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MARCH 2025

Pentagon Claims It Informed Russia Ahead Of Its Attack On Syrian Army. More Details About Incident Appear

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Pentagon Claims It Informed Russia Ahead Of Its Attack On Syrian Army. More Details About Incident Appear

Illustrative image: F-22

On February 8, US Department of Defense spokesperson Dana White claimed that the US-led coalition had informed the Russian side of its plans to attack the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Deir Ezzor in advance, according to the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik.

“The coalition officials alerted Russian officials of the SDF presence via the de-confliction line in advance of the attack,” White said during a press briefing, according to Sputnik.

White added that the US-led coalition had even contacted Russia after its attack on the SAA and stressed that the coalition was not looking to start a conflict with the SAA and the Damascus government.

From its side, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia described the US-led coalition attack on the SAA as “regrettable” and said that Russia will raise the incident during a UN Security Council closed-door briefing on the Syria’s humanitarian situation on February 8, according to Reuters.

“That’s very regrettable, we will raise that issue, we will ask them what happened,” Nebenzia told reporters, according to Reuters.

Meanwhile more information about the US-led coalition attack on the SAA apppeared. Lucas Tomlinson, a journalist of Fox News TV, revealed that Apache attack helicopters, AC-130 gunship, F-22 and F-15 warplanes and US Marine Corps artillery units participated in the attack on the SAA positions in the town of Khasham in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside on February 7.

Furthermore, the Arab al-Bakara tribe announced in an official statement that dozens of its sons were killed in the US-led coalition airstrikes on the SAA. Earlier, Syrian opposition sources claimed that the US-led coalition target “Iranian and Russian forces” in Khasham. However, it appears that these claims were nothing more than a propaganda stunt to justify the airstrikes.

Al-Bakara also vowed in its official statement to continue its fight against ISIS, the US-led coalition and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and described the three forces as “occupiers” and “terrorists”.

Local sources believe that the Euphrates Valley region may witness more similar incidents in the future, as the tension in the region is higher than ever.

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Terence Silvestre Jr.

Russia warned by the Americans before the Americans massacred Russian allies? Will it be an American lie of the many more to tarnish the dignity and honor of my beloved Russia or a shameful and sad truth?


And Russians according to the opposition media as well. It is as believable as the Steele dossier and senior US officials.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Opposition media = dolls of the dirty and American liars. You have to look at the facts and only in the facts and in their possible reasons to be and while being objective and as close to logic as possible. Doing that you will see how the obvious and the truth will come out like the sun in a clear summer sky, my friend

Shylo Duffy

Right but thank God no one believes a single word they utter.Msm has to be laughing that the American people through they’re tax bucks pay for their propaganda lies.

Shylo Duffy

I think when all is said and done Russia will come out of this on top because they are a good people with strong leadeship, I do worry though about what becomes of Russia when Putin’s not running the Govt? In all my yrs I’ve never seen such a honorable man not to mentions a Just President as he, he’s unique ….unshakable, and above all a God fearing man…I honestly believe he walks with God and is a pleasure to the Lord, Hence why he’s successful in all he does.To be honest I’m envious that my Country has never known such a leader.I respect him greatly.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Ooh my friend, you never imagined the satisfaction do you gave me when I reading your comment and seeing you expressing yourself in that so gentle and nice way about my beloved Russia and Putin. May God continue to bless this great and good man regardless of its shortcomings and failures, because who is exempt from them, dares to throw the first stone and I fear that no one would dare to do so, being all us simple humans with faults and defects, ones with more than others, I fear.


Calm down, that was just compensatory wanking; Russia and Putin is none of that, whoever is not blind, can see it with every attack.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Curiously I think exactly the same about you, but as I said before, you have the same right as everyone here to comment what you think is right, my friend. Good luck in your way of thinking.

You can call me Al

I do agree, but if you are like me, for 3 decades, we have witnessed absolute scum run many European Countries and definitely the US. Whilst I agree that Putin is an exceptional being, has all of the positive attributes you state and has made Russia the greatest success in fighting the bully boys (in centuries); a dead rancid fish would be better than the Globalists we have today (not taking anything from him at all).

Shylo Duffy

Well said Al..


Just think of it… are you not tired of the fact that the Russian leadershit is just wasting not only our effort and our resources, but also the lives of its own people?! Then think again! We are all rooting for Russia… are you not sick of it that the Russian leadershit is just piling up one blunder after another in such a childish way that it is disgusting, even offensive!

To tell you the truth honestly, I always keep in mind the following quote by Ólorin (known to Men as Gandalf and to Elves as Mithrandir…):

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.”

And I am trying to follow his advice. But all too often that great power betrays us like Curumo (Saruman) and all of our everyday small deeds are simply wasted… just because the morons cannot even perform their basic duties!!! And not even speaking up when they ought to and when it costs them nothing! Through their stupidity and incompetence, it costs us, the ordinary folk, our lives!

