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MARCH 2025

Pentagon Says It Won’t Withdraw Troops from Iraq

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Pentagon Says It Won't Withdraw Troops from Iraq

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The US has no plans to withdraw any troops from Iraq, and will assess its military presence around the globe, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper has ordered “a zero-based review” of the disposition of U.S. forces worldwide, Hoffman said.

“We’ve been going through this for many months now,” Hoffman said. “He’s sitting down with each of the combatant commands to walk through what is the right force posture; what are our right goals; what are the right countries we need to be engaging; what are the right challenges; and where can our allies and partners participate more?”

The US remains in discussion with Iraq about the status of the roughly 5,000 American forces there, following reports that the country’s caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said the next government will decide whether to enforce the non-binding resolution on expelling foreign troops from the country that the Iraqi parliament approved.

“We’re still in conversations with our Iraqi host,” Hoffman said. “We continue to want to be a friend and partner to the sovereign and prosperous Iraq. At this time, there are no plans by the U.S. military to withdraw from Iraq.”

Despite the vote in Iraq’s parliament, the Pentagon believed the consensus in Iraq is that the US presence there is a force for good, Hoffman said.

“Having the United States forces in Iraq allows NATO to be present, as well, to help with that counter-ISIS mission as well as the training mission, to support Iraqi Security Forces.”

In late December 2019, the New York Times cited US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper who said that his aim was to reduce US missions countering terrorist groups in remote locations, in order to refocus on confronting “Great Powers” such as Russia and China.

On the Iraqi side, Mahmoud al-Rubaye, a member of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq’s political wing, a group which is part of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) said that the US should withdraw from Iraq.

“The resistance factions are completely prepared to inflict a great defeat on American forces if they go against the will of the Iraqi government and people,” Mahmoud al-Rubaye said.

He added, “I think the United States is afraid of direct confrontation with resistance groups, because it has a bitter experience of face-off with them.”

The warnings by the PMU came two days after influential Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr demanded that Iraqis stage a “million-man march” against the continued US military presence in the country.

The march is needed “to condemn the American presence and its violations,” Sadr, who leads the largest parliamentary bloc, Sairoon, said.

“The skies, land, and sovereignty of Iraq are being violated every day by occupying forces,” he added. He said that the demonstrations needed to be peaceful.

The Iraqi government maintains that the US troops need to withdraw, with Iraqi caretaker prime minister Abdul-Mahdi releasing a statement calling for the organization of a safe and orderly withdrawal.

Abdul-Mahdi “requested that delegates be sent to Iraq to set the mechanisms to implement the parliament’s decision for the secure withdrawal of (foreign) forces from Iraq” in a phone call with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“The prime minister said American forces had entered Iraq and drones are flying in its airspace without permission from Iraqi authorities and this was a violation of the bilateral agreements,” the statement added.

Despite that, US troops continued their joint anti-terror operations in cooperation with the Iraqi military as of January 16th.


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Ivan Freely

al-Sadr demanded that Iraqis stage a “million-man march”

Marching? Pointless.


One has to start somewhere. Grouping people with same point of view and similar convictions against common enemy is always good start. Let us see where will it go and how it will finish before jumping on the conclusion. If plenty of people responds that will already be a strong message to the occupying force. If not enough they can always do much more, escalate.


At the time where there was mortar attack on US occupied areas, He urged the factions in a statement to not attack US occupiers, but to wait until the Diplomacy fail, Then the only choice left is the resistance, all the Iraqi resistance faction are itching for a fight, patience.


They DO NOT care Issam! The truth is not objective on this forum only likable slogans that sometimes hardly mean anything. Or empty cheering combined with fun.. Many people comment hear not to learn something or find out truth but because they think to be intelligent or knowledgeable. So their talk has no other purpose or objective but to be manifestation of their vanity. Huge majority here doesn’t care about the truth of Iraqi or any other war. And how really we can help occupied Iraq by spreading that truth. They prefer bombastic slogans that get plenty of likes. That’s all. It is like children’s game here.


“We’re still in conversations with our Iraqi host,” The PARASITE is in the “conversations” with the “host”;

Mmmh I looove sucking your blood ! You know what I need much, much more! I have feeling that this relationship will last forever, aren’t you happy about that “news”?!


Guess you agree that the US will leave when the US feels it wants to leave regardless of what the Islamist Shi’a beholden to Islamist Iran might want.


It is not up to US scum to decide that. It is up to Iraqi resistance to decide future of Iraq. Like all occupational bastards, they will leave when they have no other choice. The lives of those stupid US soldiers are worthless for those who send them. They only don’t want population back clash back in U.S. if there is too many killed. So Iraqi’s will have to kill quite few of them to force them to leave.


But what about the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Yet to be found!


