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MARCH 2025

Pelosi Is A Beijing-Run Asset Who Enabled China’s Naval Siege Of Taiwan

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Pelosi Is A Beijing-Run Asset Who Enabled China's Naval Siege Of Taiwan

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Written by Yoichi Shimatsu

One of the questions related to Nancy Pelosi’s long drawn-out flight from Anderson air base to Taipei’s Taoyuan Airport is why didn’t the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLARF) dispatch its Sukhoi-30 or its top-of-line J-series fighter-jets to intercept her USA flight SPAR19 on a Boeing C-40C for a forced landing on Hainan Island, similar to the capture of a USN Aries surveillance plane on April Fools Day 2001? Or even easier, fire a DF antiaircraft missile from a partly submerged PLA Navy submarine? In the latter case of a clean kill, American military forces rushed to the South China Sea would have been helpless to prove that tiny bits of wreckage, if any at all, were due to a shoot-down.

Be very clear that the zigzag air-route taken by SPAR-19 did not fool Chinese radar tracking and radio intercepts, since every detail of the evasive stratagem had been conveyed to PLA intelligence by the Biden White House via its horde of liberal academics aka spooks from a U.S. consulate in China. Her itinerary was securely provided to Beijing central to avoid a terrible mishap, for example, a lone PLAF jet on patrol from a non-coastal airfield, for instance, near northern Vietnam in Kunming Province, sighting a fat easy target for one of his air-to-air missiles. Beijing certainly assured the CIA of Pelosi’s safety before her departure from Anderson.

The reason that the House Speaker was not either taken hostage or ruthlessly terminated is because Nancy Patricia Pelosi (nee D’Alesandro) is a deep-cover political asset of the Communist Party of China (CPC), along with her colleagues, the quisling President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, along with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and the missing-in-action failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The Democrat cabal were collectively and individually involved in receiving billions of dollars in CPC-sourced campaign funding funneled through San Francisco Bay Area Democrat branch, a flow of illegal contributions that reached crescendo during Hillary Clinton’s “shoo-in” presidential bid during the 2019 campaign against the maverick Donald Trump.

In return for the massive war-chest from Beijing, the Democrat leadership agreed to establish a special “China committee” inside the Democratic Party leadership to guide and direct American policy on China and the surrounding coastal region, especially in regard to the impending Handover of Taiwan. That was the dirty deal signed and sealed by Nancy Pelosi, the senior politician in the SF Bay Area Democrats, and by Jake Sullivan, who was Hillary’s campaign manager. That these sneaky batards are Manchurian candidates is without a shade of doubt, which raises hard questions of the actual underlying purpose of the traitor Pelosi’s sinister mission to betray of a naive Taiwan.

Pelosi Is A Beijing-Run Asset Who Enabled China's Naval Siege Of Taiwan

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Pelosi Is A Beijing-Run Asset Who Enabled China's Naval Siege Of Taiwan

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For verification purposes, I should note here that as the foreign journalism professor who helped to create the first-ever journalism schools in Chinese history in Hong Kong and Beijing, my sources on the secret Democrat-CCP relationship are impeccable. Throughout the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, I was the sole media pundit in China (indeed between Hawaii and the Middle East) to assert repeatedly in guest interviews on Chinese state media that Donald Trump would win the Midwest in a sweep to soundly defeat Hillary Clinton. The fact that my prediction proved 100 percent correct astonished the Chinese leadership, which had placed all its bets on Ms. Clinton and her Democratic Party winning the White House.

While I am on this topic, that is breaking the bad news of treason in high places, I was disgusted by the illicit “relationships” between the pro-Democrat American academic posted to China, especially of the many of homosexual preference. Gay rights, meaning blow and bonk sessions with minions of the rival power, is treason for both Americans and Chinese involved in diplomatic affairs. A lot of American fellows, who have no association with government, of course can do whatever with consenting Chinese persons of either orientation, because that as Lebron James put it is “none of my bidness”. I speak here assertively as a longtime advocate of friendship and common interest between the USA and China, as reflected in historical opposition to colonialism and in political support of justice for the poor peasants. These are two great nations, bound by centuries of friendship and trade, whose fine record of partnership with patriotism is being besmirched by the cunning lies and vile habits of the self-styled elitist liberals in both countries.

