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Pelosi Landed In Taiwan Amid Reports On Air Fighting

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The plane carrying the US delegation headed by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed at Taipei Airport despite Beijing’s warning of severe consequences.

The US special board SPAR 19 with NAncy Pelosi on board was escorted Taiwan Air Force fighters in the airspace of Taiwan.

Pelosi Landed In Taiwan Amid Reports On Air Fighting

People with yellow-blue masks welcome Pelosi in Taiwan

At the same time, Chinese Su-35 fighter jets are crossing the Taiwan Strait and are now flying towards the island.

On the other hand, dozens of US Air Force fighters took off from military bases in Japan and are also flying towards Taiwan.

According to unconfirmed reports, there was a combat contact between the fighters of the Air Forces of Taiwan and China. It is reported that the Taiwanese plane opened a warning fire.


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Peppe il Sicario

The Hag has landed!!!


Cry me river little bitch.

Michel LeBlanc

Whatever dumbass, you stand with corporate america, little peon like you, they will take care of you…


Pelosi has called the Beijing bluff, but the Chinese folded up with the face covered with mericunt scum. What a disappointment, China’s reputation has eroded big time so much that its adversaries would spit on every Chinese walking down the street.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Frack those China monkeys, they gave the world covid because they’re a bunch of savages who eat dogs cats, bats and other crap.

Darren McPhilimy

That’s right, just ignore the role of Fauci and other Americans in creating and spreading the corona and the mandating of deadly injections mislabeled as “vaccines.”

Hope you’re boosted.

Wayne Gabler

What do descendants of the Dutch Slave Traders eat when they get hungry, a fetus or toe?


As long as it’s kosher…


Score board :

Granny Nancy – 1…..Chicken duck Xi – O


and you monkey eat shit directly from Joe’s diapers


Not so simple. I honestly expected something out of Xi, and this fatal error could cost him dearly. The chinese nationalist faction is growing stronger by the day. Maybe this humiliation is exactly what Xi wanted to give the nationalists more power over the mercantilist/atlanticist faction.

Do you remember how Putin’s hands have been tied for years because of Medvedev and his friends/”american whores”?

Now Medvedev goes around threatening every western country!!! What a change eh!?!

But a lot of provocations have been needed to shift the russian people attitude towards the west and to quash the fifth columnists.

I don’t know if Xi is playing this game. Nonetheless this is what will happen in China. Today the chinese people were cheering of the social media and on the streets. They stocked goods for a prolonged war. They were ready and willing to fight to the end.

This is the point. If the people sentiment shifts, the nationalists will have an easy run in squashing the mercantilist faction. And then there will be really war. With or without Xi.


rex Don’t agree at all, China made the right decision by not falling into the U.S. trap of starting a world war before the new currency from BRICS can start to rival the U.S. dollar and somehow that’s a fatal error to you? This is the same reaction almost every pro-Russia commenter had back in 2015 when everyone back then wanted Russia to attack Turkey for shooting down a Russian jet, it’s anti-climactic for sure but playing the wait game is actually more destructive to the U.S. than you think, without a war every couple years, the U.S. is fucked.

Antonio Garcia

I agree with what you said. China and Russia will have time to deal with USA.


this is the exact same stupidity that Russians had been saying since 2014, where at that time they could have taken whole of Ukraine without any difficulty. They waited for 8 years, now they are bugged down in an ever ending war with no certainty that they’ll win. This is the time for China to get the whole thing over with and reclaim its lost territory before it is too late.


Biden : “we don’t have control of granny Nancy, she can travel anywhere she wished”.

Xi jin ping : “you should not play with fire or you face drowning from our tears crying all day and extinguish that fire”.


i see a lot of impatient ‘China are weak’ comments here and on Telegram, to which i ask why hurry to war? The US big club tried to provoke a nice profitable war against China and failed because China aren’t such impulsive brats as the US political class were hoping. Fancy Nancy will go home amid a flurry of triumphal tweets about ‘democracy’ and being ‘brave’ and whatever else, and then China will blockade Taiwan or slowly choke it or simply occupy it at the end of their drills. And then once they’re selling all the consumer trinkets and industrial products within BRICS instead of relying on newly impoverished markets in ‘Murica and the Peninsula, they’ll sanction ‘Murica et al more assertively. No matter how much Monopoly money they print, where will latte sipping progressives get their crApples or PV cells or Tesla batteries or plasma TVs when China restricts trade with provocative and unfriendly neighbours? most important though, where will the west get the integrated circuits needed to build their delicate, over-priced weapons?