Just think of it!


Not really.

Look at what the morons have done. The current Russian leadershit has brought Russia under sanctions and into a kind of isolation. And simply because they are inept morons who, due to their own shocking incompetence, expend the lives of thousands of their people.

They have fucked up just about everything.

E.g. consider Libya. They let the evil West destroy the country. Syria, their ally, was next. And why? Because they were fucking stupid and failed to do what was obvious even to a child. A simple vote, which would not have cost a single life, could have prevented 2 bloody wars. If the West had been stopped in Libya, the Syrian civil war could have been prevented.

Of course, it did not stop there, Ukraine was next. And Russians, their folk, was already being killed this time. Did the Russians came at least with words which (again), cost nothing? A couple of words could have prevented it. A proper propaganda effort could have averted it and make the West’s deeds backfire on it.

Just think of it… are you not tired of the fact that the Russian leadershit is just wasting not only our effort and our resources, but also the lives of its own people?! Then think again! We are all rooting for Russia… are you not sick of it that the Russian leadershit is just piling up one blunder after another in such a childish way that it is disgusting, even offensive!

To tell you the truth honestly, I always keep in mind the following quote by Ólorin (known to Men as Gandalf and to Elves as Mithrandir…):

“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay.”

And I am trying to follow his advice. But all too often that great power betrays us like Curumo (Saruman) and all of our everyday small deeds are simply wasted… just because the morons cannot even perform their basic duties!!! And not even speaking up when they ought to and when it costs them nothing! Through their stupidity and incompetence, it costs us, the ordinary folk, our lives!

Just think of it!


No, the Russian leadershit is a bunch of cowardly scumbags, despised and derided by the rest of the world, first by Russia’s enemies, then by Russia’s allies. The only thing they come on top is a pile of dead bodies, first of their allies, then of their own. There is most likely a good reason why Russia, despite being supposedly so brilliant, has such a low standing in international relations… approaching North Korea, actually.

You can call me Al

Hello Terrence; in my view, the only thing that it tarnishing is the dignity and honour (if they had any) of the Yankers; it is embarrassing to watch their predictable behaviour and lies showing their imminent collapse.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Hi my friend, and that is, that’s the right and logical of all facts, about what you comment here. To this day I am still wondering about how those American political worms manage to live with themselves and achieve a peaceful sleep in the night after so many injustices, evils and deceptions that day after day they do not stop to accumulate in their dark and malevolent consciousness, if they have one at all, I’m asking me too.

You can call me Al

I ask myself as well. I know I couldn’t. Cheers for now.


The explanation is quite straightforward: the incompetent Russians wish them a good night and sweet dreams. At the expense of their allies, of course, whom the brown-nosing Russians let die by the hundreds without hardly batting an eye lid…


It so easy: the incompetent Russians wish them a good night and sweet dreams. At the expense of their allies, of course, whom the brown-nosing Russians let die by the hundreds without hardly batting an eye lid…

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Okey my friend, although I’m not very inspired by your comment, I’ll have to respect it, because it’s your right to say what you think. Good for you.


Are you still living in your delusions?! There is no “imminent collapse” of the Yankies, far from that!

They are rock-solid in their positions because the Russians are such incompetent morons who do not dare to even speak up where they ought to!

You know, my mother told me that the Russians value human life above everything else. Well, maybe ordinary Russians do, but the Russian leaders value a hundred lives below a single public utterance.

You can call me Al

I said imminent collapse – I was talking about the economic situation and the likes of 40 million on food stamps, the true unemployment being 20% ish and so on and so on.


Just US psy-ops trying to cause trouble, I’m sure we’ll hear it was 2mins before the attack so no action could be taken, or they lied and said they were bombing Daesh!

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You are right my friend, because everything, yes, everything is possible while dealing with these crazy Americans, as long as it is about evils, betrayals, traps and robbing others resources..ect, everything is always and will be always possible to do by those very bad guys, calling americans.

Vince Dhimos

They lie, and that is ALL they do. This is a propaganda effort to make Assad mistrust the Russians. It will not work. It was also cold-blooded murder by an illegal invader. The underlying purpose is to embarrass Putin prior to the elections.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I also think the same thing, my friend, because, since when do Americans care about Russia’s opinion about what they will do or do not do at their whim and whenever they want? Apart from cowardly stabbing in the back, being so sickly and impulsive liars, I pity those American worms.


Everything coming out of the mouth of a Western Politician is a Lie ( can’t judge the others)……..So when they talk, you know what to skip from the list………I learned that Donkeys can talk….

Terence Silvestre Jr.

More accurate impossible. I totally agree with your comment, my friend.

