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Pentagon Is Concerned About Results Of Syria Strike, Prepares To Launch Internal Probe – Sources

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Pentagon Is Concerned About Results Of Syria Strike, Prepares To Launch Internal Probe - Sources

An Air Force B-1 Bomber separates from the boom pod after receiving fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker while en route to strike targets in Syria, April 14, 2018. Air Force photo

A day after the US-led attack on Syria, the suspicion run deep in the public over the results of the massive missile strike carried out by the US, the UK and France.

The Pentagon says that 105 cruise missiles were launched at 3 targets in Syria adding and all of them hit their targets.

The Russian Defense Ministry says that 71 missiles were intecepted adding that there were 8 targets of the US-UK-French missiles strike.

Since April 14, SouthFront has been receiving indications that the US military leadership is concered over the results of its military action.

Informed sources close to the Pentagon say that the US military is about to launch an internal probe in order to get a true picture of the situation, a real number of missiles, which had hit their targets, the reasons behind a minor damage delivered by the strike and the explanations how the Syrian Air Defense Forces had been able to intercept a part of the missiles using their old-fashioned air defense systems.

The Pentagon’s statement that all the 105 missiles hit their targets raises eyebrows because videos showing at least a few missile interceptions are available online.

For example:

It’s also hard to expect the Russian Defense Minsitry, which is under a cosntant media pressure from the Western MSM, may have made a stunning statement about the 71 missile interceptions without an obtained confirmation. [For example, tracking data from Syrian and Russian radar systems]

On April 14, SouthFront noted questionable results of the US-UK-French missile strike on Syria, pointing out that the 71 interceptions could be a result of the employment of Russian state-of-the-art electronic warfare (EW) systems.

On April 15, former head of the Armaments Department of the Russian Defense Ministry Colonel General Anatoliy Sitnov supported this EW warfare impact version in own remarsk to the Russian TV channel Tsargrad.

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What is this? Their Lies and Propaganda are not sticking. OMG The truth is seeping out what can msm do to save Donald tRumpsfeld

Michał Hunicz

Wait, 73 interceptions? Not 71?


0 interceptions. The video shows some fireworks, those are not tmhwks missiles.


And how you know what is what? Please tell us all here ?

Bird of Prey

You would know if you got your news from serious outlets, instead of from propaganda outlets like SF.


OK, please show us proof that any ABM works using a missile shot down at night. Iron Dome, Saudi’s Patriot missiles. What does a “true intercept” look like? I want to see. From all of these “non-propaganda front” outlets you worship (what an idiotic comment, it’s all propaganda, Western MSM being worst of all, even worse than China’s.)


Yes that’s what I said but he is SILENT…I guess he watches MOVIES a lot. This intercept are not as the Sci-Fi movies that’s why he don’t believe anything. He is a just another US prick.


Instead of propaganda outfits like the NYT, or Washington Post lol


LoL really man. Thank you American or Brit or what Zionist what are you, give me an example what should I see or watch my news from, where, CNN, FOX,SKY NEWS, BBC.I did I watch and see all aspects, but in those MSM I only see what they want me to see, one sided story, I do prefer SF because It is independent source and tells both sides of the story.


Then why do you even bother visiting Southfront?


I work on S-125 NEVA as CO for over two decades, and I had several launches of the latest rocket for this system – 5V27U. Several video clips clearly show the launch of a rocket from the S-125 system – a booster for 0.5 seconds, separating the booster, starting and operating the main engine and guiding the rocket to the target. Based on the trajectory of the flight of the rocket, it is clearly visible which guidance type for missile is selected (there are few types, and you find it by yourself).

David Gray

Cool answer !! And the truth !!


“Serious outlets” lol. You poor brainwashed fool. Go eat some more blue-pills.


And the US want’s a probe because 0 interceptions was made right, and learn to spell and write on english please.

You can call me Al

Hey troll, go file your nose and please STFU, idiot.


You make a valid point, but all ABM interceptions look like this. The Saudi ones, the Israeli ones. Here’s an interesting video about the Israeli ones:


What do you expect to see in a night sky 10 miles away? You can’t see the Tomahawk missiles at all, either before or after the “fireworks” (and there’s a “live feed” from Ruptly that captured the Damascus sky through the entire night, sure you can find it).

I think the success of the intercepts is aptly demonstrated by the lack of damage. Yes they took out one cancer treatment facility they targeted with 70 missiles, but even that one was not completely destroyed (despite $150 million in missiles fired at it).


Mate you don’t have to explain yourself to the Harmoni guy, if he believes that it’s cool it is his opinion.


Understood, sometimes though one might get the idea the whole point of comment boards is to debate and exchange opinions. But you are somewhat correct, some people are truly trolls and exist only to serve evil, not to learn. Clearly “Bird of Prey” is of that nature.


Yes that’s what I wanted to say to you, I know that guy he is a troll, only comes to SF, actually he is always here, in which is strange, even he starts to drain the intel on war from here, which is bizarre from a guy that supports the US, UK and France in their war polices.

John Whitehot

wrong. The second is a solid hit.


There were a lot of hits.


54s – 57s


On the night, the number of ground bursts in Damascus could be counted- and the number matched the Russian claim of the actual warheads that got through. But Putin today is back on his knees grovelling to the West (see the sickening Arab League story across kremlin outlets), so America is kicking Russia hard full in the face once again, with new sanctions on Monday.


“Oh yea we successfully hit all targets, oh yea and none of your missiles were intercepted by the regime to our knowledge”, stupid general and the mad dog Mattis said this, they didn’t believe that they miserable Tomahawks can’t be intercepted LOL man, and they were by old soviet S-75s,S-125 and S-200, now Russia will consider give/sell S-300 to Syria, I don’t even know why the hell they listen to you for not giving Syria a good air-defense sistems.So stick the investigation probe back in your ass…


So troll- why does Russia only CONSIDER giving s-300 systems to Syria- I’d like an explanation.

Russia does not CONSIDER giving the vastly better s-400 to all the wahhabi states- it actually does sell them NOW- I’d like an explanation.

And troll, Russia also admited at the same time that they NEVER provided the s-300 to Iran, as we were told they had. I’d like an explanation.


Did you watch the briefing of the Russian MOD, if not then watch it, years back the Russia was considering supply an S-300 air-defense system to Syria, but the US was no no no, and Russia back down, they didn’t sold them, and 1 note, no one gives nothing for free, it is an arms sell, everyone is buying if someone is selling. Russia only for now consider to sell S-400 to Turkey by 2020 that’s one and only deal that Russia made, the Saudis went to Putin and they talk a lot of stuff, in which the saudi wahhabis mentioned in their visit that they would want to purchase the S-400 air-defense from them. But no one gave them answer that they will sell them the weapon. As for Iran Russia supplied and sold S-300 to Iran years back, and to Greece too, if you don’t believe you can check a lot of stuff online though. Iran now has only one air defense and that is the S-300. Russia sells the Air Defense don’t just GIVE to someone for free. The S-400 are currently the strongest Air-Defense system in the world and its production is very expensive, why would they give and S-300 or S-400 to anyone without money. Russia is not the red crescent.


