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MARCH 2025

Pentagon Denies Any Missiles Were Intercepted By Syrian Forces, Provides Own Version Of Events

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In comparison to the Russian version, the Pentagon says Syrian forces intercepted no missiles during the April 14 strike.

According to this version, the US launched 105 missiles at the alleged “chemical weapons” facilities of the Assad government.

  • 76 missiles – “Barzah Research and Development Center”
  • 22 missiles – “Him Shinshar Chemical Weapons Storage Site”
  • 7 missiles – “Him Shinshar CW Bunker”

However, the US military once again refused to provide any evidence confirming its allegations over the April 7 Douma “chemical attack” or Assad’s “chemical weapons facilities”. The formal reason is that the evidence is related to “intelligence”.

All the “evidence” provided by the Pentagon:

Pentagon Denies Any Missiles Were Intercepted By Syrian Forces, Provides Own Version Of Events

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Pentagon Denies Any Missiles Were Intercepted By Syrian Forces, Provides Own Version Of Events

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Pentagon Denies Any Missiles Were Intercepted By Syrian Forces, Provides Own Version Of Events

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Earleir, the Russian Defense Ministry said that the US had launched 103 missiles, 71 of which were intercepted by Syrian forces.

The Pentagon’s briefing:

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Lies, lies and more lies

The Latin Mass

Yes from Putin. Did any Russian air defenses shoot down any Cruise Missiles? No. Any jewamerica planes? No. Sink any jewamerica ships? No. What happened? Chabad Putin working for the rabbis in Moscow.


Did the rockets attack any of the russian servicemen?

Angelo Cinarelli

I’m thinking tthe same.


The range of the S-400 for missile interception is 80km, the russian bases were 100 to 200km from the nearest target.

The Latin Mass

Operational range

400 km (40N6 missile)

250 km (48N6 missile)

120 km (9M96E2 missile)

40 km (9M96E missile)

“If there is a strike by the Americans then… the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired,”


>missile interception But nice try looking stuff up, you should try harder next time

Tudor Miron

Latin Mass, if you don’t know sh$t about missiles than don’t think that others are the same. What you post is the maximum distance that miisile can travel in straight line.


He gave the correct distances, the information Russia uses to sell these things. However your responses are what are way off. If you have factual information that can make this site or comments worth while add it. To simply mock him proves nothing. Claims he is a paid troll for pointing out the S400 has range? Ya right. Why bother responding to him or any other if you actually believe him to be a paid troll who wanders the net looking to quote the distances of Russian air defense.

Tudor Miron

OK, for you personally I will elaborate. What he posted is missiles maximum range in straight line. if air target would stay still than one could shoot at the max distance. In real world there are different targets. Tomahowk is a cruise missile with small RCS flying low to the ground and manuvering during flight. Realistic range to shoot down such target by S-400 is 22-25km.


LoL and claims like yours are one good reason that S400s are not used at all, shit, the cost more than a T’hawk and that is the best reason that they are not used. Syria can’t afford escalating this war at this point and using cheaper SAMs made sense. Letting few through also made sense. In the media today, this is looking like a win – win for all, except 6 civilians that probably got hit by a shot up cruise bomb.

Last years attack by the US forces was more effective, but the Syrians did learn a lot from their mistakes. This was a test and I think a real point was made. A bombing campaign of Syria would be very costly.

The Latin Mass

Zombies still live in their fake delusional world:

Russia will shoot down US missiles **fired at Syria** and retaliate against launch sites, says ambassador. “If there is a strike by the Americans then… the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired,” he told Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV.

Even Trump was more aware than those here of Russia’s promise to Assad. Trump tweeted: “Russia vows to shoot down **any and all missiles fired at Syria**. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!”

Manuel Flores Escobar

Why Russia have to sink a US warship for 6 small buidings destroyed?…USA should be worry why Tomahawk missile are shit and most of them have been intercepted!