Eric Holt

Yep…yer doing that now lol :P


That’s an understatement . They are not only lies but childish lies that assumes the rest of the world are kids .

.. .and these guys are powered to drop nukes now even mini nukes for fun.

Eric Holt

Fool born every day. You were no exception. Does not matter what country or government…when interests conflict… all will stab the other in the back. But just so you know why American´s are like that…. Rusia “liberated 55 thousand prisoners after ww2 from east German camps. They told allies they would send them home when the allies gave them the half of Europe they wanted. Allies refused and those men…. nearly 30,000 of them American, were trained back to russian camps and were never seen again. That´s why the cold war originated in miss trust. Makes you wonder why you ruskies have such ill feelings for Americans lol.


This is what Harry Truman, the future Murrican president, actually said: “If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible.” So much for the trust in the Murricans, lol.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Are you inventing or do you have a genuine and credible literary source about what you are citing, my friend?

You can call me Al

Why turn on somebody that was on your side against the Yanker troll ?

Here – https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/728071-if-we-see-that-germany-is-winning-we-ought-to

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I did the observation because it is very common to hear quotes falsely linked to historical figures to give them some weight and value. It is a very common type of fraud carried out by several failed historians and journalists to attract attention. And this website that you mention (goodreads.com) can be one of those cases, I’m afraid, my friend.

You can call me Al

I am not sure I meant to send you that link, sorry.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Do not worry, my friend, do not worry. Because I know very well that you have always tried and managed to be very objective and wise in each of your comments and your previous one will not be the exception. Have a nice day and good luck in everything.

You can call me Al

Thank you very much, much appreciated. Until next time.

You can call me Al


Terence Silvestre Jr.

I did the observation because it is very common to hear quotes falsely linked to historical figures to give them some weight and value. It is a very common type of fraud carried out by several failed historians and journalists to attract attention.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You will excuse me, my friend, but I assure you that at least in my case I enjoy excellent mental and psychiatric health, just like Putin and many others giving their opinion here. And if for some reason you doubt of your own mental health I recommend that you go as soon as possible with an expert in the subject for your own good. Because I fear that I can see a slight signal of alerts in your extreme way of thinking here my friend. I hope you accept my humble advice.

Jens Holm

Very one eyed version.

Shylo Duffy

Yes of course it is, but both Putin and Assad expect this and there’s not a single thing that the US can do to try and convince the other that they can’t be trusted. The thing the west doesn’t seem to ubnderstand is that just bc they lie cheat and steal, doesn’t mean the rest of us do..The west is failing on every level…The American people are NOT the problem it’s they’re Govts.

Ariel Cohen

The American people blindly elect the people they choose, so they have to take responsibility also. However, the visible governing body is merely a convenient distraction for the shadow rulers, who have no humanitarian conscience at all and are ruthless in every way. They threw us all into two world wars already, killing millions of innocents and they are quite willing to kill and foment death and destruction if it suits their purposes or furthers their globalist agenda. It will all culminate in the revelation of their “Supreme Lord”, who will make some sort of international agreement, followed by the installation of a one world credit system. “..a mark in their right hand or in their forehead . .”

John Mason

Not many to choose from, 2 candidates thrown at the people, Clinton and Trump. Seems more like a dictatorship, here choose; A or B. If no one voted then that would make it interesting and will also show that the US citizens have some intelligence.

Eric Holt

Even if no one voted, you would still get 65 million votes counted? And maybe not for the one you choose?


Maybe it is a bit off-topic here… but a couple of Murricans conceded that if a terrorist bomb attack happened in a city, most of the people killed by the bomb would actually be guilty (of voting for a criminal government perpetrating war crimes all over the world), not innocent.

Ariel Cohen



That’s the problem with electronic voting – it’s just too easy to rig.

Carol Davidek-Waller

That and legal bribery i.e. campaign contributions.

Eric Holt




Tudor Miron

Eric, stop spreading BS here. international war crimes and human rights abuses – are you talking about Israel, US? If you’re talking about elected president of sovereign Syria, Assad than thare only a couplle ignorant americans left that still believe MSM lies about Syria.

Shylo Duffy

God bless you Eric…


The American people are complicit in their ignorance and inaction!

Roddy Wehrmacht

Yes we get to choose from the left leaning Jew ass kisser or the right leaning jew ass kisser


There is no Left, both sides of the duopoly cater to the MIC and Wall $treet greed.


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Shylo Duffy

Yes on that I couldn’t agree more that they don’t stand up and scream that they’re Govt can’t kill in their names.


I have been ‘screaming’ at them since 2010, this round. Welcome to the party.

Shylo Duffy

Me to John and it’s so frustrating that bc we’ve spent yrs seeking truth and some people read the headlines or worse told what to think by they’re MSM and accuse Assad instead of where the blame lies..like Ole Matt here.


peace WITH Assad in power will NEVER happen!!!