Why Now?

Since the start of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, the Chinese leadership and party rank-and-file have watched in awe the Kremlin’s bold challenge to America’s long-standing position as the sole global superpower. Vladimir Putin’s decisiveness in dealing a death blow to that arrogant western alliance called NATO was astonishing to the Chinese, who clearly remember the Clinton-Blair invasion of Yugoslavia, which included the cynical bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade on the night of May 7, 1999. That moment of national humiliation and grief for the Chinese, Serbians and Russians ended on this past February 24, as Russian fighter-jets wiped out the Ukrainian air force on the ground in defiance of the stunned western alliance. Arrogance precedes the fall, and misery follows.

The Russian armed forces crushing blows against the NATO puppet regime in Ukraine, highlighted by the timidity of the Americans and Western Europeans, signaled to Beijing that the historic moment had come at last to boldly challenge American power in the South China Sea to reunite the Province of Taiwan with the Mainland. The assassination of the warmongering Japanese “hero” Shinzo Abe served as another act of instigation for the looming confrontation over Taiwan’s de facto “independence” or, more accurately, the 51st state of the USA.

The Beijing geo-strategists, however, were stumped by the lack of a diplomatic pretext for open hostilities against the “rebel” government of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and potential naval clashes with the U.S. Seventh Fleet. Her ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has been especially obnoxious to the Confucian mindset, which demands honesty about motivation, due to the CIA’s deployment of the Sunflower youth movement, which is registered as an NGO (non-governmental organization) as a civil group that is supposedly nonpartisan and non-political, under Taiwanese law. The chutzpah of upstart Soros-funded democrats, backed by pro-Israeli American Jewish think-tanks including the the Zionist-oriented Hudson Foundation, rankled even the leadership of the once-ruling Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), which has been drawing ever-closer to the CCP, a “frenemy” relationship of alliance and violent competition that goes back to the 1920s. Pelosi was lucky indeed that some enraged KMT activist did not give her the Lee Harvey Oswald. Watch your back, Nancy, overseas and on the meth-addled streets of touristy Sausalito.

The willingness of Taiwan’s Tsai to harbor Hong Kong’s radical dissidents was perhaps the last straw for the renewed CCP-KMT old-timers, who realized that the time has come to put the foot down on liberal American-worshiping punks of Taiwanese noveau riches lineage. Meanwhile, the political strategists in Beijing were twiddling their thumbs, sweating about the absence of a plausible pretext for warfare from the suddenly meek Tsai regime, who are more fearful of their own conservative Taiwanese soldiers than of the Mainland’s “peacekeeping forces”. If there’s anything to learn from the Taiwanese situation, is that liberals are hypocritical swine wherever they may be, in Budapest, Helsinki, Toronto, Kuala Lumpur or Kansas.

Therefore, some bright American Studies scholar in Beijing figured out how to bait the hook. As a paid-for asset of China, the Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could provide the necessary pretext of “political meddling” for mainland China’s People’s Liberation Army to launch a massive naval siege of that soon-to-be beleaguered island. While fobbed off to the news media as a mission in support of Taiwanese democratic autonomy, the actual motive behind her treacherous journey to Taipei was exactly the opposite, which was to provide China with sufficient diplomatic grounds to launch military “exercises” against that semi-independent province.