Wow change of pace two days ago you bragged about how if hit Russia would sink the US fleet,, now its oh that punch did not hurt me. Your like children afraid to fight talk smack then when you get hit you claim it was not hard so no need to respond. Barking dog that does not bite.


you are correct. Nothing was shot down or sunk. American Brits and French flew over Syria and fired numerous weapons that Russia did nothing to prevent. That is that. While all the BS that is spouted in here cant be changed. The Russian who spoke of action was at best a low level envoy to Lebanon, the very idea that his comments were used to put Russia in a face to face with the west is truly a problem. Western media ran with this and tried to push the confrontation. At the end of The day NATO has thousands of troops in Syria. There are plenty in the WEST who would love nothing more than a war with Russia. They will continue to push for one. If Russia had shot down any missiles they would have loved nothing more then to keep going and would have attacked Russia forces. Nothing would make them happier then if the BS about Russias thwarting of the attack and its grand failure is close to true. If it were the war hawks in the west would still be throwing tomahawks and Tornados would stil be over Syrias capital.

Russie Unie

Shut up Moshe or we’ll put you in Dachau !

Richard M

Lies, damned lies, and statistics!


They make their living by lying, as requested by the boss.

jerry hamilton

This will work against them because the truth will seep through. Then they will be known as incompetent liars and leaders.


If this is true then Syria is unable to defend against cruise missiles without more advanced S300/400s – I suspect there is bluster on both sides. We probably will never know what the success percentage was.


Since when you believe the pentagon?


I dont really – I suspect the SAA shot some missiles & likely the Russians jammed a few more. Its just that we may never know the true figure. Both sides have an interest to exaggerate their own successes but I hope the SAA achieved good results


I have no doubts that what Ru MoD states is the truth. Pentagon is about lies and dirty tricks.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Only S200 missiles were used. That is a 40 year old technology and they did have some success in downing some missiles. I don’t think this went well from a Zionist/war monger/ISIS perspective. The “rebels” and terrorists are already complaining today that the strikes did nothing.


Yeah nothing notable was achieved so the neocons & Israel will not be too happy. They were hoping for an Iraq type blitz or regime decapitation.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Sanity prevails.

Petrus Levelleri

Introduced in 1967, that is… 51 year old tech… Pathetic AngloZios!


petruslevelleri what

Java Ape Timelord

Much of Syrian’s air defence was destroyed by Isreal and Terrorists about 2014. Russia provided new defence systems. Russia also stated they were updating all of Syrians air defence. This was over a year ago.


Russian Military Intelligence has stated 103 launches by Empire 71 of which were intercepted. = 70% This will be verified over the coming days by both Russian and Syrian MoDs. Yanks will as usual state it is a matter of intelligence. Which of course it is! You would have to be pretty stupid to believe the lies and obfuscations they brandish about to try and conceal their ever increasing fuck-ups



Ivan Freely

In (a cold) war, the first casualty is the truth.


Not way, they need to keep their people in a deep sleep, and with the believing of the superiority (like German nazis).

Bird of Prey

Multiple sources confirm: no missiles intercepted! Russian/Syrian air defenses had plenty of warning but STILL couldn’t stop any of those slow cruise missiles! A disastrous day for the S-300/400 fan club!


We know, we know exactly whose mouthpiece you are.

Jim Bim

They did not use S-300 and S-400. You are an ignorant moron, crawl back tou your cave and do som study

Daniel Miller

Witch sources exactly?

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Your confusion with the missiles used destroys your credibility.


A disastrous day for your poor logic – Syrians dont have any S300/400s – these are solely in the hands of Russians to protect their forces. Since Russian forces were not targeted these not were used. Understand lol

Brad Isherwood

Here’s something to take to the bank. …

Iran’s been testing Area denial Jamming systems in Syria. Guess who deflected near 40% of last night’s cruise missile strike : )

Russia passed on to Syrian Airdefence their radar vector tracks on the cruise missile attack. That’s it!… S 400 stand down. ….Russian Area Jamming not in play.

It was Iranian and Syrian junk yard bodge vs Empire. I’m impressed…..they nixed US/NATO.

Putin is expired date package now… Netanyahu /Chabad Lubavitch. …..Limo driver.

Syria should invest in Iranian Jamming, air defence…..Iran has their own S 300 version,BUK M2E. .other. Maybe invite China in to test it’s toys.

Don’t bother ask the Chabad Lubavitch. ..Limo driver …..anything


Show me the damage then. 100 missiles should cause some damage, you know.