Rüdiger Preiss

There are intelligent people here, what makes you think anyone would care about your hogwash??


Intelligent people? you guys are such a bad joke

Shylo Duffy

Oh Matt go home….


i am home

Eric Holt

Thats exactly what we thought about your drivel!


It is like saying that there will never be world peace or future for mankind unless the swath of land between Canada and Mexico is thoroughly cleansed.

Rüdiger Preiss

Hahaha, you “thought”? For “thinking” you’d need a brain – mostly the frontal lobes, to be specific, not your cerebellum ;)

Tudor Miron

We? Erica, don’t full yourself.

Jonathan Cohen

Not unless he permits ABORTION!

You can call me Al

Oh look at you again !!…….. it is the retarded troll that thinks anyone gives a toss what you think.

You are now blocked; good riddance to bad rubbish.


blocked huh?

You can call me Al

Not yet as I was expecting a response.

I did say blocked so that I don’t see you, not reported in that you will be banned.


Eric Holt

Your mudder dropped you on yer head on that block when ya were a youngun, right lol


And without him there would be ISIS or Al Nusra in Damascus and a river of blood flowing into the sea..


Florian, how many syrians do you know personally?


That’s my business Matt.

The evidence of how ISIS and Al Nusra would behave if they captured Damascus is written in blood in the sands of ALL the areas they have controlled.


I knew it, NONE

You have a very childish view on this war and on how the world really works, Florian. I wonder why the mayority of the peope in the comment section needs to see the world in blac kand white/good and bad. I guess it has to do with the bible…..


As I said Matt, that’s my business , not yours.

I have a realistic view of life and war in my humble opinion that has served me well thus far. Even though I was shot in my early 20’s. Not too seriously though.

I sometimes agree with you but on many occasions I consider that you are ‘ Away with the fairies ‘ in the virtual reality of the ‘State Dept Land’ Matt.


No, you are mixing up things here! As i said, you have a childish view on things. Either you choose assad and putin or the zionists USA

I despice both sides and do not choose between dirty politrics


Are there any syrian refugees in your city? go and talk with them, real persons are always the best source for info


Real refugees wanted Assad. As it is all areas liberated and made safe refugees return.

Do you see any area your rebels or terrorists captured see any mass return? None


how many “real”refugees did you meet???


Silly question really. One gets real news not your fall news .

Lol Evidence already proven beyond any doubt.


fall news? REAL news?????


Now why not leave it to Syrians here ? What right the US have in intervening ? Credibility ? None of them.


Good idea! trow out the Americans, Russians, Iranians, Iraqi, Hezbollah, Turkey, foreign jihadis, foreign apoists. ALL foreigners OUT!!!

Rüdiger Preiss

Refugees are not a good source as I’ve explained in another post. Especially not Syrians who are known to blow their stories out of proportion when they sense that this would earn them more attention and probably also reward them in a material way. If you want a good source of information, look for someone who is in Syria for years and certainly not for profit, such as Pierre Le Corf. Since Pierre’s “we are superheroes” charity is not limited to Syria but he has been to many other countries as well, this certainly should give him more credibility than anyone else. https://www.facebook.com/pierrelecorf


That is your opinion, it is not mine. You can explain me untill you drop dead, i keep to my own opinion. The man i met yesterday is not earning anything with what he told me. He lost ALL his money, but fortunatly, he and his his children are safe! I rather talk to syrians then some foreigner that has a limited view on the truth, Mostly because he won’t understand arabic perfectly (with al the local slang) and he won’t understand the culture, as he is a westerner. In many cases, the person will travel under escort, and is not able to talk freely with assad opponents. Your point does not make sense at all!!

Rüdiger Preiss

You obviously haven’t looked at Pierre Le Corf’s footage, otherwise you wouldn’t claim that he couldn’t walk freely. Also, you obviously have never been to Syria yourself. You claim you know Syria because you are talking to some refugees, oh well. Have you spoken to any Syrian Christians or Druze? These are the best people to speak to, because they are looking at the events from a more neutral perspective. Druze are exempt from military duty. I have travelled Syria extensively and lived with Syrians, from simple farmers, shepherds, to university graduates and with all ethnicities, incl. Sunnis. It doesn’t take me long to recognise whether a Syrian is dodgy or honest and I also have heard a lot of stories badly blown out of proportion, from a river that supposedly flows upstream in As Suweidah to a snake that eats babies in Deir Ezzor. You also should know that many Syrians will tell you stories they claim have involved themselves, then you hear the same from a neighbour a few doors further down the road and next day a few villages further someone else will tell you the same story leaving you thinking “hmmm … I’ve heard that somewhere before”. It is your point that doesn’t make sense. A Pierre le Corf has no reason whatsoever to spread lies – the fact that he does the same type of aid in various countries proves that his ambitions are the human being and the suffering and not at all political motives. You claim you are talking to Syrians, but you don’t understand that refugees (who represent no more than 10% of the Syrian population) very likely are biased, whereas if you speak to Syrians in Syria, you will hear very different stories.