Pelosi’s treachery against the Taiwanese public is based on decades of unregistered Chinese funding of the California Democratic Party, especially the leading politicians in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since the days of Jack London who agitated for a Chinese Exclusion Act, to prevent the immigrant shipments of California gold back to China, the China-man has been an all-too easy target, being guilty of one infraction or another and unable to defend himself to a mob, arousing American racial anger. Today, it is the newer immigrants from India, Jamaica and the Gulf who are eager to push aside the Chinese American from their high-paying positions in Silicon Valley as well as the federal and state payrolls. Therefore the Chinese must pay a special fee to the Democrat Party in protection money, and there’s Nancy with an open purse ready to collect.

As for Taiwan, selling out Taipei is merely an issue of immigration visas for Taiwanese computer engineers as Congress pushes to reestablish tech production in the USA. The Democrats are not about to bemoan the fate of Taiwanese farmers, restauranteurs and fishermen, who are facing the threat of Mandarin cuisine, cheap box lunch diets and Chinese fishing vessels in their waters. Concern for the poor or the environment in distant Taiwan is not on the Pelosi-Biden agenda. (My own advice to forlorn Taiwanese is to relocate to the former KMT capital in Nanjing, a wonderfully out-of-date city still searching for 1920s nostalgia.) Actually, I doubt whether the mainlanders will despoil Taiwan as a conquered province, but treat the place as a touristic curiosity, thereby helping the economy of China’s 23rd province.

Ridiculous Routing

As if journeying in fright from Casablanca to an unwelcoming USA, the route of Flight SPAR19 must have been planned by Humphrey Bogart. The intrigue stated at the plane’s home field at Scott AFB near St. Louis, and then did picked up White House staffers and Pelosi at Joint Base Andrews, then to Travis AB, then flew to Honolulu International, Guam, Paya Lebar high security airfield in Singapore, Sultan Abdul Aziz in Malaysia, and then Taipei Taiyuan at last!

On the following evening, the USAF jet took off from Taipei Songshan to Osan AFB in South Korea, Yokoto Air Base near Tokyo and then off to Anchorage, Alaska, from where Her Highness Nancy transferred to a civilian flight with a large suitcase of C-notes gifted by the Treasury of Taiwan.

My assessment: Taxpayers’ money in the USA and Taiwan was misspent on the Pelosi junket. What did her trip achieve? A sooner than later Mainland siege of Taiwan. The latest news as this spiel goes to posting is that the PLA has just fired a ballistic missile over Taipei. No, this does not signal a planned nuclear strike against the Taiwanese capital. The purpose is to test whether an American flotilla on the back side of that city, that is along the eastern coast of Taiwan can be blown away along with tons of coral and seaweed. The answer is affirmative, that there is no possibility for a U.S. military landing on Taiwan’s beaches.

Taiwan is located 7,000 miles from the American naval base in San Diego, and 1,400 miles from the Seventh Fleet home port in Yokosuka, Japan. The crews of ships hit that far from home will probably have zero chance of survival against sharks, fast riptide currents and thunderstorms. Is the American public ready to fight a bloodier conflict than the Pacific War against Imperial Japan? Can the multiple nuclear warheads aboard Chinese ballistic missiles reach Washington DC, New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco? Easily.

Instead of proposing diplomatic negotiations and military conferences between the USA and China, and strategists from either side, Nancy Pelosi has given the green light for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan so that her Democratic Party leadership can evade charges of high treason for accepting hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes from Beijing. My advice is forthright and clear: Arrest of the Biden cronies for a treason trial, and then hold an emergency election of a new president who can negotiate proper terms with Beijing for the best possible outcome for our longstanding ally of Taiwan and the Kuomintang Party. The Tsai-CIA gang should be sent into exile, preferably in Ukraine.

Note: The author was a founding professor at the first-ever journalism schools in China, namely at the University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University in Beijing. His articles have appeared in major news publications in Hong Kong, Tokyo and San Francisco.


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Most of the US Deep State (Nuland, Kagen, Veldman, etc.), are the spawn of Trotskyites that got kicked out of the Soviet Union for being too radical and crazy. That goes a long way in explaining the self destruction of the West.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vanya
Karl Pomeroy

You’re absolutely right about Nuland.