That doesn’t make sense; if China didn’t want this outcome then why said anything that let it seem that they would act in a bellicose way? In fact, China does have the military might to reclaim its island, and I do not think the US can do anything about it.


What did you think was going to happen? PLA shoots down Pelosi’s plane? That would be idiotic, nut bar crazy shit and do absolutely NOTHING for China while putting the USA in a position that they have to go to war with China. China like the rest of us would like to see the USA go out with a whimper instead of a bang … it’s cheaper.

Those forces China is assembling across from Taiwan is case Pelosi’s visit inspires a USA/Taiwanese declaration of Taiwan’s independence. Sending the third in line to the President to Taiwan is insulting as fuck to the Chinese but nothing to go to war over … Taiwan independence is something China would go to war over.

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_Norica

China will invade AFTER the old hag leaves FACT there is no more Taiwan it will be reunited with China the USA just KILLED OFF Taiwan, Long Live China =Z=

Ashok Varma

China is too much into money and has no guts and will do nothing as usual.

S Balu

Ashok Varma Absolutely just like Indians who are even more into money and have no guts to do anything except bully minorities


the problem is that they don’t have the luxury to do nothing for ever

next time the brits will go to Taipei

the lithuanian stooge has posted a tweet saying “more democratic leaders” will go through “the door that Pelosi has opened”

it is clear what he is saying

so no, China must act now!! maybe not through a military invasion, but they must put the separatists on their knees

on a side note, today the russian foreign ministry has been voicing a proposal to form a joint military alliance with Russia, China and India!!! at least the russian know how not to waste an american provocation

it should be clear to India too, that if the yankees have their way with China and Russia, they will return under the angloamerican brutal ruling

Chinky madoo

Truth. they really are paper tiger

S Balu


Karl Pomeroy

Taiwan should be proud it is still INDEPENDENT.

Johan P

Or China is looking further ahead. This insult may be just what they need to garner more support among the population for a military action later on. Since Xi is trying to get a 3rd 5-year turn in office he may use this by reacting not in hot rage but cool rationalism and a well thought out plan. This may be used to sell an invasion because it seems to show the US is changing policy on Taiwan. The west has shown to be really bad at looking more than 3 moves ahead. The most western politicians seem to be able to manage is looking about halfway their next term. 5 years, 10 years or more is not something they worry about.


This is what I was thinking too. Intentional or not, the chinese restrain looks a lot like Putin’s 8 years restrain in relation to the ukronazis.

In both cases the end result is a massively enraged population. In Russia it has worked like a charm and over 80% of the russians agree with the war!!

Chinky madoo

I know right?? What the fuck china, oh well at least russia has balls


China could have prevented granny Nancy landing in taiwan and avoided a massive embarrassment if Beijing has listened to one of SF pundits hundreds of ideas on how to do it…

1) fire an unarmed hypersonic targeting the empty runway of possible landing sites.. Being intercepted or not, Taiwan would react by shutting the targeted airport citing security concerns.

2) swarm airports airspace with cheap drones from toy store expectedly to be shoot down by Taiwan Air defence resulting to the same scenario as the first one.

3)test fire a couple of unarmed missiles crossing over the airspace of Taiwan at the approach of granny’s plane that will serve as a strong warning that surely deter the pilot to venture over the dangerous zone.


If it was US they would shoot down the plane directly, threaten of nuclear war if China would do any attack on US and that would be the end of the story. China should have done the same.


The paper tiger’s breathtaking threat turned out nothing but a stinky fart, whereas the vowed fearsome military action was replaced with Taiwan biscuits and pastries trade embargo.. Hilarious, common China fire a hypersonic to blow that plane on the tarmac to redeem your tarnished image.

Darren McPhilimy

That’s the kind of rational analysis which persuades thoughtful readers.


NATO’s PROXYTUTE You really don’t get it do you? Goading China into a war is what the U.S. wants!!!! The U.S. and it’s economy right now is being driven into the ground by senile Joe and now they’re desperate to start a new war to distract everyone, furthermore, the fact that BRICS is set to announce a new currency to rival the U.S. dollar further proves this. The fact that Serbia is all of a sudden having unrest and being threatened by NATO is yet even more proof, if the U.S. doesn’t have a war every couple years or so, their economy will collapse.