I am sure if they dig deep enough down the Pompeo’s arse that they will be able to find something…


The best occupying force is DEAD occupying force. A fertilizer for ground. Like those guys on the photo.They look like some tomatoes could be grown on them.


Yeah.. there is oil to protect :)


Maybe, but the main user of Iraqi oil is China. The US uses none. Now that is kind of ironic.


Selling oil STOLEN from Iraq to China ? You are filthy liar as usual. All those corporations like Exxon,BP etc. are there only through US occupation. And US occupation is only way they can stay there.


Of coooourse.. We all know that US have come to Irak to bring freedom and democracy to Irak people.. Free of charge of course.. :)


The “freedom and democracy” to Iraq has a price tag: 35 bill of printed paper and they had promised Iraq that they will recognize a kurdish state and give it independence. In other words: there will be no Iraq.


It is not so simple as you make it sound. Kosovo was recognized by US long time ago yet they are still not in UN. And they didn’t have such powerful resistance lobby to their creation as the Kurds have. Kurds will get destroyed but combined forces of the concerned countries Not only by Iraq but also Iran,Turkey and Syria. Not to mention all other countries that support those countries who oppose Kurdistan. Russia and China will block any kind of recognition of Kurdistan in UN. Turkey will get in direct conflict with Kurds and US(if they defend them) and abandon NATO (kick them out of their bases in Turkey ) The war will take over the whole region.


I know but you are shooting the messenger. I have nothing in common with the mentally sick global management.:)


I know that and I am sorry, but I do not agree with you at all on your suggestion. Being EVIL either way one tries, US must not stay in Iraq ! I sincerely believe that your choice is bad and that leaving US there is REVIVAL of ISIS and destruction of Iraq either way!!

Luke Hemmming

Proof Please? Links? Photos?

Titus Thornber

it is about keeping the price of oil in USD no matter who it is sold to. USA forces Iraq to hold its main bank account in USD in NY. USA is defending its USD by controlling Iraq. USA will no longer be able to print free dollars if the world no longer needs USD to buy oil.

Arch Bungle

You seem to have a 3-year olds conception of what oil is used for. The US needs Iraqi oil to help prop up the petrodollar and exert geopolitical power. If you’re still juvenile enough to think oil is only for engines then it shows what an uneducated tool you are.


Hi ❤ The most important thing I want to see and appreciate in my man is care for his family, his woman and surely respect. It is hard to develop love if there is no respect to a person. Of course, there are many features which I appreciate but for me it is the main thing. My man will be a person, who can understand and support me. Family will be always the main in life. Surely if this man has a great sense of humor, it will be a huge bonus. See my profile.

alejandro casalegno

USA will leave…………………the question………………dead or alive?????

AM Hants

When the body bags start returning home, during a Presidential Election Run, no doubt, Trump might think differently.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, it will not take too many body bags as we saw the lardass Americunt bed wetters after the Iranian missile strike. Why do you think they chickened out?

Zionism = EVIL

100% guaranteed that the Americunts will cut and run when the casualties and costs get too high, just like Afghanistan. The Zionist entity is also on borrowed time and on stolen Palestinian lands.

Assad must stay

guess they will have to be forced out then by PMU and friends lol

Luke Hemmming

“Want to be a partner to the prosperous (oil wealth) and sovereign (independent) Iraq.” So basically if the sovereign state of Iraq says get out then that’s exactly what the US should do then shouldn’t it?, been a law abiding member of the international community…cough cough…upholding it’s democratic and justice values that it is always telling the world that makes the US such a good global citizen…cough cough…oh god im choking on the tears that are welling in my eyes from this heartfelt beautiful gesture from the most wonderful…greatest…most special fucking retarded fucked up country in the whole world. Get lost US. Go take a long walk off a short pier.


Goodjob U.S, first let Iraq pay their 1-2 TRILLION DOLLARS DEBT with their oil. Till then, the U.S can stay as much as they like. Everything has a price, the fallen soldiers’ families need to get their compensations.


Ha ha ha! Usa pays its due first!


The U.S has no dues, they helped Iraq vs ISIS and lost men. Now iraq needs to pay.

Concrete Mike

Well if thats the case, you should pay for every syrian and irani hit with your pathetic airstrikes.

USA didnt do a damn thing to fight ISIS, NOT A DAMN THING, and neither did your precious GANTZ, because ISIS is on your side!

Your inversions are sickening me this.morning.

It is USA and Israel the invaders not iraq.or iran.

Anything else you say is nothing but justification bullshit.


You hate your country that much Mike? like seriously, I support the U.S and you hate everything that’s American. I guess it’s weird times these days..


I’m American and I know in order to save our country your corrosive nature of in-bedding, assimilating, then parasitcal leaching of our economy, blood and black-mail influence over are corrupt political body needs to end.


lol, then go end it. IDF will soon put all of you dogs in their proper place.