Those are puppets, you always dodge all discussion of the JQ because it would disempower international jewry and that’s what you jews fear most.

In other words, you whine about “US Hegemony” invading sovereign states, while endorsing Russian and Chinese imperialism that seeks to demand other sovereign states bow in submission and become enslaved under their dominion. I’ve said this before and I will say it again: And that is Russia / China are jewish supremacist globalists too. The west and eastern blocs are two sides of the same shekel ever since the conclusion of WW2.

https://t.me/EternalMuscovite/21934 Russian soldiers castrate a Ukranian POW with a box cutter

https: //t. me/EternalMuscovite/21935 Ukrainian soldier beheaded and somewhat mutilated by Russian forces, his head and hands placed on to spikes.

10 Ways Russia Is Acting Like Israel http: //www. renegadetribune. com/10-ways-russia-is-acting-like-israel/

Stalin’s forgotten role in the creation of Israel https: //www. ynetnews. com/articles/0,7340,L-4737624,00.html

Lessons from the First Time Russia Accused the United States of Biowarfare https: //warontherocks. com/2022/03/lessons-from-the-first-time-russia-accused-the-united-states-of-biowarfare/

Last edited 2 years ago by Friesian

It would be a miracle from heaven if the Russians started acting like Israelis when it comes to taking care of their own.


Don’t count on it anytime soon.

Besides, jews are no strangers to back stabbing themselves left and right. I sincerely hope they are permanently exiled to Madagascar someday.


(communist jew) Noel Ignatiev calls for the end of whiteness https://odysee.com/@per-inge.eliasson:0/Noel-Ignatiev(360p):3

‘Abolish the White Race’ written by Noel Ignatiev https://harvardmagazine.com/sites/default/files/pdf/2002/09-pdfs/0902-30.pdf

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists”

*Many of these jews are born from parents and grandparents that immigrated to the US before 1917.

https://t.me/marxxist/5 “The Jewish Origins of Black Neo-Marxism

“White” does not mean white. “White” in radical parlance means anyone of any race, creed, nationality, color, sex, or sexual preference who embraces capitalism, free markets, limited government, and American traditional culture and values.”-Noal ignatiev

This philosophical concept belongs to Noel Ignatiev, a Jewish American of Russian origin, who is the ideological founding father of numerous radical black movements in America. The author of this concept was even lucky enough to see his best students — Black Lives Matter (BLM) — in action.

Research into the work of this former Harvard professor finally answered the question of why BLM proponents are so negative about the perfectly rational slogan “All Lives Matter.” The fact is that the “black” in the interpretation of Ignatiev is a revolutionary Marxist. All those who do not agree with the Left ideology should, according to Ignatiev, be eliminated.

The slogan “All Lives Matter” blurs the concept of the enemy and brings confusion to the minds of revolutionaries. That is why any mention of “All Lives Matter” (or its version in support of the police — “Blue Lives Matter”) provokes such an acute reaction of the Marxists.

According to Ignatiev, “black” is not the level of pigment in the skin, but the level of adherence to the Marxist doctrine.According to this definition, the great American free-market economist Thomas Sowell, although he has quite enough black pigment, is not “black.” The conservative justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Clarence Thomas is not “black” either. According to Ignatiev, many black Americans are not “black” just because they do not want to follow the Marxist dogma.

Noel Ignatiev (1940-2019) was born in America in a family of Jewish immigrants from Russia and was a third-generation communist. Moreover, he was not just a member of the Communist Party of the USA from the age of 17 but belonged to its most radical, ultra-left Marxist-Leninist wing. What was his most outstanding contribution to American philosophy?

Here it is:“Eventually white women can breed out, but my feeling is that if you are a white male, you should kill yourself now. If you are a thoughtful person, with a social consciousness who considers himself white, you will consider suicide.”It was he, a convinced, uncompromising, and resolute communist, who in 1967 proposed the doctrine of “white privilege.” Not as a racial term, but as a somewhat modified Marxist term of the class struggle. The notorious “eradication of white privileges” is simply the standard Marxist wealth redistribution, expressed in newspeak.