China’s plan for revenge remains the same: surpass the Anglosphere in every way and then use the resentment the ultra-decadent Anglos have built up against themselves throughout the world to isolate and impoverish them. Actual conquest of Anglo lands may eventually happen, but it will be anticlimactic, like a bank finally foreclosing on a rotting house after years of non-payment. As funny as it would be watching them shoot down Piglouse’s plane, it really would not have been wise for the Chinese to start a shooting war over a decrepit witch.


The Anglo-Saxons are stooges and their lands are occupied territories. The ZioNazi bankers are the masters in the Western world.

Darren McPhilimy

Sure glad I’m Franco-Celtic.


Storm sounds like your model of fighting a formidable enemy was the strategy used by Ghandi of India developed by an underdog weak militants who’s got no real power to match the opponents. My point is that China having the upperhand with advantage of hypersonic nukes and ultra!-motivated servicemen should confront its enemies head-on using a brutally overwhelming force launching decisive blitzkrieg as if there’s no tomorrow.. Playing no boring poker or chess games but purely applying brute force to eliminate anyone hindering it’s objectives and would only accept nothing short of unconditional surrender effectively controlling all aspects of whatever’s left under the sun. Then we can all live as equals once the planet’s reset where we feel the harmony and prosperity our new world offers.

Chinky madoo

Absolutely pathetic, i have zero respect for china now

S Balu

Chinky Madoo I do not blame you but when did China,India or Russia had any respect?


Sun Tzu : He who failed to walk the talk should dive in the meat grinder to make a fleshy paper tiger…

Darren McPhilimy

The Chinese promised a military response to Pelosi’s visit. Chinese forces have now entered Taiwan’s territorial waters and Taiwan has been forced to respond.

You mistakenly believed that China intended to prevent Pelosi from landing. You were deceived.

“All warfare is based on deception.” — Sun Tzu

AM Hants

More than one way to skin a cat. Washington thought Russia would fall into the war trap, courtesy Ukraine. However, Russia knew the script and how the Globbies wanted it played out. Same with China. In the meantime, they can do a lot more damage, going for the economy as they take out the $US.


The Chinese were relegated into iron-clad chickens.

Darren McPhilimy

You’ve misunderstood the nature of the promised military response. What do you intend to do about the Chinese deployment into Taiwan’s territorial waters? Pretend it isn’t happening?


Just call their bluff every time


PLA were conducting war games right now in the middle of the night near Taiwan straits.. Too late for sabre rattling for they let the old hag Nancy to cross the red line just like when Obama drew its red line in Syria but chickened out to execute the empty threat. Better not to talk if you cannot do the walk.

Darren McPhilimy

Pelosi and Biden have given China the opportunity to approach Taiwan, enter its territorial waters and probe its defenses. That’s what they paid for and that’s what they got.

Meanwhile, you think you won because you misunderstood the intended response.


Psyco grandma has landed

Karl Pomeroy

As much as I can’t stand her, I have to say WOW.

Ashok Varma

China is looking very weak and should not have issued threats that it can not back up. The western media are humiliating China like during the racist imperialist Opium Trade era when they enslaved China. Both Iran and Russia have far more self-respect and guts to stand up to the US warmongers.


Paper Tiger loser China. Empty threats. I told you.


Dont you think you are taking conclusions a little bit too early ? Things a literally happening as we speech….


30 upvotes in 2 minutes? Nato bots

Wayne Gabler

You probably said that about Russia taking on NATO over Donbas as well. Why is China expected to do something within minutes, when cutting Taiwan and Australia off certain goods would be much more effective. If they were to invade Taiwan, they would also take the western 2/3 of Australia as well, just so NATO would have to get involved.


Agreed completely, literally all China has to do is play the wait game and wait for the U.S. to continue self-destructing led by senile, dementia, Joe, I’m completely flabbergasted that anybody here would want China to jeopardize their own growing potential by giving the war hungry U.S. what they want in a new conflict? If China actually shot down Pelosis plane then the new currency that BRICS is set to introduce to rival the U.S. dollar would have been put in jeopardy as well. The fact that China also recently pissed off Israel by sending the Syrian government advanced communications equipment is also noteworthy.