You don’t owe him an explanation. He does not deserve one. The lowest of the low! Ignore him.


There are too many idiots here mate you are right, but I didn’t mind to explain as he wanted explanation. But I guess explanations are not for everyone.


I blocked Starlight weeks ago.


I don’t get selling S-400 to Turkey. They will surely give it to US/Israel to reverse-engineer, both to make similar system and to find weaknesses.

I realize export version is not as good as domestic version but there are many similarities.


No one can get to those trust me.Who has it will not risk someone to come and just analize them and do stuff on them, but in the end they can do what they want. Well, as I mentioned up there, Greece has the S-300 so if they want such a thing they can reverse them but still locked versions are exactly for that reason. But you can’t break the Neo-Zionist spirit, they think that they have the best from the best in the world, as the Patriot Boomerang Air-Defense. If you ask yourself why i called the Patriot Air-Missile Defense like that (Boomerang ) is because of the latest, Saudi developments, they shoot and the missile comes back to them, they shoot again the missile explode in air, this was when the Houthis were launching some ballistic missiles at the wahhabists.


I actually thought the boomerang was done on purpose, but it’s hard to be sure.


No really, scroll down to some of the little older articles of SF, like a week ago, and you will find the one when Patriot missiles were used to intercept Houthis ballistic missiles and you will see what I am talking about In the video.


I know what you’re talking about, I noticed it the night it happened and tweeted about it. https://twitter.com/SonnenTanzer/status/978098672473788416

My point was it’s not clear to me it was not meant to do that. Like they wanted to hit some inconsequential target to scare Saudis into supporting the (unpopular) Yemen war.


No the point is that the Patriot Air Defense sucks mate.


I got your point the first time, but you seem still not to get my point after three attempts: it’s not clear to me that it wasn’t intentional. If you have proof it was an accident, please provide it, otherwise, admit you don’t know, you are speculating it was an accident.

Tudor Miron

It doesn’t look like an intentional action. If you suggest that “they wanted to hit some inconsequential target to scare Saudis into supporting the (unpopular) Yemen war.” Than it didn’t work very well did it? All the word was laughing :)

Jokes aside, creating a useless (and even unproductive) false flag by making a mim – 104a what it deed on purpose is a very complicated task.


The world was laughing because the entire launch until impact was caught on video. Otherwise the world wouldn’t have been any wiser.

Why is it complicated to have a missile hit a target? If it wasn’t an actual target, why did the missile actually detonate? The missile should not detonate if it hits something prior to its target.

Finally, as per my question above, is it a coincidence that of all the people in Riyadh who were injured, it was Egyptians, whom Saudis consider trash? No Saudi was hurt in this exercise. Just sayin’.

I’m not saying I have proof definitive. But neither do you. I’m saying it’s an open question.

Tudor Miron

Fair enough. But trust me that to feed to an air to air missile a ground target near its launcher requires some serious software work. All I’m pointing out is that they created a very complicated stunt in order to do what exactly? Are there a simpler and more reliable ways to achieve this supposed objective?


“Serious software work” – really? Why is that? I am a software engineer, please explain to me. Do you know the software for the Patriot missile system, what are its constraints, how difficult it is to override them? Why doesn’t it make sense to have the capability to use this missile to hit, say, a tank, if a tank is endangering your missile launcher? It actually seems quite logical to me, so, please explain why I am wrong.

Tudor Miron

Good and I’m a race engineer/designer. Software is not my realm but I know enough to realize that first one needs to be able to read initial code and than know what to write in and means to do that. Do you know that there’s a bit of difference between air to air and air to ground radar workings? For example Su-27 can not use guided air to ground weapons. F-15C can not but F-15E can. That’s oversimlification but it does reflect what I’m talking about. Main point – you’re yet to answer what was their objective? Than we can talk.


By the way the reason it is logical to hypothesize it was a deliberate “boomerang” is that the Saudis claimed there were some injuries from the Yemeni missiles. But this is the only missile I could find that impacted and blew up, so it seemed that this missile caused the injuries and is what was blamed on the Yemenis.

And the obvious reason to blame Yemenis is to make people support the war against Yemen.

Don’t you find it interesting that in all of Riyadh, the injuries were to Egyptians, whom the Saudis hate? That’s some mighty big “coincidence” – or was it a “boomerang”?

John Whitehot

surface to air missiles aren’t like software that you can crack.

stop listening to pentagon bullshit, modern systems are made that even if the enemy puts its hand on some it can’t reliably find a way to render them useless.

Tudor Miron

Boomerang :) that was a good one.

Tudor Miron

Selling such weapon to a country means that you enter into military-industrial complex of that country.You start to cooperate there. Turkish whore will surely sell everything to nato buddies but… Look, its not that simple. Americans have RD180 in their hands for many years yet they can’t do them. Look in the long run – what Russia is offering (strategical direction) is good for Turkey. Erdogans come and go, but we’re interested that Turkey doesn’t at list do what she always did for centuries – fight with Russia on behalf of UK and/or France. Yes, UK always (lets say from 15th century) enjoyed others fighting for them. Goyim killing goyim is their favorite game. There’s nothing new about daesh/queda sh$t – irregular armed forces were always used by anglo-zio scum.

John Whitehot

“Russia also admited at the same time that they NEVER provided the s-300 to Iran, as we were told they had. I’d like an explanation”

So you outright invent news now, that is the desperation at tel-aviv. Iranian S-300s have been even photographed in parades, in addition of pictures showing their inside control rooms with radar screens on.


Iran has the S300 – google it. Russia finally delivered it back in 2016. They initially refused because of the UN sanctions against Iran – when these were lifted as part of the nuclear deal the contract could be completed.

I thought you were up to date on the issues.


Sorry, but that is quite disingenuous: “They initially refused because of the UN sanctions against Iran”. It was Russia that approved those sanctions. They could have vetoed or put as a condition of approval to except these shipments.

That was Medvedev as President and Putin criticized him for it (as well for approving the Libyan resolution that led to the destruction of Libya), but nonetheless, Russia back-stabbed Iran in that case, there is absolutely no doubt.


Whatever the background to the deal that fact is Iran is now in possession of the S300 but Russia did play a big part in delaying the whole contract


Nope mate many people are not up-to date for nothing.