Of course, the primary task for Ignatiev was never the physical extermination of whites. He was talking about the ideological purification of the “whites” from the principles of private property, individualism, and freedom — all concepts profoundly alien to the Marxists. Supporters of Ignatiev, aiming for socialism in America, have chosen a very peculiar way — the mass transformation of whites and squeezing out of them of all their “whiteness.” He sees a happy future as an all-American Gulag, where the re-education of “whites” into “blacks” takes place.In this case, Ignatiev has no doubts about his righteousness:

“The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it.”The showcase kitsch concentration camp CHAZ/Antifastan in Seattle, with its intolerance of dissent, is the pinnacle of the realization of Ignatieff’s ideas.

The kneeling of some American police offices, military personnel, and politicians in front of a crowd of “blacks” (“blacks” from a Marxist point of view, of course) is an acknowledgment of the supremacy of left-wing ideology over the law. This is a recognition of the supremacy of the leftist dogma over the Constitution and the oath. Kneeling is a confirmation that America is not suffering from systemic racism but from systemic neo-Marxism.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Friesian

It is clear who the culprits are, but what is not so clear is why 98% are not fit enough to stop 2%. Truly a situation of “survival of the fittest”.

nazi poked in rectum molo

moron nazi “individualism produces a self doubting poko molo conformist antagonistic anxious fearful People”. Tocqueville “amerikans poorly understand that individualism produces uniformity”. Philip Slater “individualism is evil”. Vladimir Solviyov “what unites the slavophiles, Alexandr Hertzen, Pytr Kropotkin and the Marxists is the belief that individualism is an enemy of individuality”. Vladimir Golstein. (1999) all sociologists describe you amerikants as “over-conformist semi automatons”—your conversations as “shallow bombastic fatuous” “only in amerika do people act like machines are treated like machines and only in USA are machine metaphors used to describe human behavior”. Geoffrey Gorer “amerikans are robots”. Erich Fromm “amerikans are everybody for themselves automatons”. Arthur Koestler 😂😂😂😂


That sicko Ignatiev was typical sabbatean-frankist lunatic revolutionary, one of those who openly preach aggressive trockysm (all expenses covered by Wall Street and London’s City) and secretly follow the plan devised in “Protocols of Elders of Zion”. Which is a blueprint for their NWO.


The jews are hypocrites since they are the biggest racial supremacists today and throughout history. Their attacks on White (i.e. European) and extended Indo-European (or Aryan before WW2) identity is a psychological projection of the jew’s inherent identity.


Jews despise racial science since it exposes them for who and what they are. It means they can no longer blend into non-jewish societies.

nazi poked in rectum molo

only “racial science”—poked Friesian molo inferior


Engaging in pilpul does not refute the reality of human taxonomy and the biological differences therein.

tom sawyer

me like you senile moron nazi polo moko robot …how is your lgbt Nebraska trailer park?


I’m proving the opposite. You can call be Rubin :) https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/how-boomers-were-taught-to-hate:0


poko molo prove she is inferior 7th form educated retired janitor


The kike Noel Ignatiev neglects to mention that jews ran the Transatlantic slave trade, they have long been slave merchants.


nazi poked in rectum molo

fake news from lgbt hillbilly failed retired janitor Friesian


Interesting post, thank you. I’m inclined to agree, up to a point. As entrenched as the Kosher Nostra (KM) is globally and the power they wield…and have for centuries, it would be naive to believe everything is as presented. For my part, I have the notion that what we are seeing is the handing over of the reins of global control to factions (Russia/China) made to be desirable by the increasingly undesirable actions of the ruling elite, who are Zionists. Are the ‘new bosses’ going to be different than the old bosses? At first, seemingly yes. It remains to be seen where this goes from here, but for my money, we are seeing a changing of the guards, so to speak. It appears that we are front row in the change-over…made desirable to the masses. That this is requiring death, destruction and a reordering of alliances is to be expected, a NWO. It makes herding of the sheep to the conclusion far easier. The one thing that tips their hand is the wearing of absolutely useless masks by every country as being a tool to prevent ‘infection’. This is a testament to their ability to influence and enforce their agenda. ALL wars are deception for the purpose of consolidation of power.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