You have no idea how fast it’s going to end. I’m sorry, by the time israel sends that IDF you talk about, they will have zilch to come back home to. No matter what weapon(s) israel decide to use, israel will seize to exist.




IDF is only 1 overhyped army.

your limit is described by 3 letters: 3MT

Arch Bungle

The IDF ran to their bunkers like scared little rats the last time Hizbollah fired on the bases. The IDF were cooked like canned pork the last time they drove their tin cans into lebanon. The IDF is a paper doll only good for killing women, children and the unarmed.

Luke Hemmming

Says who? The US says Iraq is a sovereign state. I think then that means Iraq makes the decisions not some Zionist dominated corporations or dual citizen “Israeli first” US government department heads. It was the US who invaded Iraq based on a lie…and then it was the US who stupidly (in hindsight now) spent all that money on building military infrastructure. Iraq didn’t ask for it. And besides it was the US who promised Iraq it would help rebuild it’s electricity infrastructure which it hasn’t so Iraq had to go to China instead. That’s what has pissed off the Yankee doodle pansies and that’s why there has been an escalation lately. The timeline shows this. Iraq says its going to go to China. US instigated unrest. Iraqi talks about 3rd party interference. Trump threatens Iraqi government tells them not to mention 3rd party interferences. Iraq says fuck you and continues. Trump chokes on a big Mac and then threatens Iraqi’s pm with the death of his family. Pm still says fuck you US you had your chance. Trump turns up the heat even more. False flag attacks and spec ops snipers taking out protestors and iraq soldiers. Fuck off US. No one owes you one goddam red cent. You have done enough damage and stolen enough iraqi oil and lives.


Let me repeat it again – the Iraqi government will pay it’s debt down to the last dollar. The U.S has lost many American lives and equipment to just leave. Iraq owes the U.S everything, without the U.S support ISIS would have taken over all of Iraq. Pay the debt, or face sanctions.


Ha ha ha! Look who’s talking! Ha ha ha. In all honesty, I miss the intelligent discussions here but the trolls are giving me so much pleasure by exposing their fear, limits and desperation! Priceless! Thank you.


Unlike Iraq, we are not ungrateful to the U.S so you can’t compare it. Trolly.

Luke Hemmming

Let me repeat to you Iraqi doesn’t have to do jack shit just because the US says so…after all Iraq is a sovereign state…or so the US keeps telling everyone.


Iraq will pay its’ debt one way or another, even if they have to use all of their oil reserves.

Luke Hemmming

Iraq SHOULD use it oil reserves to pay for IRAQI infrastructure and to help rebuild Iraqi’s economy not the US’s. After all this was the US decision to start this war on terror which started in Iraq based on 2 lies at the time. Iraq’s WMD’S and the lies that 911 was perpetrated by Col. Tim Olsen ( aka Osama bin Laden, ex CIA asset during the Russian/Afghanistan war)


They can rebuild their infrastructures, it doesn’t contradict each other. But the U.S will get their investment back, just like Russia will get it from Syria. Like it or not, Iraq will pay.

Luke Hemmming

Publicly the US should stop demanding that Iraqi needs to repay. Publicly Iraq should keep refusing to pay and gather world support in telling the US to leave Iraq.


We will see about that.


Typical israeli…mo’money. You smell the shekels in the the blood. We’ve put you in a box before. Seems it needs to be done again.


Wanna put me in a box hero? I’m all ready for you. Change your name into a pig, a filthy pig.


1st off, it was a metaphor…but if you’re living in israel and are of age to live 10 more yrs, get out! LMFAO .

SERIOUSLY tho, get out brah, save yourself.


you, iSSraelis have debt to arab countires 7 000 billipn dollars. Your debt to palestianas counts 15 000 billion dollars PLUS each square meter of occupied soil!!!

USA has debt to ME countires 25 000 billion dollars.

Your end will begin at day D, when there will built the alternative swift system by EU.

After that moment all BRICS countires can decline dollar. And you, rothshilds monkeys will die.


Once we Americans figure out that the cost of oil will drastically stabilize ( if not drop ) as well as the saving of US lives as well as treasure will infinitely be better once we leave…Win win!



Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

“In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals, people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. ”



Soon you’ll see the US taken to court over the false invasion of Iraq…the fat cow is being milked, from all teets!

I’m American and I can easily see we stepped into a pile of shee-it


US Supreme Court as deemed corporations are people…hence, corporations can now be charged with war crimes, once someone figures this out, the corps AS WELL AS their hired mercs will be sued by civilians of nations falsely invaded by us…and the corps that profited.


Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

“In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals, people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. ”



When will isreal pay its debt to the world


We ain’t got any.

Arch Bungle

Iraq owes nothing to anybody. The US is an illegal occupier responsible for mass murder. It owes war reparations and it’s leaders should be hung in the Hague after a lengthy trial.


You’re delusional…LMFAO!