Tudor Miron

Some one call the ambulance! This creature is seriosly overdozed. Jokes aside, I always wanted to hear the proposition. In case you mange to convince someone (set your imagination free) that Putin is main zionist of them all. Than :) What do you propose? What should Russia do? Who should be considered the good guy? Let it out creature :)

You can call me Al

S-75 & 125 = https://worldarchery.org/sites/default/files/news/images/main/wcp15_b15_6964.jpg


I originally wondered how much money was wasted on this useless exercise (100million?) but it wasn’t useless, it gave the US an idea of how successful an attack like this would be on Russia or China in the case of war. Not good news for the US.


How curious. A TROLL with no concern about the BREAKING NEWS of massive new sanctions hitting Russia this Monday. No concern at the admission by Russia that they operate under ORDERS from Washington as to whom they may sell the s-300 to (that is, no sales allowed to Syria or Iran). No concern about the breaking news that Putin is trying to hand control of Syria to the Arab League- the same AL that ochestrated the wahhabi terror invasion.

No- our troll is here to tell us all is right with the world.


The new sanctions aren’t massive, but more propaganda (designed to insinuate that Russia is involved in the fake or false flag gas attacks).

You are right that Russia has been reticent to send missiles to countries that are being attacked by the Evil Empire. But I think Putin is buying time as he disentangles the Russian economy from the Evil Empire. Russia is still vulnerable (though far less so than 4 years ago, every year gets better).

Nothing about Putin handing control of Syrian to anyone. He wants to negotiate a peace with the Arab League. That’s what good leaders to – try to negotiate peace instead of putting all their eggs in the war basket.

Get a grip, bud.

Panthera Pardus

“they operate under ORDERS from Washington as to whom they may sell the s-300 to (that is, no sales allowed to Syria or Iran). ”

aren’t the S-300 in Iran since 2016? https://www.stern.de/politik/ausland/putin-verkauft-raketen-an-den-iran–s-300-macht-mullahs-unangreifbar-6790126.html


The buildings that US, UK and French morons have targeted if truly there were chemical weapons produced or stored so then this is a henous crime because that would be a disaster for the whole Middle East region because bombing it would spread poisonous and toxic chemicals in the whole environment which would kill thousands and could cause cancer in hundreds of thousands but fortunately there were no chemical weapons. These US, UK and French morons only know crimes they don’t know how to do good things.


Assad, Putin, Ruhanni and all other Muslim leaders must know Israelis are their main enemy. Coordinating, cooperating and allowing them in your countries is like butchering your own nations and destroying your own countries yourselves.

Saudis+US+UK+France+ISIS+Al-Qaeds+Boko Haram+SDF+YPG = Israel

Assad, Putin, Ruhanni and all other Muslim leaders must produce nuclear and chemical weapons and ballistic missiles for Israeli morons. Honestly without Israel this world will be a true paradise.


“Honestly without Israel this world will be a true paradise.” So, until 1948 the world had been paradise? Or you are a little wrong in the upper storey?


Go a little back in history when British forces occupied Palestine.


Things were quite stable during the Ottoman Empire, which lasted for centuries. Soon as the Evil Empire (UK and France) got their filthy hands on it, all went to hell. Among other things they purposefully created artificial countries containing incompatible sects to cause constant strife, and have spent all time since aggravating that strife through their “divide and conquer” strategy, let alone inserting that nasty fascist state of Israel into the mix.

Kell McBanned

It would be without jewish bankers starting wars for profit and funding both sides like they have been doing for the last 400 years.

You can call me Al

Yes & No, but really it didn’t at all, because no S-300/400s nor fighters / bombers were used.

All they have learnt is to stock up on toilet paper and tissues to wash away the tears.


Sorry but you are wrong. They gained a bit ‘of money. Look! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/73dfa551b741c1ebc5325fd13eb90a385c9c7104d9b226b55231e04794d424ae.jpg MBS paid for the show


Kim Jon Un has a smile on his face as well :)


“I originally wondered how much money was wasted on this useless exercise (100million?)” Do not worry, Russia supplies US with money regularly (more than 100 billion for this moment) and only he, who is lazy, doesn’t know that.


This is what happens when you underestimate your enemy too much, especially older Soviet weaponry, Iif those old air defense did all this, I can imagine new S-400 and new development of S-500 what they can do, LOL.fucking idiots damn Neo-Zionists.


So troll, explain to me again why Putin refuses to sell the s-300 system to Syria?

Cornel Falticineanu

Perhaps because they have a complicated relation with Israel.

Cornel Falticineanu

Russians i mean..


Stop calling everyone a troll. What’s wrong with you? You are so angry and unhinged. Are you taking your medications? I’m worried for your neighbors.

If a Syrian S-300 shoots down a US, Israeli or Turkish jet it will obviously cause many problems for Russia and particularly Russian people. I know you don’t care about Russian people but Putin does. That’s what makes him a great leader. And you’re attitude, is why nobody in their right mind would recommend you for dog catcher.


he call you all trolls because he’s a f*king Jewish-Zionist HASBARA-pYg, one of that “Jews-on-Duty” in the Internet to bully, mock and use mobbing, spread fake israeli-“News” and interfere in any conversation that scratches somehow the Netanyahu-AGENDA or their sh*tty New-World-order-official narratives.

That his job around here ;)

AM Hants

Reverse blame/mirror transposition. He is accusing others of his own characteristics.

Vicky SD

Because the russians have/had a deal not to give Syria S-300. The Russians have signaled that may now change.

Tudor Miron

I’m looking forward to this.


Deal with whom ?—–you must be more specific. Yes, the deal is with ISRAEL.


Just read the news, Russia reconsidering s300 sale to Syria. One Israeli newspaper is talking about preemptive strikes based solely on this news.

AM Hants

Guess Israel, never got the message, that they have lost a few missiles, and an F35 thanks to the old system. Do they want to keep losing their kit, because they cannot handle their neighbours being able to defend themselves?


That’s what so amazing about narrativists. Their lies provide them with cover, so they can lie and keep the charade going as an ignorant populace cheers them on. The pilots of these Israeli aircraft know when they survived a near hit, and in their nightmares every night the mistake that didn’t happen, does happen. The next day during a briefing, an empty seat calls out to them, demands that the lies stop and a human sacrifice be acknowledged. And yet they are sworn to oath under pain of imprisonment that their dead comrade is never acknowledged. This makes the nightmares worse of course. Human frailty alone eventually shatters the narrative, there is a limit to how much loyalty threats and drug dependency can buy. This is why the narrativist is addicted to quick victory- or rather the appearance of total victory. Our next challenge must be in the foreground before the price if our last victory becomes so painfully obvious.