Stalin’s Jews https: //www. ynetnews. com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00. html ^ Interesting they banned Christianity while permitting Jews to practice their ethnocentric religion privately, while banning most other religions and not allowing the Slavs to practice ethnocentricism. I even remember seeing a photo of Stalin wearing the Jew’s religious garp alongside Lazar Kaganovich who headed the NKVD, each of them wore a tallit and yarmulke.

Nazino Cannibal Island https: //worldtruthvideos. website/watch/nazino-island-cannibal-island_vm7zOxzLEvmtqIk. html

⁣The Gulag was the Jewish NKVD’s system of forced labour and extermination camps. Any person suspected of disagreeing with the Jewish Bolshevik Government could be kidnaped by the Jewish secret police or Cheka and deported to a Gulag. The most infamous of these camps was the desolate island of Nazino also known as Cannibal Island. Among the many atrocities women and children were raped, tortured and butchered. Speculation has that Jewish Cheka returning home after their stint in said Gulag were subjected to name calling like ‘Nazi’ for the Nazino Gulag. It is also highly significant that the Jewish Bolshevik USSR was said to have banned the term Nazi after 1932, and the use of the word Fascist was encouraged against their German enemy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Friesian

The Communists have always been anti Russian. Every other ethnic group in the Soviet Union were encouraged to be proud of their ethnic groups, only the Russians were persecuted and considered Imperialists. It is much the same situation in the West with the Indigenous Europeans and the Africans.


Yes, jews are a part of it, some of them. Its a babylonian religion, saturn worship, luciferianism etc. Some jews are a part of it, but also european royals who use the jews as a cover. There are many players, but christian they are not, oh..zionists are. They are building another NWO, first one they tried was the Soviet Union.


Very good points, most over look the implications to their ethnic religious cult.


If Natalie Portman is on top of you, does it mean that you “use a Jew as a cover”?

nazi poked in rectum molo

nebraska hillbilly “Friesian” must lick superior Jew boots in trailer park—bitter envious failure nazi obese senile robot must pay rubles to tyrone to fill your mouth w sperm


And all that came right after stupid Russian burgeoise and trechereous imperial aristocracy were so thick to bring in that dangerous Jewish coterie of criminals centered around Wall Street asset Leon Bronstein aka Lav Trotsky.

Abraham Lincoln

Most of the US Deep State (Nuland, Kagen, Veldman, etc.), are the spawn of Jewish Supremacist Trotskyites (google Yagoda Y net News Stalins Jews) that got kicked out of the Soviet Union for being too radical and crazy. They murdered 66 million in the Soviet Union.

Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of “our hangmen,”

https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish.

Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, “opposition members” who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union’s archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD’s and KGB’s service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of “How could it have happened to us?”

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.

I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.

Peppe il Sicario

Stalin didn’t finish the job.

James R

I’m sorry, but your completely wrong. Pelosi is as CIA as they come. What we’re witnessing with the Taiwan situation is repositioning by The Globalists as per agreement reached with China. That why all the posturing presented by the media ‘doesn’t seem quite right’, because they’re over-acting for the consumption of the masses.

Peter Jennings

The cia is a trouble maker, at home and abroad, and has been since 1947. The US couldn’t beat the Chinese when they assisted in North Korea and they won’t beat them in Taiwan either.

The cia cause the trouble but US forces cannot finish it.


Why is China enforcing sanctions on Russia. That is a question that needs to be discussed.