I am happy to say that I do not and never have lived in a city or even a small town for that matter. I live in what is quaintly known as a Village in the UK.


ok, i am a city boy

Eric Holt

You dont know jack shiite, tool!


I do however know more than you Eric and others here agree with that :)

Rüdiger Preiss

Do you really think that refugees make good “witnesses”? Think about it. Who would be the first to leave their country? How many Americans hate their country to the core and would leave it as refugees as soon as there was a similar uprising (if not joining the uprising)? MILLIONS. Apart from that, refugees are easily subjected to a lot of propaganda and even easier to buy – I know one from Damascus who had a travel company and he was given a HOUSE for him and his 3 kids, twice the size of mine here in the UK, for free. The rent for the house he was given would be above £1500 / month. Also, you need to know that Syrians as all Arabs are very good at blowing their stories out of proportion. If someone has been held at a police station over night and been slapped, they will tell you they were in prison for a week and been heavily tortured. I have seen stories unfold in Syria, you wouldn’t believe them, had you not known the truth yourself.


Why do you refer to americans?? Are you american? I am not. I don’t know how the refugee system works in the UK, but on the mainland EU, the refugees do not get big appartements at all. Most live in camps for one or two years to start with. They share a 30 square room with 4 people. After that they get a house, wich is always social housing, never bigger then neccessary. The amount of torture won’t give you more square meters, i cannot imagine it works like that in the UK!?!?!

Rüdiger Preiss

That depends on the refugees’s influence :). Main land Europe is a bit different from the UK in that their imperialist ambitions are insignificant (except for France maybe). The MSM in the UK are some of the main sources of propaganda, mostly fed by the specifically for this purpose created White Helmets and the pathological Assad hater Rami Abdulrahman who – nobody should be surprised -has seen a few Syrian prison walls. I guess he has successfully infected you :D


So, in the end you don,t seem very serious…..


I like your new pic Matt….. is that Borat?

northerntruthseeker .

This one is definitely a Jewish Hasbara/JIDF agent… They are so easily rooted out now by their laughable comments.


Oh yeah, i make so much money writing this, hahahah


Become a member of the Khazarian Mafia Bro…..and you make a shitload mo’…..you only have to sign here and your ass belongs to me……


i am just a divorced father and architect, that is all..oh yeah and i volunteer on helping syrian refugees, the educated ones that had enough money to travel to europe, i can assure you that you learn much more about syria talking to real syrians instead of reading all this websites, both the MSM and alt media are FULL of SHIT


Then add something meaningful….everyone got his own reasons to be here…..


I did, once again: Assad is one of the mayor problems in this war, with him in power the war will not end


For now: the real enemy is another one, and first things first! He has done a great job defending Syrians…..otherwise they would all live in ISISrael…..free elections only when the war is over……That is up to the Syrian People… not up to us


He killed way more syrians then he defended, you are seeing things from a kremlin/teheran point of view, wich is not the true story.


There is no true story….. that’s the sad thing……Deceit & mistrust is what makes the world go round these days….. Humanity has made nice progress


I agree there is no ONE true story, if that is what you meant. But the many syrians i talked with told me that the protests against assad where real protests from educated middle class people that know the west and they were fed up with the mafia regime, later assad released salafi madmen from prison to turn the protests into a civil war. In the meantime, the USA, togeheter with Qatar and SA were training foreign salafis to increase the conflict. Qatar wanted the pipeline, backed by the usa, the russians did not want that, the saudis want a salafi government in syria, the usa wants chaos in syria to help israel and to sell weapons, erdogan dreams about the osman erra, the kurds want their own state, so many dirty powergames One truth is certain, the assad regime killed too many people to have any credibility left to rule the country. The only road to peace is a government without the assad clan. The sad truth is that in the end the new rulers will have blood on their hands as well, probably. One example: Cambodia, who is still in power? Hun Sen, wich was responsible for most killings during the Khmer rouge!! This fact was put under the carpet and is still taboo in Cambodia


The common Syrians are the ones that suffer…. they are caught in the middle of all this… every player in this war has got his own reasons to be there…..The US Zionazis want to commit Global Suicide….. I think everyone should be opposed against that first……or maybe it’s best when Humanity leaves this earth……when they continue on this track it will be over within the next 100 years anyway….