Most retiring US military pilots are riddled with chemical dependencies incidentally..

AM Hants

I cannot wait to see the Forces of nations, that treat those that serve in the military as no more than cannon fodder, get up and mutiny. Their leaders do not deserve their loyalty and would be the first to cry, scream and have a hissy fit, if the military turned their backs.


Better they do more than bloody “reconsider!”


Well of course, but the US/Israel are planning strikes more violent than those we saw on 4/14 in the next few days. Syrian AIr defenses are to be targeted on a massive scale, the Russians have been told to stand down or face targeting. Israel will be a part of this move this tine around.

US-Navy Revert Shia

You jew Lesbo cuck https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/677c5643656df4a0ea0cac7f784dc9e60efb8a9f5cdce8177fd01c1f251884c6.jpg

Gregory Casey

KO ….. cold cocked and now lies supine speechless and brainless with Bolton


It was because Israel asked them not to . But because recently Israel double crossed Russia and hit Syria during this crucial moment, Russia will consider letting Assad has it. Then Israeli planes would be easier to be shot down .

Archie Caldwell

Israel is getting smaller everyday they have such a small land mass they can be wiped out with one nuke thats why they always feel so insecure

But the US will not take on Russian to defend Israel


I am just going to paste this, because I can’t really explain to everyone here that wants to know this or that…

Did you watch the briefing of the Russian MOD, if not then watch it, years back the Russia was considering supply an S-300 air-defense system to Syria, but the US was no no no, and Russia back down, they didn’t sold them, and 1 note, no one gives nothing for free, it is an arms sell, everyone is buying if someone is selling. Russia only for now consider to sell S-400 to Turkey by 2020 that’s one and only deal that Russia made, the Saudis went to Putin and they talk a lot of stuff, in which the saudi wahhabis mentioned in their visit that they would want to purchase the S-400 air-defense from them. But no one gave them answer that they will sell them the weapon. As for Iran Russia supplied and sold S-300 to Iran years back, and to Greece too, if you don’t believe you can check a lot of stuff online though. Iran now has only one air defense and that is the S-300. Russia sells the Air Defense don’t just GIVE to someone for free. The S-400 are currently the strongest Air-Defense system in the world and its production is very expensive, why would they give and S-300 or S-400 to anyone without money. Russia is not the red crescent. Oh and one more thing, Russia have 2 different variants of the S-400, there are locked and unlock ones. Turkey will receive locked ones, because it’s still Nato member, you can’t trust the Turks a lot, which means that, whenever Turkey will need more ammo will have to ask it from Russia to deliver it.


Firstly, the Iranians have plenty of air defense systems and can make their own to an extent.

Secondly, the Turks are demanding production b rights to the missiles, no word if russia will go for it.


Production rights require technology details, which Turkey will instantly sell to Israel, US and UK.

Jade Zee

you fools dont have a clue. russia will give the s-300 to Syria because it is in their interests to do so. i would not bet on turkey getting the 400’s after cheering the strike…


This is almost certainly the case. Russia just asked Turkey to leave Afrin and they said no. So the Turks are about to lose that sale. Looks like Erdogan is moving back into the NATO sphere, as I’m sure many of us expected.


He never left the NATO sphere. Notice how Turkey quickly attacked the Kurds and took land in the Syrian controlled territory. They never intended to attack Kurds, as Erdogan said, in the U.S. held territory even though it was supposedly the U.S. arming of the Kurds that drew Erdogan’s ire. This was all just a ruse to expand Turkish control and/or try to instigate an attack by Russia. Russia won by pulling all their troops from the Afrin region. Seriously, Russia is beating the U.S. and NATO by not fighting. For now that is.


Oh dear. She people are just born stupid. You wish dunder head.

Tudor Miron

Get off that heavy stuff. LSD is obviously taking you over – you better stop before it is too late.


I think its BZ that Starlight takes Tudor :)

Tudor Miron

Lol! That one made my day :)

Nigel Maund

Correct FG because Starlight is a US troll – paid or not.


You are correct. Starlight does have some ‘ exceptional ‘ qualities :)


He takes BZ, he excretes BS.


Get the f*ck lost, Shlomo Go count your 30 silver-shekels and STFU.

Brad Haynes

Acually Russia has anounced that they will now be delivering S300 to Syria as a result of these latest strikes.


Let me try to make this simple. Two choices; 1. Buy an S whatever, pay for my people to be trained on it, and hope they are good enough to protect us. 2. One of the most powerful military in the world, a long time ally, offers to locate, man and repair the state of the art, latest upgrades, not for export version system on my territory, complete with Satellite Intel and experienced operators, not to mention; They also offer their political, humanitarian, tactical, financial, spiritual and actual boots on the ground assistance.

Perhaps the Russians, same applies to Lebanon, are just nervous to put such a powerful weapon in the hands of a not particularly disciplined or experienced fighting force, although improving daily. Afraid some hot head in the middle of the night might take out an Airbus or worse some terrorists/rebels, due to a lapse, might get their hands on it. Ah new name Terrorbels!

Dim bulb you seem to be using the same paradigm as the MSM. Just keep repeating over and over the same lame nonsense and somehow after a couple hundred times it becomes true. Look at the results of the empires conquest over the last 50 years and tell me one good news outcome, one. Granada, the Falklands? Certainly not, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, 9/11. Then examine the domestic situation in pretty much all the West. If its so great why so much mass murders and suicide. No, making mega hit movie productions does not mitigate reality. Then go to Crimea!

We get you don’t like Putin, but guess what, most of us here see him as the only significant force standing between us and the book 1984 becoming completely realized. Who else is there? Clinton, Trump, May, Macron, The Pope, Really?

Any one else see it sorta like this?

Tudor Miron

Remember F-117 in Jugoslavia? They thought that was a glitch :)


The invisible plane, Russia made it totally visible.


There weren’t the Russians (aka their SAM-3 missile-systems.) There was a clever Yugoslavian officer (a Hungarian guy but citizen of Yugoslavia, now retired/ in reserve/ and lives in PANCEVO, a few miles East of Beograd) that modified the radar on some SAM-3, modulated them so that the F-117 couldn’t new-modulate its jamming-system so quick, to fit the new frequency. And the F-117 could be seen on the RADAR like the Morning-Star in the sky :)) There was no escape. The dirty part is that the US-pilot of the F-117 was the son of from Yugoslavian emigrated parents .. (!)

