not give up the fight for the rights of the majority Sunnis of Syria who are ruled brutally by the minority Alawi sect. There should be proportionate representation of all parties in any future Syrian government – something I can’t see Assad willingly agreeing to. I think both Russia and Turkey will work to prevent further deterioration in relations between them, but the issue of Idblib will be solved when Assad agrees to a fair deal that returns Syria’s refugees, followed by a credible election nationwide. Short of this, Assad can kiss the idea of unifying Syria under his rule good bye.


The Turkish Objective To excuse its invasion of Syria as “saving Syrian refuges”, and then driving radicals dressed as ‘economic migrants’ across the border into Greece and Europe. The fact of the matter is Syria would be happy to have its people back, but no opportunity is allowed. Rather than negotiate with Greece to act as a middle man, a proxy army of “migrants” is driven to attack Greece. Turkey has declared war on Europe.


Expect the immigrants to be armed very soon, with Turkish vehicles and drones, invade Greece through the Turkish border and then, ask for a 30-km buffer zone inside Greece. The Turks will then send their army into this buffer zone to ensure the safety of the immigrants. And then if Greece fights back, Turkey will invoke Article 5.


If he can, Erdo will actually do that :)

Erdo could mobilise the million or more Turks in the EU as well :)

Legis Legis Juscius

I guees we need to start hunting turks from now in EU one by one?

Simplekindof Man

And DW BBC SKY etc will call them “moderate opposition”?

Legis Legis Juscius

Turkey is fucked, the pay day for amrenians, greek, asyrian, crhistian genocide for turks are coming, soon they will feel what greeks and armenians felt….this turkish ocupants killed 2,5 mln people, fck from syria of, syrians already told you they dont want your ”help”….turkus should go away with their sunni extremists groups, who are comiting genocide against syrains and kurds now…

Rafik Chauhan

EU should talk to Syria and Russia and facilate thier return and instead of giving money to Erdogon terriost give to Syria so they can build houses and give them job in Syria. EU giving money to Erdogon and he is buying weopeons for terriost.

Mustafa Mehmet

So you can gas them

Legis Legis Juscius

every turk occupant to gas, its a great idea

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Go fuck a corpse Musthaveashit, your goat fucking culture will be sent back to Central Asia.

Simplekindof Man

Your retarded police throws gas and kicks them in the back- typical Turkish style-while your neo ottonazi youth beats them when they return. It’s all out there,but I guess you watch “Erdo TV”

Ceasar Polar

I think the best reaction for EU would he to help Syria/Russia/Iran to free Idlib of roach-backed terrorists so that erdoCunt feels the heat at home.

Simplekindof Man

Turkey announced the removal of “immigrants” from the border and gave the turkey cost guard -yes the one which pushed boats to the Greek side and assisted them a few hours before- orders to stop all crossing attempts. “For their safety” I don’t think that’s got anything to do with upcoming meeting with that Merkel thing. Na… Meanwhile Soylu: “you have not seen anything yet” And teargas is falling like rain from the Turkish side,but the wind is SE with most gas going back at them.,? How retarded can a nation get? There is a video where a Turkish vessel harrases Greek coast guard- thank Europe for giving turkeys the money to buy them…..

Peter Jennings

Those Syrian’s who are in this migrant pack won’t want to return to Syria any time soon. They would prefer that their crimes are forgotten before returning to the land they once ruled over as traitors. That said there are probably very little deserving Syrians in the group.

Erdogan maybe thinks he can sneak a few thousands now unwanted terrorists across the border with their guns! He seems unaware that it is the EU who decide on the swamping their countries with unwanted low wage migrants, not Turkey and not Erdogan.

Erdogan will need to return to the drawing board. The Greeks ain’t having it.

Simplekindof Man

Thank god we have this government. The previous was left and anarchist supporting you could not imagine. IE.they would have opened the border guaranteed.

Simplekindof Man

Turkish coast guard trying to stop Greek CG from doing its job of rescue https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Iang97DCVYU

Mihail Mantakas

The European Union is flooded by a sort of neo-Visigoth invasion and this may be just a prelude. EU decision makers are so lost in space that they can not control the Fortress’s borders and desperately need this dodgy deal from 2016 with Sultan Erdogan. But at the same time this does not prevent them from being led by the United States into a new (cold) war with Russia.

Ceasar Polar

Time to kick Turkey out of NATO for using migrants as weapon against Europe. These are blatant proofs of over-passing the red-line

Simplekindof Man

Turkish army/police vehicle trying to destroy Greek border ,beating retreating “immigrant” etc https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rqHqU_vLucc#

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