Jake Polton

Wooooo. Suck ass, chynah.

They should have known better than to bark non-stop about something they CANNOT control.

Now it is a big loss of face for Winnie-the-Shit.

Wayne Gabler

How long did it take NATO to get ready for Gulf War I, or better yet, how long for the UK to get ready to take the Falklands bah, about a year?


China has been building their military since 1995 when the USN sailed between Taiwan and China so Newt Gingrich could visit Taiwan. China said never again, well, here we are 27 years later and the Chinese still won’t protect their ‘sovereignty’.

A big stick for a weak man is useless.

Darren McPhilimy

China owns the fake American president. Their spies literally sleep with the House Intelligence Committee. They never had to fire a shot and they got a million barrels of oil paid for by US taxpayers.

How weak is that?


Pelosi parties in Taipei, at the expense of Chinese sovereignty.

That’s how weak it is.

Darren McPhilimy

It’s the servant who takes money.

“Ten percent for the Big Guy held by H.”


Right now, the USA is and is shown to be the winner. Bidet is getting paid by the Chinese to shower disgrace on the CCP, that makes China part of his shakedown. Send Xi back to his cave, his paying off the mafia has not done a thing for his nations sovereignity. The US take his money like they take Taiwan, and China did nothing.

Darren McPhilimy

So it’s your contention that the US military conquered China and is occupying Taiwan? That’s very close to what the CCP believes. That’s why they feel threatened.

Also note that since Nixon opened the door to China in the 1970s China has risen from third world status to possibly the largest economy in the world. China has a full arsenal of conventional and nuclear weapons, their navy is bigger than ours. China (and Russia) can launch vehicles into space while the US lost that ability.

Fake outrage by people like you keeps American oligarchs in power and that’s why the USA is dying on the vine. You give aid and comfort to your oppressors and you enjoy it. It’s your fault and your delight in the death of real American values is sickening.


You claim that China owns Bidet, and its my fault that the CCP are cowards? Grow up you arse licker. What good has the biggest navy done for China today? The cowards waited for Pelosi to land, before they sent aircraft to the ocean side of Taiwan. All they had to do was to hold live fire drills around Taiwan and Pelosi could not have landed. No need to threaten to shoot her down, no need to make a fuss, just put your navy in place. Instead, they did not dare confront the US task force protecting Nancy.

Real American values, like genocide of the native race, slavery and terrorism in the world is not a value any decent human being would be proud of.

Darren McPhilimy

Darren McPhilimy Tarentum, Pennsylvania

724 224 4547

Real Americans show their faces and give a man the ability to respond to a challenge when insults are hurled about.

Call me.


That’s a big state Darren McPhlegm.

You’re a keyboard warrior, safely tucked away. Real American, which colour of the rainbow are you?

Darren McPhilimy

I’m a real person. You are an anonymous troll. Which of us has greater credibility?

Also note that Tarentum, Pennsylvania is a small town in a state and not a state itself. If I had your intellect I’d hide behind a silly name too.

For what it’s worth I’m sort of a pinkish-beige color that changes throughout the year. Now please don’t ask what I’m wearing.


I’m a real person, on the internet, sure. What would I know about your village you twat. You want to be a real man, get a flight to Shannon Airport, put your name on a board, I will pick you up and drive you to where I will kick the living shite out of you. We aren’t allowed weapons in our homes, unlike you cowardly sucks. Give me the flight time and date coward.

Darren McPhilimy

To show that you’re making this offer in good faith tell me your name and location.

If that isn’t too frightening for you.


Get the flight you coward. You already know my country, I will be unarmed you muppet, what’s to be afraid of. There’s a whole bunch of policemen in the airport, protecting your butcher troops on their way to Syria.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rightiswrong
Darren McPhilimy

The man who can’t even summon up enough courage to say his own name says I’m a coward.

Time for me to switch to vodka and grab my guitar. This is getting tedious.


So much for showing your face then, I always knew you weren’t a real man.

Hit the bottle, you fat slob.


You want my name so you can do a Karen and say I’m scaring you, and make a report to the Gardai.

Dream on woke chicken.

Darren McPhilimy

Americans support the ideal of free speech not only in America but around the world. It wouldn’t even occur to me to call the police on you over words. The concept is entirely foreign to me.