Well, once more, it’s proven that every genial idea is simple in fact, but SOMEBODY with brains has to find it out first ;) ….”Evrika !”, so to say…. .. The RUSSKIS and the CHINESE immediately got the idea with that SPECIFICALLY modulation and improved their systems. The old SAM-2 for long-ranges & (high-altitudes), S-300 maybe have the modification in them, the S-400 .. for sure ! :))

Wolfgang Wolf

and since the second Iraq Invasion, the “famous” F-117 have never been seen very often… looks like they lost a lot of it)

Carmen Farmer

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Nigel Maund

Good comment Tudor – I’d forgotten that!


Yes, how could we forget? ;)…

Da, Domnule, eram deja in Germania si au râs si Nemtzii the Yanks de s-au prapadit, la vremea aceea.

Împutitul de Bill Clinton a bombardat Yugoslavvia de Sfintele Pasti !!



Last sentence on picture is hilarious! Auto waste Buđanovci: We also have parts of the F-117A.

Leon De Elias

Yeah an old scrap metal from the 50’s made in Czechoslovakia by some USSR

model..But it did work,the Hungarian guy was well trained who shot the thing down..

Nigel Maund

Precisely and the recently upgraded PANSIR S and Bukk’s.


“This is what happens when you underestimate your enemy too much…”

Precisely. This is a common error Americans make and have since post-WWII. We are told our “Wonder Weapons” are nearly invincible and therefore we are invincible which is clearly not true. I’m forever reminded of how our advanced supersonic aircraft armed with guided missiles were supposed to make the dog fight a thing of the past. As we know now, this thinking wasn’t only arrogant but was completely false considering these same advanced aircraft were being downed over the skies of Vietnam by “peasants” flying obsolete subsonic MiG-17s. Another example is the one Tudor Miron presents with the downing of a F-117 over Jugoslavia in 1999. I also believe another was hit a short time later but returned to base. Read the latest on our newest “Wonder weapon”… https://warisboring.com/the-f-35-is-a-terrible-fighter-bomber-and-attacker-and-unfit-for-aircraft-carriers/

The Truth is that men are the ones who win battles, not these gadgets and gizmos they show off to the public to make us feel safe. America relies too much on its technology (of with much is impressive) and this can be exploited. How would the United States military fight a “kinetic war” if, say, our GPS satellites were to be desabled?

Back to the story though. I have no idea how many missiles the Syrians intercepted, I truly don’t. But I’ve seen video of at least a couple interceptions and a picture that allegedly showed wreckage of a Tomahawk. So, right away this idea that the Syrian Missile Defense Systems intercepted none is a lie. Just a week prior these same systems succesfully intercepted 5 of 8 missiles fired from IAF F-15s over Lebanese airspace and back in February a IAF F-16 was downed by a Syrian S-200 SAM. Furthermore, the story doesn’t make sense. Marine Lt. General Kenneth McKenzie said during a press conference the morning after the attack “77 missiles destroyed the Barzah Research and Development Center. It does not exist anymore.” Who fires 77 missiles against one center? I understand it is a campus and there are multiple buildings but you would think even 30 would be overkill. And he is also wrong, before and after images show that much of this campus is infact still there and only certain portions are damaged. It all just smells fishy and it would not surprise me at all if Syria did infact intercept 71 missiles.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Even 10 missiles is overkill should have been pulverized to dust , but Syria’s live feed proved where those missiles actually went. 8 targets only three hits and a cancellation of 4 in the last wave after Data was collected and Russian Jets scrambled and System back on.


It’s a mix of good soldiers, good industrial support, and good machines.

The Third Reich had good soldiers and good machines, but not enough industrial support to mechanize more than a handful of units and to keep them going up until Moscow. Then afterwards, they couldn’t keep taking punches, and switching to Wunderwaffe wasn’t helpful either.

The United States is now a “glass jaw” country, like WW2-era Germany and Japan. We have a antebellum superiority built on combat experience and existing forces, but against a rising power we /might/ find ourselves on the losing end if the other side survives long enough to innovate and evolve, just as the US did entering WW2.

leon mc pilibin

So old USSR junk defeated trumpy boys SMART bombs.Bring it on cowboy,,,zionist puppet scumbag.


Newer anti-air systems destroyed the most missiles tho. The extremely outdated S-200 didn’t even hit a missile. Just sayin. Still, fantastic job.


My big question is why those lousy slow subsonic Tomahawk cannot be intercepted by old Soviet era SAM systems that still travel at superonic speed using supersonic old SAM systems?

It is just tracking systems to track the missiles and those are not rocket science . If US had employed hypersonic and these are brought down then it should warrant investigation.

As it is , do not insult Russia’s old systems.

You can call me Al

Nor the old birds…

John Whitehot

but the US does not have hypersonics and it’s far from having any.


Tomahavk is specialized to fly at low altitudes, and the S-125 is specialized to destroy targets at low altitudes and it has not a problem to discover and destroy Tomahavk. On the other hand, the S-75 and S-200 are specialized in defending the territory, and it is a problem for them to discover low-flying targets. For this reason, S-125 has been designed – to patch those holes.

Jim Prendergast

Congratulations to the well trained and organised Syrian Air Defence. Well disciplined use of the Panstir system designed in 1994 took-out 71 of 103 “smart” U.S. missiles. Clearly this is a defensive victory both in relative costs as well as lives and homes saved. SAA has made the Pentagon look really inept.


Yes, but pantisr was not involved to my knowledge, you can’t shoot cruise missiles with Pantsir, like stated in many notes they were Jammed by Russians, and they were shoot down, by old Soviet made S-75, S-125 and S-200 air defense. Pantsir is more for very close range of shooting either drones, incoming mortar fire, some projectiles etc.


They can shoot down cruise missiles, anti-radiation air-to-surface, etc targeting missile batteries, which is the main focus of the Pantsir-S1 defending S-400 units.


Well in reality speaking from Russian, Pantsir S-1 Units server to protect the S-400 air defense from small incoming fire, as mortars, drones etc… I am not too sure to what level they can shoot Cruise Missiles, but if you are sure, maybe they can.


Pantsir S-1 and S-125M NEVA have similar operational range: 22 vs 27 km. Neva is not designed to be an independent system. Its specialty is destroying targets at low altitudes, which is the reason for the specific antenna inclination. Neva is there to close holes that make systems with a much larger range.

Маджед Мик

US/UK/FR Arrogance under the Syrian Military Boot. ISIS coalition is defeated: Mission Accomplished



Old photo. These are SA-6 and AA-6 Acrid missiles.


Hmm, I think this are the ones from the 2017 shot down Tomahawks, I can’t tell much from the picture, but I can see that it has rotors, turbines of exosting air.

John Whitehot

No. These are Air-to-Air missiles which were never launched (Red cap on tail)

Bird of Prey

I love how South Front, a Kremlin outlet, is trying to soothe the butthurt of those angry over the spanking Assad just received with a bunch of laughably fake news.