Non of the players want to commit global suicide as planned, all sides have very stupid short term policies, they are humans. Mayebe we could be ruled by A.I. within a few decades, or they exterminate us as a plague :)

Shylo Duffy

I just wanted you to understand that here my friend you won’t find anyone who believes that story..Most if not all of us here understand perfectly what and why and how this happened…If you don’t know by now that the Syrian crisis was and is a US (As usual) a full blown regime change that has obviously failed but the US (as usual) refuse to do the right thing but of course everyone knows that they don’t understand right from wrong up from down.Just didn’t want you wasting youre time trying to convince us of the tired propaganda bs.

Eric Holt

Bull shiite. No Sunni ever voted for Assaids and assaids was elected by his 11% shiite minority…combined with a 4% Christian if reality is true…. dont be a fool all your life.


Of course, you fool, they voted for him.

You peddle bullshit that you cannot even prove. Like I said, even Western opinion polls, not to mention the actual results of the presidential election, have always indicated that Bashar Hafez al-Assad enjoys the support of a majority of Syrians.


You don’t know shite (or shiite if you prefer). Assad would win landslide in any elections. If not why so called “opposition” is so afraid that they want to ban him from running. If they are so popular why they are scared to face him on internationally monitored elections?


Can you say why 60% of the SAA soldiers are Sunnis Eric.

They chose to support and fight for President Assad. Those that did not fled abroad or joined the US Proxy Terrorists.

If you reply, please refrain from bad language, it is a rather standard Zionist Jew trait in my experience on forums such as these.


You need to talk with some people that were in the protests!


Then shut up! You talked to “many” Syrians, yet only a small minority of Syrians, who were most likely heavily biased on top of that!

That is really like asking the Nazis about the Jews… By the way, the West wanted Assad to release the “political prisoners”, so he did it…

One truth is certain: the United States of Aggression is complicit in too many bloody wars to tell anyone how to run their country, much less in the case of Syria, which the United States of Aggression has been attacking for almost 70 years.

Your “logic” is like saying that the Jews should not have a country of their own because they brought about the Holocaust (pardon my capitalization) on themselves.

The Syrians voted for Assad and only the Syrians have the right to decide it, not some Western puppets named “Syrian government in exile”, whose members have not been to Syria for decades and who have been voted for by no one but themselves and who refuse to take part in peace talks, unless they are supplied with weapons…

Speaking of Cambodia, the United States of Aggression was propping up Pol Pot for many years after his fall and ousting.


You shut up, fucking braindead imbecil!


It is painful to read your “logic”. He released salafi, but he killed to many to have credibility, and he released salafi to turn protests into civil war???? He would be the first “evil dictator” who instead of eliminating his enemies, released them from prison, because he preferred civil war to protests???? If you are as smart of an architect as you are political analyst, I would not even allow you to draw house on a peace of paper with pencil, not to mention designing the real one.


Its painfull to see all your stupid comments. You just refuse to see how evil these people work


Really??? You are failing in basic math, you stupid troll! :-D There is an estimate of about a 1/2 million deaths, yet over 10 million Syrians voted for Bashar Hafez Assad. Then how do you explain that they voted for him and that he has had the support of about 2/3 of Syrians all the time by any measure, even in Western polls? Which is your story, then? :-P


And CNN/US/Israel/Saudi story you are pushing is the true story?


sure, CNN is telling that the USA trained ISIS

Shylo Duffy

Have u not noticed you’re the only one going out of its way to share lies..You spend alot of time to try and convince us about Assad, it’s an insult to many of us here who have spent many yrs researching the truth…Go elsewhere to peddle you’re lies.


you dumb asses are an insult to the syrian victims

Eric Holt

You know nothing about syria, Assaids or his father and their 40 years* reign of terror over the people. Thats why this has happened now. If every country…. stayed out of syria and let the syrian people do their own thing, Assaids would be dead… a new government in power and syrians safely rebuilding their own future. However, taking this that or another sifde simply because you dislike another does not make anything you said right. The only thing that matters now is for Assaids to be outsted anyways possible, all other countries to leave and then let the syrian people choose. But no…those you support, will be there after the end and take all.


I guess you know nothing about the United States of Aggression, where every president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a war criminal, who terrorized the whole planet Earth, including Syria, and tens of other nations as well, precisely because the nations and their people wanted to do their own thing. The Syrian people have already chosen, but the United States of Aggression — the cuntry based on ethnic cleansing and genocide — does not accept their choice and keeps terrorizing and murdering them in gross violation of Chapter 2 of the Charter of the United Nations.


Hasbara troll, we are divorcing you as well!


You are no syrian…. your just another UndercoverZioLover…… and you should read better Bro instead of replying nonsense….


Without Assad Syria would be like Libya without Gaddafi troll. Do you know any Libyans troll? You probably don’t because they are dying in Mediterranean see trying to escape from their newly acquired freedom from “evil dictator” troll. Your wife figured out you are a moron, so she left you, so it is time for the rest of us to do the same: You are a moron and we are divorcing you!


your mother is a troll :))))


Ok Matt, seeing that you are an ‘expert’ on Syrian affairs, who do you think has the stature and ability and support to lead all the factions within Syria if President Assad was to retire ?