You haven’t a clue as to how the Iranians are playing this out.

Here is one clue for you, troll monkey. Think chess not checkers.


Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

“In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals, people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. ”



USa made own war against ISIS. Nobody has any debt to the USA.


The US never paid a cent when they created 911 and attacked Iraq to steal its wealth. All was paid for by the Iraqi people and they continue to pay for their own occupation you moron: https://rense.com/general75/zzon.htm


Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

“In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals, people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. “


the fallen soldiers’ families need to get more companions, more dead US soldiers joining them.

Harry Smith

No way! Everybody in the World knows that USA is beacon of democracy, defender of everyone’s freedom and example of supremacy of law. This is fake news. [sarcasm]


As long as US is in Iraq ISIS will come back because US directly support ISIS and terrorism in general everywher they are!

jade villaceran

Iraq, Russia and China should pressure usa in UN security council to leave iraq alone


Iraqi government are collaborators of occupational force. That’s their only reason why they are in charge now. They are corrupt yet they are afraid of Iraqi people so everything depends on Iraqi people reactions… Iraqi government will adapt to the situation. How can one expect that they make “pressure” in UN on that subject? How can one expect Russia and China to make any moves if Iraqi government doesn’t do anything in that direction?


It is kind of fun sometimes to watch people scramble. There are quite a few factors that will force the US out of Iraq and other places. Just look at how things were on September 29, 2015. It’s way too late to save this burning ship called US Middle East diplomacy. it is just a guess but, by September most of the words coming out of the mouths of the US at this point, will look to have been so hollow. Just yesterday President Trump was telling Iranian leadership to watch it’s mouth. Are you kidding me?

What a gigantic waste of lives and treasure. We could have actually helped the world. Tragedy on a gigantic scale is what took place. My take. I wish well to all.

Zionism = EVIL

The FACT is that the Americunts and a collection of 56 vassals and treacherous scum invaded Iraq on false premise of WMD bullshit for two main reasons #1 OIL & #2 deluded Zionist agenda of destroying Iraq which under the idiotic loudmouth Saddam was posing a strategic challenge. The Americunts have stolen over $ 2 TRILLION in oil revenues so far and are funding global terror from these revenues as well feeding the Zionist parasites. The only way the Americunt and NATO occupation of Iraq will end is when the cost of occupation gets too high. Neither Americunt murderous cowards or the Zionist child killers can sustain a determined asymmetrical resistance. It is time for all the resistance forces to UNITE and kick the bed wetting arseholes out.


The wages of sin always exact a steep price.


Waste one American a day, that removes evil away.


There are some here that truly do not understand the US military, political leadership and US politics in general. There was no way that Trump ‘and all those mean people that are forcing him to do bad things’ were going to leave Iraq. How many said he would not try to instigate war in an election year? How many thought the US would be immediately leaving after this last fiasco? How many said this would kill Trumps chances? That is not the way US politics are run. I said Trump would double down…what happened? I also said Trump would benefit from this mess…he is right now holding rallies and bragging and continuing to threaten. Polls say his popularity is rising. What a surprise. The vast majority in gov are supporting him and continuing, even exacerbating, the lies. My CONgressman sent me his usual tripe, fully supporting Trump AND his lies and actions. I sent him a scathing email and he sent me another form email, with the same tired lies. Believe me, these assholes are ready to double down yet again. Does anyone here doubt that Trump called Abdul Mahdi and made the threats claimed? I don’t, because they are more than just threats, they’re a promise. Leave Iraq? When the situation becomes absolutely untenable and not before. Body bags during election? This will result in more viciousness from the US, who I guarantee you will claim Iraq is controlled by Iran and they will cite any insurgency as ISIS. ISIS is making a ‘resurgence’, is it not?…according to the US at any rate…does anyone think they are saying this just for kicks? Trump will fall back to the ‘destroy ISIS’ BS. When a strong insurgency occurs and only after the elections will there be any real move to leave, IF ever. During an election?…Look at Nixxon and the ’72 election. How did the peace candidate do? Were American soldiers being killed at the time?…Leaving is doubtful, as Trump will use this as proof he is fighting ISIS, protecting American assets/interests and….MAGA. Here is PompAss saying this assassination game is now policy… https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/01/17/lunatic-pompeo-threatens-putin-with-drone-assassination/ Does this sound like a voice of sanity? We have $Bs of Iraqi assets, ours to steal, and the ability to strangle them sanction-wise and we own some of their politicians, who are hedging right now. How about Kurdistan-to-be? Leaving? Not even likely at this point, especially ‘under duress'(pressure) during an election…which would be taken as weakness. Eventually? Yes, but it will be a bloody affair and all sides will be made to suffer…I wouldn’t even venture a departure date or scenario. Are there actually any sane people in the US? Yes, but you’d never know it because their voices are drowned out in a sea of false patriotism and lies.