If you want the truth, there are many serious outlets. Here’s one of many: https://www.militarytimes.com/pentagon/2018/04/14/us-launched-105-weapons-against-syria-with-none-intercepted-dod-says/

John Whitehot

” is trying to soothe the butthurt of those angry of the spanking Assad just received”

Nobody is butthurt for three empty bulidings destroyed.

ISIS coalition left its public guessing another time.

Tudor Miron

“Left its public guessing”! Lol


South Front is not a Kremlin outlet. You retarded moron, you don’t think Russians have nationalists? Do you think every US website supporting US warmongering and imperialism is CIA-funded?

You are too fucking stupid to exist. Someone must spoon-feed you as you are too idiotic to feed yourself.


Bird of Prey has been fed with jingoistic lies all his life in the USA :)

No wonder he is a retard.


How embarrassing that 50 year old soviet tech combined with Russian jamming may have eliminated upto 70% of these missiles – no wonder they are reviewing the failure.

Carol Davidek-Waller

You’d have to be old Rip Van Winkle, asleep under a log, not to have noticed that Russian technology and weapons have outstripped the US ‘s system of graft, greed and corruption that cheats taxpayers out of the services and safety they deserve and produces one embarrassing flip after another.

That Guy



Yeah AJ is exaggerating….

That Guy

Gotta be a bit accurate. It was just an OCD moment :D.


Next time it should be 98.2%….


Well the Gringos & the French Cocks have had a perfect test of how well the Syrian Airdefense is…New Rockets on the Way… Lock & Load…perhaps F-35 can penetrate even better than your missiles…just give it a try…

Claudio Cadalço

if i was putin i would sell some 8 regiments of s300 to syria, iran and nk, just to watch the firecrackers in the sky, american f35 planes dropping from the sky, 130 million dollars a pop….. how fun would be.


Now that is a gooOD way to spend some American Tax-Payers Dollars…


Lebanon needs some as well as anti ship missiles :)


Putin will have to clear that with BIbi first. You may think I am joking, but i am not.


The -was- British Empire.


The F-35’s are trash and have been since their creation, wrought with malfunctions. The U.S. empire is in decline and will collapse soon, like the Soviet Union after the cold war. #PrayForSyria


I’m with Syria…many years now…that Victory may come Swift…Brave Men already defeated the Not So Great Empire….only they don’t know it yet…


Haha, just noticed, you linked to a “Military Times” article that basically word for word parroted DoD propaganda as the source of a non-propaganda site?

And you want people to believe SouthFront is Kremlin propaganda but Military Times is, what, independent? Hahahahahaahahahahaha!

Really, I do not believe it possible for anyone to be stupider than you. You win the Fucking Idiot of the Board Award.

Tiresia Branding

2000% increment in(afraid and desperate) zion trolls activity ?


Seems you are very proud of being a moron. We won’t correct you, after all, a buffoon is needed for some comic relief


Your source can not be further from the truth. Quality of the contents of this article is obvious in first sentence in first row of article in this phrase – “Syrian regime”.


Indeed, what a state is on the empire of chaos’s hit list, the government becomes a regime. What the US government is I cannot repeat in polite company.

That Guy

Not credible enough, it is just a head line with no essay.

Promitheas Apollonious

you mean serious as you are, posting this ?

First Lastname

You’re a boomer. You aren’t welcome here.

Promitheas Apollonious

HEY… we need people to make us laugh dont be inhospitable and a spoil sport.

First Lastname

Haha that’s so true, what was I thinking?

Kell McBanned

Ahh the Boomer Menace strikes again. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9eedb4bdce9c5b3a6491ba819bcc0f3ce1a83c41ef42deecd4626f0c2a7e9d53.png

Kell McBanned

Boomers… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/359afa4648e964445df6f6102a785edd7a0580e143e5759721a26c3cb40ad83b.png


Seriously! The Truth?


Fuck off With your Goebbels-Zionazi-Propaganda Cunt….go back to your Khazarian Pimps


Yeah! like FOX Entertainment and MSN or even Comedy Central!! U.S. media is really working to bring Americans the REAL NEWS!!!! FUK OFF!!!

Tudor Miron

pointing to pentagon outlet as credible source? :) Gees, you must be exeptional, are you?


Says the mighty eagle with no feathers and broken claws… Welcome to the real multipolar world: your Impire has gone for good.

Java Ape Timelord

The bald eagle (USA national emblem) is a scavenger. That is so apt, USA the scavenger nation always preying on the weak stealing their resources yet runs when there is a real adversary.


Well doesn’t that describe any successful predator? Including Russia? It was conquering a lot when it was strong and running a lot when it was weak.

This is unfortunately human nature. If Russia became uncontested superpower I predict it too would start to do many evil things. That’s why multi-polar world is much better – balance.

US-Navy Revert Shia

These Homo scummers who lie will go to hell https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/851639a7193960a8b25c794e6eafb7263811c5bcc855869de888773722c62e98.jpg

Tudor Miron

One can say that I’m a homofobist but my take is that if there was hell than homo, pedo, trans etc should be welcomed there :)


US, UK and France have destroyed the strategic balance and stability in the Eastern Europe and in the Middle East a lot for their own malicious goals. Mr. Putin could join the regional partners to preserve the strategic balance and stability in the Eastern Europe and in the Middle East region because this is very important for the Russian own security in the whole region. In this field the Russian intel knows better. ————————————————————————————————–

Jorge Sotomayor

Why won’t you say the same about your homo scummers Saudis??? Ok

US-Navy Revert Shia

Here Saudi Scummers Ok Scumbag-!!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05b72c43e54fad9b4d43445dc60544b8d3c3c2d9bbaed613a8bd6e59e3de370c.jpg

Jorge Sotomayor

Wow bro free Palestine too and Malcolm X is one of my heroes. But still bro you haven’t answered m about the saudis.

Manuel Flores Escobar

SA 6 have white colour not grey

You can call me Al

“Since April 14, SouthFront has been receiving indications that the US military leadership is deeply concerned over the results of its military action.”

1. Hey chucky, Don, Billy Bob III, see if you get this:


2. Your missile are overpriced, useless ..


3. YOU…


Law Se

Awwww little americans upset that their toy’s got broken huh., This isn’t Saddam and your tech is outdated like your bullshit..What the world sees is a rambling arrogant Yankee ass who has zero credibility with a vast propaganda machine. Americans now and forever are gullible pawns and blind to reality.It is only when the gates of their pax america comes crashing down then they will understand..You people don’t win wars you lose them and don’t even know it …


every one HATES USA


Probably wondering how they wasted 200million dollars & have little to show for it

paul ( original )

The thing is that Trump is loathed by quite a large part of the us establishments and media (an least that is my understanding), so it’s no at all impossible that embarrassing leaks could emerge concerning a failed attack.