Your sources are false! Independent Pentagon affiliate, Rand Corporation just confirmed Russian defense Ministry Military assessment. S-300,S-4000, S-500 Superior Defense Product.

That Guy

News should be confirmed with cold hard evidence. Not these pictures that show completely different maps in the before and after.


let them believe that, or else the do it again. always let your enemy think he won


And they’ll have to explain later why the targets remains operational. You can’t make this shit up.


Now Syrian army and their allies should use 1000 kg smart bombs and burn all bastards on the Syrian land and gift them to cannibals Trump, May and Macron.


77th brigade floods forums like this one with “rah, rah” cheerleader NOISE to block out any poosible analysis of events.

-Putin admitted today that under direct instructions from the West, he had banned s-300 sales to Syria. -the SOHR, a direct MI6 asset, confirmed Russia’s claim to have shot down the vast majority of the missiles.

77th brigade doesn’t want you noticing and processing these facts.


FYI: The 77th Brigade is a British Army formation, created in January 2015 by renaming the Security Assistance Group which was created under the Army 2020 concept

AM Hants

EU Army? Lisbon Treaty Article 42, but, which the MoD, still wants to proceed with, in or out or the EU.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well we have a verdict on the nerve agent that the Skripals were infected with and it is only found in NATO arsenals (BZ) this was certified by the Swiss Labs, seems MI6 has too many projects of poisoning ongoing as was noticed it wasn’t enough to kill them.

AM Hants

Do you mean when he was saying that in the past he had said not to the S300 for Syria, owing to politics. However, owing to what happened last night, Syria will be getting a new S300 system, that will be theres and not Russia’s. It was the S200 that took out 71 missiles, last night, and look how old the system is? So with the newbie, waiting delivery, asap, just think how many more they will be able to take out

John Whitehot

not only S200 but also BUK, Kvadrat, Pantsyr and S125s.


Upgrades to old soviet air defence systems is rapidly changing who rules the sky over a given war zone, as the Russians learned to their cost in their Georgian adventure ten years or so ago and the Israhellis and their Yanki partners have been finding out more recently. The new electronic retro-fits have proved themselves pretty effective and cheap in comparison to say a new S 400 system which could cost Syria anything between 1 to 2 Billion dollars. The recent Yanki and Izzy experience is only presently being absorbed by them and will remain a huge obstacle for at least the next 3 years. By which time this battle will have been won or lost.

John Whitehot

“as the Russians learned to their cost in their Georgian adventure ten years or so ago”

most non-pentagon documents state that the “failure” was of an intelligence and recon nature rather than operative. The RuAF did not expect effective air defence from the georgians, the reason was that ukrainian volunteers were manning the georgian s-200 batteries, which was not anticipated.

Those batteries were destroyed by SEAD missions (with Kh-58U missiles) a day or so after the shoot down of 2 RuAF recon planes (A SU-24MR and a TU-22MR), alongside a handful of early warning radars (including that at Tbilisi Marneuli airport).

Acko Manah

A really bad ideal. Right now Assad took the hit and was just bruised. He got the power to go on and win Syria back. If he hits Israel the full might of the West will be on him. Not just a bunch of obsolete missiles with prior warning!


You are wrong.

John Whitehot

nono, he is right.


One day. Before: Picture of Pentagon. After: No Pentagon.

John Whitehot

yawn yawn. israel would be so happy to be bombed.

They have LOST their fucking war against Assad.

so FUCK them and their PROVOCATIONS.


The problem is that the empire of evil is winning the propaganda war, whereas SAA, Iran and Russia are very weak in the information warfare front. For instance, after the strikes last night, the Syrian government should have professionally milked the incident by fabricating huge civilian casualties, including dead women and children as victims of American and Western aggression. The information war is the most important front in this and the empire of evil is winning it hands down by fabricating false flag ‘chemical’ attacks and other scenarios, using jihadists like “While Helmets” and other groups for their propaganda etc. Iran, Russia and Syria need to catch up and organize an effective propaganda wing in this struggle, exploiting every opportunity for their counter information war.

Carlos Fantastic

You make some good points but seriously to call yourself Christianblood, with the weird cross wtf are you deliberately trying to offend? (not me I couldn’t give a bollcks but you know others would)


It’s Orthodox symbol.