Arch Bungle

The USA will leave Iraq like it left Lebanon in 1981, after 241 Marines were blown sky high in their barracks.


Hezbollah denies doing that it looks like it was isreal that killed those marines and remember they have a history of attacking us warships


LOL…well, yes. Hezbollah was not yet called Hezbollah at that time. So yes, Hezbollah didn’t do it. But it was their predecessor under the direction of Islamist Iran as usual.


Correct I should have said the lebenese denied doing it but why was there no decisive response and why no claim of responsibilty and who would have the capability of doing such an act and who has a history of attacking us warships in the region


You have to ask Reagan that. And I know of only one attack on an American ship, not ships as you claim, over 50 years ago that was found to not have been intentional. It was a mistake in the heat of an existential war. Next you’ll claim the Israelis did 9-11 and the Holocaust never happened. And then you’ll go drink your mommy’s chocolate milk and claim it comes from brown cows that are all under the control of the Elders of Zion or some other stupidity.


So isreali jets made mistakes for hour after hour gee I thought you guys were first class soldiers I can tell you no one in the us military thinks that was a mistake although some of them may have been forced to say itwas a mistake. About the holocaust can you tell me how many Jews were in Europe at the time because none of the mainstream beliefs about the holocaust add up think about how can you gas 6 million people in that space of time while waging war on the countries that surround you and somehow dispose of their bodies so cleverly that they have never been found


Ok so who do you think did 911 do you honestly believe in the fairytale of the big bad Osama bin Laden it was obviously perpetrated by the people that control the us government are you going to tell me that isreal isn’t a controlling force here

Arch Bungle

As usual you’re spouting lies, with no evidence. Not even the US acknowledge Iran or Hizbollah as the perpetrators. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Arch Bungle

A group called Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombing. Debate exists whether Hizbullah existed at the time. Rumours exist that Israeli intelligence knew of the planned attack but said nothing …


So some tinpot terrorists manage to kill hundreds of us troops and no response except to run away does any of this add up to you

Arch Bungle

To me it makes sense. The largest single US casualty since WW2 inflicted by “nobodies”. The US was supposed to be carrying out a ‘police action’, implying the Lebanese wanted them there. The bombing destroyed that illusion, and the American public wouldn’t have supported further involvement …


If that were to happen today, most all of Islamist Iran would be blown sky high. Times do change.

Arch Bungle

No it wouldn’t.


How do you think the current Shia govt came to power? They collaborated with the US govt during shock&awe for the US to hand them power and they did. The Shia govt in Iraq is not independent but must obey the commands and orders of the US govt. After all, the US did not do shock&awe to just vacate from Iraq. No, they planned to stay there forever.


Well, they are the majority of the Iraqi population if you missed it. And a lot now seem to side with Islamist Iran against the US. However, the Sunni and Kurds now like the US way better than Islamist Iran. Things in the Mideast do get complicated. But since you claim to be from there you should do better at keeping up.


My family were never known to speak Yiddish or to have the best recipes for gefitlah fish.




Ashkenazi = 100% alien to the Middle East.


Nahhhhhhhh…millions live there now and nothing you can do will change that. Get over it. Anyway, there have been Ashkenazi Jews in for example Jerusalem for centuries. Do try to get the simplest things correct. As an aside, lots of Ashkenazi Jews in Europe lived way closer to Jerusalem than you Yemenis. You aren’t even of the Levant. Ashkenazi Jews have more Levant DNA than you do. Hey, the Arabs aren’t of the area either. They were invading interlopers.


Ari Shavit – Haaretz – March 4, 2003

“In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals, people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history. ”

Here are the neocons:

Alan Dershowtiz ……………… Frederick Kagan Bill Kristol ……………………….. Henry Kissenger Charles Krauthammer ………. Irving Kristol Bret Stephens ………………….. James Schlesinger Daniel Pipes …………………….. John Podhoretz Danielle Pletka …………………. Joshua Bolten David Frum ………………………. Kimberly Kagan David Wurmser …………………. Norman Podhoretz Donald Kagan ……………………. Paul Wolfowitz Douglas Feith …………………….. Richard Perle Marc Grossman …………………. Robert Kagan Dov Zakheim ……………………… Scooter Libby Eliot Cohen ……,………………….. Stephen Bryen Elliot Abrams


Old news. And anyway, the Prez and his top officials who made choice to get rid of Saddam sure we’re not Jewish. Nor were most all those who supported that in the US Congress. Again, try to get the basics correct.

Raptar Driver

Of course not, and who will force the issue?


How to break up Iraq along ethnic/religious lines. From the Oded Yinon document:

Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate

for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is

stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to

Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it

is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab

confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim

of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into

provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three

(or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and

Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north. It is possible that

the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarization.