Thank God the McPhilimys and McNalleys abandoned your benighted land centuries ago.

I’m sorry to hear that those of you who stayed don’t even have names or faces anymore.


Your family were cowards who took the boat rather than stand and fight. Just like you, grab a vodka rather than a flight.

BTW, Darren is an English name, your family must have been informers.


Last edited 2 years ago by Rightiswrong

Yes, pretty much what people were saying about Russia at the beginning of the SMO. Too slow, stupid, getting killed by the 1000’s, Russian strategy is shit, etc. Gee, how did all those prognostications turn out? You can’t judge other countries responses by western military standards. The EU/US thought they had the Russians by the nads with their thought-out 8 years of planning, but that all went to shit, didn’t it? Well, the Chinese are as good as Russia when it comes to strategy, it would be wise to not count them fools as yet. People quote Sun Tsu for a reason.


Only yesterday the Global Times was stating China would defend its sovereignty. The GT are the official mouthpiece of the CCP. It’s a bit ridiculous of you to compare the Russian SMO with Chinese collapse. Russia did its talking with its troops, after building for this since 2014. China said never again after Newt Gingrich and the US Navy did this same trick back in 1995. China want to quote Sun Tsu AFTER they huffed and puffed, give me a break. The USA just showed Russia that their number one ally is completely unreliable in any military encounter. Russia has stood up to NATO, and showed them who is the real power, while China is just a shopping centre security guard.

Darren McPhilimy

Is it your contention that the Chinese encroachment into Taiwanese waters is not military in nature? What do you believe is on those ships and planes, roses and boxes of chocolates?


That is Xi trying to save his skin at home, trying to portray a backbone.

He can hide his cowardice with his controlled media in China, while the rest of the world see a disgraceful coward.

Darren McPhilimy

Why doesn’t the US make China leave Taiwan’s waters? I suppose you’ll tell me that Joe Biden is just too brave to do it.


Typical Yank, full of opioids.

Joe Bidet sheets in his pants, doesn’t know where he is, and cretins like you voted for him.

Darren McPhilimy

All 2020 votes were invalidated by Democrat and RINO cheating. It’s a pickle.

By the way, which obscure and irrelevant country do you come from?


We don’t have sex tourists, so you’ll never get here. So you are a sheet in the pants Joe Bidet voter, do you also share showers with your little girls?

Last edited 2 years ago by Rightiswrong
Darren McPhilimy

You hide your real name better than you conceal your repressed homosexuality.


You would know all about homo’s, McChicken.

Proud hindu

Several Pakistani high ranking officers killed in helicopter crash

Dead Hindu in Ganga

Okay Black Fungus, now go take a shit in your mum’s mouth, because we know toilets are unheard of in your village 😂

Proud hindu

Several Pakistani high ranking officers killed in helicopter crash

Proud hindu

China can’t do shit paper tiger 🤪😂😂😂😂only bully weak countries

Darren McPhilimy

The USA has a fake president on China’s payroll. How weak is that?


Jewish payroll

Wayne Gabler

Like Libya in 2011?


US provoked this,


Well that will encourage the USA to do more. Look forward to al quida in the Ujgur province. And Tibet liberation fighters as well as in Hong Kong.

Paper dragon

Looks like China blinked, all huff and puff.


Dont you think you are taking conclusions a little bit too early ?

Darren McPhilimy

Meanwhile in reality:

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry has issued a response to the large-scale PLA drills in surrounding waters: “We are fully aware of military activities near Taiwan and will send our forces as appropriate in response to enemy threats.”

john mcgreen

its all a diversion, what else are we not looking at? nothing to see here as thousands die from jab


lgbt amerikani will learn painful lesson from China—except amerikani too stupid to learn, but I will enjoy!

Jake Polton


Last edited 2 years ago by Jake Polton

So Biden gets his vote boost.


Good example for all politicians. She goes to the frontline to fight 1.4 billion Chinese.. And buy some shoes.

USA Evil Empire

Another moronic move by the Empire.

Karl Pomeroy

Maybe so. But what about the people who live in Taiwan? Do you REALLY think they want to live in China? Balderdash.


God the comments here critiquing China for wisely not starting WW3 are sheer fucking cancer and demonstrates that the “paper tiger” commenters here have ZERO capacity for reasoned analysis, and your posts betrays significant ignorance of history and the geopolitical, socio-economic reality of our world.