Carlos Fantastic

The Irish savage that I am, I did not know that


Haha! Not at all! Aside with religiosity, it is a war time and information warfare is a huge part of the battle. Remember there is a time for all things as the Bible says. There is even a time for propaganda/information warfare! (Ecc 3).

PS: My sign is an Orthodox cross!

Tudor Miron

That’s a Russian orthodox (as well as Greek I think) cross – look at our churches. There’s nothing wrong with this cross unlike the inverted upside down cross over pope’s throne in Vatican.


Look at the symbols used by the Ukranian Nazis. Same game.

PS like how the MI5 controlled neo-nazi parties in the UK use the Union Flag (mis-named as the Union Jack).


In this cases like i said you can’t make this shit up. Shayrat airbase itself become operational the next day.


You better win this War with Honour & Dignity….I never really was Anti American or Europe…..now….There is Nothing, really absolutely Nothing left of’m in my Opinion… They are All just a Bloody disgrace..and I Hope that they fall so Hard… and never revive again….It’s just a bunch of Pathetic Psychopathic Cockroaches… Israhell, the USA, Europe and their Satanic Dictators…Wahhabistan.. those Guys Are Sick in the Head…. an Emberrassement…a Doormat to wipe the Shit of your shoes…Ignore the Sons o’ bitches…they are Nothing…Mucus…that is what it is


I agree with Merijin. They are Cockroaches with absolutely NO moral, whatsoever!

Val Shadowhawk

Yes!! Well said.

AM Hants

I am English, do not mistake our leaders with the people. Many of us, are seriously disgusted by their actions. The fact that they have hearts, which unfortunately are still beating. We want to see them taken down and taken to account, in the most public and humiliating manner, so nobody decides to climb back into their shoes and try similar.


I was talkin’ about “our” leadership/ establishment…but the system is so thoroughly rotten…it’s roots go deep… I personally would like to see them hang…for they are the worst form of Traitors/Massmurderers/Childrapists and thieves there is…so capital punishment…in their name even kids were beheaded…

AM Hants

Blair abolished treason and we got rid of the death penalty, I believe back in the 60s. They made it very conveniant, for themselves.


Well I think in the near future we have to adapt that law again, a bit….High Treason & Childmurders are a good reason to reintroduce Life in prison without Parole…or a piece of rope… which is a lot cheaper


I am opposed to the state killing people on our behalf. Because it is Wrong. And can very quickly be used to kill people who should not have been killed. We’ll lock the scumbags up and throw away the key. Last year in the UK 107 people did gaol time for not having a TV licence while the War Criminal Blair walks free.


But if you get some time in Prison for not having a TV licence….then we can hang Blair right? He is 200% Guilty…even without ever seeing a Court Room…


No, they need to hang for the crime of high treason and traitor to humanity.

Tudor Miron

I can’t agree. Thing is that west is in total control over their own MSM. If there were mutiple civillian caualties it would not go on MSM anyway – remember Raqqa and Mosul. Also, I would not approve fabricating evidence – we fight for truth and not the other way around.


Good point!

Val Shadowhawk

Yes, agreed. No need to condone and become active in proffering disinfo. No honor in it.


Perhaps our 77th brigade members want to explain why MI6 asset, the SOHR, made a point of CONFIRMING that Russia had shot down the vast majoirty of the attacking missiles?


Funding for better weapons


How convenient for you starlight? From a staunch anti-Putinist overnight you turned into supporter? or maybe it says “77” on your epaulettes instead?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well if you were to hear it told by Chairman of ISW(Institute for the Study of War) Board of Directors General Jack Keane whom advocates war with and also calls Russia a second rate power. Happens to be working for Raytheon, General Dynamics, Dyncorp and other military contractors which funds ISW. Recent Fox interview is hilarious like Alex Jones without the coarse language but so hard to not laugh at.


I don’t do fox-news, cnn or other U$/Western MSM TVs anymore. I can’t stand the ignorance and the stupidity they blurt out day in and day out! It is sickening!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Find Tucker Carlson the only one on there that will challenge the narrative of politics in that country, other than that it drives one crazy as they change like milk to cold from warm and lukewarm to cold.