That is a good question Florian, to be honest i would not know. Do you? One day he will retire if not imprisoned or killed


I do not know of anyone who could replace President Assad , who I believe to be a good and honourable man.

However, what I am certain of is that a descent into the chaos we witness today in Libya and the chaos we witnessed in Iraq after the fall of Saddam, is a salutary lesson that US/NATO intervention has only bought misery and death to millions of civilians in those countries.

The appalling thing is that the US and others knew very well the chaos that would result and it seems that only the rulers who ‘ chop of heads ‘ in Saudi Arabia etc who kneel to the US are acceptable.


The USA wil hopefully fall apart. I am not a fan AT ALL!!


At least we can agree on that Matt :)

Eric Holt

Why should we give a fug about your reason…not like you gavce a fug when americans died during 911. Still, you baseless camel jockeys think you are someone lol :P


It was a case of “chicken coming home to roost”.

I guess a terrorist attack like the ones the United States of Aggression perpetrates all the time.


I’m a White Boy Bro…..just like you….. and it were your Zionist friends who brought down the twin towers with Thermite…….numbnut


You ZionistMotherfucker…….People who chop off Little Girl’s Heads have to be Destroyed, Eradicated of the face off the Earth!!!!! Their Bones Scattered so no One will even know they ever existed


You mean the Syrians who are kept here for tales of Assad atrocities? ROTFL.

By the way, there are still more Syrians in Syria voting for Assad. So much for your “views”.


those FAKE elections???? you are an idiot to call that voting

Shylo Duffy

I have talked to Syrian people every day as well as two friends that are there now. Assad is well loved…

Eric Holt

Dont speak with yer weiner in yer hand boy….bad manners! :P

Eric Holt

You can tell the fuggwit… always … he is the camel jockey with the anti jew terminology every time. Always..the jews did it…next it will be jews landed on the moon first lol :P


Whose grandfather told you that? It’s happening and will be


So you have just stated your position very clearly – you actively want conflict and are absolutely hostile to the existing Syrian state leadership. That actually makes you the inflexible, extreme and problematic party in the equation – not the al-Assad leadership as you claim.


No, you got me wrong there, i want peace. And with assad in power there wil not be peace


Nope – got you right – you are intransigent and ungrateful to SAA assistance to YPG in past.

You can call me Al

Exactly, the slimy, fat, Yid-Yanks. It is time for their hiding.

PS It is also a diversion from their whores getting massacred in / near HAMA and the other muppets on their out in / near Idlib. But the World knows.

PS The elections – well sussed out, it never crossed my mind.


A flimsy subterfuge by the Washington barbarians; it’s about time someone accidentally blew a few of the bastards out the sky.


A few Kaliber missiles in the right place would be effective!


Your wish will be rewarded one day I am sure if the Zio-Yanks continue as they are.

You can call me Al

As a side issue, matt = Eric Holt = a few others.

Roddy Wehrmacht

This could have the effect of forcing them out, much the way Hezbollah chased the US out of Lebanon in 1983 with one big truck bomb. The US is reduced to the defense of various shady loser proxy forces to achieve its’ aims…and it is absolutely pathetic. They have their bloody minded goals and this massive military that outspends everyone, yet they rely on these ragtag douchebags to do their dirty work. I mean, WTF?

Eric Holt

Them ragtag douchbags are giving Turkey a bloody A$$ at the moment aren´t they lol

Shylo Duffy

Why are you here Eric? Because I’m aware that you purposely go out of you’re way to try and convince the others here that you’re right their wrong.Never mind I now understand..The almighty buck drives u.

Jens Holm


Eric Holt

But then you would biatch about americas response…ya cant win an argument with fools can ya lol :P


Here some of the absolute idiotic Distraction-Bullocks we get confronted with on a daily basis and everyone is talkin’ about it….WTF!!!! Welcome in the Western LaLaLand….really I am amased by the stupidity of these peeps:


If I make everyone look at my Left Hand…. nobody will notice that I’m holding my weener in my Right Hand…..I wanna be a magician when I grow up…..

Rüdiger Preiss

Well I have driven a Tesla Model S which certainly was not fake. If you don’t believe it, why don’t you simply go to the next launch yourself :)


Yeah it’s probably just a marketing stunt…. But I’ll wait for your invitation for a trip to the moon with this new Tesla…..

John Mason

True and you can not defend yourself when you are the aggressor waging a proxy war and taking possession of sovereign territory.


Well if they lied , we can wait for confirmation from the Russians.