The Oded Yinon document is about how to weaken and break up the Arab countries … must read … https://wp.me/p6Wacz-2pN


So? Sounds like a good plan to me. Hey, and it is the plan put forward by the guy who may be our next Prez, Biden.


You got two presidents: Biden and Milekowsky-Netanyahu?


Right now I have one Prez and unfortunately, that is Trump. Try to get the simplest things correct.




No, you do. By DNA studies, on average, Ashkenazi Jews have about half Levant DNA. Bet this guy never claimed to be an Israelite. But he likely can claim Aliyah as a Jew under traditional Jewish and Israeli law. Don’t like it? Who cares?


These are the 23andme genetic groups. Exactly from which part of our Middle East do the white man and white women of Europe think they originate from?

Algeria – Armenia – Azerbaijan – Bahrain – Cyprus – Egypt – Georgia -Iran – Iraq – Jordan – Kuwait – Lebanon – Libya – Morocco – Saudi Arabia – Syria – Tunisia – Turkey – UAE – Uzbekistan – Yemen


As I said, on average, Ashkenazi DNA is about 50% from the Levant. Some of those countries are in the Levant and some are not. Their other half comes from all around Europe. When folk are in an area for a thousand or so years, there usually is some mixing. But what’s the difference. Israel and not you get to say who is and is not a Jew for Aliyah. Don’t like it? Too bad.



Is her Middle Eastern DNA hiding somewhere under a rock?


You keep missing it. A main way these DNA studies determine Ashkenazi is by the unique mix of Mideast and European DNA. How the hell do you think they can so readily differentiate Ashkenazi Jews from their German or Polish or Russian, etc. neighbors? You really are dense. Maybe you could have used a little Ashkenazi DNA yourself.




He never claimed to be an Israelite. And if Israel says he is Jewish and can make Aliyah, that is the way it is. You and yours have zero say in the matter. So get over it.


Tell me what this means to you?

European Jewish

Jewish Western & Central Europe Jewish Western Ukraine, Moldova & Eastern Romania Jewish Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg Jewish Central & Eastern Europe Jewish Lithuania, Latvia & Belarus Jewish Poland, Slovakia, Hungary & Moravia Jewish Northeast Poland, Lithuania, Latvia & West Belarus Jewish Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine & Western Russia



Areas in Europe where Ashkenazi Jews have lived for some period of time. But note in every case those Ashkenazi Jews are easily differentiated from their neighbors by having a significantly higher Mideast DNA mix. NOT a higher Khazah mix. Do try to get the simplest things correct.


If you look at the link from PBS below that shows the DNA results of Alan Dershowitz:

a) Central Europe is highlighted in green to show where his 98.5% Ashkenazi Jewish DNA is from.

b) Africa is highlighted because they traced 0.1% African ancestry.

c) East Asia is highlighted because they found 0.1% East Asian ancestry.

d) The Middle East is left completely blank because they find nothing, absolutely nothing, not even 0.1% genetic link to the Middle East.



Yep, because that only goes back several centuries and dose not go back a couple of thousand years. If he got a National Geographic DNA test that goes back that far he would likely show a very high Levant origins centered on the area where Israel is today. You really are thick or like playing stupid.


Why do you think “Ashkenazi” is grouped with the Europeans?

Middle Eastern Algeria – Armenia – Azerbaijan – Bahrain – Cyprus – Egypt – Georgia – Iran – Iraq – Jordan – Kuwait – Lebanon – Libya – Morocco – Saudi Arabia – Syria – Tunisia – Turkey – UAE – Uzbekistan – Yemen

European Ashkenazi – Austria – Balkan – Belarus – Belgium – Czech Republic – Denmark – Estonia – Finland – France Germany – Hungary – Iberian – Iceland – Ireland – Italian – Latvia – Lithuania – Luxembourg – Netherlands – Norway – Poland – Russia -Sardinian – Slovakia – Slovenia – Sweden – Switzerland – Ukraine – United Kingdom



LOL…because they lived in Europe and mixed with Europeans for up to a couple of millennia. But they are still a relatively distinct DNA group that includes about 50% Mideastern admixture. That is how they are so easily differentiated from their neighbors.



Why is the Middle East for this Ashkenazi left completely blank?


You still don’t understand that that only goes back several centuries and refers to geographic residency in that time frame. And of course, the Ashkenazi were a resident European population for many centuries. But the DNA going further back on average shows about 50% Levant origins. But so what? Up to Israel and not you to say who is and is not eligible for Aliyah.



WTF is it? Got one? Show me!


“A study conducted in 2013 found no evidence of a Khazar origin for Ashkenazi Jews and suggested that “Ashkenazi Jews share the greatest genetic ancestry with other Jewish populations, and among non-Jewish populations, with groups from Europe and the Middle East.”