You are right. Tucker Carlson is different. I wonder how, so far, he is not fired for speaking the truth?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He pulls in bigger numbers than Megyn Kelly at fox ever did and at the fraction of the cost and no temper tantrums too! They never back away from making Democrats look bad on Fox.


US has done a good job of supporting their claims with photos, I am expecting the same from Syrians, put the photos of intercepted/damaged/destroyed missiles on. It is the visual presentation (think of Hollywood) that takes the minds of people, not the words of authorities

free sprit

ZP Are you are crazy! These photos are not a good job supporting the US claims of all missiles hit there target. These photo shows that something went seriously wrong. Over 100 missiles with an average of a 1000 lbs warhead should caused much more damage than the photo shown. IAF does more damage than shown here with 4 F-15 carrying 2 missile each. Something went very wrong here! Maybe other places was hit, but if it takes 100 missile to do what’s shown in the photos the West is in trouble!


I hope you are right, so to get the message home (and open eyes to many more people) put the photos up, it is not hard to find the places where intercepted missiles crashed? Nothing crazy about that free spirit….


(… put the photos of intercepted/damaged/destroyed missiles on. It is the visual presentation (think of Hollywood) that takes the minds of people, not the words of authorities…)

You are right. That is the part and parcel of the information war. A picture is worth a thousand words!

free sprit

Come on guys, do you really think it takes 76 missiles to destroy Barzah Research and Development. But what is more concerning is that the media was at the Center hours after the Center was destroyed with chem gear.

AM Hants

If they were winning the war of propaganda, with ease, it would not be costing each nation $millions, to keep the ‘pay to protest’ media-disinformation agents on line.

Many are waking up, with more to follow and communicating. In fact the more false flags, the more questions asked, and the more wake up.


Well-said. More false flags on the pipe so Russia, Iran and SAA should prepare.


Beware when fighting monsters that you do not become one yourself.


MI6 had their own asset, SOHR (you know, that one bloke in Coventry, England) confirm the Russian side of the story, with their statement that their people had witnessed AT LEAST 65 missiles knocked out.

Why did MI6 choose to flood the internet with confirmation that Trump FAILED?

The 77th brigade (google the term) trolls here and in the other forums won’t want you asking the obvious questions. Like did you notice Putin’s own senior defense people ADMITTED today that under direct instructions from the West, Putin had blocked all advanced weapon supplies to Syria. This statement of a FACT I’ve been telling you for months, was accompanied by a feeble suggestion that Putin “MAY” (yes- may) change hsi mind and allow Syria to buy the ancient s-300 system (while Putin, of course, sells the far better s-400 to all the wahhabi nations like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey).

Anyway back to the SOHR. MI6 controls every word out of that propaganda house. So, behind the scenes, war is waged on Mattis- the LAST anti-war figure in Trump’s cabinet.

In gaming theory, when a STRONG move is made, the opponent has no choice but to reveal important infomation about his position. We learned a vast amount about Russia and the West last night.


The question is to whom they will have to explain. If it is for internal purpose then there is no need explaining because American people seems in large accept anything their government tells them…


To their own people ofc. This time the potency of it’s weapon system and it’s manufacturers reputation is at stake.


When some 3000 people got killed on American soil, as I have understood, it was enough to show some unsatisfactory explanations, reference to classified information and distraction through war. Is american weapons of more value than american people?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Well neither can you make up this conversation:

Nikki: Syria gassed it’s own people ! Jaafari: Do you have any evidence? Nikki:We don’t need any evidence! Nikki:Now it’s time we launch 103 Tomahawks into 3 targets , and you know what,Syria didn’t shoot down a single one! Jaafari: But we downed most of them and we have evidence. Nikki: We don’t need any evidence!!!

Petrus Levelleri

They feel so fake and uncomfortable… they lie and can’t even dissimulate… Pathetic dumb asses

Petrus Levelleri


OMG they are so dumb and useless. Zero credibility


The bullshit levels are off the chart.

The Latin Mass

from Putin (Putin speaking to his boss):



The bullshit level….its over 9000!!!