It’s a balancing act. The Globalists don’t have complete control, but enough influence to upset things in China.


Russia can’t even buy car parts.

vanny moron social worker

Russia sells trucks and vehicles in 42 nation s


Western car parts. China will now supply car and aircraft parts to Russia. The Chinese car makers are now coming into the Russian market, replacing western brands. As well, seems that old Russian brands are coming back…some are re-branded Chinese products, some indigenous.

tom sawyer



vanka=moron hillbilly in Idaho…98 billion trade Russia/China in 2022—no sanctions all in rubles/yuan


what???? have you seen the graph showing the explosion ( 6x times ) of imnports and exports between China and Russia? Are you blind or what?


Why is Russia voting ‘yes’, enforcing sanctions on Yemen? Is it related to Yemen’s assertion that Israel controls KSA and other Muslin countries? Why does Russia not give Israel the beat-down they deserve, especially in light of their support for those that would destroy Russian? That is a situation that needs to be discussed as well.


Well, paying somebody for something does not make them a professional… And, in this case, it certainly shows… The whole thing was hip shot, Beijing telegraphed through the media, before any threatening visit was even announced. The entire provocation was very very likely arranged to provide pretext for the premeditated decision to use force against the island.


No force has been used against the island. The Chinese are just huffing and puffing.

vanny moron social worker

vanny only comprehends Sawyer penis force in your rectum—nazi moron tiresome

Southfront resident nigha

Nobody gave a shit about the stupid hag’s visit to some shitty island inhabited by retarded liars. But it was advertised hysterically by propaganda (aka MSM). Propaganda and every yapping cunt was all over this like flies over the new shit.


Chinese companies won’t sell Russian companies Lithium. Yet Russian aircraft which could be better used in Donbass fly joint patrol with Chinese aircraft over the Pacific. How can that be explained?


do you have sources? I think this can have different reasons, that have nothing to do with sanctions (for example a question of the price). Officially China is not sanctioning the RF. Let alone unofficial.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter

China is enforcing all American sanctions on Russia. Just look at the Russian import numbers. The only ones helping Russia with sanctions are the Turks and Russia just had to pay them 100 billion dollars bribe to do it under the cover of some nonsensical nuclear project.


only amerikan moron believes your pathetic lies


I “looked at the numbers”, and came to the conclusion that you are lying. Here one of my sources: rt.com/business/560445-china-russia-exports-soar/

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter

That an act of God had brought Pelosi aircraft down to the bottom of the Pacific ocean the world would have rejoiced that this creature was no more . Food for the shark’s. Every Christian would have rejoiced in prayer and song and given thanks to the Lord.


This article is not helpful. Not a good look for South Front.

Karl Pomeroy

You said it in many fewer words than I, Plato. Thanks.


Taiwan pays for articles like this.

Metzitzah Bpeh

She is not a agent of the CPC… Her visit was in Washingtons interest, not China’s. Steve Bannon and Trump have more business interests in China than Pelosi, but Pelosi, Clinton, Biden, Trump, Bannon and all the rest are Israeli agents not Chinese.

To try pretending Trump is any less compromised or any less corrupt than any of the other swamp monsters is laughably ludicrous.

flush goes the nation

FBI raided Donald Trumps place in Florida, what is the Deep State afraid of?

Karl Pomeroy

To the author: You have a Japanese name. How can you know what goes on inside China? I have pierced your logic and consider you a fraud. To wit: you contradict yourself when you say,

“[M]y sources on the secret Democrat-CCP relationship are impeccable. Throughout the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, I was the sole media pundit in China …to assert on Chinese state media that Donald Trump would win the Midwest … to soundly defeat Hillary Clinton. The fact that my prediction proved 100 percent correct astonished the Chinese leadership, which had placed all its bets on Ms. Clinton.”