If Russia is silent, then it is true and accept it, Russia chickened out and not really a reliable ally. Or Russia is no match for US air Force.

So far Russia has been proven dare to take on only Terrorists

Trouble and long war ahead as no country can ever allow their country to be stolen with just words from losers

In the end , US had to withdraw with certainty


pissing off the locals the US is at is most finest again

Jonathan Cohen

The locals sound like abortion banners to me.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Russia must implement fire to fire rule.Rubbish UN must expel its agent USA.


Air Force AC-130 gunships, F-15s, F-22s, Army Apache helicopter gunships and Marine Corps artillery..

This is hilarious they went full berserker..

Shylo Duffy

Yup that’s what Satanism does…

Alejandro Bonifacio

i think the same about gringo soldier, they are so dumb people who only bussiness is killing


Just lol at that tweet. “Assad-backed fighters”. It’s the Syrian Army.

Shylo Duffy

Ya I caught that!

Langaniso Mhlobo

Revenge Is the answer and the perpetrators will be cautious like Syrian troops.

General Surena


Shylo Duffy

Something anything needs to take place once and for all I understand by fighting back it would cause a huge back lash but perhaps that’s what’s needed, they the Russians and Syria need to give it back just as hard as they give it even harder bc if they don’t this will continue to get out of haND real fast no doubts the Americans expect to get away with they’re filthy fighting. It’s all good to remain pragmatic and try to find a solution but everyone understands when it comes to the west there us no honor.How I hate to watch as Syria continues to be broken …I’m not one for war but when one side starts killing the other side time for that SIDE to FIGHT back with everything that they have…Honestly my heart breaks for those people in the M E.I can barley stand it.


In the end we will find out it was only the Arab Al Bakara Tribe , not SAA or the Russians or the Iranians . They already have their story line broken and confused , I’ll love to see what the story will be at the end .


Perhaps the Russian will deploy some ‘area defense’ AA weapons (Pantsir) to ensure strike air craft keep their distance from SAA areas.

Jonathan Cohen

I hear the Russian air defense line is the river and the fight was East of the river.

leon mc pilibin

More lying BS,from the coalition of Chaos,,just to create friction between Syria and Russia and make reconciliation with the Kurds more difficult..DIVIDE AND CONQUER:


Maybe they did , maybe they didn’t, but the clear violation is, America’s military is still in Syria!! …and since we all know, what goes around comes around, and if Trump does NOT want outside powers helping Antifa, we should NOT be helping anyone except Assad. That is what I think and I am a citizen, a veteran, I pay taxes and I vote.

Jonathan Cohen

Assad deserves it for banning ABORTION! unlike Kim Jong-un.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Do you think anyone would attack with 500 men and no air support then many have a lot to learn. Local ISIS turned DMC apparently along with the Pentagon objected to deal made in regards to the Conoco fields in exchange for allowing convoys and medical support. Seems the US really doesn’t want the SDF making it’s own deals, but fine for ISIS turned DMC to smuggle ISIS members across the Euphrates.


The US counter-attacked? At any rate, the US is waging an undeclared war against Syria, Russia and Iran.


US informing Russia before the attack?

Might even be true.

Seems everybody is informing Russians nowadays.

You can call me Al

Oh don’t be a stupid Kurd dumb fuck, of course they didn’t notify them.

PS No offence intended; if there was – you would know.


They are indeed Dutch and ‘Making it up as they go along’. Rather like you in fact. Anything to cast doubt eh Dutch ?

Jonathan Cohen


Marvin Joel Zavala López

Too many Transformers movies”.

You can call me Al

Transgender movies maybe !!.

chris chuba

Probably a vague, obtuse reference prior to the attack, such as, ‘the SDF is in this area’ as if the Russians should know what that was all about, similar to the belated Japanese declaration of war prior to Pearl Harbor.


IF they did it would have likely been a few minutes before the attack with no time to react.


fox news tv big liers!!! 100 RUSSIANS kills mdrrrr!!!

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

The American people have not approved for the US to go to war in Syria.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Surely in next hours we will see ISIS offensive in that area vs SAA&NDF….

northerntruthseeker .


The liars in the US are at it again, and now looking for their “excuses” for this act of cold blooded murder…

Never, ever, trust anything the US claims….


So, are they allowed to keep attacking and killing unabated members of the Syrian army? If this not resolved it really doesn’t matter how the illegal occupation and its perverse acts are reported and then talked about. It’s will happen again – take my word – until it is stopped.


The one good thing after this war in Syria is over would be the experience soldiers Syria would have. After this is over Syria should go after Israel and take back all of its land immediately. The IDF’s only training is shooting at unarmed Palestinians


Russia needs to show some spine and defend Syria from US headchoppers or an emboldened US will target Russia itself. It is surprising that Assad has not addressed his nation and declared Syrian air space off limits,.

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