Goading China into a war is what the U.S. wants!!!! The U.S. and it’s economy right now is being driven into the ground by senile Joe and now they’re desperate to start a new war to distract everyone, furthermore, the fact that BRICS is set to announce a new currency to rival the U.S. dollar further proves this. The fact that Serbia is all of a sudden having unrest and being threatened by NATO is yet even more proof, if the U.S. doesn’t have a war every couple years or so, their economy will collapse.

China’s plan for revenge remains the same: surpass the Anglosphere in every way and then use the resentment the ultra-decadent Anglos have built up against themselves throughout the world to isolate and impoverish them. Actual conquest of Anglo lands may eventually happen, but it will be anticlimactic, like a bank finally foreclosing on a rotting house after years of non-payment. As funny as it would be watching them shoot down Piglouse’s plane, it really would not have been wise for the Chinese to start a shooting war over a decrepit witch.


““paper tiger” commenters”? That’s one the same retarded troll spamming the same retarded crap every day always in desperate need of attention like every loser troll.


It’s hard to tell but it initially looked like a flood of disappointed, anti-China crazy fucks invaded the comments over this, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was all 1 person running dozens of accounts, after the embarrassing pullout from Afghanistan, I expected America to be labeled the paper tiger from now on but never China


I forgot to mention that the “paper tiger” comments still have a shitload of upvotes which means that a lot of clueless, war-hawks here actually wanted China to take the U.S. bait and shoot Nancy’s plane down, so fucking cringe.


You stupid retarded cowards will let Satan shit all over you and degenerate your children and never do anything to stop it in the name of fear.

You are just supporting the degenerate U.S. by crying for peace.


Fake upvotes most likely. It’s rather easy actually…


China’s not quite ready so the NEOCONs took one of the last chances they’re going to get to look tough.


people who think China just attacking Taiwan would bring it success and victory are being foolish, Taiwan according to most experts is like an impervious rock that is difficult to assault. They could consider an assassination of Pelosi or something to throw down the gauntlet to the Americans, whose are a used bag of a superpower and not likely to respond with the kind of vigour they had at the time of WW2. This is only if China itself is ready, they should know when not to fight

Last edited 2 years ago by Clubofinfo

As expected the cowardly Chinese do nothing !!

Darren McPhilimy

If the Chinese have done nothing then why is Taiwan responding defensively?

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry: “We are fully aware of military activities near Taiwan and will send our forces as appropriate in response to enemy threats.”


only infantilized amerikan lgbt reactionary moron respond like little girl; China will choose time and place to humiliate cowardly amerikants

AM Hants

The things she will do for a free bar, courtesy the US tax payers. Is she checking out her husband’s investments or working on the next scam?


🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 I love you!


China is playing the long term game. Celebrating victory early is the same mistake that Ukraine made months ago.


We are going to dance and party when the word comes, the witch is dead.


Just like Russia, China is scared shitless to follow through with their threats. Paper tiger and paper bear.

america = gay

and toilet paper USA & IMHO

Darren McPhilimy

The USA offers a burgeoning mountain of paper FRNs. That’s why your lunch costs so much more than it used to. And now you’re letting China eat your expensive lunch while you do a misguided victory dance.

But as long as the BIg Guy gets his ten percent tip it’s all good.

It’s me

This visit has costed the taxpayers 10s of millions , good thing iam not one of those

Karl Pomeroy

You think this money comes out of our taxes and not a printing press?


My bet: it will be noisy for a few days, then deadly calm, then c. August 15, China will take the Taiwan Strait small islands until now ruled by Taiwan only because US support. It’s not a killer move but emphasizes Beijing’s claim to all of Taiwan and very especially the waters surrounding it.

Then the resulting economic tension will force Taiwan to negotiate with China. Much has been talked on how Taiwan monopolyzes the high end microchip market but not enough about how China can cut not just Taiwan but all the US Empire from the rare earths that are essential for all that microchip industry, among other things. The US Empire does not want to be cut from such strategical produce on which it is heavily dependent (remember that China exports more than anybody else) and see how those precious resources and produce are sold to other opportunistic countries like Russia, China or even Saudi Arabia, which recently asked for membership in the BRICS.

Karl Pomeroy

Clara, I do believe your comment is more relevant than most regarding Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan!

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