Note how Southfront carefully IGNORES the statement from MI6 front, the SOHR, that 65+ missiles were intercepted.

Let me ask you ALL a question. Why would SOHR do the kremlin’s work for it? For its entire existence the SOHR (one man in Coventry processing and presenting MI6 military signals intelligence out of Syria) has been bashing Assad and Russia. But on Saturday morning (Brit time), the SOHR, to everyone’s disbelief, confirmed the massive FAIL of the US missile strikes.

Jaws literally dropped to the ground at the CIA run subReddit that covers the war when SOHR released its statement.


And what is your point sir? What you want to make of this?


His screenshot looks like the silhouette of a woman.


any sane person would ignore SOHR as it is a known british propaganda op , and anything coming from it would be suspect.

anyone questioning why SF ignore SOHR is an obvious plant

Manuel Flores Escobar

3,07 far explosions of small ground to air missile ( probabily SA 8 Osa)…I have seen a video recorded in Barzeh and clearly you can hear around 20 fast explosions as Russia sources told(23 hit)…NOT 76 as USA Pentagon told!


so, rusia already bombed the nato positions in baltic sea? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Manuel Flores Escobar

thats why USA only attacked an small 3 buildings full of spider webs….all media press told that Mattis fear a war vs Russia!


So let’s do a little math. You spend say 250 million to destroy 20 million worth of buildings. Those generals needn’t worry about their missiles. There is probably a bigger threat from someone leaking all the child porn the gene

John Whitehot

one thing that is certain is that the vaunted “stealth” cruise missiles used by US/UK/FR are tracked and engaged.

Feudalism Victory

Its easy folks. If the strike was a military success they will try another bigger attack soon. If not they will cut their losses and let their pawns fend for themselves. Both sides are lying to some extent.


Probably. But, all over around we can find proofs for western lies. They are not stupid, they are so arrogant that they even don’t try to hide their lies. Russians, maybe they are lying too, but I can not find any proof for that. If they lying, they doing that very smart.

Feudalism Victory

I dont see proof from any side that. Photos and murky video clips aside. And we never will either but later actions will show us whats what.


An Analysis:

On Friday night, totally out-of-sync with ALL the building propaganda, a sudden missile strike was launched- about 100 missiles, 200 short of all the earlier suggestions in the press.

No french participation, But Britain air launched a number of french manufactured ‘cruise’ missiles.

US missile strikes from all directions, including bombers that entered Syrian air space in the East (with Russia’s direct permission).

France had pre-warned Russia of all the intended targets (motivation- to help ensure no Russian casualties).

A lot of confusion during reports of the attack, but shortly afterwards Russia listed a far wider range of targets than the Pentagon admitted- but targets that matched exactly earlier plans reported in the West press.

70ish missiles ‘shot’ down. Seemingly more disabled. At least ten getting through, doing the damage at two sites we’ve all seen videos from.

So on the night, the very moment the pentagon got first analysis of their success (minutes after the last missile was fired), the pentagon IMMEDIATELY warns of coming DISINFO from Russia the following day. What on Earth? Only the FACT that they knew how many missiles failed expains this statement.

The SOHR, an MI6 front that has been goading us all along, also reports 65+ missiles down. This is IMPOSSIBLE, for the SOHR has the same motivation as the pentagon to lie regardless- yet on this occasion the SOHR not only tells the truth, it does so in a way most of you here would assume damages the USA.

So what really happened?

1) No, an ancient soviet era defense system run by Syrian grunts did NOT defeat the yanks 2) Elite RUSSIAN units, using state-of-the-art systems took on America and Britain 3) Russia NEVER intended to shoot down all the missiles- if they had done so, things would have massively escalated. 4) Russia planned a missile BALLET. Missiles aimed at two useless empty installations would be allowed (in a limited number) to pass. Maybe two more targets were allowed a lesser ‘success’. But all other missiles were to be countered. 5) The Pentagon is not just unhappy so many missiles FAILED, it is a total funk over the ‘ballet’- the precise knowledge the russians had about each missile’s intent, and the way in which the dance was thus choreographed. 6) trolls on the other side keep saying “where are the remains of the shot down missiles”. Russian has the very best psy-op reasons to gather up those remains and deny public access.

On the night (when the Pentagon thought their plan was so ‘last moment’, the russians had no time for anything other than safely hiding), the russians were able to demonstrate a terrifying sophistication to the yanks.

That MI6 chose to have its asset, the SOHR, goad the Pentagon, proves we CANNOT take comfort from the events. War is more than just toys, and how well you use them. War is politics and machinations. Russia’s WIN, and the Pentagon FAIL, is to be weaponised and turned against Russia.

Leon Auguste



Yes, you can write a nice fiction book with such “analysis”.

Not to tear the entire story apart, but the whole “ballet” is idiotic. Cruise missiles can fly in circles, they are not like a ballistic missile that during descent follows a mathematical arc (aside from the newer Russian ones, which retain some thrust vectoring controls during the descent stage), Thus it is impossible to tell a cruise missile’s destination from its historical flight pattern.

What is a much more likely scenario is that after Russia repeatedly threatened to take out the missile launchers, Russia and US agreed that US would shoot a limited number of missiles at non-critical targets and Russia would not shoot them down (but nothing was said about Syria).

And it’s very plausible that Soviet ABMs took out the cruise missiles. Cruise missiles are by far the easiest target (after drones, I guess) to take out – they travel much lower and slower than the 60s NATO fighter jets these missiles were designed to take out.


You know I feel really stupid. Read a good bit, was reading when the event last year went off. Yet for the life of me it really makes zero sense. Have yet to read the sentence that ties it all neatly together. To me it only makes sense when I think that Yes Trump is following orders, but he has turned his role into a parody. He’s the PP Parody President.

He’s pissed at what they have given him to do, so he absolutely overplays every scene, turning it into farce, revealing how absurd the whole show is. What useful purpose to threaten over obvious false flag to such an extreme. Then the military, (do they really want this fight), stage a show to prove all the lies. Why would we do this if it was a lie? Spend a bundle, no one dies and it’s a yuge success!

As for your posts Dim Wad, You are a dissembler. You have the occasional coherent line, much like SOHR, but your mission is to confuse. It’s not even clear who’s side you are on, both? So, and this is good advice for me too, aim for less volume and more logic. Ever since I saw Putin put that drink down in the tent in Chechnya I got him down as the real deal, you however, seem likely to get paid in shekels and never put the drink down. My take they are buying time till powerful enough to finish this thing, every day that passes without all out warfare brings us closer to ending the empire.

j. jaxson

if all of them hit then it still does not matter that much. it just was not that effective.


i have seen no proof of missile debris none, also no missile debris of air defence missile social media blackout ?.