That statement means your intelligence sources were better than the intelligence sources of the Chinese leadership. That implies the Chinese leadership does not know what is really going according to you, and yet they are the ones carrying out the actions you refer to. How can the Chinese leadership carry out a collusion conspiracy they don’t even know about?


You have forgotten to mention Thanos who is behind all this. Oh Thanos is fiction and what is this?

Really the choosen nation of the world that has kicked the defenceless off the entire planet would serve the chinese?

What would there be to win in this. Do you think chine will share the world with some of the old owners once they have taken over?

I thought the Bankers are Smart. If they believe the chinese will not dispose of them after they one they are not as smart as i thought.


Yeah, maybe, because they all work for the same master to build their NWO, the british crown corporation/Vatican. Huge drama though. Or should we say their corporate governments do, in the UK; US, Russia, China..the people do not see this YET


Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan was a test imo, to see how Beijing would react, the goal was to stir up the region to get Taiwan and other countries in the region to increase military spending by buying US arms. China is using this as an opportunity to create a “new normal” and practice to invade the island after the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in November 2022. If China doesn’t take serious action, Pelosi’s visit will enable more official visits and Taiwan could declare independence, thus, self-destructing.

Gestapo drug counselor

“only in America is the father vestigial; the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer the actual leader is not the senile hair sniffer but an insensitive masculine drag queen—-the degenerate 17 genders moron cesspool only suited for ugly robots Jens and a few superior immigrants they must pay to govern them


Like the duality of the 9/11 crime scene and the deals that were created in earnest (http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html) to it’s aftermath. What we think we know we simply -don’t know!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

“I speak here assertively as a longtime advocate of friendship and common interest between the USA and China, as reflected in historical opposition to colonialism and in political support of justice for the poor peasants.” Really? Since when? “These are two great nations, bound by centuries of friendship and trade, whose fine record of partnership with patriotism is being besmirched by the cunning lies and vile habits of the self-styled elitist liberals in both countries.” What a load of manure. ‘bound by centuries of trade and friendship’…when was this? How does his statement; “Since the days of Jack London who agitated for a Chinese Exclusion Act, to prevent the immigrant shipments of California gold back to China, the China-man has been an all-too easy target, being guilty of one infraction or another and unable to defend himself to a mob, arousing American racial anger.” jibe with that? ‘fine record of partnership with patriotism’ What? Not to take away from his main drift, Pelosi is a crook and traitor, wow, big revelation there. Not. He does however throw in a tidbit, mentioning Zionist think-tanks. The description of this author does not encourage trust..”The author was a founding professor at the first-ever journalism schools in China, namely at the University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University in Beijing. His articles have appeared in major news publications in Hong Kong, Tokyo and San Francisco.’’ Major news outlets are, by and large, propaganda outlets…primarily controlled by Zionists. “My assessment: Taxpayers’ money in the USA and Taiwan was misspent on the Pelosi junket.” No shit? “What did her trip achieve? A sooner than later Mainland siege of Taiwan. The latest news as this spiel goes to posting is that the PLA has just fired a ballistic missile over Taipei. No, this does not signal a planned nuclear strike against the Taiwanese capital. The purpose is to test whether an American flotilla on the back side of that city, that is along the eastern coast of Taiwan can be blown away along with tons of coral and seaweed.” Also total manure. I’m quite sure that China knows the capability of said missiles. It was a message, as most military actions are. I don’t know what his point to all this confused mess really is, unless it is plain and simple confusion. If this is an example of his journalistic prowess, I am not impressed.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Harry Weaver

What total waffle. It’s the American way to blame everybody else for what’s wrong in their environment. Personal responsibility for existence, something any 12 year old knows about, doesn’t apply to Americans. They are exceptional! And, of course, they have their lapdogs to endorse that.


‘Pelosi’ is a Fag-Hag CIA operative best known as rabble-rousing leg-warmer wearing ‘Jane Fonda’ and his Taiwan junket was just another episode in the cabal’s ‘pretend we’re enemies’ diatribe for bamboozlement of the world serfs.

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