And a lot more studies that indicate the same. You are simply full of crap. Besides, it matters not. Israel is where it is and is the legally recognized National Homeland of the Jewish People (ALL Jewish People). In the same way Ireland is the National Homeland of the Irish People. Don’t like it? Tough. Try to do something about it.




I just did way more than that, dodo.


You mean the DNA of black Americans will say “Native American” because of geographic location? You feel very embarrassed about your Khazarian blood, do you not?


You really don’t get it. And neither the Ancestry nor National Geographic study if my DNA showed any particular Khazah DNA. In fact, in the tens of thousands of Ashkenazi DNA studies there is no particular Khazah origins shown. And again, so what?


Bernie Sanders is 97.7% Ashkenazi Jewish?

What does it mean?


It means he is 97.7% Ashkenazi, a group of people who originated in and around Judea some couple of millennia ago and moved to Europe as part of the Diaspora and for many centuries after. They mixed over the centuries with the local European population. But since they tended to be by choice and force insular their current DNA admixture is about half Mideastern and half European admixture over many centuries. Bernie’s other 2.3% is likely more recent European ancestry. For example, my 94% Diaspora Jewish ancestry from a couple of thousand years ago becomes 99% Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry in more recent centuries. But way back then I also show 2% Southern Italian and 2% North African and 2% whatever.


https://worldpeace365.files.wordpress.com/2020/01/70q26oq-1.png Why do Italians have Middle Eastern DNA and the Ashkenazi got none unless you want to show me the DNA of any Ashkenazi who has any amount of Middle Eastern DNA.


You clearly have never read a DNA study of the Ashkenazi. Every one shows some Mideast DNA, especially on the male side. On a personal note, my Ancestry DNA Says I’m 99% Ashkenazi going back many centuries. My National Geographic DNA study going back a few thousand years says I’m 94% Diaspora Jewish with origins centered on the area where Israel is today. You can’t stop being wrong. But again, matters not. Israel makes the determination and NOT you. And there is nothing you can do about it.




Yes. Me. According to National Geographic DNA study. And every scientific DNA study that has been done shows significant Mideastern DNA link for Ashkenazi Jews.




You like Ancestry. Here is their intro to the Ashkenazi Jews of Europe:

European Jewish History

The European Jewish region is not geographically defined in the same way as most other ethnic regions. The historic dispersal of the Jewish population from its origin in the Levant on the east coast of the Mediterranean resulted in insular communities scattered throughout Europe, North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East.


Read the rest and put your ignorant and bigoted bull crap to rest.




You lose!

Arch Bungle

You lose. Here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/amp/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-gideon-levy-s-dna-test-reveals-the-truth-about-his-ancestors-link-to-israel-1.7279258


If the Ashkenazi claims to be 50% “from the Levant”, he should also have a right of return from his EUROPEAN side, right?


And in some cases they do. So what? And not just Ashkenazi but Sephardic Jews. Spain recently offered Spanish citizenship to Sephardic Jews who can trace their ancestry back to the expulsion of 1492.



Explain why the Ashkenazi DNA region is clearly marked by ancestry dot com?


LOL…because the Ashkenazi are the descendants of the Jews who went to Europe and mixed with the local population. Others went to North Africa. Others to other areas of the Mideast. And some even to India. And they mixed also. But all have a common DNA link to the Levant.


Show me a DNA result for a Yemeni Jew who is nothing else but of Yemeni ancestry.

Show me a DNA result for an Iranian Jew who is nothing else but of Iranian ancestry.

Show me a DNA result for a Chinese Jew who is nothing else but of Chinese ancestry.

Show me a DNA result for a European Jew who is nothing else but of European ancestry.


I posted the link to several studies that definitively show that Ashkenazi Jews have a significantly higher Mideast admixture than their typical European neighbors. That was the issue. You now divert to other areas. But I did post the Ancestry article that says the Jews of the Levant also went to those other areas as well as Europe. Haven’t looked for studies on the particular countries you mention but have seen ones showing Levant DNA admixture for North African and Sephardic Jews significantly higher than their typical neighbors.

Arch Bungle

Thats obvious bullshit. Gideon Levy discussed at length the evidence showing that Ashkenazi dna has no material connection to the Levant. You’re lying as usual.




Hey, Israel let’s Yemeni Jews in also. So what? Up to them, not you. Don’t like it? Tough.


When Israeli doctors tested Yemenite children for ‘Negro blood’

2016 — Righting a Historical Wrong’ Israel Discloses Information on Missing Yemenite Children

2017 — When Israeli doctors tested Yemenites for ‘Negro blood’

2017 — Exposed: Medical experiments on missing Yemenite children

2017 — Knesset committee: Shocking photographs reveal Israeli medical experiments conducted on Jewish Yemenite children

2017 — Knesset Inquiry Reveals Yemenite Babies Murdered in Medical Experiments, Abducted from Parents

2017 — The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies

2017 — Did Israel conduct illegal ‘medical experiments’ on missing Yemeni children? Investigative committee examines pictorial evidence

2017 — Mizrahi Jews renew calls for justice over stolen babies


What happened to the thousands of stolen Yemeni babies?