Have a look on twitter. Here are some, I saw more run by on the day of the aggression (I put the links twice, once without “twitter.com/” in front, b/c Disqus sometimes messes them up):

https://twitter.com/RashidK97504820/status/985183723862753280 (RashidK97504820/status/985183723862753280) https://twitter.com/ilarieyes/status/985160858211966977 (ilarieyes/status/985160858211966977) https://twitter.com/smmsyria/status/985017097720877066 (smmsyria/status/985017097720877066)


fist one is a storm shadow debris taken out the impact hole not a intercept second one is booster of anti air missile prob a s200 third i cant place

and yes i watch every thing


Really, first one, you are saying it impacted and blew up and stayed in such nice condition?

Second one, do you see any Cyrillic on that? Do you even know what Cyrillic looks like?

What proof do you have of that, since you “watch every thing” I’m sure you can find something aside from a conclusory remark defied by the evidence and the descriptions of those who posted the pictures?


https://twitter.com/sayed_ridha/status/985089318908657664 there even footage their taking the debris out of the ground its missed the target by 150 metes

https://twitter.com/warsmonitoring/status/985490489779671043 its the farm field circled with the orange box


Your first link shows the same as my second link, which you claimed before was an ABM (S200 booster). Now it’s a cruise missile (which is what I claimed in the post to which you responded)? OK, but the very tweet you link claims it’s proof of Syrian air defense capability, i.e., is saying this missile was shot down. But you know better, right, that it’s proof that the missile hit a target? What was that target of this “precision missile” exactly, a dirt field? Because look at the “crater”.

Second link, what’s that to prove? You linked an account, not a tweet. But of course some missiles got through, even Russia admits 40 of 103 got through. So 2-3 craters really doesn’t prove 103 missiles hit.

Your arguments aren’t very coherent.


fist one is a storm shadow debris taken out the impact hole not a intercept second one is booster of anti air missile prob a s200 or whatever third i cant place

thats what i wrote and 1 en 2 got mixed up 2 i have proven to be correct it was not intercepted it just missed 1 a booster looks nowhere near to the debris of cruise missile

argument stays the same theirs a lack of debris even from the remains of anti air missiles it’s a media blackout


No, the proof is there, you just refuse to believe it and make up some ridiculous stories. You have no proof that the Storm Shadow missed (even though I guess that would prove what shoddy crap UK produces).

But I keep an open mind. Please show me the verified remains of an intercepted missile (at say 800 meters) and of a storm shadow impact crater and compare and contrast. Prove that you can tell the difference because you know what each type of wreckage looks like. Prove that the person who uploaded the photo and saw the entire scene is a liar and you should be trusted.


just look at the hole in the ground idiot and the pieces the pulled out , and reversing the argument doesn’t chance a thing. it’s was you who sad there where missiles debris from being shot down only two so far. your fist pic wasn’t a cruise missile. your second was just a miss not a intercept. third nobody know what it is.

look up the text ”mbda france” is the manufacture of the storm missile



Hole in the ground – could be that the cruise missile landed there after being intercepted. Those things are pretty heavy, maybe it blew up too after crashing. But the text along with the pictures claim it was intercepted. Of course you know more than the guy who took the pictures and posted them.

As for calling me an idiot – I’m done with you. you’ve proved nothing except you are a stupid asshole.

Joe Dirt


Manuel Flores Escobar

S 200 have 300km long range and were shooting towards Jordan and lebanon to keep away SEAD ECM jets!


Bwahaha U.S…Suck Israhell’s Ass long enough, sooner or later yal be choking on shit… send in you flyin’ Cavalry Cunts….Let’s see how many will return…Mo’ Missiles…


time will tell but i think there are 0 intercept not because the can’t but because it’s was the deal between Russia US and Syria. Every footage available shows the aiming miles to high tot take down a cruise missile. The of debris should show op on very social media by now but it’s nothing so far not even the remains of anti air debris

this look like a random aimed manual

Tudor Miron

Hard to swallow that your masters weapons do not actually work? Feeling nervous lately? Internal filter didn’t allow to see the obvious?


It’s not a question of not working. It’s just a question of not being guaranteed to get through.

It’s a question of economics. How much does one of the interceptor missiles cost, and how much do actual missiles (along with some decoys) cost?

Even assuming an even bank account, eventually the attacker will win, because ABMs are very expensive. But the bank account is not even.

Tudor Miron

Wait a minute…Do you suggest that S125 ordnance is more expensive than tomahowk?


I don’t know the market price of a V-601. S-400 is over $2 million each (but that includes the launchers, which can be re-used with new missiles, I have not found a per-missile price)..

Of course Tomahawks are a bit expensive ($1.9M) due to the massive corruption and incompetence in US MIC (mainly massive, massive, massive corruption). Obviously it is far more difficult to build an ABM than a cruise missile. Pentagon is famous for paying $500 for a hammer.

Tudor Miron

No it is not. Cruise missile is far more expensive to design/build than air to air missile. Look, with your S400 example we have 2e6$ for each. Even if we count 4 missiles + launcher than each missile is less than 500k. But we’re not talking the state of the art expensive system. Whats hurting is that s125/200 was enough :) How cheaper do you think they are than s400?


S400 is $2M per missile. The cost is $400 million per fire unit (artillery battalion) that consists of 8 launchers, 112 missiles, command and support vehicles. I roughly calculated $2M per missile due to cost of launchers, radars, command and control, etc. but probably it is closer to $3M per missile.

Cruise missile is VERY simple in comparison. E.g. a Patriot missile (advanced) costs $6M whereas Tomahawk is $1.5 M, so 4 times the cost.

It’s simple logic. First ABM must go much faster than a cruise missile. Second, even at this much higher speed, it must be much more accurate than a cruise missile.

The equivalent to a Tomahawk would be a Kalibr, and comparing its cost to an S-400 missile would be more informative as it is comparable MIC. But even Southfront does not know the cost of these :) (https://southfront.org/russian-kalibr-vs-us-tomahawk/).

Tudor Miron

Fair enough and than the cost of S400 missile is comparable to tomahowk. But we’re not talking S400 do we? We’re talking s125/200. Also, you don’t seem to count the difference in cost of deploying and launching a land based AD missile and a naval based cruise missile. My point is that Assad spent much less than US did in that strike. Do you argue with that or just want to be right? ;) I agree that US pockets are deeper thought.


nope i am pro Assad but i do know when i am fed BS en this time its BS from all sides

Tudor Miron

Than tell us what really happened?



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