Face saving operation failed miserably. USN Carrier Harry “Tryhard” Truman incoming. Brace yourselves for the next move. Now is not the time to let the guard down. It’s obvious this is only the beginning of the escalation instigated by the usual war hawks. Sanity will further eclipse from US power structure. Watch Mattis go as his predecessors and the warmongers take over. People wake up and take the power back or else…

First Lastname

Mattis being fired is a very plausible prediction.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

So, who is lying? RF military or the Pantygone generals? This should be easy to prove. Is anyone going to bother or is this part of the “deconfliction” agreement? Have they agreed to make their claims and then forget about it? Why did Mattis and Dunford say it was a “one off” when they made the announcement this morning? It would have to be a one off if they knew about 70% losses.


Loool there’s like 1000s of videos of their missiles being intercepted.


Therz like 1000 videos of Vietnam era missiles shooting up into the air at night 5k-10k feet and self detonating………cruise missiles fly at 100s of feet….about as high as you fly a kite. You were seeing your missiles hit nothing. Congratulations.


look at the damage. no way 100 cruise missles would let so little damage.


So instead of giving “the intel” to your own people working for OPCW and forcing Syrians and Russians to open the facilities for inspections today or admit they lie and actually do use CW once and for all, US opted for bombing those up – and not very effectively either. Also Russians boast 70% kill rate on the Tomahawks – now some of us remember Gulf War No. 1 when most Tomahawk strikes TV footage were shown on TV repeatedly. In this case you need to show on 30-something videos to prove Russia is full of BS and walk away a complete winners. Yet Pentagon opted for few B/W photos and a lot of “just trust us, we are the military”. Well if it walks like a duck…

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Nice pictures! Can we now have the MH17 satellite pictures that “detected the launch” of the missile that brought it down??? Or is that classified for national security???

chris chuba

The Pentagon could say that they fired 100 missiles that hit 200 targets and everyone in the U.S. MSM would report it as a fact after mocking the Russians and calling Assad a butcher. When you can lie at will, you continue to lie.

Manuel Flores Escobar

105 cruise missile to hit some buildings? 59 cruise missile to hit the Shayrat airbase and was not take out?….so how many cruise missile need to take out 21 Syrian air bases and military complex?…

Mohammed Asim

Nearly all of us missile stock !!!

Real Anti-Racist Action

0 attacking warplanes shot down. 0 missile launching ships sunk. All targets hit and destroyed. This emboldens the Zionist cause now they know they can attack whoever and whenever they want, and they do not ever loose aircraft or ships. A few missiles never reach their destination, no big deal. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dav4nxfX4AAHOXq.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dav4w4DW0AAp6wR.jpg


You forgot to up-vote yourself.

Richard M

LOL! There are more buildings in the “after” photo than in the “before” one! :D

The Latin Mass

Putin does not even shoot down any missiles… what a clown.


Why bother Russians were not in danger. Their threats to the US to respond made them back down so this ended up being a symbolic strike


Russia used electronic warfare to control those missiles, not all of them of course.


Saving himself for the real fight, no point in the world champ wasting his time on drug crazed losers.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Interesting. Why does this report get posted on the BBC by the SOHR, fully backed by MI5 and the UK government? How very curious! “13:10 ‘More than 65 missiles intercepted’ – monitoring group Reuters The UK-based monitoring group, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, says the Syrian army’s air defences intercepted more than 65 missiles fired by the US, the UK and France. It said the targets fired at included:

Two research centres in Jamraya in northern Damascus and Barzeh in north-western Damascus Storehouses affiliated to the fourth division of the Republican Guard in Mezzeh military airfield Storehouses in the Kiswah area to the south of the capital Scientific research centre in the suburbs of Homs city Earlier the Russian defence ministry said 71 out of a total of 103 missiles fired were intercepted by Syrian air defence systems.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-43710303


Even the SOHR knows the pentagon is lying. Just fucking LOL.


Mattis face says it all: all went very well. What a joke…

Richard M

Gee, those grainy B&W photos would be impossible to photo shop. Bigfoot is real, BTW! :D

That Guy

Their body language is telling me that they are talking bullshit.

Richard M

Standard USG procedure. When they have a narrative that is being challenged, they destroy all the evidence of their crimes, as done at Waco, OKC, TWA 800, etc.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Why did Mattis say this was a one off strike? Trump wants another wave, but Mattis was crystal clear. Why the difference? The 70% losses would explain this.

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