1994 — Yemeni Jews describe their holocaust, how Ashkenazi Europeans stole 4,500 children from immigrants

1997 — Daughter Learns Of Stolen Past, Reopening An Israeli Mystery. A Family Reunion And New Questions

2011 — A Mystery That Defies Solution

2014 — The tragedy of the lost Yemenite children: In the footsteps of the adoptees

2015 — Yemenite Children Affair: Families of the kidnapped speak out

2016 — ‘Yemenite children affair’ awakens

2016 — A 70-year-old mystery: Yemeni Jews say young relatives were stolen in Israel

2016 — Hundreds of Yemenite Children Were Abducted in State’s Early Years, Says Israeli Cabinet Minister

2016 — Israel may soon shed light on ‘stolen babies’ mystery

2016 — Israel’s Stolen Babies Remains the State’s Darkest Secret

2016 — Israel’s stolen children of Yemen

2016 — Israel’s Stolen Babies: Shocking Story of a Decades-old Secret

2016 — Righting a Historical Wrong’ Israel Discloses Information on Missing Yemenite Children

2016 — The Babies From Yemen: An Enduring Mystery

2016 — The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies

2016 — Wounds over missing Yemenite children open, MKs renew push for truth

2017 — Did Israel conduct illegal ‘medical experiments’ on missing Yemeni children? Investigative committee examines pictorial evidence

2017 — Exposed: Medical experiments on missing Yemenite children

2017 — Knesset committee: Shocking photographs reveal Israeli medical experiments conducted on Jewish Yemenite children

2017 — Knesset Inquiry Reveals Yemenite Babies Murdered in Medical Experiments, Abducted from Parents

2017 — Mizrahi Jews renew calls for justice over stolen babies

2017 — The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies

2017 — When Israeli doctors allegedly tested Yemenites for ‘Negro blood’



As it says, it’s a mystery if it ever happened. If there was proof, it would not be a mystery. In any case, it’s no secret where most all the Yemeni Jews are now, Israel. Yemen like all the other Arab states was not very nice to its indigenous Jewish population. And those Yemeni Jews would no more care what you say about who is and who is not a Jew than the Ashkenazi. Get real.


There is proof due to DNA where the kidnapped Yemeni children now grown up were able to find their biological parents. And what is so odd is that the Ashkenazi according to Haaretz were asking $5,000 per child which would be $50,000 in today’s money. It was such a lucrative business for the Ashkenazi that they entered into contracts for a Yemeni baby while the baby was still in the womb. And it was so daring since the kidnapped Yemeni children were dark-skinned and the adopting (or purchasing) Ashkenazi family were white Europeans.


Guess the Ashkenazi aren’t racist like you. Is that the point you would like to make? And some of your non-Jewish Yemeni murdered many indigenous Jewish Yemeni. And that is why virtually the entire Yemeni Jewish population moved to Israel. Oh, do note, that adopting is not kidnapping. You do confuse the simplest things often.


Yea, those that were being “adopted” bought were the Yemeni Jews who were very poor and barely literate and not the Iranian or Iraqi or Egyptian or Moroccan Jews. The Ashkenazi chose his victims very carefully.


Yes, legally adopted. And how many and how long ago? Now note, folk like you and yours in Yemen were murdering indigenous Yemeni Jews before they escaped to Israel.

Arch Bungle

Are you spreading your usual lies hasbara troll, or do you have evidence to support your chutzpah?




You don’t look Israelite either whatever that look is. But he looks like many Israelis since Israelis come from all over. And it is up to them not a foreigner like you to say who is and who is not a Jew and who can and can’t be an Israeli. Oh, there are well over a 100,000 Israeli Jews who might look a bit like you since they are from Yemen. And they would shoot you dead at least as soon as any Ashkenazi Israeli if you were foolish enough to ever try to force any Jews with any background out of Israel. Get real.



The Russian Jew looks European for a reason and the Moroccan Jew looks Middle Eastern for a reason.


LOL…do they teach the birds and the bees in your Madrasa?


…So is Iraq bying those S400 from Russia or not…?

Cause the USA will not sell it’s 100χ F35s to Turkey cause Turkey has bought S400 s … What’s the USA gona do to Iraq when Iraq buys them S400 ?

Is it going to still continue flying over Iraqi airspace …?

I think not. I think mourica is going home…they re packing from Afganistan, packing from Iraq and they are going home… maybe one more year or so… Meanwhile, Trump is impeached and he might not even be the president for much longer…

And, if the deep state-Democrats party lets Bernie be their candidate for the next elections November 2020 then thats definetely it for mr Trump.

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